HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 10, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ....... MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1996 - 7:50 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson - Chairman E. Pistritto D. Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: ........ C.M.T. Sheffield T.J. Quinn B. Taylor P. Wyger N. Carroll D. Kearns - Town Manager - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Town Solicitor - Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Council Services (n ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of May 27, 1996. (ID DELEGA TIONS 1. Mobeen Khaja, representing the Muslim Education and Cultural Association, addressed the Committee concerning a Peach and Community Harmony Open Forum and Race Relations program. He extended an invitation to Council to attend the an event taking place at the Ajax High School Library on June 10th- 12th, 1996, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. ....... (1m 56 MA TTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 5/96 ONTARIO LAND CORPORATION (WHITEV ALE GOLF CLUB) NORTH PART OF LOTS 29 AND 30, CONCESSION 4 (EAST SIDE OF GOLF CLUB ROAD; SOUTH OF CONCESSION ROAD 5) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 2/95(R) -- In Recommendation Report 19/96, it is recommended that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/96, submitted by the Whitevale Golf Club, to permit a golf practice facility as a temporary use on the subject property owned by the Ontario Land Corporation, being the North Part of Lots 29 and 30, Concession 4, be APPROVED. Approved See Recommendation #1 Larry Ertl, 1234 Reed Street, Richmond Hill, representing applicant, advised that his concern regarding the 40R Plan had been addressed. 2. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 3/96 DIAMOND SWAN VENTURES CORPORATION LOT 24, AND PART OF LOTS 21, 23, 27 & 28, PLANM-1040 (DURHAM CONDOMINIUM PLAN NO. 112) (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SQUIRES BEACH ROAD AND CLEMENTS ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 3/96 -- In Recommendation Report 21/96, it is recommended that the application to permit accessory retail uses to a maximum of 20% gross leasable floor area of a primary industrial use on Lot 24, and Part of Lots 21,23,27 and 28, Plan M-I040, submitted by Fred T. Reisman and Associates Limited on behalf of Diamond Swan Ventures Corporation, be deferred but that accessory retail use by The Durham Brewing Company be approved and that recreational uses (such as karate clubs and dance studios) be denied. Approved as amended See Recommendations #2. #3 & #4 Michael Andregetti, representing applicant, requesting Committee's support of small businesses within Pickering. He stated that small accessory retail does not harm large businesses. 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 18/95 H. & Y. GRAY LOT 71, PLAN M-14 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF LIVERPOOL ROAD & T ATRA DRIVE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 18/95 In Recommendation Report 20/96, it is recommended that the application to permit a personal services on Lot 71, Plan M-14, submitted by H. & Y. Gray, be deferred but that a temporary use by-law be enacted to permit one residential unit or a hairdressing salon on the subject lands for a period of three years. . Approved as amended See Recommendation #5 & #6 John Howes, Solicitor representing applicants, requested a change in the zoning from existing use to allow personal use such as a hairdressing salon. Roy Robinson, 915 Liverpool Road, advised that he is pleased with the applicants care of the property. He requested that Committee be specific about the zoning. He also questioned how the concerns raised have been addressed. 4. 57 PROVINCIAL DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS LANDS FILE NUMBER - A 2300 In IDT Report #5/96, the conveyance of lands in the Duffin Rouge Agricultural Reserve is discussed. Approved See Recommendation #7 5. REPORT ON THE TRAFFIC STUDY OF THE BROOKRIDGE GATE/DALEWOOD DRIVE AND ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE NEIGHBOURHOODS FILE NUMBER - E 4000 -- In Public Works Report PW 11/95, it is recommended that the report as prepared by Read, Voorhees & Associates Ltd. dated October, 1995 be received for information and that the recommended actions as outlined in Section 6.3 of the report be adopted.. Approved See Recommendation #8 John Libett, representing the Dalebrook Association advised that the Traffic Study indicated that traffic volumes along Dalebrook Drive and Rougemount Drive are too high. He outlined recommendations being suggested by the Community Associations and advised that Dalebrook Association is not in agreement with restricted turning. Marc Charette, 1450 Rougemount Drive, representing the Rougemount Dr. Association stated that traffic problems have been experienced in their area for two years. There are no sidewalks and cars travel at speeds of 80 kph to 100 kph. Speed bumps would be a viable solution. ........ Anne White, 1096 Rouge Valley Drive, President of the Rouge Valley Association concurred with speed bumps being installed, but stated that 152 residents are against restriction of entrance to the area. She agreed that Brookridge should not be used as a route to Hwy. 2 but only as a means to reach the Rougemount Plaza. The widening of Altona Road and the reprogramming of the signals at Altona and Hwy. 2 should improve the situation. 6. TENDERS APPROVED BY TOWN MANAGER DURING COUNCIL SUMMER 1996 RECESS FILE NUMBER - D 4300 In Town Manager's Report M 96-10, it is recommended that authorization be given the Town Manager during Council's 1996 Summer Recess period from June 25,1996 to July 31,1996 and from August 7,1996 to August 30,1996. Approved as amended See Recommendation #9 .. 7. CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 The Town Clerk recommends the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes in the amount of$12,909.92 Approved See Recommendation #10 58 8. 1996 GENERAL INSURANCE REPORT FILE NUMBER - A 1100 In Clerk's Report CL 22/96, it is recommended that the 1996 General Insurance Report of Frank Cowan Company Limited dated May 8, 1996 be received. Aooroved See Recommendation #11 -- 9. CAMPBELL/MACPHERSON HOUSE REMOVAL FROM LYNN HEIGHTS PARK FILE NUMBER - D 3400.07 In Legal Report L 60/96, it is recommended that the Director of Parks and Facilities issue a purchase order with Victorian Homes (Ontario) Inc. for the dismantling of the Campbell/McPherson House from Lynn Heights Park. Aooroved Ratified at Soecial Council Meetin!! immediatelv followin!! this Executive Committee Meetin2: Councillor Senis declared an interest as the home in auestion is 10 feet from her orooertv. Councillor Brenner declared an interest as the contractor in auestion carried out construction work on his home and money is still owin2:. 10. "ROUGE P ARK DAY" - JUL Y 20, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 '-'" That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "ROUGE PARK DAY" - JULY 20, 1996 Aooroved See Recommendation #12 11. GRANT TO THE UNITED WAY OF AJAX/PICKERING FOR YEAR 1996 FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That a grant in the amount of$2.65 per household (approximately $64,798 based on 24,452 households) be made to the United Way of Ajax/Pickering for the year 1996, said grant to be paid in 1997. Aooroved See Recommendation #13 .. Sherry Robinson, 1996 Campaign Chair and Dennis Goulin, Executive Director, United Way of Ajax-Pickering, addressed the Committee with respect to the 1996 fundraising campaign. Ms. Robinson advised that one in three residents of Pickering will be assisted by the United Way. She requested that the Town approved a grant in the same amount as last year which was $2.65 per household. She also requested permission to fly the United Way Flag and erect a thermometer at the Hub Plaza. She invited Council members to attend the United Way Hawaiian Dinner and Dance on September 28th, 1996. 59 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Dickerson advised that he was pleased to attend the Frenchman's Bay Festival with the Lawn Bowling Association on June 8th and 9th. 2. Mayor Arthurs advised that he attended the FCM Conference in Calgary last week. 3. Mayor Arthurs advised that he was wearing the Blue Cornflower in recognition of ALS and stated that Pine Creek Park was dedicated and renamed the David Farr Memorial Park. ...... 4. Mayor Arthurs advised that the budgets of both the Region of Durham and the Town of Pickering will not have an impact on the residents of the Town of Pickering. 