HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 1, 2008 CUlf o~ Minutes Pickering Advisory Committee On Race Relations & Equity May 1, 2008 7:00 PM Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Pickles, Chair Kirk Mark, Community Appointee (arrived at 7:35 p.m.) Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Also Present: Pom Balarajan, Canadian Tamil Congress Rajara Tnam, Durham Tamil Association Absent: Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering, Vice-Chair Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Siobhan Saravanamutto, Dunbarton High School Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Ishu Vij, Dunbarton High School Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Joanne Guindon, Durham Catholic District School Board Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action / (summary of discussion) Items I Ref Status # (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome All Councillor Pickles welcomed Mr. Balarajan and Mr. Tnam to the meeting and noted that he would like to encourage more associations to come out to partake in these meetings. He also noted that with the upcoming 2-year review of Ad Hoc Committees, there may be opportunities for others to join the committee in the near future. 2.0 Review & Approval of Agenda All Agenda items were reviewed and approved. 3.0 Approval of Minutes & Business Arising - April 3, 2008 Minutes cannot be formerly approved as there was no quorum for this meeting, however they were reviewed and members present approved the minutes. 4.0 2008 Annual Workplan All Councillor Pickles discussed the format of the workplan and how it is compiled. (YOU)nity March Break Camp . Was noted as being a very successful initiative, and some parents even suggested running a summer camp session. Calendar of Events on Website . Councillor Pickles would like to invite all organizations to submit their special events or holidays from their culture for potential recognition on the website calendar, located at http://www.cityofpickerinq.com/standa rd/cityhall/comm ittees/PD F /200 72008Dates.pdf. . The Committee will work on setting out in advance which events should be mentioned on the calendar and which events will go as proclamations to Council. . Mr. Balarajan will be sending a formal request regarding some special Tamil dates and events to Councillor Pickles. He specifically noted that the 25th anniversary of Tamil immigrants coming to Canada was approaching sometime during the week of July 23rd. Councillor Pickles also suggested that Mr. Balarjan come to Council to speak about his heritage and the significance of some of these dates. . Mr. Balarajan also noted a Tamil event will be held on May 30th at the Eastshore Community Centre. This event will be targeted at youth to learn about the Tamil heritage and history. He will be writing formally to invite Council to come out and support the event. Essay Contest . Councillor Pickles noted that last year contest received a good response, but would like to work on increasing the response in 2008. . He would like to reflect the number of essays received over the years in the 2008 Workplan and the schools that have participated to date. . There is also an opportunity to promote the contest through the students. . To confirm that submissions are received across the Region. Marisa to Surveys action . Councillor Pickles would like to clarify which associations/groups submitted the 2 surveys. . He would also like to change the goal of 4 surveys for 2008, to read Marisa to "a greater response or more participation", rather than having a set action goal. . Kirk Mark suggested maybe circulating the survey using groups and associations as centres of influence, and having these members personally deliver and circulate the survey. Tapestry Event - June yth . Councillor Pickles made a formal request for Committee members to RSVP if they are able to attend and help out the day of the event. Help may be required at any time throughout the day. . Kirk Mark is unable to attend that weekend, but Councillor Pickles will be there. . Mr. Balarajan mentioned that at last year's Tapestry Event he took pictures and displayed these pictures at a Tamil event. . Marisa to follow up with Mr. Balarajan to suggest maybe using a Tamil TV channel to promote the Tapestry Event. Councillor Pickles Marisa to suggested maybe working with Breakfast Television to promote the action event too. Multi Faith Holiday Celebration . Councillor Pickles would like the City of Pickering to participate more actively in this celebration, perhaps by doing something throughout the workday or even before a Council meeting. . Kirk Mark inquired about Asian Heritage Month and whether or not the City of Pickering has planned to do anything to show homage to this event. . Marisa to speak with Cynthia Mearns, CEO, Pickering Library, to Marisa to discuss what the library is doing for this event, and to then send this action information to the Committee. . Kirk Mark would like the Committee to create a proclamation regarding the Asian Heritage Month to have council adopt. Councillors Pickles also mentioned that Council should acknowledge Aboriginal Day and Celtic Heritage Month. . Kirk also discussed some upcoming round table discussions and events pertaining to race relations that may be of interest to the Committee. The following event websites were suggested; www.cityoftoronto.com www.tdsb.on.ca www.tcdsb.org www.heritagecanada.orq www.cic.qc.ca www.ncore.orq www.crrf.ca . Councillor Pickles would like to promote the Committee attending events and would like to possibly use some of the Race Relations budget to have members attend events. Any additional comments or suggestions to the Workplan are to be provided to Marisa promptly as it is being presented to Council on May 20th. 5.0 Writing Contest - 2008/2009 Statement All . Councillor Pickles described the statement that has been envisioned for 2008/9 as something that will appeal to young students. . Marisa to compile a list of statements that have been suggested for the past three years and bring to the next Committee meeting. Marisa to . Kirk suggested examining corporate sponsors to donate prizes for the action contest. Perhaps tangible prizes such as laptops, money towards school, or Chapters gift certificates could be used. There could also be a challenge trophy for the school with the most entries. . Marisa to speak with school board representatives to promote the essay contest to principals early in the school year. Marisa to action 6.0 Other Business All . Councillor Pickles would like to confirm which Committee members will be making the presentations to Council on May 20th. . Kirk Mark would like to suggest that the Committee think about a golf day to get the community involved. . Councillor Pickles thinks this is a good idea, but cautions that something like this requires a lot of work, and would require a team of people dedicated to making this happen. He will be meeting with the Councillor Board of Trade this week and ask them if they would be interested in Pickles to participating. If any members of the Committee are interested in action taking this initiative on, they should mention it at the next meeting. . Councillor Pickles would like to ensure that any conferences that the Marisa to Mayor receives are brought to the Committee's attention. action . Kirk Mark also mentioned that a City of Pickering resident received Councillor the June Calder award for volunteer recognition. Councillor Pickles to Pickles to follow up with Wayne Arthurs to get the name of the recipient. action 7.0 Adiournment . June 5, 2008 Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk