HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 20, 2008 Citlf o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Communities in Bloom Advisory Committee May 20, 2008 2:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability - City of Pickering John Hannah, Superintendent, Municipal Operations - City of Pickering Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation - City of Pickering Mark Guinto, Executive Assistant to the Mayor Mike Bender - Toronto Region Conservation Authority Kathy McKay - Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Larry Noonan - Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Julie Oakes - Bloomers & Britches Sigrid Squire - Pickering Horticultural Society Heather White - Pineridge Art Council Marla Shim, Executive Assistant, Councillors' Office - City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Dave Ryan, Mayor - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Allan Arsenault - Pickering Town Centre Chris Braney - Durham District School Board Donald Igbokwe, Multi-Faith Group Gail Lawlor - Durham Sustain Ability Jim McCafferty - Durham Catholic District School Board Lorna Murphy - Pickering Town Centre Item I Details. & Discussion & Conclusion Action ltems I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome . T om welcomed everyone to the meeting . Mark gave regrets from Mayor Ryan who was unable to attend, but sent his thanks to members for supporting the CIB initiatives once again 1. School Competition . John advised that to date, four schools have signed up for the competition: Vaughan Williard, St. Elizabeth Seaton, Our Lady of the Bay and Rosebank Public School. He is still hoping that other schools will siqn up Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 . It was suggested extending the cut-off date to May 30th and asking the school representatives, Jim McCafferty Marla to email school and Chris Braney for their assistance in encouraging representatives additional schools to become involved . It would also be appreciated if other committee members could assist in helping to increase the numbers . Sigrid and Julie have volunteered to do the judging for the schools . A tree will be awarded to any 5 Bloom winners 2. Staff Update . Tom reported that the promotions and outreach sponsorship (in kind and monetary) confirmations are over $27,000, but they are still looking for additional sponsorship through Mayor Ryan and Councillor McLean . With sufficient funds, they are confident that a better program or at least the same as last year's can be delivered this year . More ads are being placed in the community - newspapers, Pickering Town Centre, etc. . As part of the Special Olympics, a Communities in Bloom lounge (sponsored by Sam's Club) to give an outdoor oasis feeling, will be set-up at the Pickering Recreation Complex . Garden Competition numbers are currently higher than they were at this time last year . Staff working on preparing the Profile Book . The Lush Garden Workshops were very successful and at full capacity . Bookmarks have been donated by Star Bucks . To promote Communities in Bloom, a banner bug will be displayed at the May 24th Sustainable Pickering Day . Marisa thanked those who participated in the April 18th Kick Off event and noted that they had wonderful weather and it was a great success. Vaughan Williard PS was truly appreciative and enjoyed the recognition that they received . Should be hearing shortly regarding the dates for the Marla will update judges tour. Will send out details once they are confirmed members . In order to receive members' input on the judges tour, a committee meeting will be scheduled before the judges' visit . Marisa gave a brief overview of the judges tour - will provide further details at the next meeting . John reported that staff have started working on various initiatives, e.g. waterfront beautification, placing additional planters and banners on Kingston Road (self-watering planters being used to help lessen work load) Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 . As suggested by the judges, a program has been started to create a "wow" feature (structural design) in one of the pa rks . Need to find a professional representative - involve Master Gardens and Bloomers & Britches . Need the entire community to become involved . The City does not have the resources and are depending on the public for assistance . Will get feedback and suggestions for the tour at the staff team meeting being held on June 3rd Larry will action . Mike suggested involving grade 8 students in the judges tour 3. Role of Advisory Committee in CIS Program . Kathy suggested having an "adopt a park or plot" program Chantal will contact - business areas designated for green thumb people to Kathy to discuss volunteer their time to man and maintain. Provide bags implementing and gloves to help clean up areas - have a blitz over the next couple of weeks . Mike appreciates being a part of the committee and is excited about the CIB program. He is hoping that TRCA can produce additional newsletters to get the word out. Can work with the Horticultural Society and would like to know if the society has community gardens where people can grow vegetables - perhaps have a youth program . Sigrid responded that in the past there was a youth program, but it was dropped due to low participation . Mike advised that he would be willing to volunteer his time to lead a youth program . Tom advised that the Sustainable Pickering Challenge will encourage members of the community, schools and businesses to become involved in various "sustainability" programs being undertaken by the City or its partners . Mike will work with the City to provide linkage . Heather is hoping to provide some of her knowledge from the Arts Council and will bring into the program as needed . Larry advised that the Petticoat Creek Conservation Area Adopt a Trail and Pickering Naturalists would welcome any ideas. They currently have a variety of kids (scouts, guides, beavers, etc.) who work and hike in Altona Forest, so there is a lot of involvement. Also looking at waterfront trail connectivity and will provide details of the trail plan for the judges tour . Julie feels that there is a lot of connectivity occurring and that CIB has brought a number of groups together . Would like to know if members are interested in becoming Members to advise judges for the garden competition Marla if interested Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 . Staff are also invited to participate in the judging Carol to send an email . Training will take place on June 25th to staff . Set some goals and look at going international in the near future . Sigrid would like to know if there are any aprons or T om will ask Shawna banners available for use at their June 14th Flower Show to contact Sigrid 4. Other Business . Sigrid reported that the May 10th compost give away and plant sale was a huge success . Larry will highlight youth involvement at the Altona Forest visit . Julie and Sigrid are currently working on a plan to give some uniformity and guidance to the rules for judging the garden competition 5. Next Meeting Date June 4, 2008 at 2:30 pm. Meeting Adjourned: 4:00 pm Copy: All Members Chief Administrative Officer Directors City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02