5. The following items were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a. The Fire Chief advised that the Fire Department has an opportunity to purchase a replacement vehicle for the 1975 Platform with a vehicle, classified as used, from the States which will be used in Trade Shows on its way up. b. The Director of Culture and Recreation advised of his communication with Mr. Prince of the School Board concerning the closing of certain Pickering schools for after hours usage. He also advised that the Board has discontinued its use of the Dunbarton High School Pool. c. The Director of Planning advised of amendments to certain items in the agenda of tonight's meeting. d. The Acting-Director of Public Works advised that CN has advised that the gates at Woodview Avenue will be installed the week of June 17th. '-" e. The Executive Director Operations advised of school busing changes. f The Executive Director Operations distributed a report concerning park/school lighting. g. The Executive Director Operations requested that the meeting to be held with Regional staff, Town staff and Council, concerning Kingston Road, be held on June 18th at 4 p.m. h. The Town Manager advised that the outbriefing with Craig Bradford will take place on June 14th at 6:30 p.m. 1. The Town Manager advised that the meeting with Gardiner Church concerning the Seaton Project is tentatively scheduled for June 26th. J. The Town Solicitor distributed a report concermng the Campbell/MacPherson House. (V) ADJOURNMENT w The Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. DATED 5"t{(f /~/f / CHAIRMAN TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on June 10, 1996, presents its tenth report to Council and recommends: 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 5/96 ONTARIO LAND CORPORATION (WHITEV ALE GOLF CLUB) NORTH PART OF LOTS 29 AND 30, CONCESSION 4 (EAST SIDE OF GOLF CLUB ROAD; SOUTH OF CONCESSION ROAD 5) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 2/95(R) -- That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/96, submitted by the Whitevale Golf Club, to permit a golf practice facility as a temporary use on the subject property owned by the Ontario Land Corporation, being the North Part of Lots 29 and 30, Concession 4, be APPROVED subject the following conditions: 1. That the proposed 'Golf Practice Facility" be a permitted use on the subject site (generally located to the north of the existing Whitevale Golf Course) through a temporary use zoning by-law and for a period of three years; 2. That prior to Council's consideration of an implementing temporary use by-law, the applicant shall provide, to the satisfaction of the Town of Pickering, the following items: (a) A survey illustrating the outer boundary of the entire proposed golf practice facility lands; and (b) A detailed conceptual plan illustrating the features and facilities of the proposed Golf Practice Facility, and the relationship between the Golf Practice Facility and the Whitevale Golf Course, including all shared facilities such as driveways, parking areas, clubhouse and other facilities of a common nature; and .... 3. That prior to an implementing temporary use by-law being forwarded for Council's consideration, the owner shall satisfy the Town with respect to an appropriate method to implement the recommendations of the 'Environmental Assessment Report" prepared by Burnside Environmental Limited. 2. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 3/96 DIAMOND SWAN VENTURES CORPORATION LOT 24, AND PART OF LOTS 21, 23, 27 & 28, PLANM-1040 (DURHAM CONDOMINIUM PLAN NO. 112) (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SQUIRES BEACH ROAD AND CLEMENTS ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 3/96 '-' That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/96, submitted by Fred T. Reisman and Associates Limited, on behalf of Diamond Swan Ventures Corporation, on the subject property being Lot 24, and Part of Lots 21, 23, 27 & 28, Plan M-1040, Town of Pickering, to permit accessory retail uses to a maximum of 20% gross leasable floor area of a primary industrial use, be APPROVED. 2 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMEND.MENT APPLICATION A 3/96 DIAMOND SWAN VENTURES CORPORATION LOT 24, AND PART OF LOTS 21, 23, 27 & 28, PLAN M-I040 (DURHAM CONDOMINIUM PLAN NO. 112) (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SQUIRES BEACH ROAD AND CLEMENTS ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 3/96 ~ That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/96, submitted by Fred T. Reisman and Associates Limited, . on behalf of Diamond Swan Ventures Corporation, on the subject property being Lot 24, and Part of Lots 21, 23, 27 & 28, Plan M-I040, Town of Pickering, to permit accessory retail use by The Durham Brewing Company, be APPROVED AS REVISED to permit an accessory retail use to a maximum of 20% gross leasable floor area of the industrial beer brewing use, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the implementing zoning by-law permit accessory retail sales on the subject property to meet the immediate needs of The Durham Brewing Company, to a maximum of 20% of the total gross leasable floor area of the unit, or a maximum of ..... square metres gross leasable floor area, whichever is less. 2. That the implementing zoning by-law permit only the accessory retail sale of specialty beers and other accessories associated with the main industrial beer brewing use on the subject property. 4. ZONING BY-LAW AMEND.MENT APPLICATION A 3/96 DIAMOND SWAN VENTURES CORPORATION LOT 24, AND PART OF LOTS 21, 23, 27 & 28, PLAN M-1040 (DURHAM CONDOMINIUM PLAN NO. 112) (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SQUIRES BEACH ROAD AND CLEMENTS ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 3/96 '-'" That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/96, submitted by Fred T. Reisman and Associates Limited, on behalf of Diamond Swan Ventures Corporation, on the subject property being Lot 24, and Part of Lots 21, 23, 27 & 28, Plan M-I040, Town of Pickering, to permit recreational uses (such as karate clubs and dance studios) be DENIED. 5. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 18/95 H.&Y.GRAY LOT 71, PLAN M-14 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF LIVERPOOL ROAD & TATRA DRIVE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 18/95 '-'" That Town Council APPROVE Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/95, submitted by H. & Y. Gray, as it pertains to a request for a permanent zoning change to allow personal service uses on Lot 71, Plan M-14, in the Town of Pickering. 3 6. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 18/95 H&Y.GRAY LOT 71, PLAN M-14 (NORTHEAST CORNER OF LIVERPOOL ROAD & TATRA DRIVE) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 18/95 That Town Council APPROVE Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 18/95 permitting one residential unit, or a hairdressing salon on Lot 71, Plan M-14, in the Town of Pickering, subject to the following conditions: -- (1) That the by-law contain provisions including, but not limited to, matters regarding: (a) permitting only one detached residential unit OR a hairdressing salon use; (b) permitting 100% of the parking to be located in the front yard; (c) permitting a minimum parking stall size of2.6 metres by 5.3 metres; (d) requiring a minimum number of parking spaces based on the final approved site plan; and (e) maximum lot coverage and/or building envelope; and (2) That prior to Council's consideration of a by-law to permit a hairdressing salon on the site, the applicants/owners shall: (a) prepare and submit a site plan application for review, with special emphasis on the west and south building facades; number and configuration of parking spaces; landscaping; and sign age; and (b) receive final site plan approval. 7. PROVINCIAL DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS LANDS FILE NUMBER - A 2300 '-" 1. That Town Council advise the Ontario Realty Corporation: (a) that all lands within the Duffin Rouge Agricultural Preserve identified as 'Lands to be conveyed to Public ownership" on Appendix I to IDT Report 5/96 should be conveyed either to the Town of Pickering or the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, with the precise boundaries of such lands including required setbacks to be determined through more detailed investigation; (b) that all lands within the Duffin Rouge Agricultural Preserve identified as 'Other natural features to be protected" on Appendix I to illT Report 5/96 be conveyed to either the Town of Pickering or the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority or be otherwise protected through such means as appropriate zoning and/or conservation easements; (c) that municipal road widenings be conveyed to the Town of Pickering including widening of the Third Concession Road east of Whites Road to 27 metres, other widenings as may be necessary to provide a minimum of 20 metres width for Town roads, and potential jog elimination at Rosebank Road and the Third Concession Road; -- .....continued 4 7. (d) appropriate lands in the vicinity of the intersection of Altona