HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 5, 2007 Planning & DAvAlopmAnt COmmitt99 Agenda Monday, Novem ber 5, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson PART "A" PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING INFORMATION RI;PORT NO. O~-07 PAGE~ 1-11 SUBJECT: Zonina By-law Amendment Application A 07/07 Germaine F. Bonada 1434 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Range 3 B.F.C., Part 2, 40R-10418) City gf Pi\ikering PART "B" PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORTS 1. Oir8ctor, Plsnning & 08v810pm8nt, R8port PO 28-07 Fairport Developments Inc. PIJn of Subdivision 40M..1554 12-20 Jameton Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1640 Cougs Investments Ltd. Plan of Bubdivi3ion 40M-1671 Cougs Investments Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1721 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision RECOMMENDATION Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, Novem ber 5, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 3. That the highway being Primrose Court within Plan 40M-1721 be assumed for pUbliG use; 4. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721, which 8r@ construct@d, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from BlocKS 21 and 22, Plan 40M-1004, Bloek 11, Plan 40M-1640, Blocks 33 and 34, Plan 40M-1671 and Blocks 41,42 and 43, Plan 40M-1721; 5. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721, be released and removed from title; and 6. That Council enact a By-law to dedicate Block 10, Plan 40M..1640 as public highw"y I 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 32-07 Dunbarton Village Zoning Review Request for Professional Consulting Services Authorization to Host Public Meetinas 21-33 R\;COMM~N~ATION 1. That Report PO 32-07 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Dunbarton Village Zoning Review be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to seek three written qL otations from professional planning consultants to assist staff in the Durbarton Village Zoning Review; 3. That appropriate City officials be authorized to hire a consultant to undertake LL_ ...__1. _______ _..~I:~_..... :~ O_~_ri Dn ')') n7 .....f: +h", ni.."',,+n.. Ol.........i...,.. R. Planning & Development Committee Agenda MondaYJ November 5J 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair; Coun,illor Ci,ker~on 34-56 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 33-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/07 N. & N. Picciolo 1475 Altona Road (part of Lot 33, Plan 118) City of PickerinR RECOMMENDATION 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment ApplicQtion A ~/07 ~ubmitt~Q by AntQninQ & N~ncy Picciolo to amend the loning of the 5ubjeGt property to an 'R4' - Fourth Dgngity Rgsidgntial zong in ord@r to p@rmit th@ Cr@8tj~n ~f tw~ I~t~ with minimum fr~ntaae of 15.0 metres on lands being Part of Lot 33, Plan 228, City of Pickering, be approved; and 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/07, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 33-07 b@ forwarded to City Council for enactment. (II) OTHER BUSINESS (III) ADJOURNMENT , I 01 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 09-07 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF November 5, 2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNIN~ ACT, ItS.O.1~~O, chapter 1'.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment - A 07107 Germaine F. Bonada 1434 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Range 3 8.F.C., Part2,40R-10418) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the west side of Altona Road, between Littleford Street and Valley Gate (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the property has dual frontages of 32.8 metres onto Altona Road and Fawndale Road respectively with a lot area of approximately 1565 square metres (see Attachment #2); - an existing dwelling currently fronts onto Altona Road; - existing residential uses surround the subject property. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant has requested to amend the existing zoning by-law to allow for the creation of two new detached residential lots; - if approved, the applicant intends to demolish the existing dwelling that currently fronts onto Altona Road and construct two new detached dwellings that will front onto Fawndale Road (see Attachment #2); - the applicant has submitted a land severance application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee (LD189/07). -..-...