HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 4, 2008 I~I .' \ - I I ,. PICKERING Minutes Pickering Advisory Committee On Race Relations & Equity September 4, 2008 7:00 PM Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Emily Honsberger, Dunbarton High School Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Joanne Guindon, Durham Catholic District School Board Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion / (summary of discussion) Ref # 1.0 Welcome Councillor Pickles welcomed everyone and introductions were made. Emily indicated that she would be attending our meetings now as the representative for [YOU]nity. She informed the Committee she is a Grade 12 student at Dunbarton High School. She also advised the Committee that Siobhan, Sharon and Mariyah have all gone on to various universities. Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) All 2.0 Review & Approval of Agenda & Minutes All Agenda items were reviewed and approved. Minutes of the July 3, 2008 meeting were approved. 3.0 Writing Contest Councillor Pickles provided an update on the writing contest. He informed the Committee that he had signed off on the letters going to the school boards to launch the contest. The deadline is December 1, 2008. · Think about judges - any suggestions to add to last year's list · Forward list of judges from last time to members · Councillor Pickles indicated he would follow up with the schools that did not participate last year · Followup with the schools that did participate in consultation with the school board representatives indicating we would appreciate their participation again this year · Councillor Pickles will contact the school board reps first · Event will be held in March, 2009 Discussion ensued on the best way to advertise the contest. Emily su ested the posters would et the most attention. 4.0 2008 Annual Work Plan Copies of the annual work plan were distributed to the members in attendance for comments. There were none at this time, and Councillor Pickles requested that everyone give some thought to this prior to the next meeting and be prepared for discussion at that time. Prior to this if you have any comments, please forward them onto Marissa. A brief discussion ensued with respect to the presentation of annual reports. It was suggested that possibly not all the Committees present on the same night. 5.0 Emily Honsberger provided an update on the youth leadership camp. She indicated they were hoping to set up a meeting sometime in the first week of October. Councillor Pickles questioned what form of support the Committee could provide to them such as a place to meet or support at a meeting. Emily noted they currently meet in the Library Boardroom which seems to be working quite well. Councillor Pickles commended them on a job well done this year and asked that they think about a budget for next year's camp for food, prizes, etc. Kirk provided Emily with a contact at St. Mary's School. Discussion ensued with respect to getting those students who have gone off to university together again (Siobhan, Sharon and Mariyah) to see if they would like to help out with this event again. Emily indicated she could stay in touch with them. Councillor Pickles to a cti 0 n All All Discussion ensued with respect to a golf day with Kirk providing an update as follows: . Kirk has participated on two golf committees this year . Youth were paired in the groups and also assisted in the event . Planning a golf day event would invovle approximately 6 members meeting once a month for 6 months . Proceeds would go to youth - possibly in the form of a university bursary . Councillor Pickles noted he would like to add 1 or 2 new members to our Committee . Very easy event to organize . Possibly team up with another organization (i.e. Tamils) . Need to secure the course and date ahead of time . Kirk is willing to lead the committee with the planning of a golf day . Members of [YOU]nity would provide assistance . Committee would consist 50/50 of youth and members . Councillor Pickles to look into Seaton for support of event . Should definitely look into holding this event in 2009 - possibly the end of June/09 . Great opportunity for members of all community groups to participate Councillor Pickles requested that everyone think about this event and be prepared to discuss details at the next meeting 6.0 Other Business 6.1) Attendance at meetinas Discussion ensued regarding attendance at meetings with the following suggestions being made: . Prepare letter to send to our contact list of organizations to invite out Marisa to to our meetings prepare . Possibly divide the list of contacts between members to do a followup letter phone call to the letter . Sethu suggested we could attend their gatherings . Obtain some form of 10 for members such as name badges Marisa to check . Kirk suggested having a guest speaker at our meetings which may result in a better turnout Councillor Pickles requested the Committee try to come up with ideas on how to get people out to the meetings, we will pursue suggestions this Fall. He also noted that he would be seeking approval for additional members to sit on the Race Relations Committee when the appointments come up for review this Fall. It was suggested we draft a letter for guest speakers and request that they Councillor RSVP. Pickles to draft letter Discussion ensued regarding obtaining guest speakers. Thought should be given to whether it should be in conjunction with our regular meeting, or held in the Cou'ncil Chambers as a public meeting. Councillor Pickles requested the Committee think about guest speakers and Councillor topics for the next meeting. If you have .any suggestions, would you please Pickles will forward them to either Marisa or Councillor Pickles. provide Councillor Pickles advised the Committee of two upcoming Tamil events this details Fall and encouraged members to attend. 6.2) Tapestry Event Councillor Pickles provided the Committee with an update on the Tapestry Event. He attended the last meeting at the Pickering Museum and noted they had decided to suspend this event for next year. He noted that All although the event was very good, it did not draw large numbers. They need to come up with a way to draw new people out in order to meet the objective of the event. Possibly the committee could give some thought to new events for this for future. Agenda items for next meeting: . Golf Day Update . . Work Plan/Writing Contest Comments . Guest Speakers . 2008 Annual Work Plan 7.0 Adjournment . Next meeting is October 2, 2008 at 7:00pm Meeting Adjourned: 9:05 pm Copy: City Clerk