Road and Taunton Road be conveyed to the Town of Pickering for a 1.2 hectare rural fire station site. 2. That Town Council recommend to the Region of Durham that it advise the Ontario Realty Corporation that, at this time, all applications for land division within the Duffin Rouge Agricultural Preserve must proceed through the regional consent process, although further consideration may be given to a Crown Right severance process in the future. ~ 8. REPORT ON THE TRAFFIC STUDY OF THE BROOKRIDGE GATEIDALEWOOD DRIVE AND ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE NEIGHBOURHOODS FILE NUMBER - E 4000 That the report as prepared by Read, Voorhees & Associates Ltd. dated October, 1995, regarding the Traffic Study of the Brookridge GateIDalewood Drive and Rougemount Drive Neighbourhoods, be received for information; and that the recommended actions as outlined in Section 6.3 of the report be adopted, with the following amendments: 6.3(3) Speed bumps be placed on Dalewood Drive/Brookridge Gate at: a) Brookridge GateIDalewood Drive intersection b) Dalewood Gate curve. 6.3(5) That three speed bumps be placed on Rougemount Drive with the locations being determined by the Public Works Roads Department. '-' 9. TENDERS APPROVED BY TOWN MANAGER DURING COUNCIL SUMMER 1996 RECESS FILE NUMBER - D 4300 That the Audit Committee be authorized to approve tenders during Council's 1996 summer recess period, from June 25, 1996 to July 31, 1996 and from August 7, 1996 to August 30, 1996 with the following conditions (a) the lowest acceptable tender is approved, (b) the cost thereof is within the budget previously allocated therefor by Council, and (c) a report respecting those tender is subsequently submitted to Council. 10. CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 -- WHEREAS Section 446 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990., c. MA5. transfers the responsibility for the hearing of the applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes to the Council of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS notices in writing of applications have been received by the Clerk of the Municipality for the cancellation, reduction and refund of taxes for various reasons; .....continued 5 10. AND WHEREAS upon investigation and receipt of reasonable explanations all claims have been substantiated; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Town of Pickering accept the following list of applications and authorize the adjustment of taxes in the amount of$12,909.92. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 010-028- 909 Beachpoint Tyukooi, Anton Building Reduce 1995 taxes for 147 days ........ 10700 Promenade 909 Beachpoint demolished on an assessment of $5,888, an 1/96 Promenade adjustment of$253.89(R) Pickering, Ont. L1W 2A4 010-028- 909 Beachpoint Tyukooi, Anton Building Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 10700 Promenade 909 Beachpoint demolished on an assessment of$5,888, an 2/96 Promenade adjustment of $643. 79(R) Pickering, Ont. L1W 2A4 020-022- 7-9963 Brock Ability Metal Mart Reduced space Reduce 1995 taxes for 92 days 06008- Road Inc. on an assessment of $13,332, an 0024 963 Brock Road adjustment of $423 .27(B) 6a/96 Unit 9 Pickering, Ont. L1W 3A4 020-022- 7-9963 Brock Ability Metal Mart Reduced space Reduce 1995 taxes for 92 days 06008- Road Inc. on an assessment of $572, an 0025 963 Brock Road adjustment of $18.15(B) 6b/96 Unit 9 ~ Pickering, Onto L1W 3A4 020-022- 7-9963 Brock Ability Metal Mart Reduced space Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 06008- Road Inc. on an assessment of $13,332, an 0024 963 Brock Road adjustment of$1,714.89(B) 7 a/96 Unit 9 Pickering, Ont. L1W 3A4 020-022- 7-9963 Brock Ability Metal Mart Reduced space Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 06008- Road Inc. on an assessment of $572, an 0025 963 Brock Road adjustment of$73.57(B) 7b/96 Unit 9 Pickering, Ont. L1W 3A4 010-018- #200 The Palanik Group Reduced space Reduce 1996 taxes for 335 days 21212- 1099 Kingston Inc. on an assessment of $3,545, an 0115 Road 1099 Kingston Road adjustment of$417.36(B) 8a/96 Suite 200 '-" Pickering, Ont. L1V 1B5 6 ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 010-018- #200 The Palanik Group Reduced space Reduce 1996 taxes for 335 days 21212- 1099 Kingston Inc. on an assessment of $145, an 0120 Road 1099 Kingston Road adjustment of $17.07 (B) 8b/96 Suite 200 Pickering, Ont. LIV 1B5 W 010-021- 1785 Pinegrove Oppedisano, C. & R. Building Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 16200 Avenue 1784 W oodview Ave demolished on an assessment of $7,040, an 9/96 Pickering, Ontario adjustment of$769.75(R) LIV 1L4 010-021- 1785 Pinegrove Oppedisano, C. & R. Building Reduce 1995 taxes for 67 days 16200 Avenue 1784 W oodview Ave demolished on an assessment of $7,040, an 10/96 Pickering, Ontario adjustment of$138.36(R) L1V lL4 010-039- 1419 Altona MacLeod, G. & 1. Severed in '92 Reduce 1994 taxes for 12 months 08500 Road 1415 Altona Road assessment not on an assessment of $4,608, an 11/96 Pickering, Ont. changed adjustment of $484. 