HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 38-08 Citl{ 0# REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PO 38-08 Date: September 15, 2QQ? ) 6 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/08 1410967 Ontario Inc. 1866 Liverpool Road (Lot 22, Plan 492) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1 . That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/08 submitted by 1410967 Ontario Inc., on lands being Lot 22, Plan 492, City of Pickering, to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit the development of a business office, professional office, and a veterinary clinic, in addition to the currently permitted residential use be approved as outlined in Appendix I to Report PO 38-08, and 2. Further, that the amending Zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/08, as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 38-08 be enacted by City Council Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to rezone the subject property, located on the west side of Liverpool Road, between Kingston Road and Glenanna Road, to permit the establishment of a business office, professional office, and a veterinary clinic, in addition to the currently permitted residential use. The applicant proposes to convert the existing detached dwelling on the property to a veterinary clinic to accommodate relocation of the Millennium City Veterinary Clinic from 1225 Bayly Street (Bay Ridges Plaza). The applicant's proposal complies with the City's Official Plan policies which specifically recognize the reuse of existing buildings in this area of Liverpool Road for business and professional offices, studios, custom workshops, personal service uses and limited retail shops. The requested change in use is considered an incremental step in the transition of this area away from exclusively residential to mixed use. The proposed land use change is appropriate for this area provided it is introduced into the neighbourhood in a sensitive manner. Effective integration of the requested uses with existing residential uses in the area can be achieved by restricting the gross leaseable floor area of the building, ensuring the provision of adequate parking, and applying attention to the finer development details in the site plan review process. Report PO 38-08 September 15, 2008 Subject: 1410967 Ontario Inc. (A 13/08) " ,) 7 I /.. Page 2 . " The recommended implementing zoning by-law contains provisions that address these matters. Approval of this application will establish a zoning that conforms to the City's Official Plan and is compatible with the surrounding area. It is recommended that this application be approved and the draft by-law be enacted by Council. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Sustainability Implications: The applicant's proposal is aligned with the principle of adaptive reuse of buildings and utilization of existing buildings for additional purposes. Re-use of the site also takes advantage of existing infrastructure and retains an existing business within the City. The applicant has been encouraged to consider the introduction of sustainable elements in the site plan submission and is exploring several opportunities with their designer/engineer (rain barrels, per:vious paving/landscape materials, drought resistant landscaping). Background: 1.0 Introduction The owner of the property, 1410967 Ontario Inc (Millennium City Veterinary Clinic) proposes to develop the subject lands, located on the west side of Liverpool between Kingston Road and Glenanna Road for business office, professional office, and a veterinary clinic in addition to the currently permitted residential use (see Location Map Attachment #1 ). The property currently supports a detached dwelling unit. The applicant intends to convert the existing structure and is considering building improvements such as a front entry/vestibule and rear-yard'shed, while protecting a portion of the rear yard for a moderate future building expansion. 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 At the August 18, 2008 Public Information Meeting At the Public Information Meeting three residents of Pickering spoke in support of the application, and two persons expressed concerns respecting the proposal. Comments expressed pertained to the need for appropriate boundary fencing, provision of adequate outdoor area to exercise the dogs, the need to address current stormwater/drainage matters impacting this area, and the need to ensure that site lighting and vehicle headlights do not impact neighbouring residents (see text of Information Report & Meeting Minutes, Attachments #4 & #5). ) " Report PO 38-08 September 15, 2008 Subject: 1410967 Ontario Inc. (A 13/08) Page 3 I)B 2.2 Written Public Submissions on the Application Following the preparation of the Information Report eights emails and three letters in support of the application were received from City residents beyond the immediate neighbourhood (see Attachments #6 - #16) 2.3 Agency Comments Region of Durham the application is in conformity with the Regional Plan; there are no matters of provincial interest applicable to the application; municipal water supply and sanitary sewers are available to the subject lands (see Attachment #17); Development Control grading and Stormwater Management will be addressed with the Site Plan Application (see Attachment #18); Veridian no objection to the proposed development; the applicant must make direct application to Veridian for electrical arrangements and related works; existing service to the building may be inadequate and landscaping, specifically trees/shrubs should be located/relocated away from Veridian's transformers and/or pole line to avoid interference with equipment (see Attachment.#19); 3.0 Discussion As per the City Clerk's memo of July 10, 2008 expediency in dealing with this matter was requested and processing of this application has been expedited due to circumstances respecting the operation of the current Millennium City Veterinary Clinic business. The Statutory Public Meeting was held at the Special Planning & Development Committee meeting of August 18, 2008 and the matter is coming directly to Council for consideration. The processing of the application is in full compliance with the provisions of the Planning Act. Report PO 38-08 September 15, 2008 Subject: 1410967 Ontario Inc. (A 13/08) i It 'I ,) 9 Page 4 3.1 The City's Official Plan Policy permits the reuse of the dwelling for the proposed uses The existing zoning for the subject property permits a detached residential dwelling unit. The applicant intends to convert the existing dwelling into a veterinary clinic while retaining the opportunity for a residential dwelling unit. Professional and business office uses are also requested. The subject property is in a transition area of the Liverpool Neighbourhood which is anticipated to transform over time into a mixed-use area. Section 11.14 (d) of the Pickering Official Plan indicates that Council shall consider the use in part, or reuse, of existing dwellings on the west side of Liverpool Road south of Glenanna Road for business and professional offices, studios, custom workshops, personal service uses and limited retail shops. The proposed change in use is in keeping with these Liverpool Neighbourhood policies and can be considered modest redevelopment. The subject property is also located within a "Detailed Review Area" of the Liverpool Neighbourhood. The proposed development is considered to represent "minor development" at the modest scale and form envisioned by the Official Plan policy. A detailed review of this area is not considered necessary as a prerequisite to consideration of this application. 