HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 7, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES '-" THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1996 -7:35 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson - Chairman R. Johnson E. Pistritto D. Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: ~ N. Carroll T. Melymuk C. Rose A. Smith G. McKnight D. Kearns - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Manager, Policy Division - Planner 2 - Planner 1 - Co-ordinator of Council Services lD ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 28, 1996 lID DELEGA TIONS 1. The following persons addressed the Committee regarding the adoption of the Pickering Official Plan: a) The Deputy Director of Planning gave an overview of the process involved in preparing the new Official Plan and what is contained within it. b) Richard Ward, Box 5142, Claremont stated his difficulty with the expansion of living area north of the hydro wires, more specifically Area 14. He also stated his opposition to the designation being applied to the Cherry Downs application. ~ 82 lID DELEGATIONS c) John Wiersma, President of the Ajax Pickering Board of Trade stated his support of the updated Official Plan and commented that it must reflect the importance and value of Economic Development. The plan should state that Pickering is open for business. He outlined their concerns with respect to: reliance on public transit and a compact urban form, Seaton Study area, airport site, Dixie Road transit spine, and the development approval process. He asked that these areas be carefully reviewed. ,... d) Roy Robinson, 915 Liverpool Road outlined the past and present uses of Frenchman's Bay. He advised that the Bay is filling in due to development and stated that proper land use is significant. e) Michael Goldberg, of Walker, Nott, representing Runnymede Developments advised that his clients land is designated Employment Area and that they would like to pursue an alternate land use. He requested that a policy be added to the text stating that a review of the amount of employment lands be undertaken. This review may outline land which could be released from this designation. He stated that he would be prepared to work with staff to develop appropriate wording. f) Tom Mohr, 842 Naroch Blvd. advised that a group came together to divide the Plan into manageable portions and that he dealt with the Cultural Heritage area. He requested that the wording in section 8.6 be amended to read shall prepare a Heritage Master Plan rather than may prepare. He advised that he was pleased with the open process and thanked Planning staff and Council. g) Glen Brown, stated that he wished to commend Council and staff He advised that he was pleased with many aspects of the Plan and hoped Council would adopt it. -.. h) Carol Bamford, representing the Planning Pickering Together group recommended that Pickering follow the steps Vaughan have taken by using the Block Planning process. She recommended that a secondary plan be developed for the downtown core. She also requested that a detailed review be carried out on the entire Waterfront. She congratulated all groups involved and offered any assistance necessary. i) Lauralei Jones, representing Coughlan Homes advised that her client, owners of the Violet Swan property, are in support of the new designation. She questioned the signs on the property with school symbols, asking if a Council resolution is required to have them removed. She also commented on the property, also owned by her client, at 2040 Valley Farm Road. This property is zoned open space but her client has requested that the land be zoned to permit residential use above the floodplain. j) Bruce Flattery, representing the Duffin/Rouge Agricultural Committee stated that he is impressed with the procedures which developed this plan but is concerned with the area north of Finch Ave. k) Paul Crawford, stated that he liked the ideas put forward by Pickering Planning Together regarding Block Planning and a Secondary Plan. He does not understand density transfers and provisions and requested that this be outlined more clearly. -.. ...... '-' '-" , 83 (II) DELEGATIONS I) Liz Currie, R. R. #4, Claremont, stated that this has been a great process but asked Council for comments regarding its usefulness to them in particular. Councillor Pistritto declared an interest in this item has his mother owns orooertv within Duffin Hei!!hts. (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ADOPTION OF THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In Planning Recommendation Report 28/96, it is recommended that Council adopt by by-law the recommended Pickering Official Plan, dated October 1996. Referred as amended to the Executive Committee Medin!! of December 2. 1996 2. CONWEND~DOCUMENTTOTHE RECOMMENDED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In Planning Recommendation Report 29/96, it is recommended that the Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan, First Edition, be received. Aooroved See Recommendation #1 (IV) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. DATED AI/ fA"- . '-</f""' 6' " CHATn1U'(il\.l ,.---- (;..' ~'<: .l.nll'.lft~~;;;;,:.:.:~~,:;.:;~"","-^,'- . " . "- .., -., I' TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on November 7, 1996, presents its fifteenth report to Council and recommends: 1. CONWEND~DOCUMENTTOTHE RECOMMENDED PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN FILE NUMBER - B 2310 That Town Council receive the Compendium Document to the Pickering Official Plan, First Edition, attached under separate cover to Recommendation Report No. 29/96.