HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 9, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES .... MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1996 - 7:40 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson E. Pistritto - Chairman D. Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: ....... T. 1. Quinn B. Taylor P. Wyger N. Carroll S. Reynolds T. Melymuk D. Kearns - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Town Solicitor - Director of Planning - Director of Culture and Recreation - Deputy Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Council Services In ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of November 25, 1996 lID DELEGA TIONS 1. Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture and Recreation, Tom Melymuk, Deputy Director of Planning, and Gordon Reidt, Health and Safety Coordinator, presented a proposed Healthy Community Initiative outlining how the Town corporately and with community partners can address health and safety issues. They recommended that the Executive Committee endorse and forward to Council, the following recommendation: To receive the staff report that describes the Healthy Community Initiative; and to authorize staff to continue to work on the Initiative, as set out in the Report and in the presentation. ........ 97 (II) DELEGA nONS 2. David Strain and David Steele, representing PACT, addressed the Committee with respect to the safety of the transfer offill from the Brock North Landfill Site to the Brock West Landfill Site. A letter was forwarded to Metro by PACT requesting answers to eight questions and Metro is failing to respond in a timely fashion. Their concerns include: the method of which the garbage will be moved from Brock North to Brock West, the monitoring of landfill gases by Metro, the gas testing period and the exposure to chemicals by the community. The garbage should be moved by an expert in landfill movement and the actual tonnage of garbage should be investigated. In a previous report, Metro advised that they would cover the site at night but now say that such a statement was not made. Mr. Strain asked the Committee to request a reply from Metro to PACT's questions. ~ 3. Richard Ward addressed the Committee with respect to development charges. He congratulated the Mover and Seconder on this Motion and stated that this is a tool which regulates developers. If the Province proceeds with their recommendation than a freeze should be put on building permits. 4. Greg Greason, 72 Isabella Street, Toronto addressed the Committee with respect to the continued occupancy of the building at 680 Front Road by Shamrock Marine. He stated that he is representing the tenants of the facility and requested that an agreement be entered into which would allow them to stay on the premises until April at a reasonable cost. He advised that every tenant has fire and theft insurance on their boat. 5. The following persons addressed the Committee with respect to the purchase of the former Keen Kraft Marina lands: w a) Barry Farquarson, 675 Front Road, representing other residents of Front Road asked the Committee to advise who approached MTRCA concerning this purchase and how is the Town benefiting from giving up 20% of the property with no savings to taxpayers. It is his understanding that the Town could not sell off lands without public input but that a by-law was being passed which would forego this. b) James Priest, 673 Front Road, questioned if the author of Report L143/96 was in the Chambers. He stated his surprise that the residents of the privately owned properties in the vicinity were not approached and acc~ss across these properties should be considered. He hoped that the condition in the offer to purchase which states that all debris will be removed includes the blue building. c) Laura Spence, 665 Front Road questioned' why the cost goes up to $1,150,000 when it can be purchased at $900,000. ~ 98 am MA TIERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/96 1089375 ONTARIO LIMITED PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (NORTHWEST CORNER OF TOY AVENUE AND BAYLY STREET) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 19/96 -- In Planning Recommendation Report 35/96, it is recommended that Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 19/96 submitted by 1089375 Ontario Limited, on Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, BE APPROVED. Tabled Rob Collie, representing the applicant thanked Planning staff for recommending approval of the application but requested that Committee consider the following three motions: 1) that the condition requiring the applicant obtain conditional site plan approval prior to the implementing zoning by-law be deleted, 2) that staff consider the applicant's initial Site Plan SP-l and 3) that staffbe asked to support the redevelopment of this site to create a connecting link between the existing gas bar and Toy Ave. and not to support The Region of Durham requests that the sites be separated or that a raised concrete median be constructed on Bayly Street. 2. CORPORATE EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FILE NUMBER - A 4000 ~ In the Manager of Human Resources Report HR 01/96, it is recommended that the Corporate Employment Policies and Procedures be received, and the Special Unpaid Leave Program Policy and the Workplace Harassment Policy be adopted. Aooroved See Recommendation #1 and #2 Deferred Workolace Harassment Policy 3. DISPOSAL OF ASSET OLD P.A.R.u. SEARCH AND RESCUE VESSEL FILE NUMBER - F 2430 In the Director of Culture and Recreation's Report CR 003/96, it is recommended that the sale of the old P.A.R.U. vessel, as is, to Anthony Buckley in trust for P.A.R.u., be authorized. Aooroved See Recommendation #3 PROPOSED HEALTHY COMMUNITY INITIATIVE FILE NUMBER- A2110 '-' 4. In the Director of Culture and Recreation's Report CR 002/96, it is recommended that the Healthy Community Initiative Report be received. Approved See Recommendation #4 99 5. PURCHASE OF AUTOMATIC VOTE TABULATORS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS FILE NUMBER - A 2112 '-" In Clerk's Report CL 11/96, it is recommended that the Proposal submitted by Global Election Systems Inc. for the purchase of automatic vote tabulators at a cost of $128,603.30 be approved and that the draft by-law to authorize the use of optical scanning vote tabulators at municipal elections for the purposes of voting and counting votes, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Aooroved See Recommendation #5 6. ADJUSTMENTS TO TAX ROLL FILE NUMBER - C 1000 In Treasurer-Collector's Report TRW096-4, it is recommended that our tax roll be reduced to reflect the adjustments and corrections to the tax accounts. Aooroved See Recommendation #6 7. CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 The Town Clerk recommends the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes in the amount of $5,546.45. '-" Aooroved Sft Rtcommendation #7 8. APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW ATDCC 93 AND 106,1880 AND 1890 VALLEY FARM ROAD FILE NUMBER - D 2220 In Clerk's Report CL 46/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to appoint five persons to enforce the Parking By-law at DCC 93 and 106, 1880 and 1890 Valley Farm Road, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council 9. APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY -LAW AT 726 KINGSTON ROAD FILE NUMBER - D 2220 ..... In Clerk's Report CL 47/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to appoint four persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 726 Kingston Road, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-Iaw forwarded to Council 10. -- (IV) 1. 2. 3. 