HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1990 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held by the Pickering Town Council on Monday, December 10, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. '-' PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Mi tchell B. Morgan K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: '-" N.C. Marshall B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Me 1 ymuk B. Avery - Town Manager - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Planner (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-90011(r) AND REZONING APPLICATION A7/90 SUBMITTED BY ERS HOLDINGS LTD. & RAY WINTERSTEIN MASONRY LTD. EACH OF LAKERIDGE ROAD, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE CP RAIL LINE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #47/90, was given by Brendan Avery, Planner. 2. Henry Corticus, representing the applicant, complimented staff on their review of the application and stated that he would respond to staff's comments in writing. 3. Mrs. J. Kimmerly, Stonewood, R. R. #1, Ashburn, inquired into the ownership of the Uxbridge/Pickering Townline and who is responsible for its maintenance. She asked if there was anyone present from the Township of Uxbridge to represent her interests in disputing this application. Mrs. Kimmerly also asked if the houses in the draft plan of subdivision would be built before or after the gravel pit was closed. 'W'. 4. Mr. Ken Brown, 9695 Lakeridge Road, stated that he does not object to the draft plan of subdivision but he is concerned about the number of lots to be built on the future development blocks. There should be no street lights or other urban amenities in order to retain the rural atmosphere. He also expressed concerns about the timing of the closure of the gravel pit, the water level in the surrounding wells and the fact that there is a pig farm in close proximity to the subject lands. 5. "..., Nancy Jackman, 184 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, stated that she owns the property to the west of the subject lands and she is concerned that the road in the draft plan will not give her reasonable access to her lands. She is also concerned that she may not be able to develop her lands in conformity with the draft plan. 6. Mr. David Sanderson, R. R. #1, Ashburn, stated that he was concerned about where the storm water runoff would go. 7. ... 8. ... - - 2 - - Mr. J. Kimmerly, Stoenwood, R. R. #1, Ashburn, stated that there is a possibility of two roads serving the draft plan and that vehicles servicing the gravel pit would use one of these roads. He noted that there is much fog in this area and that the intersection of the Uxbridge/Pickering Townline and Lakeridge Road is very dangerous. Mr. Henry Corticus, representing the applicant, stated that there will be an engineering study of the Uxbridge/Pickering Townline which will provide for safety features for its intersection with Lakeridge Road. The material in the gravel pit will be used to upgrade the Townl i ne and bui 1 d the new road in the draft pl an and any excess gravel will be shipped off site. All lots in the draft plan will be at least two acres in size and low profile coach lights will be installed in the draft plan in order to maintain the rural atmosphere. Odours from the pig farm should not affect the residents in the draft plan because it is located a fair distance away and the prevail ing winds are from the northwest. The water 1 evel has been studied and he is confident that it can support 26 lots without affecting the surrounding properties. Engi neers have studi ed the storm water runoff and features such as French drains will be installed to contain it. 9. Mr. Don Stewart, representing ERS Holdings Limited, stated that all gravel 1 eft in the gravel pit wi 11 be excavated before the development of the draft plan. He has an agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources to mine the gravel in one operation. He stated that all lots in the draft plan are at least two acres in size and that there is 100 feet of sand on the 1 ands whi ch can absorb excessive storm water runoff. He noted that there are three means of ingress to his gravel pit. (II) ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING 'w' The Meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:20 p.m. Dated December 17th 1990 ~0~~ ayor ,.,., ~ ~