HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 33-07 34 REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 33-07 Date: November 5, 2007 CitLl o~ From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/07 N. & N. Picciolo 1475 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Plan 228) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/07 submitted by Antonino & Nancy Picciolo to amend the zoning of the subject property to an 'R4' - Fourth Density Residential zone in order to permit the creation of two lots with minimum frontage of 15.0 metres on lands being Part of Lot 33, Plan 228, City of Pickering, be approved. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendme-nt Application A 5/07, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 33-07 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to amend the existing 'R3' Residential zoning which requires a minimum lot frontage of 18.0 metres to 'R4' Residential zoning in order to create two residential lots with a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres on Altona Road (see Location Map and Applicant's Submitted Plan,- Attachments #1 and #2). The subject property currently supports a detached dwelling and a number of accessory structures in the rear yard. Approval of this application will establish a zoning for the subject property which will permit the development of two lots that are compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and conform to the Pickering Official Plan. The City's development requirements will be addressed through conditions of any future land severance application. The proposed by-law contains requirements that restrict dwelling height and front yard depth to further assist with compatibility of any future development. It is recommended that this application be approved and the draft by-law amendment be forwarded to Council for enactment. Report PO 33-07 November 5, 2007 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) Page 2 35 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Sustainability Implications: The proposed Zoning Amendment Application will provide the opportunity to double the net residential density of the existing lot and will utilize existing services. The applicant intends to preserve the existing vegetation to the greatest extent possible. Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 Before the Information Meeting - one resident emailed the City addressing a concern regarding where the fill from the subject property was going to be dumped (see Attachment # 4). 1.2 At the September 4,2007, Information Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments # 6 and # 7 - one resident spoke in support of the application. 1.3 Following the Information Meeting - one resident submitted a letter in opposition to the development, expressing concerns with pedestrian safety and the status of the existing walkway along the Altona Road allowance in front of the subject's property (see Attachment # 5). 1.4 City Department and Agency Comments Development Control - no objections; - all concerns can be addressed through the future land severance application; - no objections; - a road conveyance to the Region of approximately 3.0 metres will be required through land division across the Altona Road frontage of the property for a future road widening (see Attachment # 8); Durham Region Planning Department Report PO 33-07 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) November 5, 2007 Page 3 -56 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - no objections; (see Attachment # 9); Veridian no objections. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Future opportunities in the immediate area for potential rear lot development have been significantly reduced over the past two years The City's Official Plan does not identify any future road connections along the rear of the existing lots that front onto Altona Road. Approximately two years ago, the potential to assemble rear lots in the area for medium density development was explored by area residents along the east side of Altona Road (being all lands north of and including 1475 Altona Road to Sheppard Avenue). However, the setting of the area has changed and there are limited opportunities to permit major redevelopment. The building currently under construction on the lot immediately north of the subject property (1477 Altona Road) has severely restricted any opportunity for land assembly as the dwelling is located approximately 25 - 30 metres from the Altona Road allowance, situating the dwelling near the centre of the property. In addition, it appears that significant capital investment has been applied to the home at 1491 Altona Road reducing the likelihood of property redevelopment (see Address Map, Attachment #3). The City's Municipal Property & Engineering Division does not support a municipal road within this area due to its close proximity to existing Municipal/Regional roads (Sheppard Avenue & Rougemount Drive intersections with Altona Road). Therefore, the potential for rear lot development to the north of the subject property is now minimal and unlikely. 