HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 26, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 'W' MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1996 -7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson E. Pistritto - Chairman D.Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: C.M. T. Sheffield B. Taylor D. Kearns - Town Manager - Town Clerk - Co-ordinator of Council Services ~ ABSENT: Councillor Johnson - (Town business) In ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February 12, 1996. lID DELEGA TIONS 1. Jill Foster, Chair, Pickering Public Library Board, addressed the Committee advising Council that the Library had won the Provincial 'Angus Mount Award of Excellence' for their employment initiative. She thanked the dedicated and hard working staff, especially Sandy Cameron and Linda Linton. She also thanked Council, the Library Board and the many agencies involved in this service. 2. lain McCully, 3598 Trimbles Lane, addressed the Committee with respect to the closing of the Greenwood Library. He requested that Council ask for full public input before a decision is made. '-' 3. Mrs. Byberg, Greenwood resident advised that she was sad and angry at the proposed closing of the Greenwood Library. She stated that letters had been received concerning reduced hours but the community were not aware that this could lead to closing. As a parent and teacher she realizes the importance of reading and enjoys taking her two young children to the library. She hopes this matter can be reconsidered. 19 (In DELEGA TIONS 4. Tom Mohr, 842 Naroch Boulevard addressed the Committee with respect to expenditures in the Town's advertising budget. He commented on the various articles in the Bay News and stated that he is displeased with taxpayers dollars paying for advertising in this paper. He requested that the Town adopt a policy not to advertise in any paper not associated with the Ontario Press Council. 5. The following persons addressed the Committee with respect to the By-law to prohibit adult entertainment parlours in certain areas of the Town. -.. a. Katherine Goldberg, requested that a by-law be prepared advising that absolutely no touching is allowed. b. Michael Goldberg, questioned why the previously approved by-law concerning this item has not been acted upon and why have clubs been approved in industrial areas. The diseases which are transmitted are not restricted to certain areas of the Town. The by-laws being passed in other communities are passed for health and safety reasons. (lID MA TTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. COMMENTS ON DRAFT PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT FILE NUMBER -A 2310.26 In Planning Report 5/96, it is recommended that Council adopt those recommendations set out in the Report which comment on the draft Provincial Policy Statement. ~ Auuroved See Recommendation #1 2. ADJUSTMENTS TO TAX ROLL FILE NUMBER - C 1000 In Treasurer-Collector's Report TRW096-1, it is recommended that our tax roll be reduced to reflect the adjustments and corrections to the tax accounts. Auuroved See Recommendation #2 3. RELEASE OF AGREEMENT MARY 1. ROWSELL LOT 7, PLAN 505 FILE NUMBER - D 3310 In Legal Services Report L 18/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the execution of a Release of an Agreement between Mary 1. Rowsell and the Town, respecting Lot 7, Plan 505, be forwarded to Council for enactment. ...... By-law forwarded to Council 4. 20 APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER TO ENFORCE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1735 BAYLY STREET- BROCK COMMERCIAL CENTRE FILE NUMBER -A 1900 In Clerk's Report CL 5/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to appoint four persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1735 Bayly Street - Brock Commercial Centre, be forwarded to Council for enactment.. '-' Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council 5. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES TO REPLACE COUNCILLOR F ARR FILE NUMBER -A 1900 In Clerk's Report CL 4/96, it is recommended that various appointments be made to replace Councillor Farr. Auuroved See Recommendation #3 6. "MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (M.E.) DAY" - MAY 12,1996 "CELEBRATE YOUR WATERSHED! WEEK" - MAY 5 - 11,1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: ~ "MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (M.E.) DAY" - MAY 12,1996 "CELEBRATE YOUR WATERSHED! WEEK" - MAY 5 - 11, 1996 Auuroved See Recommendation #4 7. DISPOSAL OF TOWN LANDS LOT 1, PLAN 40M-1457 PARTS XXX PLAN 40R-XXXXX (FA WNDALE ROAD) FILE NUMBER - D 3360 In Legal Services Report L 16/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law declaring the lands described as that part of Lot 1, Plan 40M-1457, designated as Parts XXXX, Plan 40R-XXXXX to be surplus for the purposes of the Corporation and authorizing the Town Solicitor to make the necessary arrangements to obtain an appraisal of the subject lands and to prepare the necessary Notice to publish from time to time in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser and in the Pickering Bay News in accordance with By-law 4592/95, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council '-' 21 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Senis advised that previous Councillor Bob Mitchell is, once again, in the Oshawa General Hospital undergoing surgery for cancer. 