16(R) LIV 1M2 010-039- 1419 Altona MacLeod, G. & 1. Severed in '92 Reduce 1995 taxes for 12 months 08500 Road 1415 Altona Road assessment not on an assessment of $4,608, an 12/96 Pickering, Ont. changed adjustment of $493 .37(R) LIV 1M2 010-039- 1419 Altona MacLeod, G. & 1. Severed in '92 Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 08500 Road 1415 Altona Road assessment not on an assessment of $4,608, an W 13/96 Pickering, Ont. changed adjustment of$503.83(R) L1V 1M2 030-002- 5321 Brock Sommers, A. & V. Garage removed Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 11300 Road 5321 Brock Road on an assessment of $512, an 14/96 Claremont, Ont. adjustment of$55.98(R) L1Y 1A1 030-002- 5321 Brock Sommers, A. & V. Garage removed Reduce 1995 taxes for 365 days 11300 Road 5321 Brock Road on an assessment of $512, an 15/96 Claremont, Ont. adjustment of$54.81(R) L1Y 1A1 030-002- 5321 Brock Sommers, A. & V. Garage removed Reduce 1994 taxes for 365 days 11300 Road 5321 Brock Road on an assessment of $512, an 16/96 Claremont, Ont. adjustment of$53.79(R) LIY 1A1 020-016- 1535 Milne, R. V. & P. Assessment Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 30308 Diefenbaker 1535 Diefenbaker incorrect on an assessment of $3,558, an 17/96 Court Court, #605 adjustment of $389.03(R) ~ Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6W2 010-021- 1722 Autumn Kaitlin Estates Ltd. Assessment Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 02946 Crescent 1029 McNicholl Ave incorrect on an assessment of $6,400, an 18/96 Scarborough, Ont. adjustment of $699. 77(R) M1W 3W6 .. 7 ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED 010-021- 1718 Autumn Morash, 1. & C. Assessment Reduce 1996 taxes for 366 days 02948 Crescent 1718 Autumn Cres. incorrect on an assessment of $6,400, an 19/96 Pickering, Ontario adjustment of$699.77(R) LIV 6X4 020-017- 1355 Kingston Bramalea Ltd. & Deleted from roll Reduce 1995 taxes for 331 days 28500 Road Omers Realty Corp. and added to on an assessment of $17,214, an ~ 21/96 c/o 20 Vic another tenant adjustment of$1,671.41(R) Management Inc. plate 20 Victoria St. Suite 900 Toronto, Ont. M5C 2N8 020-017- 1355 Kingston Bramalea Ltd. & Deleted from roll Reduce 1995 taxes for 318 days 28500 Road Omers Realty Corp. and added to on an assessment of $11,886, an 22/96 c/o 20 Vic another tenant adjustment of$I,108.75(R) Management Inc. plate 20 Victoria St. Suite 900 Toronto,Ont. M5C 2N8 020-017- 1355 Kingston Bramalea Ltd. & Deleted from roll Reduce 1995 taxes for 233 days 28500 Road Omers Realty Corp. and added to on an assessment of $18,260, an 23/96 c/o 20 Vic another tenant adjustment of $1 ,248/04(R) Management. Inc. plate 20 Victoria St. Suite 900 ,-". Toronto, ant. M5C 2N8 020-017- 1355 Kingston Bramalea Ltd. & Deleted from roll Reduce 1995 taxes for 257 days 28500 Road Omers Realty Corp. and added to on an assessment of $12,961, an 24/96 c/o 20 Vic another tenant adjustment of $977.11 (R) Management. Inc. plate 20 Victoria St. Suite 900 Toronto, ant. M5C 2N8 Councillor Senis declared an interest on Roll #'s 101-018-21212-0115 and 010-018-21212-0120 as her dau2hter works at this location. 11. 1996 GENERAL INSURANCE REPORT FILENUMBER-A 1100 '-r That the 1996 General Insurance Report of Frank Cowan Company Limited dated May 8, 1996 be received; and that the total annual premium of $356,865, plus GST, for the renewal term of 1996/97 be approved. '-' w ,-. . 8 12. "ROUGE PARK DAY" - JULY 20, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "ROUGE P ARK DAY" - JULY 20, 1996 13. GRANT TO THE UNITED WAY OF AJAX/PICKERING FOR YEAR 1996 FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That a grant in the amount of $2.65 per household (approximately $64,798 based on 24,452 households) be made to the United Way of Ajax/Pickering for the year 1996, said grant to be paid in 1997.