HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 21, 2007 CiuJ ()~ Minutes WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE November 21, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair David Steele Craig Bamford David Stone Marla Shim Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Regrets: Mayor Ryan Jim Dike Steve Holt Pat Korol Chandra Gocool Kevin Tower Also Present: Councillor Littley Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Larry Fields, TRCA Allan May, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Councillor O'Connell welcomed eve one to the meetin 2.0 Frenchman's Bav Master Plan Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering appeared before the Committee to provide a presentation and discussion session on the Frenchman's Bay Master Plan. He provided the Committee with copies of the Frenchman's Bay Executive Summary. He also provided three copies of the draft plan. Copies of the executive summary will be distributed to those members not in attendance this evening. Linda to action Richard outlined what had been done to date and explained the statutory public notification process. He indicated that three public information centres have been held as well as four steering Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 committee meetings made up of City Staff, TRCA, the consultant, Waterfront members as well as other agencies, MTO, etc. A presentation was done to the Waterfront Committee in April/O? Currently, the draft master plan has been put together, which combines the studies done to date. Richard went over the existing conditions and provided a summary. He also explained what was looked at in the studies, and possible solutions. He provided an overview of the executive summary: . What the City of Pickering proposes · What the consultant is proposing . Most cost effective proposals · Environmental impacts . Cannot be done in a 5 year plan (deteriorating watershed) · Look at long range plan (25 year) · Importance of doing the top of the Bay Discussion ensued with respect to funding and prioritizing the items in the study. Richard agreed to get more refinement from the consultant with respect to the large dollar amounts quoted in the study. David Steele indicated there is a Ilarge amount of funding available through University funding for improvement of water quality. It was suggested a meeting be set up to inquire about the application process for this funding. David Steele to action Larry Fields questioned whether the Committee had enough information to decide on priorities. The Committee needs to highlight items for the first 5 year time frame. This would be beneficial when going to the Province. Discussion ensued on the two major projects within the five year plan: . Diversion of flow from Krosno Creek . Fixing up of the banks · Due to development, options are cut off - difficult to get watershed improvements · Impact on Seaton - need to protect the clean water that currently exits - lots of areas in Pickering have been neglected · New technology now with better purification and pond desi ns Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 . Lessons learned from previous years should help avoid future similar problems in Seaton . Look at water levels, both historically and recent levels as well as projected trends . Key component - monitoring components to overall master plan . If changes occur, what can be done to retrofit in the future Allan May, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club, noted the bottom of the Bay is rising as well, at the bottom of Sunrise. His main concern was with the storm sewer. Richard noted the need to determine the source of the sediment. This will be looked at in more detail. Discussion ensued with respect to replacing the pipes with a pedestrian bridge as opposed to box culverts. Richard outlined the next steps: . Set up a meeting with TRCA, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Fisheries to present solutions to facilities at the top of the Bay and to ensure they are in agreement with this . possible time frame would be 1st or 2nd week in December. . Receive Waterfront Committee comments by end of January . Announce completion by mid-January (must post for 30 days for public input in compliance with the public notification process) . Notify everyone on mailing list . Find out about funding - what is available . Get approvals to go ahead . Once Ministry is on board, then EA to be done (mid- January to mid-February) . Notice of completion to be sent out to public . Final report to Council - March . Once Council adoption received, then we can prepare budget, get funding, environmental assessments It was suggested we let the Ministry of Fisheries know about the dead fish found at the bottom of the Bay. Richard explained the public process involved, and the different EA's to be done. Discussion ensued with respect to the Enviornmental Studies, Terms of Reference, funding and grants available. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 . Breakdown the 19 million from the 5 year plan and prioritize . Finalize recommendations for our January meeting . List small items that could be done now, to show the public things are starting . After Council has approved plan, fundraising can begin and regain public involvement . Devise a plan of action for these projects . Break down the dollar amounts . Place a line item in the 20108 budget 3.0 Other Business 3.1) 2008 Meetinq Schedule The tentative meeting schedule for 2008 was handed out. The Linda to action Main Committee Room has been tentatively booked for these dates. This schedule will also be emailed to all members in order to have it approved at the January meeting. It was suggested we change the March 20th date due to the holiday weekend. 3.2) Butterflv Garden Email was received from Paul W'hite, Frenchman's Bay Neighbourhood Association, indicating their desire to donate a Craig to action butterfly garden in the location of the trail where the old and new trails meets. Councillor O'Connell indicated the need for them to ut to ether a proposal to brin 1:0 the next meeti~______ 6.0 Next Meetinq: January 17, 2008 Main Committee Room 7:00 pm _______________________.-1 Meeting Adjourned 9:00 pm Copy: Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Heads Page 4 CORP0228-2/02