1862 Liverpool Road, the property immediate south of the subject property, was rezoned in 2001 for a hair studio and other permitted uses including business or professional office, and detached dwelling. Further south again, the property at 1854 Liverpool Road was rezoned to permit a dentist office. These past changes to zoning and land uses are an indication of the transition that is occurring in the area. Adding new uses to the by-law and permitting redevelopment of the site will encourage a mix of uses serving the broader community and allow for an existing business in the City to relocate and continue serving existing clientele. 3.2 Building size limitations are recommended to assist with integration of new uses into the neighbourhood Existing buildings in the immediate area of the subject property are one storey in height and the recent rezoning of the abutting property restricted building height to retain the one storey character of the surrounding area. A height limitation will maintain the 'interim' nature of conversion projects, continue to encourage land assembly, and prevent wholesale redevelopment at a scale that should await land assembly and comprehensive zoning/urban design review. It is also recommended that a maximum gross leasable floor area of 300 square meters be established for the property. This floor area recognizes the existing building floor area (approximately 200 square metres) while allowing for a possible 100 square metre addition to the rear of the structure in the future. Report PD 38-08 Subject: 1410967 Ontario Inc. (A 13/08) . September 15, 2008 Page 5 '; .5 (] These limitations will address the scale of development and assist with integration of the new uses into the area. Provisions are included in the draft implementing zoning by-law (see Appendix II). 3.3 12 Parking spaces to be provided to accommodate the proposed uses The applicant has advised that the veterinary business is based on consecutive, scheduled appointments resulting in a predominantly predictable and limited number of concurrent clients. Six full time staff work in shifts, and the clinic is open Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (see Applicant's Justification Report, Attachment #3). It is recommended that a minimum of 12 parking spaces be provided on-site. This recommendation is based on the City's typical parking requirement for a mixed use commercial/office development of 5.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leaseable floor area. The proposed uses are modest in scale and with a limit on building size; the provision of 12 parking spaces should provide an adequate supply of parking for the existing building, future expansion area, and any residential unit within the building. The applicant's submitted conceptual plan identifies 13 parking spaces to serve the development on site. Review of the concept plan indicates that one of the front yard parking spaces may need to be removed to accommodate additional landscaping and proper traffic flow. Access to the rear yard parking area must be provided in a safe, clear and defined manner, which will require the removal of the existing attached garage the specific on-site parking layout and aisle/drive configuration will be determined through the site plan review process (see Attachment #2). 3.4 All Development Matters Concerning the City will be addressed Through the Site Plan Review Process The Applicant proposes to renovate the existing dwelling to accommodate the veterinary clinic. At this time minor building exterior improvements are being considered including an enclosed front door vestibule area. Through the site plan review process the function of the site will be reviewed further. Matters such as fencing, lighting, landscaping, parking, grading, stormwater management, dog walking areas, traffic management and accessibility for persons with a disability will be reviewed. Fencinq The existing fence around the perimeter of the property will be required to be repaired, replaced or relocated. Parkin~paces & Tree Pres'ervation The number of front yard parking spaces should be limited to provide additional area for landscaping. The attached garage will be required to be removed to provide proper access to rear yard parking. This may result in the removal of certain trees along the south lot line. Report PD 38-08 September 15, 2008 Subject: 1410967 Ontario Inc. (A 13/08) Page 6 ~ t. .1 ,i,' 1 ! ,! A tree preservation plan will be required to address the remainder of the vegetation on-site to address preservation and protection where feasible. Landscapinq The existing vegetation on-site will be retained where possible while recognizing that some changes will be necessary to accommodate the veterinary use of the site, Liqhtinq Enhanced lighting will be required for the safety of clients using the rear yard parking area, However, any new lighting introduced must be at a scale sensitive to surrounding residential uses, and downcast to avoid excessive light pollution, The spill of automobile headlights into adjacent rear yards must also be addressed. Stormwater and Grading Stormwater will be directed away from abutting properties and must be contained within the boundaries of the subject property. Grading must be provided to appropriately direct stormwater into the municipal storm sewer. Doq Walkinq Area A dog walking area shall be provided in a safe location on- site. Noise The applicant is proposing a veterinary clinic, not a kennel. Overnight boarding is not a routine occurrence and will typically occur only during recovery, post surgery or hospitalized patients. Dog wards will be sound-proofed as they are in the applicant's current location (see Applicant's Justification Report, Attachment #3). Other veterinary facilities exist within the City adjacent to residential areas (Rosebank Animal Hospital at 1414 Rosebank Road and Sheridan Veterinary Services at 1398 Kingston Road). The Planning & Development Department is not aware of noise complaints resulting from these facilities. Traffic This section of Liverpool Road is identified as a "Type-B Arterial Road", under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham, The road is designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds. The proposed uses are not considered high traffic generators and are not expected to create traffic safety problems. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the contents of this report and concurs with the contents of the report. Report PD 38-08 September 15, 2008 Subject: 1410967 Ontario Inc. (A 13/08) Page 7 1 ;) 2 APPENDICES APPENDIX I APPENDIX II Recommended Conditions of Approval Draft Zoning Bylaw Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Conceptual Site Plan 3. Applicant's Justification Report 4. Text of Information Report No. 14-08 5. Minutes from August 18, 2008 Statutory Public Information Meeting 6. City resident comment - Lisa Smith 7. City resident comment - Janis Taylor 8. City resident comment - Catherine Sattelberger 9. City resident comment - Peter Forint 10. City resident comment - Lynda Barnes 11. City resident comment - Ian Hillman 12. City resident comment - Wendy Cathcart 13. City resident comment - Janice Marks 14. City resident comment - Barbara Cillo 15. City resident comment - Dave and Gail Thompson 16. City resident comment - Donna Kelly 17. Agency Comment - Region of Durham Planning Department 18. Planning & Development Department - Development Control 19. Veridian Connections Report PO 38-08 September 15, 2008 Subject: 1410967 Ontario Inc. (A 13/08) Page 8 ! " '1:) 3 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Neil Carroll, P, P Director, Planmng & Development L T:cs Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cou~_cil // APPENDIX I TO REPORT PO 38-08 '1 }; 4 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/08 ~ 5 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLlCAION A 13/08 1.0 That the Implementing Zoning By-law: (a) permit business