2.2 A second driveway access onto Altona Road and the proposed anticipated road widening of Altona Road will not create any adverse impacts The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department has re!cognized that there are currently two driveway access points on the subject property which may provide individual access to each residential lot in the event the property is severed (the applicant intends to pursue a land severance application if this Zoning Amendment Application is approved). Since no additional access points are proposed and since the applicant intends to utilize the existing accesses onto Altona Road, no adverse impacts are anticipated. The Region will require a road conveyance of approximately 3.0 metres which will be dealt with at the land division application stage. Report PO 33-07 Nov~mb~r S, 2007 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) Page 4 37 2.3 The proposed development is compatible with existing development and the subject property is to be zoned 'R4' In recent years, properties within the immediate neighbourhood of the Altona Road - Rougemount Drive/Littleford Street intersection have been the subject of severances and plans of subdivision. Recently, Council approved lots with frontages of 15 metres or greater along Rougemount Drive, north of Elizabeth B. Phin Public School, just south of the subject site. Lots east of Altona Road along Sheppard Avenue are zoned for a minimum 15 metre lot frontages. The introduction of a frontage width of 15 metres along Altona Road on the subject property will not negatively impact the existing streetscape or character of the neighbourhood. The area currently exhibits character of staggered front yard depths and one to two storey building heights. To help maintain this character, it is recommended that building height and front yard depth restrictions be applied to new development on the subject lands. Recent Zoning Amendments along Rougemount Drive have applied specific height limitations of 9.0 metres. Since the subject property is situated within close proximity to Rougemount Drive, the same height restriction should also apply. With the exception of the corner properties, front yard depths along the east side - of Altona Road, between Rougemount and Sheppard range from 12 - 30 metres from the existing Altona Road allowance. Since rear yard development potential is now severely limited, the location of proposed dwellings can be staggered to assist with minimizing the impact of new development on existing dwellings. It is recommended that a 15.0 metre front yard depth from the proposed Altona Road right-of-way be required to minimize any impact of new development on existing dwellings. It is recommended that the subject property be zoned 'R4' - Residential Detached Dwelling, with specific restrictions addressing height and front yard depth, to permit the development of two lots with a minimum frontage of 15.0 metres and a minimum lot area of 460 square metres. 2.4 All development matters concerning the City will be addressed through the land severance process The applicant proposes to demolish the existing dwelling and sever the property into two lots for the construction of two new detached dwellings. A conceptual site plan showing the proposed severance is provided for reference (see attachment #2). In order to ensure appropriate development of the proposed lots, all requirements of the City will be included as conditions of approval for any associated land severance application. These conditions will address matters such as, but not limited to, grading & drainage, parkland dedication, and securities. The applicant intends to submit a severance application to The Report PO 33-07 November 5, 2007 . Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) . It. 3 [5 Page 5 2.5 By-law to be forwarded to Council The attached by-law, included as Appendix I to this report, implements Staff's recommendation to approve the requested 'R4' residential zoning. It is recommended that the attached by-law be forvlJarded to Council for enactment, should Council approve this application. 3.0 Applicant's Comments: The owner is aware of and supports the content and recommendation of this Report. APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft Implementing By-law Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Appli~ant's Submitted Plan 3. Address Map 4. Resident Comment - Helen Gardner 5. Resident Comment - Residents of 1478 Altona Road 6. Text of Information Report 7. Minutes from Statutory Public Meeting 8. Agency Comments - Region of Durham Planning Department 9. Agency Comments - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Report PD 33-07 Nov@mb8r 5,2007 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) Page 6 39 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: /! Jf A P pp & Development AY:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration 0 Pickering City C u ,./ APPENDIX I TO REPORT PO 33-07 40 DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 5/07 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ~ 1:'7. . BY-lAW NO. . r J 41 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part of lot 33, Plan 228, in the City of Pickering. (A 05/07) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to rezone the subject property, being Part of lot 33, Plan 228, in order to permit the creation of two lots for detached dwellings; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. SCHEDULE "I" AMENDMENT Schedule "I" to By-law 3036, is hereby amended by changing the current "R3" zoning designation to "R4" as shown on Schedule "I" attached thereto. 2. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 1 0 - Residential Detached Dwelling Zone - R4 is hereby amended by adding the following subsection after subsection 10.3.10: 10.3.11 Part of lot 33, Plan 228 Despite the height requirement provision of Subsection 5.9, the yard requirement provision of Subsection 5.22, the front yard requirement provision of Subsection 10.2.3 of this By-law, where any lot having frontage on Altona Road on lands known as Part of lot 33, Plan 228 in the City of Pickering, is used for a detached dwelling, the following provisions shall apply: (a) Dwelling Height (maximum): 9.0 metres; (b) Front Yard Depth (minimum): 3. BY-LAW 3036 15 metres; By-law 3036 is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 and 2 above. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 42 4. EFFECTIVE DATE - 2 - This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this day of ,2007. Oebi A. Wilco Clerk o <{ o Cr::: <{ z o f- -1 <{ I I I ________________J_ - -1-1- - -;--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,fO:/l u a -I' R4 ---, 116.8 PLAN 228, PT LOT 33 I I I I ---1---1---,--1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 43 u 9 -I' ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW AMENDED BY BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF MAYOR - DAVID RYAN CITY CLERK - DEB I A. WILCO l' tv ~--_..----- . . I I I - - - / ~~ TWYN I'\. ROUGE VALLEY PARK 44 LAWSON II I RIVERS ~ -- f-- I-- ---' f- - ="T C.N.R. ST. MONlCA's I 33 --D 7 DRIVE n ; II ___......1.---.--. STREET - ,.........~~)EH~Nl ~ :== OU~ f-7 C I-- ^n 1-- I- / f-- I-- 7) -I I-- 0 '== I <( r-- CRESCENT ~- W--- -1-. <( <( o ---- z Z 0 $: I <(-- .:::i lL.. <( - ---- >- 0:: wl---W I-- _-1 > ~ ..J 0 I ~ 0 ~ STOVER e--___ I~V r = - --1---- f--..- lJJ ~~ ~ HOOVER ~ ~ ---~ ~\- "-=~~~ ~O~ \ I I <1" ~~DOLYN '\ ~~~ City of Pickering I DRIVE '\== l / \ \ \ II [ill] ~ r I \ l \ I AVENUE f~ft~~;\ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT LOT 33, PLAN 228 OWNER N & N PICCIOLO FILE No. A 005/07 ~ATE AUG.3,2007 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB f-- - I--- - ~ - - -- ,- SEPARA TE SCHOOL m~"=rr DJIIl:j 0 LI -RiCHARDSON STREET CRESCENT- ::::.- 1 :'( i--- r- ~~ ~ ~ \A \ \() )\ ~~ ....j::\. IH~ / ..... ~" / ~L SHE!~;:>ARD o <( o ~ 1 ELIZABETh B. Pf-I/N PUBLIC SCHOOL ._ ~l -- JL FIDDLERS -j r--- -C 1- ~ I W ;::: ~ o ~~ =I~ ~' i Z - ............ t;jr82U~-~ STARVIEW CRT. r-~- w ,...., ...---- ::J a:: I-- ~ ~ $: I-- OJ r-I--- l'- ~ ~I-- ~ Vl _ >1-- <( I--- I- o W Vl i=! _WI-- Vl _ ~I-- <( 0 U STREET lL.._____ I "'- U - ~ I !:!.!ILEFORD 'IT I--- 0:: III-- 0 I ('\ I ___-.-1. TOMLINSON crn l- I Z ~~o I ~ 1----- ~ t};. ..J~ --. I ~ <( "~ 0 is \',,- _::t-. I 0:: Planning & Development Department :S: ~ \-- =--=- ~ 1<(1 1___ [;j(o.. I I 0. STREET 1 o~~~~!:!:'.rc:~:____,___ .__ __... :t.. ...........:....... All '~nhh. R.....nrvlld. NDt D otan o( Burvey. CHECKED BY A Y '1 PM.I; I r~ Ii ~ :; d!rjj.,.('.J 45 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN A 05/07 . N & N PICCIOLO EXISTING EXISTING FRAME DWELLING o E '. ' . ~ ~ _ . .. ~ROPOSED LOT 2 . j:ol 4. 116.77m .- ...~.., -. .--.J o 1- ~.J <C ~ ____ __ _ _ _ ""~=,,,,,,.===~~~"~"~~~~~;~~;~:r~~,,,,,.~:~~r~~~~~~~"\'.,;:,1:",t\~~~.'::g;;~,<:-:-'q,':"=:'J!,.~_. ~ 46 3 .35 () '7 II, I I I I I \ I I I I i I I I ) I I I i I \ SHEPPARD AVENUE 42.6 27.4 I 30.4 I 30.4 ::1~ 1497- \ ~ 1495 311 "'" LO 1498-1490 LO r-1 317 0325 lD lO ;1 LO 1491 I f') I 337 ; \ 70.1 I 1 " 0 1485 335 345 LO f') 333A 96.7 OJ 1484-1482 LO Q) 1483-1481 f-- "'" \ N 95,4 "'" c:i: l ~ 0 1477 ~ f') 1478 I I ---..:::; ...;7 S"UBJECi 47~ 283 PROPERT'! I"- 1473 LO 1475 r- 281 LO 1471 ,- "'" 1493 14T N 66.7 :1495 1489 l487- 483 LO M 'I'"" en LO 0 0 0 en It) It) LO ~ \'f"'" T"" ,... ,.. I --- 17.9 17.7 15.1 37.8 .J._ LITTLEFORD STF~E:ET 15.5 1\ ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE .0 _0 W I 2 0: ---- 0 I 0 <( 0 7w 0: .....J <( <( -- 0 z z 0 5: 1-- -I ---- .....J <( <( -------' --_. ---- LL. ---.- ~----_. City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT LOT 33, PLAN 228 l' OWNER N & N PICCIOLO ~ SEPT.25,~OO7 DRAW~'BY JB FILE No. A 005/07 SCALE N.T.S CHECKED BY AY -- . Page 1 of 1 t;n~F;L1~)Ti\lT JJ 't. Tn t~,1 J.F;:.;l~;l.il..dl 11__ ' U "'-"'('-'1 J' Co'- 33" - (\ '1 t~:.:~";':ooi'r\" j,t ,- U"_"""'_"'~_'_-"""W<.."""'_' 47 Yearwood, Ashley From: Rourke, Heather en behalf of Planning Web Email Sent: Thursday, August 30, 200710:02 AM To: Yearwood, Ashley Subject: FW: Zoning by law app. A05/07 Hi Ashley, this is regarding your application at 1475 Altona Road. Would you please provide a response and let me know how you replied. Thanks! Heather -----Original Message----- From: Helen GARDNER [mailto:ashlyn33@rogers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 29,2007 S:30 PM fo: Planning Web Email Subject: Zoning by law app. AOS/07 Regarding this property, I have one question. If this is approved, Where is the Landfil being dumped? I have great concerns regarding this. As I have been told it is being dumped to the residents next to me. ?lease reasond .s 33' '7 48 September 03,2007 Application Zoning By-law Amendment-A05/07 1475 Altona Rd Part Lot 33, Plan 228 We ate opposed to the development for multiple reasons: "'" 1) Adverse impact on the value of our land. 2) Increasing residential dwelling accessing Altona Rd~, Class B Arterial Rd. 3) Access to and from our house is already inhibited with the current situation, pertaining to the rebuilding on lots 1477- 1479, with flatbeds delivering large equipment (during nonconforming by-law hours; 5:50am) & concrete forms, the stone slingers, coffee trucks, septic truck, workers vehicles, Pump Crete truck, in tandem; Miller cement trucks blocking Altona, and the dumping of wet cement from the ddivering trucks into the ditch are sure to negatively impact the storm water flow in these culverts. As this proposal site is directly across from our land, we have concerns with the n~~gative impact during the proposed development. 4) Considering the above taking place; with one house being built during school summer hiatus, how will the community and traffic on Altona endure two more houses being built? 5) With school now resuming and increase of foot traffic on Altona Rd, what is the City of Pickering and The Hegion of Durham going to guarantee its community with regards to safety, if approved? 6) Will this construction site be a closed site? Will th(; City require safety barriers during the development? 7) Will this developer provide a clear and safe sidewalk during the development stage? Unlike Marshall Homes, burying the west side sidewalk during the creation of Littleford subdivision, then blocking the soft shoulder with workers vehicles, forcing our children to walk on Altona Road, during peak Limes. And the current contractor forcing of electric scooter operator to use the road way as trucks were blocking the side walk ") / Concerned residents of 1478 Altona Road i II r TO Ec?DflT II PD" ~~ i 3,. C --1 Citlf 01 49 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-07 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF September 4, 2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O.1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/07 N. & N. Picciolo 1475 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Plan 228) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the east side of Altona Road, north of Rougemount Drive (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the subject property is currently zoned "R3" - Third Density Residential Zone, which allows for a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres; - the subject property has an area of approximately 0.35 hectare, a lot frontage of 30.48 metres and currently supports a detached dwelling and other accessory structures in the rear, behind the dwelling; - existing residential uses surround the subject property. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant has requested to amend the existing zoning from "R3" - Third Density Residential Zone to "R4" - Fourth Density Residential Zone to allow for the creation of two lots with a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres, and to allow for the future development of two new detached dwellings (see Attachment #2); - the applicant has not submitted a land severance application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee. ... . .'.. ...,..,."._'~m,_.,.-,... _...- ". .~~ ........~_~..w;;.~~.."..,;.,,;._~--...,~ Information Report No. 08-07 ATTP,CHMENT #,~_,TO REPOmfl pr)"....;.,2.;.2~c2"... Page 2 50 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan Durham Region identifies the subject property as being designated as Urban Areas - Living Area, which shall be used predominantly for housing purposes; - the subject property also fronts onto Altona Road, which is designated as a Type B Arlerial Road, designed to accommodate the movement of moderate volumes of traffic, including moderate volumes of truck traffic generally maintain a desired operating speed of 60 kilometres/hour in Urban Areas with a right-of-way ranging from 30 to 36 metres; - the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - the City of Pickering identifies the subject property as being designated as Urban Residential - Low Density Area within the Rougemount Neighbourhood, which are areas intended primarily for housing, having a net residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare (net residential density proposed by applicant amounts to approximately six dwellings per net hectare); - encourages new development to be compatible with existing development, the proposal appears to conform with the policies of the Official Plan; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 - the subject property is zoned "R3" - Third Density Residential Zone; - the zoning permits a detached dwelling on a residential lot with a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres and a minimum lot area of 550 square metres; in addition to other setback requirements, the zoning requires a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres from the property line or 19.5 metres from the centre line of Altona Road, which ever is greater; - an amendment to the existing zoning by-law is required to allow for the potential future severance of the subject property. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - none received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - none received to date; InformJtion R@port No. 08-07 I # _J(~A~"~~' n; nf~.'n::r'! 11 DO 3 ~ l) 2..,.~._" ;' .....! vn J " f.... .... l n ...."..-~,~~ ~9ge 3 51 4.3 Staff Comments In reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . the impacts of future opportunities in the immediate area for potential rear lot development; . the impacts of a proposed second driveway access onto Altona Road; . the impacts of the proposed anticipated road widening of Altona Road; . the compatibility of the proposed residential development with the existing built form in the surrounding area. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Company Principal - the owner and applicant of the subject property is Antonino & Nancy Picciolo. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Ashley Yearwood Planner I AY:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review -...~-,---~.,.._.,.,-,- .~. IIlL.<l!:.J' . ~..........._.......,..___..~"... ~ ...,:?3..Q7 52 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date "7 3c?-{) 7 Excerpts from Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 4,2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 53 Chair: Councillor Littley (I) PART 'A' - PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING 1. Information Report No. 08-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/07 N. & N. Picciolo - 1475 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Plan 228) City of Pickerinq A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to an application submitted by N. & N. Picciolo for property municipally known as 1475 Altona Road. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. She also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before a by-law is passed that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Lynda Taylor gave a brief overview of zoning amendment application A 05/07. Antonio Picciolo the applicant, 1639 Valleyridge Cres., Pickering, appeared before the Committee in support of the application and noted that 2 driveways already existed on the property and that they would be preserving the healthy vegetation on the property. Mr. Picciolo noted that he had attempted to assemble land in the area for future development however a new house is being built on the North side of the property at this time; therefore no land assembly is possible. Dan Farren, 1487 