HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 26, 2007 Citq o~ Minutes / Meeting Summary Communities in Bloom Monday, November 26, 2007 2 :00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability (Co-Chair) John Hannah, Superintendent, Municipal Operations (Co-Chair) Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Judy Hodgson, Manager, Customer & Administrative Services Tina Tays, Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communications Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation John Coyle, Supervisor, Parks & Roads Operations Rob Gagen, Foreperson, Parks & Property Scott McKay, Coordinator, Parks & Property Infrastructure Karen Emmink, Pickering Public Library Carol Redmond, Administrative Assistant 1 (Recording Secretary) Absent: Tyler Barnett, Senior Planner, Site Planning Jody Morris, Coordinator, Marketing & Revenue Bashar Sayyed, Lead Hand, Turf & Horticulture Tom requested the Committee's comments and suggestions for 2008 based on the judges evaluation. It was suggested that: · Committee should focus on improving on 2007 rather than building on 2008 . community and schools become more involved . Advisory committee be involved with specific tasks in 2008 . open Committee and future subcommittees to City staff for involvement in CIB Directors & Division Heads to recommend candidates · recommend that the 'Kickoff' commence later -. possibly 1 sl week of May _I · engage schools earlier - separate kickoff for schools, John H. & Shawna. student volunteer hours could be used for their community service hours To action. Will also check if extra registration fee is required . review 'Schools in Bloom' program for implementation in 2008 · more emphasis on public awareness of heritage programs - enlist from the community someone with expertise on heritage programs . need more community involvement to take strain off Operations staff resources · need to focus on improvin!d issues identified in the judges evaluation. ego recommend heritage tree program implemented, Art Centre, make tree policy available to judges, involvl3 community garden clubs in landscaping . set up sub-committees in :3 or 4 areas identified in judges Tom & John H. to recommendations action . Pickering had many areas to showcase - need to identify what to showcase in 2008 · build on sponsorship . showcasing youth, seniors, ethno-cultural groups and Pickering Recreation Complex are important to consider in 2008 . time restraints were an issue with working groups - look to diversify Possible sub-committees identified: · Community Engagement -- possible Master Gardeners workshop in early 2008 to engage community in landscape design Tom & John H. to review minutes & organize subcommittees · Canada Blooms · CIB Video Tom, John H., Karen & Rob volunteered John H. distributed for review 2007 CIB expenses and advised the Committee that the 2008 budget should be categorized by financial centers in which each area identified is accountable . $45,000 was proposed in the 2008 budget, including proposed sponsorship of $15,000 · many of the expenses incurred this year were a 'one time' expense. Much of the promotion will not be duplicated in 2008 · much of the photography done this year will carry until next year . cannot put a price on media coverage - kickoff and wrap-up event were well covered · Profile book was excellent. $17,727. Cost incurred for profile book, not included in the CIB budget to be footnoted in 2007 budget . Committee recommends that the Advisory Committee be engaged in sponsorship. Shawna advised that a sponsorship letter from Mayor Ryan and Councillor McLean will go out in December 2007 CI B Video · video to be used for Canada Blooms, an event sponsored by the Irish Embassy, decorated by CIS to be held in March 2008. The City has agreed to participate to represent Central Ontario · looking for volunteers to review videos and edit to 5 -10 minutes - Tom, John H. Karen and Rob volunteered . 8 foot table top display to include profile book, banner bug, etc. and 1 hour presentation to be manned by Pickering staff Rob Gagen reported on the CIS Conference he attended on October 27 in Niagara Falls. Rob distributed a list of tips and observations and asked staff to review for next meetin Tom & John H. to identify categories Shawna to provide Advisory Committee a list of possible sponsors Tom, John H., Karen, Rob to meet in January, 2008 to review Committee to action · Committee recommended that the City pre-register for CIS 2008 · Advisory Committee will need a replacement for Dorsey James who resigned - consider possible OPG representative · 'Provincial winners' signs have arrived and it was suggested that photos be taken after installation I John H. to action I I I I Rob to action . Tree and plaque to be installed at Vaughan Willard PS in John H. to provide the spring wording & order plaque · Carol recommended that the committee review the budget distributed and idEmtify items that will be redundant in the 2008 budget CommittE!e to action . Next Committee meeting to be scheduled in early January 2008. Committee members to come prepared . 2007 working groups to lTIeet and review CIS 2008 before January meeting Meeting Adjourned: 3:55 pm Copy: Mayor Ryan Councillor McLean Directors City Clerk Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Working !;rroups to action