---,..........."",.''',,"--,--'_.,,'' . Information Report No. #09-07 Page 2 02 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - The Regional Plan desienates the subject property Urban Areas - Living Areas, which shall be used predominantly for housing purposes; - The Regional Plan designates Altona Road as a Type-B Arterial Road, which permits a right-of-way ranging from 30 to 36 metres with the ability to accommodate the movement of moderate volume~ of traffic, including moderate volumes of truck traffic and generally maintain a desired operating ~peed of 60 kilometres/hour in Urban Areas; - the proposal appears to comply with the intent of the Durham Regional Official Plan; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the City of Pickering designates the ~ubject property UrQan R~$ic!~ntial - Low Density Area within the Rougemount Neighbourhood; - these areas are intended primarily for rssid@ntial purposes having a net residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare (the applicant is proposing a net residential density of approximately 13 dwellings per net hectare); - The Plan designates Altona Road as a Type-B Arterial Road which are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds, having some access restrictions and ganarally have a right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres; - The Plan also designates Fawndale Road as a Local Road which generally carries local traffic and provides access to individual propertiE!s; other local roads, and to collector roads and generally have a right-of-wc'y width up to 20 metres; - the applicant's proposal to create two new residential lots and having them both front onto Fawndale Road appears to conform with the policies of the City of Pickering's Official Plan; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 - the subject property is currently zoned "R3" - Third Residential Density Zone, which requires a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres and a minmum lot area of 550 square metres; - in addition to other setback requirements, the zoning requires a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres from the property line; - the applicant requests to amend the existing zoning to "82" Residential Zone (minimum 13.5 metre frontage as outlined in By-law 3304/89) te. conform with zoning that is currently applicable to abutting properties to the north; Information R@port No. #09-07 Pag8 3 03 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION (See Attachments #3, #4 & #5) 4.1 Resident Comments - the residents at 1424 Altona Road (the abutting property to the south of 1434 Altona Road) submitted a letter in support of the application, but wanted to know if a separation (such as a fence) would be installed on the northwest corner of their site in the event this zo"ing am~ndm~nt a~~lieation i~ approved (see Attachment #3); 4.2 Aaencv ~~~,'!!!:r:',~,nts - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - no objections (see Attachment #4); - Veridian .. no objections (see Attachment #5); 4.3 Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . confirming whether or not a road widening of Altona Road is required; . to review the impact of the Noise Contro~ Feasibility Study on the abutting property to the south (1424 Altona Road) and its conformity to the existing zoning and municipal by-law requirements; . to review the impact of existing fencing on the abutting properties and its conformity to the existing zoning and municipal by-law requirements; . restricting access from Altona Road with a one foot reserve, which would be "ddre~~ed through the I"nd diYi~iQn ~pplic~tiQni . to review the compatibility of the proposed residential development with respect to its building location in relation to other buildings on adjoining lots; . The City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommended that Land Severance Application LD 189/07 be TABLED, until the application is further reviewed to determine the appropriateness of establishing the 'S2' zone on the property in order to facilitate the proposed severance; . if final approval is granted for the zoning amendment and land division application, municipal addressing will be 1279 & 1279A Fawndale Road. ----,._-',.,-""'".'<",~.'..~-"'."..,.~ Information Report No. #09-07 Page 4 04 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION _ written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; _ all comments received will o~ l'Iot~d and us~d as input in a Planning R@port prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law tor this proposal; - if you wi~h to be notified of Council's decision regardins this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; ~.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: . Noise Control Feasibility Study; 6.3 Company Principal - the owners of the subject property are Germaine & Rodolfo Bonada and the applicant is Rodolfo Bonada. ~11-A,,- . Lynda Taylo(~~ RPP Manager, Development Review AY:jf Attachments APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 09-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) Mr. & Mrs. Grigsby (1424 Altona Road) COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (2) Veridian COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date 05 III ....~ STREET _ ~~H~~ :=~ f-- OU~ I - r-- I-- I.. ICJ CPO 0:: f- ~p ~: R1Y ~ _ f-- - ~ =~ E';jZAf:;~H o .-i STOVER CRESCENT 0:: - - PUBLIC I -_/ I' I W - - SCHOOL PARK ::: I I ~ ;;:; T I _ W 3: 88~ FIDDLERS-r _ g --:-OOVER DRIVE ~ , =~" ~\ ==- C- I _ ~ ,-_ ,..-... c-- I - ~ ~\ / ~ TOMLiI\SON CRT--J f- ~ \' J 1'/ ~ ~ I ----Jl--~ Oc:.; ~DOL YN ~ 2 J<( T 1--- 8 --J ::2 ~ ~~ f" W( Q.. I I {--- c ----, - ~ G r--.. Q STREET <( ~ ~ -----L._____ 6 I 1 z\~~ --J 0:: \ I \ i= ~ ""~,~--+::_--: ('~ DRWE ~ ~ '( ::j 1\ ;:{7J_ f= ----- <';~~o lJ --' 2. I--- (? ~ ~~ ~ --- --' <::: I--- ____ _ ~ L-J ~\<(,.- '''' ____ f--- VALLEY _ GATE BROOKRIDGE G~ ~ \ o PARK t= T B I \i~~ :?/L City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BROEKN FRONT CONCESSION, RANGE 3, LOT 33, 40R-10418, PART~.._~_~J ~ - 1m 1=1ll,~~,~~'-:~"~''''=''~~~'~~''''"":''~''''':"C':''':'' ,~ .. 06 ATTAGHMENT#.JL.TO iNFORMATlONREF'ORT# .)q ~O I 1 I l'i{l II II I I I I LAWSON U STREET a/Till ^I r--.:~~ ", IIIIIII\~J~. I i I I ) ~ L..L " " II I I I I , I I I DRIVE "\ ; ~-- I Cl <( 0 0:: ~- I ~ '"- I I I i" i II I I I , TWYN ~ -..., mHOWELL wl= = ~ [rT __ Cl 'RIcHARDSON CRESCENT __- f-- I--~- - - RIV~RS - - - - ST. MONICA'S SEPARA TE SCHOOL r \ - - --I STREET I"--,.. ~ ~'ri I.!dII.LE~OR.D f--- 0:: 1===0 T 1 ROUGE >- W '--....J ....J ~ VALLEY f / ",," \ \. ~~ \ k- I~ ~l ~ -l f--- F-- w ~ 0:: Cl I I I I ROUGE HI YI o <{ o 0:: UJ ~ <{ o 2 ~ l.1.. l, "rlP,C~~M~NT~.1L TO .., -'7 ~1 (7;' ;D,.. \i<;:YlPM€fnON REPORT# ~;;_ 07 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN A 07/07 - G. BONADO I --fl III I' PROPOSED LOT 2 ~ t,':- ~ I'.....: I I:.... Z ~y ,GARAGE 01 ~ [1\ I 'I ~W <[ r-I ~ I f-rx ........." L'" '" ~ Iv. E L I I ~Nl~ ~ lL.. I . i~ 2---=-~'----'----.-l-~-------n 0: I~o E 3 ""'"""y....... l___________~ ~ I E ,I <3 :~ I' '~ I~ ; ~ 47.6m c- - , f-- ------------ 0'i I I ~ I I f'lIIlOI"CIIlE I I UTOfEY , I I 61\1ClCO-6TCll<< ~L __ ________J ~ ~ I ~- -- - 47.6m r~18~~1 ~ ~ ~,"'"'":,,'"'''~---''' ."" .". .. ATTACHMENT#~TO INFORMATlONREPORT# t) q ~() 7 08 onserviHron for The Living City October 4, 2007 -..,,-.- ..,.,-.. ~ -...." ATTPiGHMENi ~.....:- TO INmRMATIONFmPOFtT~~O f ~O j 09 CFN VIA FAX AND MAIL (905) 420-7648 Mr. Ashley Yearwood 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 REC:EIVED OCT 1 0 2007 CITY OF PICKERIN~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMEN j DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Yearwood: Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/07 For Lands Muncipally Known as 1434 Altona Road Part of Lot 33, Range 3 Broken Front Concession, Part 2 40R.10418 (Germaine F. Bonada) Staff at the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have received a Notice of Public Meeting in relation to the application captioned above from the City Clerk. We have now had an opportunity to review the notice and wish to provide you with the following comments. We understand that the purpose of the application is to amend the zonin~J by-law in force for the subject lands. It is further understood that the presE~nt zoning is to be changed to "S2" in order to enable a future severance application which would, if approved, create two new residential lots with minimum lot frontages of 13.5 metres in width. Based upon our review of the subject lands and the surrounding area, we advise that there are no significant environmental features of concern to the TRCA on or adjacent to the subject lands. In addition, the subject lands are not within a Regulated Area pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06 (TRCA Regulation of Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses). A permit would therefore not be required prior to any development taking place on the subject lands. Given the comments above, we have no objection to the approval of the application. We trust that this is of assistance. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this letter. Yours truly, ~.~ Chris Jones, B.U.R.PI. Planner II, Planning and Development Extension 5718 CJ/ cc: Steve Heuchert, TRCA 1 0 lJiJl-I:r~UUi !'ilJ!) !U;~j Vr.i\lJ iroN ;) J, 1"1 CJ( - ArrACHMENT#~TO lNFOt1Mf.mONREPORT# (Yl-0f ,1- , VE RIDIAN CONNF.(TIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW -~I . I PROJEcr NAME: Cenn,linc F, IIon,lcln ~DR~SS/PLAN: ~UNICIPALITY: 1434 Alrcll1:\ Rcnd - II w..J Pick"ring R.EF NO.: A 07/07 SUBMISSION DATE: October 1,2107 111e [olio wing j, an ('v~rview c)f the gcm:ral tCLllli,:emCl1t, th~ Appliennt i.likdy ro rreer i'1 o,der fC' obl"j ; " comp]""c decr,i""l flower Hlpply sy,rem to rhi, ,ire .me.! wiThin thc .irc wberc .t1bdivi,ioll in ,Oint: fo,,,, is i"v()lv~c.l Th~ commcnts bdow arc bascd OIl prelimilUlry information only and arc '\1bj~:ct to revi,ion. In aIi ,as,:, Vcridinn',: ,t'\1101:\rLl Conditions of Service dOC\.llllellt ."rs OLl[ Ihe reci'Lliremenr" term. nnd cOllditiolH for the ptovisioll of elcc :rJe ,erVICL:, lhi. review do.. not Ctlnl\lir\HC an <)Cti:r 10 Connecr. 1. El,,~tric s~rvice i, CLI!relltly \IV'lihlble on the. road :tlloW;\Ilc(:(.) directly adJac,'n: t" thi. prop<.IT!. Servicing will b. [r(lln r'Io()verDrjv~. 2. An Expansion wt!1 be rULlui[cd. VClidi"n'. cxisting dimiburic'," facilities rnu", be e"tellded on the load ;\llowalKt: 'lnd/ot llpgraded in order to reach this project. Existillg conc.liti(ln:; and ml.miciplll !~,!Lci:~lttellrS \vll determinc wll~ther thi:; l11ay he ()verh~aJ, unJ.rgwund, or a combimlliol1. \'V'ithill re.idential development. ail such ,:x.pan>iom ar~ urlc.l.rgrllunJ. 3. (nuiviJual m~'edng felt ~'lch Llni, i. r~'1uired. 4, The Applicant must m.lko dircct applicati<.>n l:oVeridi'll\ for electrical servicing a; SDOll as p'>s,ibk ;\ wrilte:), [axed or email reglle.twill permit Veridiall to bcgin the work n~c~.mry to identify ;pccific reLl'lir~l[lel1l.' ,\11.1 :mangemcnts :II1U rdlltec.l work [or this project, ;lnd to m;lk,: all Ofth t<> Connect.. The "pplicant i, cauTion"d rhat tendur., contracts, O[ work they mill' illiti,ue prior to obt;lil1ing;ln Offtl: r,} (.r.mn~c, [r'1m V~l'idi:Ul mny create COnflicts with thu rOllte of and det;\i!, of the d~clticlll servicing ,;et om in the Offer to C:'llm~:: for which V ~riJian ~an hellr Ill> re'pl'lIlsibility. 5. .\ SClvicing .-\greement IllLl"' h~ .igned with Veridian in ordcr tc> obi"i" servici.ng rOt this SHe, 6. The eleclricnl iuotalhllion(,) fmlll rhe l'uhlic rOlld llllowmlCi:': up tC1 the ~el"vice tllt.ranee ,llld all metecing amlllgemenh must comply with Vc.ridian':; r~ql.liroments 'Iud specific;aioo. and m"y also be stlbjc" t,:. rhc n:ql\irement~ ()f the El~clric"l Safcty Amhority. 7. Prior to obtaining ahLlilding permit, the Ml1l1icipaliiy mllY r~'1Llire rlle Applic:lnt tll pn,vide evide"" ,of having obtained and acc<'ptcd an Off.r to Connec.t, B. ~'Vh~r" c<<lIle. or mllterilll handling eLl'Upmtllt 01' workers lml,t work in proximity to exhti:1(; oVtrh~'ld wires. wh~re Iltcre is risk of conmct o\, Cllming within the limit, [)f :lppnlach, rhe .'\ppliCOll1t :;hall P"l' ,Ill C:;.$I, for rhe rempomry reloc';ltioll, bllJ:illl. (lr oth.r I)rmecriol\ of thc wires, or wbtever other .lc;iilO i. JO"lllcd nc(cs,.Il)' by Veridi,\ll to provide for workf;';t ~~Lft:Ly und the $ccuriry of The: t:kt.:u:ic,tl ~ystenl. Lei"' 1 J"iUU ~r'," Iin~ 11L-,j g",",~ AI'" 'V'ld, I ,.u ','" n(:.I'{j _, c, '"A,.,li,,', C" {.',il ."f''';' j....z.'\ ~.~ t~~ ~ rHa il~ ~~~~i~bC1~J l\TTACHMeNT' 5 TO IN~O~M,AT!o~J ~TjL.j 9 - n ] 0. Vcridinn h~lS no objt:ctinn tn the pcopo:St:u dt:vdupll'll::nt. Pk:il5c dlr~(t tht: :\pplicanl H.'l Ctlnnl;,,:t V(;cid!an as ~O()n .\~ ~etvicil1g i:;; l;f)llt~mpl;1tcd, ~fullit:ip<llil:y, pl~(l~t: forward a copy of til'st ~Ub!11i'isjCin :.:ivll d~~$ign to V"'1'1dian. Ple;l~C note that 'Ill Offer 10 C:"'nn=cr m\1st be completed :l! le~SI: six (r,) m<lll!hs p,i", to the XC'11Uttd ti~clL'i":d ~tlvH.:;ing daw. 10. O.her: Dcv::lopcl' $hot\Id b~ ',LW,lrt: f'h:H c;k,rric~11 :5c1"vicil1g cos:s em.'del be in lIte $20\OOn f:mg;c. Teclul1Gd Rtpn::::i~nttlri\'c; ~~l.l.&::'.. T"'ephone, Exr. 3255 f1- l'P/df "':\Jli'i~:.-dl\l )~:\I\:J/lrml~ilt I'pl'lic:lti"ln l(J.:vi(,:\V\JJi'!~I,:""I'g\2i)(J7\( ;l..:....n;tint.: U'1I1i.J,l .143+ A!rima 1~I)at.l.J'lc Page 2 of2 V cl'idian COllllt:crioll., Devellll'Jnetll :\ pplicacioll Review Forl~ ff /":CIJ002 Rtv. Date - Oc[obc.r 3. 200? "1 I, r'3 '. J 1 1 =====''''''~.~~i%I~I=W~'~~jW"li;r;;r.::~,:;::',.A;:'-''';'':'':>''~-'' - --- ".~........... 1 2 REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 28-07 Date: November 5,2007 CiUj o~ From: Neil Carroll Directorl Planning & Development Subject: Fairport Developments Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1554 Jameton Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1640 Cougs Investments Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1671 Cougs Investments Ltd. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1721 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision Recommendation: 1. That Report PO 28-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721, be received; 2. That the highway being Baylawn Drive within Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640 and 40M-1671 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highway being Primrose Court within Plan 40M-1721 be assumed for public use; 4. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721, which are com;tructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 21 and 22, Plan 40M-1554, Block 11, Plan 40M-1640, Blocks 33 and 34, Plan 40M-1671 and Blocks 41, 42 and 43, Plan 40M-1721; 5. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721, be released and removed from R~port PO 28-07 November 5, 2007 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721 Page 2 1 3 Executive Summary: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721. As all works and services within these plans have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these plans under the jurisdiction of the City and release the developers from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreements. Financial Implications: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. Sustainability Implications: The final assumption of these plans of subdivision is an administrative process that legally concludes the City's acquisition of necessary roads and other infrastructure. It does not directly impact the City's sustainability in itiatives. Background: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721. As all works and services within these plans have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these plans, save and except from: 1. Blocks 21 and 22, Fairport Road Reserves - not to be dedicated; Plan 40M-1554 2. Block 11, Fairport Road Reserve - not to be dedicated; Plan 40M-1640 3. Blocks 33 and 34, Baylawn Drive Reserves - not to be dedicated; and Plan 40M-1671 4. Blocks 41,42 and 43, Reserves fronting Fairport Road - not to be dedicated. Plan 40M-1721 Further, it is appropriate to release the developers from the provisions of their respective Agreements with the City as follows: 1. Plan 40M-1554 Subdivision Agreement dated June 6, 1988 and registered as Instrument No. L T408634; ~.:..::;:;;; _~2,,,'"';,,",,,,,,,,,,,",,,"- ._"... ...".......,.. Report PO 28-07 November 5, 2007 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 1 4 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721 Page 3 3. Plan 40M-1671 Subdivision Agreement dated June 3, 1991 and registered as Instrument No. LT570417;and 4. Plan 40M-1721 Subdivision Agreement dated December 7, 1992 and registered as Instrument No. L T647887. Accordingly, it is being recommended: 1. That the highway being Baylawn Drive within Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640 and 40M-1671 be assumed for public use; 2. That the highway being Primrose Court within Plan 40M-1721 be assumed for public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 21 and 22, Plan 40M-1554, Block 11, Plan 40M-1640, Blocks 33 and 34, Plan 40M-1671 and Blocks 41,42 and 43, Plan 40M-1721; 4. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721, be released and removed from title; and 5. That Council enact a By-law to dedicate Block 10, Plan 40M-1640 as public highway. Attachments: 1. Location Map - Plan 40M-1554 2. Location Map - Plan 40M-1640 3. Location Map - Plan 40M-1671 4. Location Map - Plan 40M-1721 5. Draft By-law to dedicate Block 10, Plan 40M-1640 as public highway R8port PO 28-07 Nov@mb@r 5, 2007 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1554, 40M-1640, 40M-1671 and 40M-1721 Page 4 1 5 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: u . v3--/~? Denise Bye, Supervisor Property & Development Services RPP ng & Development DB:bg Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommendation approved: Chief Administrative Officer (~ Director, Corporate Services & Treasure~-- Director, Office of Sustainability Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development City Clerk ___",...."'.,"'"''''.,_'....._,.....,__~''".,,>'''''~,,'_,'" .:,'~,:,,~~_::;;r,;;' ::~~'.:,~~~~_ 1 6 iT', IJ:'-'i',pfr .fl, I TO . ^r"....., ~ I 'J I",'" , 1t i!' PD.J-g.. _Q1:..___.._, ~ // ':;)O?- \\ "~ CO?:. Il'<\)~O I~~COURT I ,.~ T LYNN r--- ~,.-- I ~~ f--- 0:: 1--...., .11:;> ~I-- // ~:::r\\ 0 f--oD::J. -w _O~D:: ~ o _u -~ - 0:: I-- ~ &-<I)-i <( ::::~:=idU~ - <-<Iii, 0 - ~ ~ 0:: - I-- ~~ - I-- ~ m DRIVE - .........-- be;, ~TII ~C' - -<11: SUBJECT ~oll SUBDIVISIC N -~- ~ ! -- - '- - DARWIN " IT DO'%- -~I II~Vf ~~ REG~ ~ - - f- - 0:: - 0 0.. G'fJl.</ - 0:: i VI '~lfr - ~ "\ Clq\t ~ C - \\ - --- - FINCH AVENUE - "- ~ - FINCH AVENUE LI~ t:J \ \ '\ ,I ~ r , 1-- '\ 0 I =-- <( 1-- 0 ~~ \\ "0 \ I--~ rr:: \ j TAPLIN DRIVE I- i~,,': yuzI ~ ROAD '\..~ l~ F==: ~~H\l I-- ~ \ -->- ~ > 1ltf!!; o ~ \ \ 0:' cr: C .--..J V \ <C () 0 7 \ 1- I.J... T \. \ 1- City of Pickering Planning &, Development Department .-----.-.-- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1554 l' OWNER VARIOUS DATE JUNE 19,20071 DRAWN BY JB --------~_&__& ------ ----... ....- .--....----..- I ...._.. _ .. ..-""",- I ,""LJ~"",vl~n cv no ~ '!' H",~" ..'"i!i.E ru # ~o -2. i! - \) 4- f. . ____~.. 1 7 , I ~ ~ -- DO?-- \ / ~ CO\<. \-\'<\)~O ~ ~CDURT I 1 1 LYNN --~,....... 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'II/UOR ~ ~OLlINGSBROOK COURT ~ ~~~ ~ Rr\l) ~ COURT i~\G~" - .--J ~ v DO?-- GO~ SUBJECT \ ~ I S BDWIS/ON ~ _~\ J In / --~~~ CITlI ~ ~~~!~r:J//~/ /~ ~ ~ "''1 Wil.. ~~ ~ ~ =~= '~J ~~ s: ~ I II I ~ r--J '!fiT DRIVE - II ~q I/~ '--- I I ~ ~ ?/Ti ~~f ToARlJ .~ == \ ~ -" - ~ II I,DRlvt '!- = ~ ~IITrr~ffi -- t= I ~ == = "\ IIII r-- __ REGAL ~ = :> ,,1/11 I 1111 '- "'T ~~- ,"--, - \ 0--{Qr<.O ~ \ I- 0:: I o D- o:: <i: li.. o FINCH AVENUE ~IIIIIIIII I~ ,,\<, -~-- =:J;- I PARKSIDE DRIVE _ - - '--- f== - I I I - - '\ : - -- ..r--' I-- - _I--" i - I - '\ I ---, - ~ -, - ~ === ::::: j TAPLIN DRIVE - m ~ - '-'./ I 1 ROAD w \ - I I:: City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M.1671 l' OWNER VARIOUS I DATE SEPT. 11, 2007\ DRAWN BY JB _....__......_._...__.._.__._......_.................".. I ^,.,.Alr'" oI.!!"ftftn I rour::roli"r::nev nD iJ ...,.:l"",;;;,,,~, z~~Q.:t- . "9 1 ~ T ~ ~ SUBJECT SUBD'V\'ON ~ COURT I '--- ~,....... I _ n::1--......,~ :21--- ~ ......- Q. '-..... -.....I"'\ii 0 <( o n:: \ DO'?- GO~ \\'<\)~O 66: '1'0 "f'V"k: o.} ~ ~J/t~ _ 0 ~t=-t= w _ O~U n:: I- _0 _ul- _~ f- ==~dJ2U-~~ ---.I m - ~~ ~ -L__ ~ I""-- - IT 6-?/~ 1 T LYNN " ~ V == !-- - ~ - ~ - ..........---- @smr TOARJ'N ~1IT777 -~ll ~ ~S REGA~ ~ ~ ~ ~// '~ICfr:; '"-- S"fr, <-<lit/, IV DRIVE I I- n::: o IL n::: ;q: l..... ~-- GIi'-<I {lq1; C IllItE IVE -f.-- I t=- FINCH AVENUE ~ \ '\ \ '\ "" \ JC \ '\ 1---- ~ FINCH AVENUE ~._~ ~ ~ --1 ~ 0 0 1trWJ] Planning & Development Department -- __0 __<C o -~lY TAPLIN DRIVE ROAD w --I ~h o ()ID~ ~\~ City of Pickering PROPERlY DESCRIPTION 40M-1721 ) \ r-II,.... "'1_ ~I'n""I\II~ln"l ""'..""1 I:'Tln.... A....n ^C!:C!:II..DTln~1 DATE JUNE 19,2007 PRAWN BY JB I C!r"'lI.l I: 1.r:::nnn 1"1-li=I"I('i=n RV nR l' OWNER VARIOUS =:;:::;:7~'--"'-'-:C""'~':":""'-"':-'----""=- _...........,.,,;_~;,..;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;:~:;.,.:~-ij{~;J;W;;.;;;:::~:;;;_:,~,;;:;:--,,~' ;~ ~;:g{,n~~. 20 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. Being a by-law to dedicate Block 10, Plan 40M-1640, Pickering, as public highway (Fairport Road). WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of Block 10, Plan 40M-1640 and wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Block 10, Plan 40M-1640, Pickering is hereby dedicated as public highway (Fairport Road). BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2007. Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk Roadded.486 Cilq o~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 32-07 Date: November 5, 2007 21- From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development SUBJECT: Dunbarton Village Zoning Review Request for Professional Consulting Services Authorization to Host Public Meetings Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 32-07 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Dunbarton Village Zoning Review be received; 2. That Council authorize staff to seek three written quotations from professional planning consultants to assist staff in the Dunbarton Village Zoning Review; 3. That appropriate City officials be authorized to hire a consultant to undertake the work program outlined in Report PD 32-07 of the Director, Planning & Development to an up set limit of $15,000 (excluding GST); and 4. Further, that City Council authorize the Planning & Development Department to advertise and host both Planning Act required meetings (Public Information Meeting and a Statutory Public Meeting) for a zoning by-law amendment that would relate to the zoning review for Dunbarton Village. Executive Summary: This report seeks Council's authorization to retain the services of a professional planning consultant to assist the Planning & Development Department in undertaking a zoning review of Dunbarton Village, and to initiate an appropriate zoning by-law amendment process that will implement the results of the review. The land subject of this review includes properties located within Dunbarton Village, along Dunbarton Road. This study is a result of Council's inclusion of this project in the Department's work program during the 2007 budget consideration. E~ements of current zoning in the Village are not conducive to a Village character and could jeopardize initiatives to protect and enhance the village setting. The objective of this initiative is to review the existing zoning of the Village of Dunbarton and consider potential zoning changes that better reflect the existing built condition, help guide and foster new development, and support the historical character of the Village. The study must have regard to Official Plan policies for the area that encourage opportunities to rejuvenate the historical _"_.._w........._""''"';...".,,.,,'''''-<..',...''''''~''''''',,#><-,..,,' "i.<,';:;ld.W."~" <.~~,~ Report PO 32-07 Subject: Dunbarton Village Zoning Review 22 Financial Implications: City Council allocated $15,000 in the 2007 budget for the hiring of consulting services for the Dunbarton Village Zoning Review (Account 2611.2392.0000). Date: November 5, 2007 Page 2 Sustainability Implications: This study is a policy implementation project that provides for a more appropriate land use, makes efficient use of existing buildings and takes advantage of existing infrastructure within the City's urban area. The project represents a sustainable approach for the planning of the area. 1.0 Background: lands within Dunbarton Village currently have a variety of zoning (see Attachment #1). The majority of the properties were zoned with the adoption of the original Zoning By-law 3036 which was passed by Council and approved by the Ontario Municipal Board in 1966. Certain properties that are used as detached dwellings, were and are still zoned Genera! Commercial - "C-2". This zoning permits a wide variety of commercial uses including retail store, restaurant, office, automobile service station, taxicab stand, clinic, hotel and other commercial uses. This commercial zoning also includes certain institutional uses as permitted uses. One of the properties still holds an agricultural zoning while other properties have been rezoned over the years for site specific uses. A comprehensive zoning amendment for the area is now considered appropriate to ensure land use conflicts do not result given the majority of properties are used for detached dwellings. Concern with the existing commercial zoning for some properties was highlighted in the fall of 2006 with the submission of a Committee of Adjustment application (PICA 68/06) for 1047 Dunbarton Road. This application requested the extension of a legal non-conforming use and the establishment of a commercial and residential building on the property. This application was tabled by the Committee of Adjustment. Concerns were expressed by neighbours respecting the appropriateness of the proposed land use, and the scope of uses permitted by existing zoning. The Committee of Adjustment application precipitated the organization of a neighbourhood working group that prepared and submitted a discussion paper on the historical Village of Dunbarton (see Attachment #2). The position presented in the paper is that the current commercial zoning of "C-2" is inappropriate and that the area needs to be rezoned to protect the historical village character. 2.0 Discussion The purpose of the study is to consider the removal of incompatible land uses from the uses currently permitted by existing zoning and replacement with more suitable zoning that includes residential and limited compatible commercial uses similar to those permitted in other historical village settings in Pickering. Report PD 32-07 Date: November 5, 2007 Subject: Dunbarton Village Zoning Review Page 3 2 3 The objective of the zoning review is to recognize existing residential uses and permit restricted commercial uses as envisioned in Official Plan policy 11.9 (b) which states: "11.9 (b) encourage opportunities to rejuvenate the historical Village of Dunbarton, including considering permitting the introduction of small scale enterprises on suitable sites, provided the historical character of the area and the interests of neighbourhood residents are respected, and considering undertaking a Community Improvement Plan of Project in accordance with section 15.32 of this Plan" The type of uses envisioned would be typical of small village uses such as bed and breakfast establishments, tea houses, mixed use activities and limited retail and office uses. The zoning amendment should consider the removal of uses that would not fit into the historical village character of the area or create land use conflicts/incompatibilities with existing residential uses. This initiative is a scoped review to address incompatible activities that may affect achieving the Official Plan vision. The review is not a comprehensive development review and is not intended to establish development guidelines, architectural controls, or the establishment of a Community Improvement Area for the purpose of facilitating infrastructure funding. It is noted that Heritage Pickering has on its Work Plan the "Dunbarton Heritage Designation Study" which may result in a more comprehensive investigation related to a heritage district designation. It is anticipated that at the conclusion of Heritage Pickering's investigation Council will then have the option to consider the establishment of a Community Improvement Area for the purpose of seeking funding for infrastructure financing. While the zoning review and Heritage Pickering review are linked, they can proceed independently. 2.1 Work Program This project is identified and funded through the approved 2007 budget. In accordance with City purchasing policy, it is proposed that written quotations be sought from three professional consulting firms to conduct a review of the zoning within the village. The consultant will assist City staff in investigating the most appropriate land uses and performance standards that should be considered through a zoning by-law amendment application. The consultant will assist in the public consultation process of the study and provide recommendations for land use considerations. The work program will include neighbourhood consultation meetings to ensure the concerns of area residents are understood. The consultant will also provide recommendations on land uses to be removed from the existing zoning, and new land uses to be added. It is staff's objective to prepare an amending zoning by-law .. .. - - ... -" ... ",."..C7"""';-'::':':'"'=__~;1~_'1:I:~_~~~'$;;:'t~;r"";~':,::f-"~".., Report PO 32-07 Date: November 5, 2007 Subject: Historical Village of DunbartonPage Page 4 L4 Further, the consultant will propose performance standards for the recommended land use such as parking requirements and building setbacks that will contribute to a more stable neighbourhood, guide new development, and mitigate potential land use conflicts. At this time staff are seeking approval of Council to proceed to seek quotations from three professional consulting planning firms to undertake this project. It is anticipated that the review will commence in 2007 and be completed in the spring of 2008. After receipt of proposals, staff will review all submissions and enter into an agreement for the hiring of the consultant. The consultant will then be requested to initiate the review of the study area and begin the public consultation process. Attachments: 1. Location/Existing Zoning Map of the Historical Village of Dunbarton 2. Discussion Paper on the Historical Village of Dunbarton by Area Residents Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~~ ?:F Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Development Review RP:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the Pickering City Council ;'/ r'.... ,1 ATTACWM9JT' 1 TO RfPOMT , PO _ .52. 0 i 25 I- (f) \ ! l >- cc cc w OJ W -1 OJ 2 <( CC 1_ i L-U ~/ u z o U -1 ,<( LL i- , o <( o n:: s w > W .-J 0.. 0.. <( C.N.R. KINGSTON ,-<' A-Oi \-\ \G\-\\}I P-- City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DUNBARTON VILLAGE OWNER VARIOUS Planning & Development Department DATE OCT. 172007 DRAWN BY JB l' 26 ,4 ." it PL.. ~2':C:}" ....- "-""'__H'_'~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >'" Land Use & Zoning All Argument to Maintain the Historic & Residential Nature of Dunbarton Village As' Stated in the Official Plan of The City of Pickering f\; ~J; (":. f!'1. ~'t"'j:t/'- l l LtW Submitted by the residents of the Village of Dunbarton February 2007 Z ..'11,.. ".'..'.?i-::'2.."-O. '':'''7 (It/,. . .'. ki. ~ -,.\p'Iil.;.\.v._ .,.".....,....,..,_".......,.,.".",..,..,."..,. 27 Dunbarton Village Land Use & Zoning - A historic view looking east beside the same shot from today. