HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 26, 2007Accessibility Advisory Committee September 26, 2007 7:00 PM CAO Boardroom Attendees: Kelly Collins, Chair Zoia Horne Councillor Bonnie Littley Lori Murray Prem Noronha-Waldriff Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Stephen Little, Co-Chair Garry Cuthbert Aisha Nathifa Heywood Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate)  1.0 Adoption of Minutes – September 5, 2007 Kelly Collins, Chair    Minutes are yet to be approved.  Lisa to action.  2.0 Promotions - Flyer All    Councillor Littley – Suggests that the Committee narrow down their focus before commencing. Through this flyer we should be asking the public to join us and to be more aware of accessibility issues in their neighbourhood. Next meeting – to discuss the idea of “piggybacking” on some event and setting up a booth to promote awareness of accessibility. Logo – we could get the Graphics Designer to begin working on a look and a logo. Will be using some catchy phrases and quotes throughout the flyer to attract people’s attention. Discussion ensued with respect to the layout of the flyer. A mock-up was created and given to Councillor Littley. She will create electronic mock-up, which will then be brought back to the committee for final review and approval. To be placed on the agenda for next meeting. Prem will send to the Graphics Designer to create the flyer. The list of contacts that will be placed on the flyer should also be on the website (if they aren’t already are). CNIB, DRT – Specialized Services, Durham Deaf Services, Regional Accessibility Committee, further services & contact information. Lisa to get exact wording for “50% of the AAC members should be from the disabled community”. Kelly to investigate if a parent can act on behalf of their disabled child by being a member of the committee.  Councillor Littley to action. Lisa to action. Kelly to action.    Councillor Littley – Suggests that the Committee narrow down their focus before commencing. Through this flyer we should be asking the public to join us and to be more aware of accessibility issues in their neighbourhood. Next meeting – to discuss the idea of “piggybacking” on some event and setting up a booth to promote awareness of accessibility. Logo – we could get the Graphics Designer to begin working on a look and a logo. Will be using some catchy phrases and quotes throughout the flyer to attract people’s attention. Discussion ensued with respect to the layout of the flyer. A mock-up was created and given to Councillor Littley. She will create electronic mock-up, which will then be brought back to the committee for final review and approval. To be placed on the agenda for next meeting. Prem will send to the Graphics Designer to create the flyer. The list of contacts that will be placed on the flyer should also be on the website (if they aren’t already are). CNIB, DRT – Specialized Services, Durham Deaf Services, Regional Accessibility Committee, further services & contact information. Lisa to get exact wording for “50% of the AAC members should be from the disabled community”. Kelly to investigate if a parent can act on behalf of their disabled child by being a member of the committee.  Councillor Littley to action. Lisa to action. Kelly to action.  3.0 Other Business & Adjournment All    Kelly inquired about the Council’s reaction to Stephen’s presentation at Council in September. Councillor Littley said that Council was very impressed with the presentation.   4.0 Next Meeting All    October 24, 2007    Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm