HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 25, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1996 - 7 :30 P.M. '-" PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson E. Pistritto - Chairman D. Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: C.M. T. Sheffield B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Melymuk D. Kearns - Town Manager - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Council Services ~ (D ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of February 26, 1996. (ID PRESENTATION 1. Councillor Brenner, Chair of the Pickering Transit Advisory Committee, introduced representatives from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce who presented to Councillors' Dickerson and Senis, the 1996 Pickering Transit Riders' Guide of which they were sponsors. 2. Steve Reynolds, Manager of Culture and Recreation introduced Mr. Pat Dunhill of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee. Mr. Dunhill thanked Council and staff for their support of the Museum and advised of a project financially supported by Canada Trust. A cheque was presented to the Town by the Canada Trust 'Friends of the Environment' '-'" 23 (lID MA TIERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 95-005/D DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION I8T-95035 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/95 DEGRAAUW HOLDINGS PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 8 (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WESTNEY ROAD AND NINTH CONCESSION ROAD) FILE NUMBER -A 2310.26 '-" In Recommendation Report #7/96, it is recommended that Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 95-005/D, Draft Plan of Subdivision I8T-95035, and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/95 submitted by DeGraauw Holdings to allow the development of an 8 lot country residential subdivision on Part of Lot 11, Concession 8, be DEFERRED for up to three months. Aoolication Aooroved See Recommendation #1 1. Glen Easton, Planning Consultant advised that this application brings economic benefits such as development charges and taxes to the community. This project is not affecting environmentally sensitive lands. He asked that this application not be deferred for three months and added that it will end up at the Ontario Municipal Board. 2. Fred Beer, Westney Road stated that this is an urban development that has no place in a rural area, the lots are too small and this will cause severe overcrowding on the site. The proximity of the golf course is too close to the new street and proposed properties Water supply problems have already occurred and the addition of ten more wells will exacerbate the problem. Approval of this housing application would put Pickering citizens at risk. In our opinion that amounts to reckless endangerment. '-" 3. John Bernard Kennedy, read a letter written by Mr. Sidney Bear urging Council to support this application. He sold this property to Mr. DeGraauw and stated that Mr. DeGraauw has done a great job on the land. He is looking forward to living in the home on Lot 7 of this proposal. Mr. Kennedy stated that it is time that this matter go before a Provincial facilitator. Recreation is a benefit to a community. Please make a decision concerning this issue. 4. Gary Kearns, resident across from the subject property stated that this is an urban development in a rural setting He feels that the rules outlined in the Durham Official Plan should be followed. 5. John Curts, 5020 Regional Road 5, owns property 500 yards west of property in question. He has had no problem since construction began on the golf course and does not anticipate problems with this application with regards to his well or pond. The golf course was excellently built and planned. The subject property never has been nor could it be used for farming. He stated is complete agreement with this application. 6. Bill Wilder, resident for nearly 40 years advised that they have no idea of the type or size of houses to be built. Approval of this application is giving a blank cheque to the applicant with no information. w 7. Henry Vernoy, stated his agreement with this application and advised that it would be a definite benefit to Vernoy excavating. A project of this nature, with approval, would help the economy. 24 8. Greg Hoey, owner of the adjacent property outlined the process which has taken place over the past number of years concerning the subject property. Many years ago the Region and Town turned down the application for a golf course and homes but at the OMB hearing the golf course was approved. The basic agreement set out at the time of the OMB hearing should be considered. The residents side has not been properly addressed. A new site plan agreement can radically change what was previously in place. ~ 9. Louis Squinia, 510 Kingston Road West, Ajax stated that this is a very well planned development and requested that it not be deferred for three months. He feels the community would benefit by its approval and construction. 10. Ken Richardson, 1211 Bridgegate advised that he has been involved in engineering for a number of years and has been involved in this application from the beginning. This is a great site. He requested that this application not be deferred. 11. Michael Robertson, 865 6th Concession, wished to commend Council for the process. There should be as little development as possible in the rural area except around the hamlet areas. He requested that this application proceed no further. 12. Don Bennett, 5258 Old Brock Road represented businesses within Claremont advised that the group unanimously endorsed the concept of this application and feels that it would enhance business opportunities within the community. 13. Mike Newman, Paddock Road stated that his main concerns are with sprawl, and fire and environmental protection. He fears that we are becoming another Scarborough and about where we are going in the future. ~ 14. Liz Currie, R. R. #4, Claremont, advised that rural land cannot be replaced. She stated that rural should be kept rural and urban kept urban. This application should not be deferred but refused. 15. Sheldon Rankin, close resident to site, advised that the amendment being proposed is not part of any Town or Regional Plan. The issue of net benefit to the Town is a non-starter. The application is contrary to Town planning and should be defeated. 16. David Currie, R. R. #4, Claremont, advised that he lives 1/2 mile immediately north of the subject property. He has nothing against the golf course but opposes the application for homes. The addition of nine homes and a golf house can only exacerbate the water problem. This is not part of sound planning and he requested that the application be rejected. 17. Jack McInnis, R. R. #5, Claremont, advised that he was pleased with the route Council and Planning were going. Things are looking and being planned properly with logical and intelligent growth. He stated that the type of planning which has taken place in Pickering previously should be followed. -- 18. Carl Winterstein, resident across from the development stated that he applauds the development if jobs are created but that he regrets the difficulties residents are experiencing concerning the drying up of their wells. 25 19. Gordon Sherman, Westney Road stated that this development does not belong in rural area, but should be developed in Claremont. He requested that Council not defer but deny this application. A site plan agreement exists. This application for houses would be an urban blight. 20. James McKenzie, 827 Brock Road S. stated that a project of this nature creates value. 21. Chris DeGraauw, 945 Valley Farm Rd. advised that this is a beautiful project. Trees have been planted and ponds created which has enhanced the property. This is a great project and he hopes for a decision tonight. '-' 22. Mr. Roussel, 1208 Rigby Drive advised that he was in favour of this project. 23. Paul Crawford stated that it appears this application does not conform to the Official Plan. He strongly recommended that this application be refused, despite what staff recommends. 2. 1996 TOWN MILL RATE FILE NUMBER - C 2200 In a memorandum from the Treasurer-Collector dated March 19, 1996, it is recommended that the draft by-law to set the 1996 Mill Rate be forwarded to Council for enactment.. Deferred for four weeks - 3. REQUEST FOR GRANT FOR BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER FILE NUMBER - C 2163 In Report PF 003/96 from the Director of Parks and Facilities, it is recommended that a grant in the amount of $325 be made to the Big Brothers Association in support of their Annual Awards Dinner, be approved. Aooroved See Recommendation #2 4. DAVID F ARR MEMORIAL PARK FILE NUMBER -E 4430 In Clerk's Report CL 6/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to change the name of Pine creek Park to the David FaIT Memorial Park, be forwarded to Council for enactment.. Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council '-' 26 5. "EASTER SEALS MONTH" - MARCH, 1996 "NURSING WEEK 1996" - MAY 6 - 12, 1996 "CANADA HEALTH DAY" -MAY 12,1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: ~ "EASTER SEALS MONTH" - MARCH, 1996 "NURSING WEEK 1996" - MAY 6 - 12,1996 "CANADA HEALTH DAY" -MAY 12,1996 Approved See Recommendation #3 4. RECREATION COMPLEX SWIMMING POOL LEAK BUDGET OVEREXPENDITURE FILE NUMBER - C 2163 In Report PF 004/96 from the Director of Parks and Facilities, it is recommended that an overexpenditure in Account 2733-6181 to repair a lead under the deck at the Complex Swimming Pool, be approved. Aooroved See Recommendation #4 lVD OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Brenner requested that the Town Manager investigate a rumour concerning a 1700' s payroll shipment to the Militia that is buried off Frenchman's Bay. ~ 2. Councillor Brenner advised a Special Meeting being held by Health and Social Services concerning the Brock West Landfill Site. 3. Councillor Senis congratulated the St. Mary improvisational team for winning the gold medal in Ottawa. 4. Councillor Senis advised that a fashion show entitled "Fashion on a Budget" is being held by the Ajax-Pickering Women's Centre on Thursday, March 28 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Victorian Garden Banquet Rooms. 5. Councillor Senis reminded everyone of the Ajax/Pickering Hospital Auction being held this coming weekend. 6. Councillor Ryan advised of the Multi-Cultural and Equity Forum being held at the Civic Complex on March 26, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. 7. Councillor Johnson advised that a public information meeting will be held on March 26 at 7:15 p.m. in Claremont for the neighbours of Central Street. ....... 8. Councillor Johnson advised that he would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion at the next meeting concerning a grant for a "Family in Need." 9. Councillor Dickerson advised that the Pickering Flames are in the finals. -- w w 27 lVD OTHER BUSINESS 10. Councillor Dickerson advised that a meeting will be held on Wednesday with the Liverpool West Community Association, and a Liberal function is also scheduled for that evening. He will be involved with the Library Board on Thursday and busy with the Hospital telethon on the weekend. (VII) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 10.31 p.m. DATED /JI ,?' '/" / ,/ ,..." /.,/ -C--- -~"-:;..-- ..~ "I/' .' ~- y~~ CHAIRMAN . TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on March 25, 1996, presents its fifth report to Council and recommends: 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 95-005/0 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-95035 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/95 DEGRAAUW HOLDINGS PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 8 (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WESTNEY ROAD AND NINTH CONCESSION ROAD) FILE NUMBER -A 2310.26 -.. That Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 95-005/0, Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-95035, and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/95 submitted by deGraauw Holdings to allow the development of an 8-lot country residential subdivision on Part of Lot 11, Concession 8, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED subject to conditions determined by staff in co-operation with the Regional Municipality of Durham. 2. REQUEST FOR GRANT FOR BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That a grant in the amount of $325 be made to the Big Brothers Association in support of their Annual Awards Dinner; .~ and that the amount be charged to Account 2195 (Grants to Organizations and Individuals) 3. "EASTER SEALS MONTH' - MARCH, 1996 "NURSING WEEK 1996" - MAY 6 - 12, 1996 "CANADA HEALTH DAY" -MAY 12,1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "EASTER SEALS MONTH' - MARCH, 1996 "NURSING WEEK 1996" - MAY 6 - 12, 1996 "CANADA HEALTH DAY" -MAY 12,1996 4. RECREATION COMPLEX SWIMMING POOL LEAK BUDGET OVEREXPENDITURE FILE NUMBER - C 2163 ~ That an overexpenditure in Account 2733-6181 in the amount of approximately $15,000 to repair a leak under the deck at the Complex Swimming Pool be approved.