2. Councillor Ryan advised that the 2nd Annual Heritage Day held on Saturday, February 24th was a great success. He also congratulated the Big Sisters Organization for their event. "-" 3. Councillor Dickerson echoed Councillor Ryan's comments concerning Heritage Day. He also commented on the 20th Anniversary celebrations of the amalgamation of Pickering Hockey and Bay Ridges Hockey. 4. Councillor Brenner questioned the Town Manager as to whether or not the amended 1996 Operational Budget had been made available to the public. He also asked iffront line staff had been approached for suggestions regarding cost cutting measures. 5. Councillor Brenner requested that the Town Manager provide a suggestion box in the Civic Complex, the Recreation Complex and the Works Centre for staff to provide suggestions regarding cost cutting. 6. Councillor Pistritto advised that Mr. Dick O'Brien had been elected as Chair of the M.T.R.C.A. Executive. 7. Councillor Pistritto requested that a copy of his 1995 Expenses be provided to him by the Town Manager. 8. Councillor Pistritto questioned whether or not the Town would have the authority, this year, to confiscate flowers from road side flower vendors. "-' 6. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a. The Town Manager distributed copies of the Town's Response to the 'Greater Toronto' Report of the G.T.A. Task Force. tv) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. DATED L f! ,,' / '111 / CHAIRMAN .,. ~ k~: ........ TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on February 26, 1996, presents its fourth report to Council and recommends: ~ COMMENTS ON DRAFT PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT FILE NUMBER -A 2310.26 1. 1. That Town Council: (a) advise the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing that it SUPPORTS the Province's effort to more clearly state provincial interests contained within the draft Provincial Policy Statement, particularly the less prescriptive manner in which the policies are stated, and: i) the removal of affordability targets as they relate to the provision of affordable housing; ii) the removal of the requirement that surplus government lands be considered first for residential purposes; and iii) the shift to performance-based evaluations of development within and near significant wetlands; but further, (b) request the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing to REVISE the draft Provincial Policy Statement to reflect the comments of this Report, with particular attention to: iii) revising section 1.1.3 (e) such that it reads "... preserving the vitality of downtown areas ..."; revising section 1. 3.4 such that it reads ".. . Waste management systems need to be provided that are of an appropriate type to accommodate present and future . "d reqUirements ... ; an revising the definition of "Residential Infilling" in prime agricultural areas to delete the reference to "non-farm " residential uses. i) .~ ii) 2. That the Town Clerk be requested to forward a copy of Planning Report No. 5/96 to Mr. AI Leach, the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing. ADJUSTMENTS TO TAX ROLL FILE NUMBER - C 1000 2. That the tax roll be reduced to reflect the adjustments and corrections to the tax accounts summarized as follows: Business Taxes $ 37,930.14 '-" Penalty & Interest $ 3,300.14 Total $ 41,230.28 2 3. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES TOREPLACECOUNC~LORFARR F~E NUMBER -A 1900 That the following appointments be made to replace Councillor Farr: 1. Councillor Brenner be appointed as Acting Mayor to March 31, 1996. Councillor Johnson be appointed as Acting Mayor from June 1, 1996 to November 30, 1996. '-" 2. Councillor Pistiritto be appointed to the Personnel Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 1997. 3. Councillor Dickerson be appointed to the Pickering Transit Citizens' Advisory Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 1997. 4. Councillor Dickerson be appointed to the Public Library Board for a term to expire on November 30, 1996. 4. "MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (M.E.) DAY" - MAY 12,1996 "CELEBRATE YOUR WATERSHED! WEEK" - MAY 5 - 11, 1996 F~E NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (M.E.) DAY" - MAY 12,1996 "CELEBRATE YOUR WATERSHED! WEEK" - MAY 5 - 11,1996 ~ --