HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/1994 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, October 20, 1994 at 7:00 . " p.m in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: Councillor Wellman - Chairman ALSO PRESENT: B. Taylor L. Taylor C. Wong - Town Clerk - Manager, Current Operations Division - Senior Planner (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 18/93 (REVISED) G. & L. DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED LOTS 27 AND 28, PLAN 329 (NORTHWEST CORNER OF PINE GROVE AVENUE AND OAKBURN ST) ....... 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No 30/94, was given by Linda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division. 2. Peter Landolt, representing the applicant, stated that draft approval for these lands was issued in 1984 but no development took place because services were not in the area. The approved lots are very large and would be very expensive to market. His revised plan provides for development in co-operation with abutting owners and would provide a mix of singles and semis. 3. Bill Neil, 1897 Woodview Avenue, was concerned about the imbalance of the number of semis in this proposed plan in comparison to the existing neighbourhood. He noted that 26 dwellings will be built on the new plan as opposed to only 15 that was approved. Instead of the four singles and 22 semis that are proposed, the mix of housing should be more equal in order to be in character with the existing neighbourhood. He noted that there is a watercourse on the subject lands and stated that it is the Town's responsibility to ensure that it is not detrimentally affected. ......., 4. Bruce Manning, 1860 Woodview Avenue, stated that he agrees with the comments of the previous speaker and felt that the new application should state definitively what will be built on each lot. 5. Peter Landolt, representing the applicant, responded that this new plan was submitted in order to co-operate with the abutting owners in order to allow them to develop in an orderly manner. There is a ditch on the subject lands that runs into a storm sewer and he stated that the property is not a wetland. 6. Bill Neil, 1897 Woodview Avenue, stated that the watercourse on the subject lands has been designated by the Ministry of Natural Resources as a waterway that can support fish. , '-'" --2-- "-' (ll) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/94 WALNUT GROVE PLAZA INC. PART OF LOT 24, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTH SIDE OF KINGSTON ROAD AT WALNUT LANE) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 31/94, was given by Chris Wong, Senior Planner. (DI) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 11/94 M. & S. DEROCCms (INFOPLAN RESEARCH AND PLANNING INC.) PART OF LOT 18, PLAN 228 (FIDDLERS COURT. EAST OF ALTONA ROAD) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 28/94, was given by Linda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division. ~ 2. AI. Ruggero, representing the applicant, stated that this application is in keeping with the intent of the Official Plan and the staff at the Region have indicated as much. Frontage is not the only criteria to be considered in this application, however, the frontage is appropriate because there are other 15 metre lots in the area and 15 and 18 metre lots work well together. He noted that two lots will be created each of which will be in excess of 900 square metres. He will work with the Planning staff to ensure that building on the newly created lots will be in conformity with the existing neighbourhood. 3. Jim Haddlesey, 320 Fiddlers Court, stated that he has submitted a petition from the residents of Fiddlers Court and Tomlinsons Court opposing this application. 4. Maurice Brenner, representing the area residents, stated that the approval of newly created lots on Fiddlers Court will also impact on Rougemount Drive because it will set a precedent for development on that road. The proposed severance has the potential of creating small lots that will provide for buildings that are not in conformity with the existing neighbourhood. '-" 5. AI. Ruggero, representing the applicant, stated that each application must be judged on its own merit and any future severances on Rougemount Drive must be considered separately. 6. John Silva, 329 Fiddlers Court, stated that he paid a bonus for his property and does not want to see small lots being created that will not be in conformity with the existing neighbourhood. 7. Jim Haddlesey, 320 Fiddlers Court, stated that the east side of Fiddlers Court is heavily wooded and the creation of these two lots plus other severances will lead to the trees being destroyed. 8. Maria Graefe, 1408 Rougemount Drive, stated that when the Fiddlers Court development was being considered, the Town agreed that there would only be five 50 foot lots fronting onto Fiddlers Court. ..., --3-- '-' (IV) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 12/93 S. & D. BARKEY PART OF LOT 19, CONCESSION 9 (UXBRIDGEIPICKERING TOWNLINE) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 29/94, was given by Linda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division. 2. John Good, representing the applicant, stated that auction sales have being carried out from the subject lands for six years and have always been for the sale of agricultural goods. The applicants to dot intend to start a "flea market" operation on the subject property. The applicants have a large farm operation and the sale of livestock is in addition to this. He is not aware of any parking problems when the auction is operating, however, if cars park on the Townline Road, they are warned. 3. Karl Young, representing the Claremont Lions, stated that he is in support of the auction operating at Toad Hall. He noted that the applicants have contributed to many functions in the hamlet of Claremont. '-" 4. Currie Storey, representing the Claremont and District Community Association, stated that he supports the application and presented a petition also supporting the application. 5. Don V ale, Hoxton Street, stated that he is the closest neighbour to the auction bam. He supports the application and noted that the applicants have helped raise funds for the Masonic Hall. 6. Don Bennett stated that he supports the application and noted that the rural area is suffering from a lack of services and that the auction helps support the agricultural community. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of7:45 p.m ...... Dated 6 c.T. I ~r:i~t/ '" l 7.. < Clerk '-'