HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 22, 2008 Citq 0# Minutes I Meeting Summary Seaton Advisory Committee Tuesday,April22,2008 10:30 am Pickering City Hall, Main Committee Room Attendees: Rick Johnson, Regional Councillor, Chair Bonnie Littley, Regional Councillor, Vice-Chair Doug Dickerson, City Councillor Bill McLean, Regional Councillor Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy, Planning & Development Steve Gaunt, Senior Planner, Planning & Development Grant McGregor, Principal Planner, Policy, Planning & Development Reg Webster, Sernas Associates Dorothy Skinner, Region of Durham Kathy McKay, Executive Director, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Rodger Miller, Mattamy Development Corporation John Hourihan, Mattamy Development Corporation Chris Matson, Matson, McConnell Ltd. Bruce Fischer, Metrus Development Tom Albani, Metrus Development Lloyd Cherniak, Lebovic Enterprises John Connolly, Transport Canada Steve Heuchert, TRCA Gordon Willson, Whitevale Resident Ralph Sutton, Land Division Representative at Region Renee Michaud, City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Mayor Ryan Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Graham Martin, ORC Ash Kothyial, ORC Jim McCafferty, Durham Catholic District School Board Joan Wideman, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Donna McFarlane, UOIT, Durham College Peter Rodrigues, Whitevale Resident Item I Details & Discussion &Conc/usion Action/terns! Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include.. deadline as appropriate) 1 Welcome Councillor Rick Johnson Chair Introductions and welcome. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 2. Neighbourhood Planning Program - Draft Terms of Reference (Update) Catherine advised that as a result of a meeting held on April 17, 2008, between City staff, Regional staff and the landowners, the Landowners Group is no longer asking the City to hold off on proceeding with the Neighbourhood Planning Program. The Terms of Reference will continue to identify a planned population of 70,000 persons and employment of 35,000 jobs. However, the City is still awaiting any detailed comments from the Landowners Group, for consideration prior to finalizing the draft Terms of Reference. The landowners' concerns with urban form, density and ultimate population are best addressed through the Neighbourhood Planning Program. Once those comments are received and reviewed, the Terms of Reference will be finalized, and presented to Council. Staff is targeting a June Council meeting, and the RFP process would commence shortly after. Funding arrangements will be required between the Landowners Group and the City to cover the cost of the Neighbourhood Planning Program. 3. MESP UPDATE The consultants will be moving forward on the MESP now that they have the background information required. A Phase I Background Report is anticipated to be released by the end of May. The next Oversight Committee meeting will also be held at the end of May. One of the two significant studies which are needed to finalize the MESP has been completed, the Wetlands Water Balance Study, and the other, the Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trail Plan Study (NHSMP & MTP is currently in draft form and being circulated for comments. The final MESP report should be out by the summer. Reg confirmed that the energy management consultant (Bill Wong, of SAIC Canada) has been hired, and a meeting has been scheduled between City staff, the consultant, Sernas and Veridian. Reg advised that they have had a couple of meetings with Nancy Mather regarding the 3D groundwater modeling. Reg explained that it's a very technically complicated process. More deep wells are needed for monitoring, and the sub-consultant will be submitting a proposal for review and approval. It was suggested that the consultants be invited to do a presentation in order to provide more detailed overview of the project. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Catherine Rose Landowners Group to provide comments. ReQ Webster Page 2 Item / Ref# Details. & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Reg Webster advised that the 3D groundwater component may be released in a separate document. Similarly, the Energy Management Plan may be released in a separate document. Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4. Urban Design Workshop Tom Melymuk Tom Melymuk mentioned that the one-day urban design I sustainability workshop would not really be able to address the issue of population and employment targets in Seaton. It therefore does not need to be held ahead of the Neighbourhood Planning program. The idea now would be to hold the workshop in the fall, concurrent with the Neighbourhood Planning Program. Tom M. noted that Seaton is of interest to many groups and organizations and that it would be a great opportunity to open the process up to others. For example, external agencies such as CMHC and the Canadian Urban Institute have expressed an interest in participating in the urban design I sustainability workshop. Reg mentioned that the fiscal impact study will include a conservative population model, but that the final population would be determined through the Neighbourhood Planning Program. Further, he noted that it would be beneficial to have the City's consulting team in place, and thus fall timing for the urban design workshop makes sense. Councillor Johnson indicated that the developers must have a forecast for population counts based on the residential subdivision plans submitted and enquired if the range is within 70% of the 70,000 count previously planned for. Bruce Fischer mentioned that the goal is still 70,000 but it may take time to reach it and noted that there may be some opportunities for increasing density on the Metrus lands. Lloyd commented that if the landowners were able to locate schools and parks in the green spaces, there would be more developable area for residential. Steve Gaunt advised that the NHS Management Plan does not permit those types of uses. Steve Heuchert mentioned that the 'empty cornfields' within the NHS are vital buffers, and the NHS Management Plan outlines revegetation plans to enhance these lands over time. Councillor Littley commented that a lot of planting is required, and that she supports passive uses on the buffers Councillor Johnson noted that the maintenance of the trail system could be as high as $4.5 million annually. CORP0228-2/02 Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Dorothy mentioned that the urban design workshop could be used to review different neighbourhood developments and also demonstrate various sustainable communities with alternative energy sources. Gord Willson suggested that the focus should be on the design aspects including pre-design sessions with the developers. Energy efficiency issues need to be addressed from the beginning rather than later. The workshop would identify expectations for Seaton taking into consideration all studies completed to date. Councillor Dickerson agreed that the design workshop would be a good idea. Councillor Littley enquired if comments received from the workshop could still be included in the Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Planning Program. Tom confirmed that suggestions could be added to the Terms of Reference if the workshop is held first. If the workshop is held in the fall, it will be a parallel and complementary process that helps inform the work of the City's consultants. Councillor Johnson mentioned that although we are still a long way from starting to build, the Province has a real opportunity to come forward with a "Jobs First" initiative and provide funding. Ralph Sutton enquired why there was no provincial representation at the table and Councillor Johnson mentioned that both Graham Martin and Ash Kothyial of ORC called late Monday afternoon to advise that they would not be able to attend today's meeting. 5. Update on Other Studies All Development Charges Study. Reg mentioned that the Region has released the Development Charges Background Study for comments. He noted that the background document still excludes the water, sewer and transit development charges for Seaton. It is expected that these will be done by an area specific bylaw. In response to a question from Tom M. about whether it is competitive to have a non-residential development charge, Reg advised that Durham is the only region within GTA that does not have these charges. Regional staff's recommendation is to phase in the non-residential development charge. The Region is proposing to use the money from the non-residential development charge to help fund servicing of employment lands in the Region. Lloyd suggested that there should be cost sharing to service the Seaton employment lands. The developers and ORC are trying to come up with a methodology for the cost-sharing and the resulting phasing in of a non-residential development charae for Seaton. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Dorothy mentioned that a Public meeting has been scheduled for June 7th with a report to Regional Council on June 26th Fiscal impact Study - Dorothy advised that there are no new details at this time. The Region is focusing on a 2 for 1 ratio of population to jobs. The Study will run two models, i.e, population of 70,000 and 35,000 jobs as set out in the CPDP, and a population of 54,000 population and 27,000 jobs as the landowners feel that this ratio is achievable. Natural Heritage Sytem Management Plan and Master Trail Plan Study - Steve Gaunt advised that the draft report was released last week and he will be reviewing the document, and summarizing comments received from other City staff. He noted some of the issues identified to date in the review included implementation of the trail plan, the governance and funding structure, insufficient detail on the cultural heritage matters, and the NHS- neighbourhood interface guidelines. Steve indicated that the draft Report will be finalized by the consultants and submitted to the Province as 'advice'. The final Report will again be circulated for comment (likely during the summer) and staff will prepare a Report to Council on the NHS Management and Trail Plan. Steve stated that all comments and feedback from the public consultation sessions will be included in the report. Bruce indicated that the cost to maintain the trail systems has been reported to be quite high and enquired if the Province will provide funding. Steve advised that the there is no indication in the report who will be assuming the cost to maintain the trails. Councillor McLean asked if Transport Canada will be providing any funding for servicing airport lands. John Connelly advised that they are aware of ongoing discussions but have made no commitments to date. Dorothy advised that the Region has reviewed the NHS study and noted that it will take decades to implement. The report does not provide any timeline to build the trail system. The cost to maintain the trail system is estimated at $4.6 M. TRCA to be a pivotal player, but the onus should be on the Province to fund this project even in the event of a change in government. Councillor Johnson mentioned that if the City was forced to take on the trail system maintenance costs, this would mean a 12 -14% tax increase for Pickering residents. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 5 Item / Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) , Tom Albani mentioned that long term issues were about replanting the fields, and constructing and maintaining the trails. The trails could be phased as the neighbourhoods are completed. Councillor Littley commented that the trail system is not just for recreation, but also to provide alternate means of transportation for residents. Neil Carroll stated that similar to the objective of 'transit early', the main neighbourhood trails should be in place early to provide necessary connections, rather than built later. Lloyd stated that developers are innovative in creating new trails to enhance neighbourhoods and have worked closely with TRCA. For example, Lloyd suggested the topsoil from the development areas could be put on the cornfields to help revegetation. However, the developers cannot assume all the costs for these projects. Neil mentioned that since the trail system will be part of a City wide system, and the City has a DC allocation for trails as part of its current (South Pickering) DC, some funding may be available. Councillor Pickles joined the meeting at 11 :40 am. Steve Gaunt indicated that the NHS Management Plan and Master Trail Plan Study includes several maps outlining the different levels of trails, the master trails and profiles for the types of trails. The consultants had been invited to do a presentation at today's meeting, but had to decline due to other deadlines. Reg mentioned that it would be worthwhile for this committee to be briefed on the NHS study and be given an opportunity to provide comments. Bonnie suggested that the public should also be invited to provide comments. It was noted that public consultation sessions have already been held. Regional, Water, Sewer and Transportation Class EA - Dorothy Skinner advised that the Memorandum of Understanding between the Landowners Group and the Region, about the landowners funding of the EA is almost finalized. Once that is done, the Terms of Reference can be finalized, and the Region can issue an RFP. Dorothy anticipates the RFP to be issued in June. Reg commented that the Region's EA is the critical path and will set the time line for construction. Reg expressed concern that the process is moving along slowly. CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 6 Item I Details & Discussion & . Conclusion Actionlterns I Status Ref # (summary of discussi()n) (inc//Jdedeadline.8s appropriate) 6. Other Business All Seaton Website - Tom reminded committee members to continue to submit regular updates on the various studies in order to keep the website current. The next meeting will be held in May. Details to follow. Meeting Adjourned: 11 :45 am Copy: Members of Council Directors Division Heads City Solicitor City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228-2/02