Altona Road, Pickering, appeared before the Committee in support of the application and noted that he was glad to see the proposed detached dwelling development as it may put an end to the discussion of land assembly for townhouses in the area 1 The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4" FLOOR P.O. BOX 623 cWHITBY. ON L1N 6A3 :905) 668-7711 Fax: (905) 666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georg/eft, MeIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "Service Excellence for our Communities" 54 September 24, 2007 Ashley Yearwood, Planner I Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Sent via email to: ayearwood@citv .,pickerinQ .on .ca Mr. Yearwood: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A05/07 Applicant: Antonio and Nancy Picciolo Location: 1475 Altona Road Municipality: City of Pickering We have reviewed this application to amend the zoning on the above noted property. The following comments are offered for YOLT consideration of the application. The purpose of the application is to amend the zoning to permit two residential lots with minimum 15.0 metre lot frontages. The zoning amendment is required as the existing zone category permi1's residential lots with a minimum 18.0 metre lot frontage. Regional Official Plan The lands subject to this application are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. "Living areas" are predominantly for housing purposes. The proposal may be permitted by the policies of the Regional Official Plan. Reqional Services Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property. Altona Road (Regional Road 27) is a Type 'B' Arterial Road in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Type 'B' Arterial Roads typically have a right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres. A road conveyance of approximately 3.0 metres will be required across the Altona R.oad frontage of the property for a future road widening. The widf3ning may be acquired through subsequent development applications. g ;33 (' 7 55 The subject property currently has 2 entrances on Altona Road. The entrances may provide individual access to each residential lot. Provincial Policies & Delegated Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. There are no matters of Provincial interest applicable to this application. Please contact me should you have any questions or require any additional information. O~m~ Yvvvl Dwayne Campbell, Planner Current Planning Cc (via email): Regional Works Department - Pete Castellan onserRvaNliOn for The Living City t.? I 33, 56 August 22, 2007 CFN 38708.05 BY FAX AND MAIL .f,~ 'to:;!> ;} JJ Ashley Yearwood Planner I City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 /~ltjG :2 (., .-"\ o ~~ crryo"" p. ""~''">'' ,i-:;.1 ", ~ '. ,.,,,,1" Ii I;Ctt 'r-"1".':f'f>:,~;f:.'" :t-x"J~.l;rt\Ji'\iG .& DC~~.ij=-,'!. ;'. ~,i: ~ ";;'~ DEP AF;'~~1EN:7::..)f:i; Eci\fT Dear Mr. Yearwood: RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A05/07 1475 Altona Road Antonino & Nancy Picciolo City of Pickering Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff has reviewed an application to amend the zoning by-law on the above referred property and offers the following comments. Background The subject property is located at 1475 Altona Road, south of Sheppard Avenue in the City of Pickering. It is our understanding that the applicant is requesting permission to amend the zoning by-law in order to allow for the creation for two new residential lots with a minimum frontage of 15.0 metres. Site Specific Comments TRCA staff has reviewed the zoning amendment application and have determined tha' proposal does not appear to affect any of TRCA's programs or policies. Further, the subject property is n.lt located within a Regulated Area pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06. Recommendations In light of the above, we have no objections to the approval of zoning amendment A05/07. We trust that this is of assistance. Pi ease contact me should you have any further que~;tions. Y\hI0J;W ~~~ McNeill BA, BURPI Planner I Planning and Development Extension 5744 CJ/smf!)- Cc: Antonino Picciolo, Owner Steve Heuchert, TRCA f:\home\public\development services\durham tfetJi.r:kefi@1rl;"€l.iilaifSJioll r6ltotglil/t.oc ~~~'='''''''""'.''''''='='''''''',='-~_~'''''''='""-",,,".,,,;~=:=.-,,,,,,,,=.,,,",,;:;''~'='';""'==~".-"":",","""-,'=='"'~'""="__'''.C:'''',l>;"",~,,,,,,,.-,,,:,,;"""======-~=""'=~"'''_''''l:";",=,'''=''''':'U=""=",,,,,,,,''-''~''''-'''J;;'''~'''-:''-..:"',"-"""'-",-""""':o.-.",,-;,,,",,~,,,,,_,.,,,,,,,~_==,,--_,_,,,,"-",=":,,,,,,.;.==~, ~'~',,,,,~.-.'~"',,,-,.-"',,",,~''''_',-,,,,--:=-,,,.,_"''''''''',':='''''''..-=.:,,,",,,,,,..."'-='==,." ~1.Cn.