office, professional office, and a veterinary clinic (b) permit a dwelling unit to be provided on the subject property (c) change the zoning designation from "R3" - Detached Dwelling Residential Zone to "R3-MU-1" -Detached Dwelling Residential and Mixed Use Zone in Zoning by-law 3036, on the subject lands, being 1866 Liverpool Road, Lot 22, Plan 492, to include, but not limited to, the following performance standards and requirements: (i) minimum lot frontage of 18 metres (ii) minimum lot area of 500 square metres (iii) minimum side yard width of 1.8 metres (iv) minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres (v) minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres (vi) maximum dwelling height of 6 metres (one storey) (vii) maximum aggregate gross leasable floor area for all uses of 300 square metres (viii) minimum parking requirement 9f 12 spaces 2.0 That the owner obtain site plan approval from the City's Director, Planning & development to address such matters including, but not limited to: (i) Enhanced landscaping (ii) Pedestrian connections on and to site (iii) Vehicular access and traffic circulation (iv) Fence to be repaired and or replaced (v) Location, treatment and design of on-site parking areas (vi) Signage (vii) Lighting (viii) Stormwater management and grading (ix) Accessibility to the building for persons with a disability APPENDIX II TO -, ;; 6 REPORT PD 38-08 DRAFT IMPLEMENTING BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/08 .1 7 f7 ! oJ, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. DRAFT Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham, in Lot 22, Plan 492, in the City of Pickering. (A 13/08) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit the establishment of business offices, professional offices, a veterinary clinic and a residential dwelling unit on lands being Lot 22, Plan 492, in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCHEDULE I Schedule I attached to this By-law with notations and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in Lot 22, Plan 492, in the City of Pickering, designated "R3-MU-1" on Schedule I attached hereto. 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, (1) "Adult Entertainment Parlour" shall mean a building or part of a building in which is provided, in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, services appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations; -2- DRAFT (2) "Business Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which the management or direction of business, a public or private agency, a brokerage or a labour or fraternal organization is carried on and which may include a telegraph office, a data processing establishment, a newspaper publishing office, the premises of a real estate or insurance agent, or a radio or television broadcasting station and related studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store; Z) B (3) (a) "DwEWi0.9.~ shall mean a building or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or trailer; (b) "Dwelling Unit" shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied as a single, independent, and separate housekeeping unit containing a separate kitchen and sanitary facilities; (c) "Dwelli!ill, Single or Sin~_QwJzlli!lJL shall mean a single dwelling containing one dwelling unit and uses accessory hereto; (d) "Dwelling, Detached or Detached Dwelling" shall mean a single dwelling which is freestanding, separate, and detached from other main buildings or structures; (4) "Gross Leasable Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys above or below established grade designed for owner or tenant occupancy or exclusive use only, but excluding storage areas below established grade; (5) (a) "Lot" shall mean an area of land fronting on a street which is used or intended to be used as the site of a building, or group of buildings, as the case may be, together with any accessory buildings or structures, or a pubiic park or open space area, regardless of whether or not such lot constitutes the whole of a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision; (b) "Lot Coverage" shall mean the percentage of lot area covered by all buildings on the lot; (c) ~'LotFrontage~ shall mean the width of a lot between the side lot lines measured along a line parallel to and 7.5 metres distant from the front lot line; (6) "Professional Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical, legal or other professional service is performed or consultation given, and which may include a clinic, the offices of an architect, a chartered accountant, an engineer, a lawyer or a physician, but shall not include a body-rub parlour as defined in Section 224 (9)(b) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, as amended from time-ta-time, or any successor thereto or an Adult Entertainment Parlour as defined herein; - 3 - DRAFT , . "7.. Q ! ) J (7) (a) "Ya[d" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the same lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered, and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or other uses as are specifically permitted thereon; (b) "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (c) "Front Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (d) "Rear Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of tIle side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (e) "Rear Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (f) "Sid~Ya.r:9": shall mean a yard of a lot extending from the front yard to the rear yard, and from the side lot line to the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (g) "Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a side yard of a lot between the side lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (8) "Veterinary Clinic" shall mean a building or part of a building in which medical and surgical services are performed or consultation is given for domestic pets, may include accessory sales of associated products, accessory services such as grooming, emergency overnight accommodation, but shall not include long-term boarding on the premises. 5. PROVISIONS (1) Uses Permittee! ("R3-MU-1" Zone) No person shall, within the lands zoned "R3-MU-1" on Schedule I attached to this By-law, use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (i) dwelling unit (ii) business office (iii) professional office (iv) veterinary clinic - 4- DRAFT A' ! {~ LJ (2) Zone Requirements ("R3-MLJ-1 " Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "R3-MU-1" on Schedule I attached hereto use any lot or erect, alter or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) REQUIREMENTS (i) Any permitted use shall be subject to the requirements of Section 9,2 of Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; (ii) Despite (i) above, Section 9.2.4, 9.2.5 and 9.2.6 inclusive shall not apply to the lands zoned "R3-MU-1 " on Schedule I attached hereto; (iii) Building Height: maximum 6.0 metres; (b) PARKING REQUIREMENTS (i) There shall be provided and maintained on the lands zoned "R3-MU-1 " on Schedule I attached hereto, a minimum of 12 parking spaces; (ii) Despite clause (i) above, if the lands designated "R3-MU-1 " on Schedule I attached hereto are used for only a dwelling unit, a minimum of 2 parking spaces shall be provided; (iii) Clauses 5.21.2 (a), and 5.21.2 (b), of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to the lands designated "R3-MU-1" on Schedule I attached hereto; (iv) Despite Clauses 5.21.2 (g) and 5.21.2 (k) of By-law 3036, as amended, all entrance and exits to parking areas and all parking areas shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, or concrete, or any combination thereof; (v) Despite Clause 2.2.1 of By-law 3036, as amended, the minimum perpendicular width of an aisle to a parking stall shall be 6.0 metres for two way traffic; (c) SPECIAL REGULATIONS (i) The maximum combined gross leasable floor area for all uses on the lands zoned "R3-MU-1" on Schedule I attached to this By-law shall be 300 square metres; (ii) Section 5.32 of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to the lands zoned "R3-MU-1 "on Schedule I attached to this By-law; (iii) Section 5.22 of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to the lands zoned "R3-MU-1 " on Schedule I attached to this By-law; 'i 4 1 6. BY-LAW 3036 - 5 - DRAFT By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall take effect from the day of passing hereof subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, if required. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 15th day of September, 2008. Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk UI GLENANNA w > 0::: o I I I -------T I I I -------T I I I S4.4m ~ R3-MU-1 ~ N LOT 22, PLAN 492 N 54.4m W --.J <( o z w ~ C) I I I _______1_______ I I I _______1-_______ I I I _______J r------- I I -----l--f-------- -----1 ------1 _____J ___J I -----l -----l SCHEDUL~~~1iH PASSED" flJV DAY OF .' 2008 ~ j ~ ROAD 'i 2 i.f o <( o 0::: / / / / / I // f/ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .) ----/ /1 // I / / / / / ~ o o D- O::: w > ~ l' N === ':":J === Plaza <t- 0=== ~=== - - - \----:::: -' - --1ffi\' t;::: CJ ~~ ~~ ><,0:1.//1 /1 /' /~ ----- /v/~~ /V0,\00/, :7/ , , 'j 43 w j- <t -------; (fJ 2 w I ~ ---- N.~ ,--- - f- f----- - ~ f----- -0:::1-- - tJi '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( - - - - - - - - - - -- :"Ov. ~\V.G ~ \".'1: _L__ TO Pi ??-o g -........L..i.:l-..-:;______ II I I11I111111I L..l/ / MALDEN ~ f- }.----- S~ I I - 0- o ;;u u- -fT] (fJ- o- fT] 2 -1_ - f----- - '----w- -':":J- -;>-- _<t_ _LL_ - - ^' - - d' 0- - " <{ - ::}'" ~ 1111 (( I~~ ~ T!J111l1 ~111I111111""11 III~ ~ ~ ~Rmll'llllllml"1i~ <<5 ~ w > (t o GLENGROVE D/?/v[' ~ -:.... f-- 0::: ::J }--- 8 == t:----, t' ~= ~ - ~ <<5 - w -' f--- <t 0 2 w -' f--- CJ - I r ---- PARK y \ - f--- /--- r \. GLENANNA I - ~ I r 0= =(/ ~ r-----, ~ 6 '---- - - - - - - w -f- _2 -~ -aJ - - - <<:,.. .--- ROAD PRODERT ~9?, -' coG) - 0 0 D- O::: w > "/ /' 1 862 ~ L..I 1--0 \0 1858 0'0 1854 ,\'('6 i>'Q ( 1852 <(1-0 - - w 0::: :3- 0- (fJ I-- I-- :"o~ ~\GS +-\\~ I-- Fax & Fidqle ~Sian { Pickering Town Centre o <t- o 0::: \ -' o o D- O::: w > ~ \ I City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 22, PLAN 492 DATE JULY 7,2008 SCALE 1: 10000 l' OWNER 1410967 ONTARIO INC. FILE No. A 13/08 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY RC o 0 ==-o........cea: ~-TCI..-onet Enterprises Inc. and its I5....Ppliens. All riCiJhts Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a pion of Survey. PN-8 .. ." ' . . J . ,.' , " . ," . . , j '. E (0 L.() N ;), -3 g-O g INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED CONCEPTUAL PLAN A 13/08 - 1866 LIVERPOOL ROAD 1410967 ONTARIO INC.. , \ PROPOSED I " )' PARKING I.' ~ " ~, 54.4 m 54.4 m ~.. -... - I . _. -- ... I ;- " .. . .' . , I ' ,'\ I . " . . " i , \" I . '. L' __. - . - .. . Remove back door and all to create a covered carport EXISTING DWELLING .y. j , , , , I P 0 0 ED P R IN To amend the zoning to add a business office, a prfoessional and a veterinary clinic as permitted uses on the subject property , , ~ /i 4 t.t o <( o ~ E ....I (00 L.()O No. ~ W > ....I . THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, JUNE 7, 2008. .'j II [' ! L;. ,J .3 3S' qg Justification Report for Zoning Amendment Application for 1866 Liverpool Road, Pickering, ON. , Jeff Wormald I Dr. Janet Sawyer Millennium City Veterinary Hospital To date, a location satisfying the above criteria has not been identified. In an effort to move beyond its current conditions and allow unfettered development of the Bay Ridges Lands, MCVH has been forced to consider locations that do not meet their criteria. . In doing so, we have recently identified a possible location at 1866 Liverpool Road (located n. of Kingston Road and s. of Glenanna on the west side). Although this location specifically forces us to compromise item i); above, we believe it to be the only currently available location which would allow us to continue to serve our largely south Pickering clientele, who we hope would find the trip up Liverpool Rd. to be acceptable. 1866 Liverpool Road is presently zoned Residential (R3). However, our proposed use (details of which are shown on the included conceptual drawing) fits with Pickering's Official Plan toal/ow commercial uses in this area. Quoting from Chapter 11, Neighbourhood 12: Liverpool, City Policy, Section 11.14: "City Council shall, (d) consider the use in part, or reuse, of existing dwellings on the westside of Liverpool Road, south of Glenanna Road, for business and professional offices. ..". . The size of the existing. brick dwelling at 1866 Liverpool lends itself to conversion to a veterinary hospital of similar size to our current location. Further, the entranceway and layout of the existing b.uilding lends itself to conversion to barrier-free access. '~i it f7 3 3 g- -0 g- Our total staff and clientele parking requirements for the proposed location are based on numerous considerations, including the following: a) our business is based on consecutive, scheduled appointments resulting in a predominantly prediCtable and limited number of concurrent clients at the hospital. b) Our six full time employees work in shifts. c) Two of our six employees live in Pickering and one employee makes use of public transit to get to MCVH. Based on the above, and our current traffic patterns, our intention is to provision a total of 13 parking spots to ensure that sufficient parking for our business is fully facilitated. The overall lot size also affords sufficient room for the above parking needs, while leaving a significant portion of the grassy areas of both the front and back yards intact. As such, we do not anticipate that the proposed usage would significantly interfere with the neighbours' enjoyment of their properties. We do not realistically anticipate that noise will be an issue for neighbours. To be clear, MCVH is a veterinary hospital, not a boarding kennel. As a result, overnight boarding of animals is not a routine event, and typically occurs only during recovery, post surgery and for hospitalized patients. For this purpose, dog wards will be sound-proofed to minimize sound transfer within and beyond the building, as they are with MCVH's current leaseholds. And although hospitalized dogs will be walked, they will be walked in the back yard, on leashes, typically one at a time. It is our experience that the potential for dog-barking noise would be greater if the property remained residential and a pet dog was placed unsupervised in the fenced-in backyard. Sustainability issues also favour rezoning for two significant reasons. First, rezoning would permit the reuse of an existing brick dwelling, as opposed to the need to build anew structure specifically for MCVH. Second, rezoning would potentially avoid the substantial waste of resources associated with a temporary building in which to house MCVH. Based on all of the above, and in keeping with the Official Plan, we believe rezoning 1866 Liverpool Road to retain residential uses and allow professional offices would be consistent with the City of Pickering's plannin"g and development goals. Note: MCVH hours of customer operation are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8am to 7pm* Sat: 9am to 3pm Sun: closed * customer appointments do not begin until 9:30am. l I: 't . TO ;'<'" ,~~ . p. 'j Q' . /) () '.c' vn'" L' "-~~~'N~"' i4B Citlf ()~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 14-08 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF August 18, 2008 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning Amendment Application A 13/08 1410967 Ontario Inc. 1866 Liverpool Road (Lot 22, Plan 492) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the lands are located on the west side of Liverpool Road, north of Kingston Road and south of Glenanna Road; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); a detached dwelling currently exists on the property; - the property abuts residential dwellings to the north, south and west; Durham Condominium Corporation #44 is located on the east side of Liverpool Road, opposite the subject property; in addition to residential uses, the broader surrounding area is comprised of a mix of office, retail and service uses. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant has requested to add a business office, a professional office and a veterinary clinic as permitted uses, in addition to the currently permitted residential use, on the subject property; - the applicant is proposing to relocate the Millenium City Veterinary Clinic from its current location at 1225 Bayly ,Street to this property; - the proposed veterinary clinic would operate within the existing dwelling on the property; Information Report No. 14-08 !i _/j:...,.._.. Pi .:lX:" U ,....),.:.J .:\ Page 2 'j !i -g----- the request to add a business office and a professional office as permitted uses would provide the applicant with greater leasing flexibility in the future; parking is proposed in the front and the rear yard (see Attachment #2 - Applicant's Conceptual Site Plan); access to the proposed rear parking area is proposed to be provided by installing a large overhead door at the rear wall of the existing attached garage or by converting the existing garage into a carport. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Area - Living Area; Living Areas shall be used predominantly for housing purposes, certain home occupations, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services in appropriate locations; the proposed uses appear to conform to the D.R.O.P., however the subject application will be assessed against the policies and the provisions of Plan during further processing of the application; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Residential - Medium Density Area within the Liverpool Neighbourhood; permissible uses within this designation include residential uses, home occupations, limited offices serving the area, and limited retailing of goods serving the area; the Liverpool Neighbourhood policies of the Pickering Official Plan state that consideration should be given to the partial use or reuse, of existing dwellings on the west side of Liverpool Road, south of Glenanna Road, for business and professional offices, studios, custom workshops, personal service uses and limited retail shops; the applicant's proposal appears to conform to the Pickering Official Plan, however, the proposal will be further assessed against the policies and the provisions of the Plan during the further processing of the application; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 the property is currently zoned "R3" Detached Dwelling Zone by By-law 3036; the current zoning permits a residential detached dwelling only; a zoning by-law amendment is required to implement the applicant's proposed uses on the property; the applicant has requested that a business office, a professional office and a veterinary clinic be added as permitted uses on this property. Information Report No. 14-08 Page 3 : c n I .) U 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULA rlON 4.1 Resident Comments no comments received to date from area residents; three emails have been received in support of the application from non- Pickering residents. 4.2 Agency Comments no agency comments received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: · reviewing the application in terms of its level of sustainable development components; · reviewing the proposed development in terms of compatibility with, and sensitivity to, surrounding lands; · reviewing the adequacy of the number of parking spaces proposed and their location on site to support additional non-residential uses on the property; · reviewing the driveway/internal road pattern and access to rear yard parking, to ensure appropriate vehicle flow; · reviewing the proposal to ensure that adequate information is provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed site design is appropriate and pedestrian friendly for the requested additional uses; the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application and its design after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMA rlON written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; II Information Report No. 14-08 3 S' 0 \ Page 4 -. 1 ~') if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - a copy of the Applicant's submitted plan is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department - the Applicant's Justification Report is attached to this report (see Attachment #3) 6.3 Company Principal - the owner of the property is 1410967 Ontario Inc; - the applicant and company principal is Dr. J. Sawyer, Millenium Veterinary Professional Corporation ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review RC:cs Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development l.f 31<; (' q APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO.14-08 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date OTHERS (1) Heather Rogers/George Larochelle (e-mail) (2) Debra Withers (e-mail) (3) William Withers (e-mail) I, L~ ') -,) 1..- -- t'TACHr~ENT#:J TO rFdPl t pC! ~E--Q..:t:._ Excerpts from Special Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, August 18, 2008 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ABSENT: Mayor Ryan Councillor Johnson ALSO PRESENT: T.J. Quinn N. Carroll L. Taylor R. Pym D. Shields - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Planning & Development - Manager, Development Review - Principal Planner, Development Review -Deputy Clerk (I) PART 'A' - PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING 1 . Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/08 1410967 Ontario Inc. 1866 Liverpool Road (Lot 22, Plan 492) City of Pickerinq A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to an application submitted by 1410967 Ontario Inc. for property municipally known as 1866 Liverpool Road. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. She also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before a by-law is passed, that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. 1 .c:- _J . Excerpts from Special Planning & Development 4 Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, August 18, 2008 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor O'Connell Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review, gave an overview of zoning amendment application A 13/08. Kevin Tunney of Tunney Planning, the consultant for the applicant appeared before the Committee in support of the application. Rita Marks, 1875 Glendale Drive, appeared before the Committee to note her concerns regarding the application. She stated that she owned 3 residential properties in the area and wanted to make sure that there was adequate fencing around the property. She stated that her tenants were concerned with the parking of vehicles in the backyard and did not want car lights shining into their homes. She also noted that in the Spring for about a month, the area had a flooding problem in the backyards and wanted the City to make sure that the grading was completed to eliminate this problem. She stated that she was concerned that when the parking lot was paved all of the water would flow to her properties and the flooding problem would be worse. Bill Friedman, a representative for SR & R Bay Ridges appeared before the Committee and noted their concerns in regards to a Veterinary Clinic being in a residential area. He noted that their concerns were in respect to making sure the animals were safe with good fencing and also noted that a Veterinary Clinic would create additional sewage. Mr. Friedman stated that they were willing to meet with the applicant and disC4SS compensation issues at any time, as it related to the applicants existing c1ihic. Judy Gallagher, 1182 Pebblestone Cresent, appeared before the Committee in support of the application. She noted that she felt this was an ideal location for a Veterinary Clinic. Doris Hopper Riede, 204 - 1210 Radom Street, appeared before the Committee in support of the -application and stated that she would like to see the dispute between Millenium City Veterinary Clinic and SR & R Bay Ridges settled. Jeffery. Snape, 1735 Walnut Lane, Unit 10, appeared before the Committee in support of the application. Mr. Snape stated he felt the property was large enough to handle this type of business. Mr. Snape noted that the drainage problems in the area needed to be looked at because usually in March there is a large ice problem in the area. Mr. Snape also noted that if the zoning in this area continued to be changed into a commercial area rather then residential, the City would have to take a serious look at the traffic problems in the area and address them. 2 &? .3 6' (; '6 _Taylor, Lynda ,1 :~, I: From: I ,,' .J Sent: To: Subject: Smith, Lisa [Ismith@cppib.ca] August 11, 2008 8:53 AM Taylor, Lynda Rezoning of 1866 Liverpool Rd. Good Morning Lynda, 1 would like to express my support for rezoning of 1866 Liverpool Road as good planning and in keeping with the City's Official Plan - I think that allowing Millennium City Veterinary Hospital to relocate to this building is an excellent idea and would be a compatible fit in the neighborhood and surrounding area. I hope that my support will be noted and included in the staff report to be presented to Council. Regards, fua S miJIi Manager - Investment Finance, Performance Measurement CPP Investment Board One Queen Street East, Suite 2600 T 416-868-4751 F: 416-868-5035 E: Ismith@cppibca 1 7 3,;' (S Taylor, Lynda From: Sent: To: Subject: Janis Taylor [JTAYLOR@WilsonVukelich.com] August 6, 2008 2:55 PM Taylor, Lynda Millennium City Veterinary Hospital - Rezoning of 1866 Liverpool Road ./ !J b I am writing to you with regard to the zoning amendment application proposed by Millennium City Veterinary Hospital, for which I would like to offer my full support. I have been a client of Dr. Janet Sawyer's for the past 7 years and feel she would be an excellent corporate citizen for the City of Pickering. As well as being a thoroughly conscientious and knowledgeable veterinarian, she offers a specialized practice for exotics. This not only distinguishes her practice setting it apart from other veterinary hospitals, but also allows for a valuable contribution to the citizens of Pickering as they are not required to travel outside the area. Janis Taylor The information transmitted herein is intended only for the addressee and may contain confidential, proprietary and/or privileged material. Any unauthorized review, distribution or other use of or the taking of any action in reliance upon this information is prohibited If you receive this e.mail in ermr, please contact the sender and delete or destroy this message and all copies and attachments. The integrity and security of Internet communications and in particular this ema!1 and any attacrlments cannot be guaranteed Wilson Vukelich LLP accepts no liability whatsoever in connection therewith, You are strongly advised to carry out all necessary virus checks and that you open this emaH and any attacrH11ents at your own risk. WARNING: From time to time, our spam scanners eliminate legitimate email from clients If your email contains important instructions, please Gnsure that we acknowledge receipt of those instructions 1 ? <:t o 3 g (,,!? August 5, 2008 Dear Council, Please accept this letter in support of Zoning Amendment Application A13-08, involving the land, structure and use of 1866 Liverpool Road. As a long standing constituent of the City of Pickering, I have been witness to many changes over the years. Due, primarily to the vast growth and development of this City and the ever evolving needs of its people. It is with this thinking that I strongly support the rezoning of 1866 Liverpool Road from its current zoning as residential use to commercial use, and ask that you do too. I am aware that adjacent to this property is a property that has previously been rezoned for commercial use. I, therefore, feel that it would make sense to allow the same for 1866 Liverpool Road. Moreover, I feel that rezoning this property would in many ways be in keeping with the City's Official Plan for building a good community. Amending the current zoning would: · allow the community, both residents and business people, to continue to contribute to the City in a meaningful and productive manner · be an environmentally responsible way of allowing the reuse of an existing building and landscape . complement and support regional objectives and interests · fit into the Council's goals for its urban system-continuing to create an llrban area with a wide mix and diversity of uses and activities etc. I would have pride in a Council and City that recognizes the advantages of allowing this zoning amendment to take place. Sincerely, Catherine Sattelberger 714A Krosno Blvd., Pickering, Ontario 905-839-3672 Taylor. Lynda 7 38' (i g From: Sent: To: Subject: Peter Forint [Peter. Forint@wardell.biz] August 6, 2008 1:46 PM Taylor, Lynda Support of Rezoning 1866 Liverpool Road 'I ::) 8 Importance: High Dear Linda, Please accept this e-mail as a show of support for amending the current zoning of 1866 Liverpool Road to allow for the establishment of a veterinary hospital. As both a Pickering resident (living only a few blocks away), and a business consultant working with businesses with 5 - 50 employees, I feel the rezoning is appropriate for the address, That stretch of Liverpool is a major thoroughfare, is centrally located, is well served by public transit, has neighbouring commercial operations which I frequent as a customer, and one day will likely be entirely commercial. Regards, Peter Home: Peter Forint, 1205 Halsey Lane, Pickering, ON, L 1X 1W1, (905) 831-3993 Peter Forint Regional Vice-President Wtlat Direction is Your Business Headed? Wardell Professional Development 5000 Yonge Street, Suite 1901 Toronto, ON M2N 7E9 Taranto (416) 290-5'118 Toll Free (877) 290-5718 ~ter. forint@wardell.biz www.wardell.bi~ /'''.' L" 31S" () 9' .!.aylor, Lynda From: Sent: To: Subject: /; f'. ,- ! .., q I .'./ Lynda Barnes [Ibarnes@cs.toronto.edu] August 6, 2008 1: 10 PM Taylor, Lynda Rezoning of 1866 Kingston Rd I would just like to add my support to the rezoning of 1866 Kingston Rd. to a Veterinary Hospital. The area in question already supports a Dental office which has not created any additional burden to the surrounding area. It will not be infringing on any other similar business in the area and it will help maintain the integrity of the area by creating a thriving business that will support the area as well as offer~ng a valuable ~~ervice Regards) Lynda Barnes 211 Mossbrook Square Pickering) Onto L1V 6P8 Taylor, Lynda I( ,3S"'()'S From: Sent: To: Subject: IAN HILLMAN [ihillman@rogers,com] August 14, 2008 1 :55 PM Taylor, Lynda zoning approval for veteranary ''', I)' ./ .~ please be advised that i am hoping the approval for the vet hospital at 1866 liverpool rd will be approved. and this is my proxy for approval ian Hillman 12 I 0 Radom unit 1607 pickering I I w 2z3 please not the i have used this vet and am very glad she is staying in the area, so lets help her do it. thanking you for your time. Taylor, Lynda From: 'I :S 1 Sent: To: Subject: I,), ,:38> (S Wendy Cathcart [wendycathcart@sympaticoca] August 14, 20087:35 PM Taylor, Lynda Rezoning Application - 1866 Liverpool Road, Pickering - SUPPORT Dear Lynda Taylor, Please accept this email in support of the rezoning of 1866 Liverpool to enable Millennium City Veterinary Hospital to operate on this premise. Millennium City Veterinary Hospital and its staff, lead by Dr. Janet Sawyer have provided exceptional veterinary services to our dogs since it opened. As residents of Pickering, we have been very fortunate to have such outstanding veterinarians within our Community. Given the amount of commercial business in the area and with Liverpool being a main thoroughfare, we see this move to 1866 Liverpool not only an excellent fit for our community but it also ensures that this excellent veterinary service remains in our neighbour to service the many households in the area that have pets. In closing I hope the City of Pickering approve the rezoning of 1866 Liverpool at their meeting on Monday August 18, 2008. Wendy Cathcart & Laury Cope 943 Mountcastle Cres. Pickering, ON, L1 V 5Kl 905.420.3671 1 J 3 ) g c f. Taylor, Lynda From: Sent: To: Subject: Wilcox, Debi August 19, 20088:57 AM Taylor, Lynda FW: Zoning Amendment Application -A 1308 'j i:" r; I!,,) 4._ For your information Debi A Wilcox City Clerk City of Pickering T 905 4204660, ext. 2153 Toll Free 1866.6832760 F905420.9685 TTY 905420.1789 dwilcox@citv.pickering.on.ca www.citvofpickering.com Please consider your environmental responsibility - Think before you printl www.sustainablepickering.com From: Janice Marks [mailto:janice_1954@hotmail.com] Sent: August 18, 2008 11:26 PM To: Wilcox, Debi Subject: Zoning Amendment Application -A1308 August 18th, 2008 Thank you. Janice Marks 1090 Benton Crescent Pickering, Ontario L 1 X 1 M9 (905)831-6559 Zoning Amendment Application -A 1308 Owner/Applicant - 1410967 Ontario Inc C/O Dr J Sawyer Millennium City Veterinary Professional Corporation Property Location: 1866 Liverpool Road, Pickering (Lot 22/ Plan 492) I am writing to you today, to show my support for the above mentioned application. Having worked in the Bay Ridges Plaza, I can say without a doubt, that Dr. Sawyer and her staff have always conducted the veterinary clinic in a professional manner. They have always been mindful of not only the safety of the animals, but also of their neighbours and that of the community in general. I have never heard of any complaints, nor have I had any regarding anything to do with this clinic. They have always been very quiet and obliging neighbours. As Dr. Sawyer is also the one who cares for my pet, I feel that the above mentioned property would be the best location for the clinic. According to the plan, there will be sufficient parking as well as a private fenced area in ---- .....- i I .1 3 ! f.) ,_ ,;) I J 3 \ c ~ which to walk the animals. It would appear from this plan and from the comments made by her representative, that they are mindful of any concerns that might arise. This location already has a dentist office located just 2 properties to the south, 2 plazas within close proximity as well as a bar and restaurants close by. Dr. Sawyer, her staff, clients and animals, have already had to endure an extremely difficult situation because of demolition and construction. There has been an ongoing problem with large trucks coming and going as well as blocking the entrance to her present location. The entire ,area of land in and around the Bay Ridges Plaza has had to endure the noise, dust, mud and debris that is also associated with the demolition and construction, As an employee of the Pharmacy that was once located in the Bay Ridges Plaza, and now located at 1261 Bayly, as well as a client of Dr. Sawyer, I believe that I can say, that for the safety and well being of the animals, clients and staff of the Veterinary Clinic, it would be in everyone's best interest to approve this application Janice Marks 1090 Benton Crescent Pickering, Ontario L 1 X 1 M9 (905)831-6559 _'''''''~____~,WoM''__''''',,",,'''_'''_'''''''''''''''''Y_'_''_~~___''''_H'~'_____.........".,-...N',_'___i""""""'.___.......""-................""'"'N"'_N'''''''''''''''''''''''^'___.....-_.__....''''''''_....-.-...___..""~"",.,,,......_w.w...."'""..___~_"_'k llf 3'? . f... S RECEIVED.1 AUG 1 8 2008 64 Monday, August 18, 2008 City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON LIV 6K7 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTCEPARTMENT To Pickering's Planning & Development Committee RE: Zoning Bylaw Amendment application A 13/08 1866 Liverpool Road I wish to express support for the application to allow a veterinarian clinic as a permitted use on this property. I have been following Dr. Sawyer's plight through the newspapers and I also live within Ikm. of the new location she is seeking for her clinic on Liverpool Road. My reasons for support are as follows: I. She has and is currently providing essential health services for responsible pet owners. 2. She came to Pickering to locate her practice; signing a lease in good faith. For reasons beyond her control she must interrupt and relocate her practice. 3. The new location is in close proximity to the old location, causing the least amount of disruption for all. 4. The west side of Liverpool, south of Glenanna Road, currently supports commercial activity via a restaurant, plaza, child-care facility, and dentistry practice. 5. Dr. Sawyer brings her business, The Millennium City Veterinary Hospital, as a service to the City of Pickering, and provides employment for those who work in her clinic. In conclusion, I would like to thank you for your time and hope you consider the above points in making your decision. Yours truly, Barbara Cillo Pickering Resident & Ratepayer cc The Millennium City Veterinary Hospital ,'ii------ 1 65 15 .-') s;; c<; August 7, 2008 City of Pickering Planning/Zoning Committee: We are writing to express our support for the zoning application being made by Dr. Janet Sawyer for zoning amendments to permit her to re-establish her veterinary business from its present location of 1225 Bayly Street to 1866 Liverpool Road. As we are sure Council is aware the old Bay Ridges Plaza is being demolished to make way for new development and the issue of Dr. Sawyers' rights under the terms of her lease has been an on-going issue for several years since this new development was announced. The uncertainty of her situation and her ability to continue operating her business and serving the many clients who use her services has been a cause for much tension both for her, her staff and clients. As clients of Dr. Sawyers' for many years we do not want to see her business close down and if she must re-Iocate we want her to stay in the immediate area. The new location she is looking at would seem to meet her needs in terms of space, which is imperative as she operates a full-service clinic which we would like to see continue. An examination of the area around this proposed site indicates that there are similar use businesses being run out of what was formerly residential premises so it would appear consistent that the appropriate zoning amendments be approved. It is our belief that zoning approval for this site would be a win- win both for Dr. Sawyer, her clients, the developer and the City of Pickering. We therefore hope that the City Council will approve /S- :5 s>. ( C the required zoning amendments and allow Dr. Sawyer to move -I 1] 6 forward with her plans for this site. Respectfully, ;/ 11 f2 (Is'- I) c;J ~. . / . ,'. -------..-~-_.. ---..,. / ) 4i-.,j.s.--. ....~" ~..-l Dave and Gail Thompson 1530 Pickering Parkway #408 Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 3 V8 905-831-0693 /&- 3? :;: ~'~$""""C"""""~__,_",,-,-,,."'-""''''"'"'~i, r'.---- ~ v \ , I ! .. .' " ~ ~ A\!(: n ~-)' L.U I \ ,'., '.J V " . f ! ~ --"Ir'] j I"d (a_,; I , CITY Of p.!9',;,;.n,,"'" j \ PLA.NN,~'I;:' !\,I'S':HEi'lT \. . DEVELOP:'.'lE;--, I uE.PA\ '_",~._..,.,...,.,r . ~~......."",...'"'''=~,.:.;.'''~~ 1 "7 'j I) "::h ~ ~ c;;:J~ /~ /~ .004-163.0 ~- ja~._ ~- 0 Q ~ ~) 1-\. 3v '9:, q 05 <b3 L - L (.~l 1 ~~, <V ~ ~ ~ -q5-d.----~ -c:>1f (9:(,0 ~ ~ ~==-'~~ L~~~~~~P~. '~~t:U~/~~ / -+--.. ~~/~~ -~~~ /~- ~~J ~~) The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4'" FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "Service Excellence for our Communities" /7 :.; y (.:f August22,2008 Linda Taylor, Manager' Planning - Development Review City of Pickering . One The Esplanade . Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 '168 Ms. Taylor: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A13/08 Applicant: 1410967 Ontario Inc., c/o Dr. J. Sawyer Location: Lot 22, Plan 492 . 1866 Liverpool Road Municipality: City of Pickering We have reviewed this application to amend the zoning on the above noted . property. The following comments are offered for your consideration: The purpose of the application is to amend the zoning on the subject property to permit a business office, a professional office and a veterinary clinic as additional uses. Reqional Official Plan The subject lands are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Official' Plan. Living Areas are to be used predominately for housing purposes. Limited office development in appropriate locations, as components of mixed use developments are permitted provided that Local Centres designated in the Area Municipal Official Plan are not adversely affected. The application is in conformity with the Regional Plan. . Provincial Policies & Deleqated Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. There are no matters of provincial interest applicable to this application. , Servicinq MuniCipal water supply and sanitary sewers are available to the subject lands. Please contact me s~ould ygu.have any questions or require any additional information re r:ein9tfl1S matter. ------- He ryTang, Planner Current Planning cc: Regional Works Department - Pete Castellan @ 100% Post Consumer Cilq (1~ ;.>;' .3 s' S- MEMO To: Lynda Taylor Manager, Development Review August 20,2008 From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Copy: N/A Subject: Zoning Amendment Application (A 13/08) 1410967 Ontario Inc. c/o Dr. J. Sawyer, Millennium City Veterinary Professional Corporation 1866 Liverpool Road (Lot 22, Plan 492) City of Pickering We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments: 1. Grading and Stormwater Management will be addressed with the Site Plan application. x BS:ld J:\Documents\Development Control\BOBSTARR\memos\applications\zoning amendmentIA 13-08 - 1410967 Ontario Inc..doc L-.... e 3. 4. 5. 6. e 7. -.. p:ridia' /' " J FAX NO, p, 02 " . ., ""r '~d I c! "ff' i:;:__r'~",:~t,\;! if""",_...~,~_.~",_.... J ~." ~ VERIDIAN CON NEe TIO N S C-i / (J DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW PROJECT NAME: 1410967 OlltaJ1o rnc, - C/O Dr.], Sawyer, :MiUeniwrn City Ve:te:rinrrry Professional Cor oration ~ ADDRESS/PLAN: ~ MUNICIPALITY: J 866 Liverpool Road Picke:ring .- REF NO,; A 13/08 July 28, 2008 SUBMISSION DATE: Tht: following i~ an ovcl'View of the general regtJiremeMs I:he Applicant is likely to meet in order to obt.,lin II comple:te electrical power supply sYhl:ern 1:0 I'hio ~ite: lInd within the site where subdivision in Some [olm b involved. The commcnto hdow arc based on prelim..inalY information only :md "re h~lhjc:ct to revision. In all cases V eridian's ~/;:mdard Conditions of SClvice dOClunent sets out the reqw.irernento, terms and conditions [or the provision of electric service, This revit:w doe:s not cOHstinlte an Offer to Connect. 1. Electric serQice i~ em.ently available: on the road allowance(s) direcdy adjace:nt to this property, SClvicil1g will be from Liverpool ROllcl. 2. The: Applicant may need to provide accommodation on ,ite: for Veridian's tl'ansfonner(s). · outdoor pad mount in a 5m X 6m clear area that is '4ccessiblc: by heavy vehicles A separate room(s) w11:h oll1:~ide: l~CCe:SS may bereqlllred to accommodate: Ve:ddhn's meters. A high voltilgc concrete encased dllcted radialllndergtound I;;lbk system may be re9uired from the: de:sign<ltcd supply point(s) rrt Liverpool Road to a transfonnei location(s) on the property, all at l:he App1.kllnt's cost. 1\ dh:t:cdon<ll bored ~uldergroulld road crossing milY be: required. The Applicant wiU he rC(ltliJ:e:d to complete tllls work and cover ~d' costs <lssociated with this reguiremenl:. Vm:icliall's existing di~trib~lt:i[)n facilities located 011 Lverpool R(nd ffi<lY have to be replaced/tdocate:d at the ilpplicanl:'h cost to <lccommodnte the proposed high-voltage l111derg-round sUl~ply. The Applicant mt~si: mal.e direct <lpplicatioll to Veridian {or electrical selvic.ing as soon as PQ~~iblc. A written, faxed or em~liJ l;cql.H:~t will permit Vel'iclian Co begin the work necessary to ider~ljfy spe:cifk requirements and ilnallge:ments and relnted wod( {or l:I1i. project, and to make an Offetto Connect. The Applic\lI~t is ~I:tongly encouragec.i Co engage: .~n dcctrical consultant or elecr.nct.m to co"ordmate service del:aik 1'he: :Lpplicant is cautioned (:h~ll' I:enclcrs, contracts, or work they may initiate prior to obtaining an Offer to Connect from Vedd.LLn may cte.ll:e conflicts with the route of Imd de/;i!.ils of the electrical serQicing oct out in the Offer to Connec!: for which Vcriclian can bear no re.ponsibility. 8, The e.xisling ,cl:v1ce to tIlls building may be ul11dequatc, Details regarding II setvke: upgrade can be obtainec.i from Veddirrn. FAX NO, ~. ~-"~I p, 03 17 :3 e' LC ~ i '7 1 ! .' 'The clcctJ:icot] imtilllat1ofl(~) ham Ihe public road allowance up to the 5CIVicc. t:ntt'4nce and all metering anangemel1.[s must comply with VCfidi~n\ rt:qui1:cmenl:~ and specifications and may also be subject to the reql1u:cmellb of thr:: Elt:cl:r.icil $,\fefy Authority. 10. PrioJ: 1:0 tltergizing any new selvice, the Applicant or ownel:(lO)/occup,rM(s) of the final premises m1.1St apply for an energy account(:;) in orde:r 1:0 receive electrical energy and related SClv1CC.S ilnd tC) ci:>tllblish ongoing payment '.l.rrangelllents. An energy deposit may be:: rcq~~.ed - amo~Ult to be dete11l1l11ed. 11. Prior to obtaining a hu.ilc1ing pelrolt, the M\11ucipaliry may require the: Applicllrll: to provide evidence of having; obtained and accepted an Offer to COrlneel:. 12. Where cr"fies Dr material handling eqtuprnellt or workers must work in proximity to existing overhead wi.es, where chere is risk of contact or conung within the: limit, of apptoach, che A.pplicant shall pay all costs for the temporal)' relocation, bmi;l1, o. oCher protection of the wires, or whatever other action 15 c\eemed necess,lry by Veridian ta provide for workcr safety Olnd 111e ~ecmity of the dectrical system. B. Landsc<lpi.11g, 5pcdfically tr:ee~hh:r:ubs, shotJd be located/relocated away from Vcndian's tran5formr::r: ilnd/OI: poleline, to avoid interference with equipment i1CCe55. Lop~idt:d ilppeat:mce of crees from trimming may result. 14. Veridian will not attend scheduled City of Pickering DART Meeling for dus Development. 15. Veridian has no objection to the pIoposed development.. Please direct the Applicant to contact Veridian as :;oon as servicing is conl:emplated. Mmucipality, please fOlw<lrd a copy of fhot 5ubrnb5ion dvil de~ign 1:0 Veridian. Please note dlat an Offcl: to Connect m~~St. be c01nl,let.ed at least dU'ee (3) /six (6) months prior to the requircd eb.:trical ser\licing date. (I Tccl11lical H..epre:5cntadve: Telephone: Kevin Philp Ex!. 3264 I PP / elf P:\dftizzeU\Devdopmenf: Application Review\Pickeri.11g\2008\ 1410967 OntaJ:1o Inc. - 1866 Liverpool Road.do, ;t(~ ., P~ge 2 of2 Veric1i~n ~,.,nn~ctlon~ D~vdQDme::nt Annlkal:ion Review Farm #EC0002 Rev. Dal:e - April 4, 2008