4. -- 5. ,-,. (V) DATED 100 SALE OF PORTION OF FORMER KEEN KRAFT MARINA TO THE MTRCA FILE NUMBER - D 3360 In Legal Services Report L 143/96 and L 145/96, it is recommended that the Town enter into an agreement with the MTRCA to sell a strip of land adjacent to Frenchman's Bay Approved See Recommendation #8 By-law forwarded to Council OTHER BUSINESS Councillor Senis requested a Leave to Introduce a Notice of Motion with regards to an Internal Grant for busing purposes. See Recommendation #9 Councillor Senis advised that at a Community Youth Meeting held this evening 80 youths turned up and $2,000 was raised towards a skateboarding facility. Mayor Arthurs outlined the many events which he attended over the past week and congratulated staff on the successful tree lighting ceremony which took place and the Progress Club for the beautiful Gazebo. He also advised that the Ajax/Pickering Hospital Tree Lighting Ceremony will be taking place on Thursday. Councillor Dickerson advised. of the tribute to Scotty Ramage which took place on Friday and also of the events which he attended this past weekend. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The Executive Director Operations distributed information regarding Waste Transfer, Jagger Rims 1996 Final Report, Bramalea Inc., Eastern Power Ltd., Halifax Amalgamation and his Status Report #1. . b) The Town Solicitor advised that Report L145/96 has been put forward for Committee's consideration. c) Councillor Senis commented on the busing concerns related to the Christmas Dinner for families in need which is being sponsored by the Firefighters and the Legion. d) Councillor Ryan requested that all Committee members advised Dan McTeague's office if they will be attending the Charity Dinner being held at the Honey Garlic. e) Councillor Pistritto advised that Mike Maunder previous reporter for the Bay News has written and advised that he is now living in India and teaching children. ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. CHAIRMAN TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on December 9, 1996, presents its nineteenth report to Council and recommends: 1. CORPORATE EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FILE NUMBER - A 4000 .... That Report HR 01/96 of the Manager of Human Resources regarding Corporate Employment Policies and Procedures be received. 2. CORPORATE EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FILE NUMBER - A 4000 That the Special Unpaid Leave Program Policy set out in Report HR 01/96 be adopted. 3. DISPOSAL OF ASSET OLD P.AR.D. SEARCH AND RESCUE VESSEL FILE NUMBER - F 2430 ~ That Town Council authorize the sale of the old P.ARD. vessel, as is, to Anthony Buckley in trust for P .AR D. a corporation to be incorporated for the sum of $1.00, providing Mr. Buckley agrees, in writing with the Town, to sell the vessel on behalf of P.ARD., with all proceeds going towards the new P.AR.D. vessel when P.ARD. is fully incorporated. 4. PROPOSED HEALTHY COMMUNITY INITIATIVE FILE NUMBER - A 2110 That the Healthy Community Initiative Report be received and forwarded to the Safe Community Task Force for comment; and that staff be authorized to continue to work on this Healthy Community Initiative. 5. PURCHASE OF AUTOMATIC VOTE TABULATORS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS FILE NUMBER - A 2112 ~ That the Proposal submitted by Global Election Systems Inc. for the rental of automatic vote tabulators at a cost not to exceed $2,000 per unit for 30 units be approved and that the draft by-law to authorize the use of optical scanning vote tabulators at municipal elections for the purposes of voting and counting votes, be forwarded to Council for enactment; and That the rental agreement be presented to Council for approval. 2 6. ADJUSTMENTS TO TAX ROLL FILE NUMBER - C 1000 That our tax roll be reduced to reflect the adjustments and corrections to the tax accounts summarized as follows: Realty Taxes $ 203.4 7 Business Taxes $85,412.73 ..... Sub-total 85,616,20 Penalty & Interest 3,576.67 Total $89,192.87 7. CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES FILE NUMBER - A 2310.293 WHEREAS Section 446 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990., c. M.45. transfers the responsibility for the hearing of the applications for cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes to the Council of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS notices in writing of applications have been received by the Clerk of the Municipality for the cancellation, reduction and refund of taxes for ..... vanous reasons; AND WHEREAS upon investigation and receipt of reasonable explanations all claims have been substantiated; BE IT THEREFORE RESOL YED that the Council of the Town of Pickering accept the following list of applications and authorize the adjustment of taxes in the amount of $5,546.45 APPL. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF NO ADJUSTMENT 32/96 010-038- 526 776079 Ontario Inc. Building $417.85 19100 Kingston Road Attn: James Kontos demolished c/o Denture Therapy Clinic 2387 Eglinton Ave. E. Scarborough, ON M1K 2M5 43a/96 020-023- 713 Krosno Royal Bank of Canada Reduced space $1,146.73 10000- Boulevard 725 Krosno Boulevard 0010 Pickering, ON '-' L1W 1G4 43b/96 020-023- 713 Krosno Royal Bank of Canada Reduced space $67.83 10000- Boulevard 725 Krosno Boulevard 0015 Pickering, ON L1W 1G4 3 APPL. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF NO ADJUSTMENT 50/96 010-038- 409-413 Shortreed, D. & E. Sold part to $135.18 22200 Kingston Road 409 Kingston Road Ministry of Pickering, On Transportation Ll V lA3 51/96 020-025- 938 Liverpool 784537 Ontario Ltd. No longer doing $339.72 W 00200 Road 938 Liverpool Rd business Pickering, On L 1 W 1 S6 52/96 010-030- Con B.F. Consumers Gas Ltd. Property no $12.86 00200 Range 3 c/o Land Dept. longer exists Part Lot 27 (property Tax) P.O. Box 650 Stn. A Scarborough, Ont. MIK 5E3 53/96 030-020- 15890tonabee Ricupero, A. & J. Clerical error $111.97 14282 Drive 1589 Otonabee Dr. Pickering, Ont. Ll V 6T6 54/96 030-020- 1591 Otonabee Moore, K. & A. Clerical error $111.97 14281 Drive 1591 Otonabee Drive Pickering, Ont. L 1 V 6T6 ....... 55/96 010-018- 1899 Bicroft Cooper, I.E. Pool removed $55.97 05800 Court 1899 Bicroft Court Pickering, Ont. L 1 V 3E8 56a/96 020-022- 1885 Clements Durham Brewing Co. Effective date $131.27 05788- Road 1057 Meadowridge incorrect 0001 Crescent Pickering, Ont. L 1 V 4Z6 56b/96 020-022- 1885 Clements Durham Brewing Co. Effective date $4.45 05788- Road 1057 Meadowridge incorrect 0002 Crescent Pickering, Ont. L 1 V 4Z6 61/96 010-039- 1317 Altona Rd Transportation Ministry Building $551.51 15100 17th Floor, 777 Bay St. demolished Toronto, Ont. M5G 2C8 ~ 62/96 020-017- 1373 Brands Muresan, P. & I. Pool removed $27.54 26629 Court 13 73 Brands Court Pickering, Ont. Ll V 2T2 4 APPL. ROLL # PROPERTY APPLICANT REASON AMOUNT OF NO ADJUSTMENT 63/96 020-017- 1373 Brands Muresan, P. & I. Pool removed $26.97 26629 Court 1373 Brands Court Pickering, Ont. LIV 2T2 65a/96 020-022 1048 Toy Ave. Ever Green Reduced space $634.52 -- 02410- #6-8 Recycle Canada 0085 Inc. 1048 Toy Avenue #8 Pickering, ON LIW 3Pl 65b/96 020-022 1048 Toy Ave. Ever Green Reduced space $34.42 02410- #6-8 Recycle Canada 0090 Inc. 1048 Toy Avenue #8 Pickering, ON LIW 3PI 66/96 020-022- 998 Dillingham McLean-Rushley Reduced space $168.01 06702 Road Automotive Ltd. 998 Dillingham Road Pickering, ON LIW lZ6 69a/96 020-025- 938 Liverpool Raybrook Holdings Inc. Commercial to $129.20 00200 Road c/o Petro Canada Residential '-- Taxation Dept 5140 Y onge St Ste 200 North York. ON M2N 6L6 69b/96 020-025- 938 Liverpool Raybrook Holdings Inc. Building $235.65 00200 Road c/o Petro Canada demolished Taxation Dept 5140 Yonge StSte 200 North York, ON M2N 6L6 70/96 020-022- 860 Brock Road Medora, G. & Commercial to $197.26 098332 Dinoro,.D. residential 96 Royal Palm Drive Thornhill, ON L4J 5P8 71/96 030-007- Con. 7 Christ, Saralee Haas Building $1,005.57 28400 N. Pt Lot 7 R.R. #5 demolished Claremont, ON LIY lA2 ........ 'W .... "'-' 5 8. SALE OF PORTION OF FORMER KEEN KRAFT MARINA TO THE MTRCA FILE NUMBER - D 3360 That Legal Services Report L 143/96 respecting the sale of land to the MTRCA adjacent to Frenchman's Bay be adopted. 9. GRANT TO DENISE HOUSE FILE NUMBER - C 2163 That a grant in the amount of $275.00 be made to Denise House to offset transportation costs with respect to a Christmas event; and that this grant be charged to Account 2195 (Grants to Organizations and Individuals)