HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 26-08 CiUf "I REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PO 26-08 Date: July 14, 2008 '-, ( ,; L~H() From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Pickering Official Plan Review Hiring of Consultant to Complete the "Provincial Policy/Bill 51 Implementation" Amendment Recommendations: 1. That Report PO 26-08 of the Director, Planning & Development, respecting consulting services for the Pickering Official Plan Review, be received; 2. That the Director, Planning & Development be authorized to engage the firm of Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. to complete the second part of the amendment to the Pickering Official Plan implementing Provincial Policy and Bill 51 (which enables the use of sustainability measures and use of architectural controls), to an upset limit of $35,000, using professional and consultative services funds approved by Council in the 2008 Department budget for the Pickering Official Plan Review; and 3. Further, that the appropriate officials in the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: Council is requested to authorize the hiring of the firm Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. (SGL) to complete the second part of a key amendment to the Pickering Official Plan. SGL, in association with DPRA, was retained in 2007 to prepare a consultation program forthe Official Plan Review and provide planning advice and assistance relating to the Review. The consultation program development is close to completion, and SGL commenceq work on the first amendment to the Pickering Official Plan, being Provincial Policy/Bill 51 implementation, utilizing what remained of the 2007 budget allocation. , SGL is focusing on the first part of the Provincial Policy/Bill 51 amendment addressing mandatory pre-consultation and complete applications. The remaining budget under the current Purchase Order is sufficient to complete this part of the amendment. The second part of the amendment will address the remaining Provincial Policy/Bill 51 matters, including sustainability elements and exterior design of buildings. It is estimated that the work will be approximately $35,000 (including analysis, draft policy preparation and revision, consultation and appearance at public meetings). A budget provision of $200,000 is provided in the approved 2008 Planning & Development Department budget, which will fully cover this expense. Report PO 26-08 July 14, 2008 Page 2 Subject: Sorensen Gravely Lowes - Pickering Official Plan Review '2 i~ '7 For the dollar value of $35,000 in consultant services, the City's Purchasing Policy requires formal written quotations be solicited if possible or an RFP process be undertaken. However, to maximize use of the budget for the Official Plan Review, and to eliminate lead time to start the seco~d component of the amendment, it is recommended that Council authorize the hiring of SGL to complete the work. One or more Requests for Proposals will be made to retain consultants to complete the remainder of the Official Plan Review. Financial Implications: The $35,000 cost would be taken from the 2008 approved Planning & Development Department budget for Consulting and Professional Services (account 2611-2392). This line item identified a total of $200,000 for the Official Plan Review, over two years. The Official Plan Review is 80% funded from Development Charges (growth related studies). Sustainability Implications: There are no sustainability implications arising from the adoption of the recommendations of this Report. Background: 1.0 Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. is currently engaged by the City to provide strategic and planning services for the Official Plan Review. In December 2007, the City retained the services of Sorensen Gravely Lowes (SGL) Planning Associates Inc. with DPRA Incorporated to assist with the review of the City's Official Plan. The consultant selection followed an RFP process. The work requested included a consultation program as well as providing strategic and technical advice about Official Plan Review, and the budget was $40,000. Staff is very satisfied with the work to date. The consultation program is mostly complete. A presentation was made to the April 4, 2008 Planning & Development Committee on this matter. A subsequent Report to Council will bring back the consultation program for Council's consideration. 2.0 " SGL has commenced technical and strategic planning work on the first amendment identified in the Official Plan Review work program. The first amendment addresses "Provincial Policy Implementation", including key Planning Act changes arising from Bill 51. Some of the notable provisions relate to the ability to require sustainable design elements, and apply architectural control under site planning." Other important provisions address requiring "complete applications" and "m"andatory pre-consultation", Report PO 26-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: Sorensen Gravely Lowes - Pickering Official Plan Review Page 3 288 Remaining aspects of this amendment will address further changes arising from Bill 51, as well as satisfy conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan requirements (excluding intensification and urban expansion provisions), and related parts of the Regional Official Plan Review (as approved in Amendment #114 to the Regional Plan). 3.0 Staff requested SGL to split the Provincial Policy Implementation amendment so that the part addressing "complete applications" & "mandatory pre-consultation" could proceed early. Significant development applications are being received for Duffin Heights, Seaton, and intensification projects in Downtown Pickering. With this continued level of activity, staff concluded that an ~arly priority should be placed on defining and requiring complete applications to be submitted, and requiring pre-consultation ahead of development applications and supporting reports being prepared. Staff requested that SGL provide separate costing for this part and the remainder (see GSL response letter, Attachment #1). From this, it is evident that only the first part of the amendment can be completed within the remaining budget under the current Purchase Order (approximately $6,000). The original proposal with SGL in association with DRRA provided only hourly and per diem rates for the strategic and technical planning advice. Most of the funding was spent on the Consultation Strategy. Thus, it was not known that SGL would be unable to complete all of the first amendment under the current Purchase Order. 4.0 Staff requests Council authorization to engage SGL to complete the second part of the Provincial Policy/Bill 51 Implementation amendment, up to a maximum $35,000. SGL estimates the planning work will require $17,000 - $20,000, plus additional fees for attendance at open house, public information, and committee and Council meetings. Consultation will also be required with stakeholders. Together with potential expenses, staff estimates this second part requires a budget of up to $35,000. The approved Planning & Development Department 2008 budget contains $200,000 for the hiring of professional and consulting services to assist with undertaking the Official Plan Review. The Treasurer has approved the funding for this additional work from this account. Report PO 26-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: Sorensen Gravely Lowes - Pickering Official Plan Review Page 4 ,) p q L.. \,_1 ,/ For the dollar value of $35,000 in consultant services, the City's Purchasing Policy requires formal written quotations be solicited if possible or an RFP process be undertaken. However, it is most logical to proceed with SGL for the following reasons: the connection between the parts of the amendment; the continuity of SGL's knowledge of the City's Official Plan, processes and staff; and the potential delay caused by requiring formal quotes again for this component. This approach was discussed with the Treasurer and the Manager, Supply & Services, and they concur with this Report being forwarded to Council. 5.0 Other Requests for Proposals will be issued for remaining work on the Pickering Official Plan Review. ! Staff will be preparing one or more RFP's for proposals to engage qualified consultants to complete the remaining amendments and the consultation program for the Official Plan Review. Consultants, including SGL, will be able to bid on this work. Depending on the value of the RFP, the hiring will be approved by either the Chief Administrative Officer or Council in accordance with the City's purchasing policies. Attachment: 1. Letter from Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. Prepared By: /l,'/ - ~ L:Itt1Ft~~ ()7--~ Catherine Rose, MCIP, R P Manager, Policy Approved/Endorsed By: A ./.----j ~/ ~J . ~t4il(!/ Neil Carroll, . fP, RPP Director, Planning & Development CRjf . Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Manager, Supply & Services .I.. i .t2b-css 509 Davenport Road Toronto, Ontario M4 V 168 Telephone (416) 923-6630 Facs imile (416) 923-6916 ~ Sorensen Gravely Lowes ~ Planning Associates Inc. L ') 9 il L_ ~. Principals: Warren Sorensen, P.Eng, MOP, RPP Catherine Gravely, MES, MeIP, RPP Paul Lowes, MES, MOP, RPP Senior Associate: Carol-Anne Munroe, MOP, RPP March 26, 2008 Project: OP.PI Steve Gaunt City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering ON Ll V 6K7 Dear Sir: Re: Cost estimate for Bill 51 conformity and Other Provincial Policy Conformity As discussed last week, herein is a workplan and budget estimate for two work streams: 1) Conformity exercise for Bill 51 - Complete application and mandatory pre-consultation policies 2) Conformity exercise for broader Bill 5 I, PPS (excluding natural heritage), Growth Plan (excluding intensification and urban expansion), and MDS requirements and related portions of Rap A 114 For work stream #1, we will conduct the following tasks: i) Conduct a review of what other municipalities have undertaken or proposed on these conformity matters. ii) Prepare a series of policy options to address the conformity (By April 18th) iii) Meet with you and other staff to discuss the options and select a preferred option. iv) Prepare a draft OPA along with a Planning Rationale Report (by May 16th) v) Review drafts with you and other staff and revise as required. The costs for this work are estimated to be $6,000 plus GST. If you request our presence at the Open House and Public Meeting, an additional cost of approximately $2,500 plus GST would result. For work stream #2, we will conduct the following tasks: i) Prepare a matrix of the applicable sections of Rap A I 14, PPS, Bill 51, Growth Plan and MDS requirements and identify how these provisions are addressed in the Current Official or are not addressed (by May 16) ii) Meet with you and other staff to discuss the matrix. (~I q '1 L / ~ Sorensen Gravely Lowes 'L Planning Associates Inc. i ~t;;,.O ~ page 2 iii) Prepare policy directions to address the conformity with the identified provisions of the documents (by June 27). iv) Meet with you and other staff to discuss the policy directions. v) Prepare draft OP amendment to address conformity with the identified provisions (by mid August) vi) Meet with you and other staff to discuss the OPA and revise as required. vii) Prepare a planning rational report (early September) The costs for this work are estimated to be in the range of $17,000 to $20,000 plus GST. The range is largely dependent on the extent of changes that will be required to the existing Official Plan, which at this time, the full magnitude of those changes are not known. If you request our presence at one Community Advisory Meeting, one Open House, the Public Meeting and at Planning and Development Committee, an additional cost of approximately $4,000 plus GST would result. Up to the end of February, we have invoiced for a total of approximately $ I 7,400 plus GST. I am not sure the extent of changes yet for March, but it may result in costs up to $20,000, which leaves in the range of $20,000 of the original budget. Once the costs in March are known, we could determine how much of work stream #2 could be lmdertaken in the remaining budget. I look forward to discussing this with you at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, SORENSEN GRAVELY LOWES PLANNING ASSOCIATES INC. .,,/j //~"'7 /.......) /,/ ./.,/ /: /1.:. ..././-.:::~i-.::;;,t:.~<:..._.-..., ~"''X-:?:~:-::\. ...:,;2-('... /",1 / (:~_._....._.....-..._.. .'-"',~.... ...".(......z:;.........r\.......... Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MClP, RPP Principal