HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 15, 2008 Citlf o~ Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee May 15, 2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Jim Dike David Steele Marla Shim Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Regrets: Craig Bamford Chandra Gocool Steve Holt Pat Korol David Stone Kevin Tower Arnold Mostert, MP&E Also Present: Chris Walker, Ontario Power Generation 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Councillor O'Connelll welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded everyone that due to the lack of a quorum, the Committee could not make any recommendations or decisions at this meeting. She noted that it would still be beneficial to go ahead with the meeting in order to provide an update. 2.0 Approval of Minutes The minutes could not be approved due to the lack of a quorum. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 3.0 Update on the Sewage Control Plant Expansion Conceptual Enhancement Councillor O'Connell provided an update on the sewage control plant expansion on behalf of Arnold Mostert, who was unable to attend the meeting this evening, but had created display boards for the purpose of this presentation. Councillor O'Connell provided an overview through the use of various display boards Arnold had created and touched on the following points: . Fencing around the Linton house will be taken down eventually . To clear brush and repair bridge . Recommending a fountain for the pond . Good site lines are marked out . Expand on benches . Old cottage ruins/construction material to be removed and rocks to be installed for shoreline protection . Run off from Frisco is creating erosion . Tree roots ruining trail . Excellent site lines and views where picnic areas are planned . Plans for rest stations - every 400 metres . Stressed need for Linton house to have electrical and water . Keep area natural . Plans for two shaded gazebos - will be wheelchair accessible . Allow for bike racks Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 . Arnold and Councillor O'Connell to discuss Trail Key locations . TRCA - discussions still underway with respect to parking locations. Discussion ensued with respect to Frisco Road remaining a paved road or becoming a walking trail. . 12 parking spots allowed for in plans, which will also take into account areas for bikes . Stone benches to be cemented into ground . Shrubs to help block wind . There are no designated bike paths at present A brief question and answer period ensued. Councillor O'Connell and those present commended Arnold on his work to date with the waterfront trail plans. Councillor O'Connell noted that Arnold will be continuing to work on the details and noted that costs are being put together as we go alon . 4.0 Committee Meetinq Dates - Proposed On-Site Visit Councillor O'Connell suggested the possibility of an on-site visit to the West Spit area and the Scudellari property possibly sometime in July. Jim Dike suggested we could meet in the clubhouse there. Discussion ensued with respect to the use of Jim's runabout in order to get a different perspective of the waterfront trail. It was also suggested we could do another on-site visit in the Fall. Councillor O'Connell will forward an email with respect to possible dates for the above. Councillor O'Connell to action 5.0 Update Reqardinq Various TRCA Projects Councillor O'Connell provided an update on the following: 1) Great Waterfront Trail Adventure Councillor O'Connell reviewed the letter she had send to TRCA Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 which the Committee had received as well via email. A brief discussion ensued with respect to rest stations and pavilion restorations. Councillor O'Connell noted that this is now becoming an international event with participants coming from all over. 2) EA for Wideninq of the channel entrance Councillor O'Connell updated the Committee with respect to discussions with TRCA. David Steele noted that he could provide Councillor O'Connell with a condensed version of Professor Well's report in approximately six weeks. It was noted the importance of the Committee to be able to provide their comments on this. 3) Update on Scudellari Property Councillor O'Connell noted that there was no further information on this property at this time. Councillor O'Connell noted she has offered to meet with TRCA and made numerous attempts to aquire further information but has not received anything new from TRCA. Jim Dike stated that he would contact Larry Field at TRCA within the next week and get back to Councillor O'Connell. **Note - will put this item back on the next agenda. 6.0 Update on Budqet Councillor O'Connell provided an update on the budget. She informed the Committee that there is $20,000 in the budget ($10,000 from external sources) provided for Trail Key Signs. We still need confirmation from the Region with respect to locations. 7.0 2007 Annual Report & 2008 Workplan Councillor O'Connell provided copies of the 2007 annual report and 2008 workplan for the Committee. She indicated that this would be going forward to Council for approval on May 20th. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 David Steele to action Jim Dike to action To be determined Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Heads Page 5 CORP0228-2/02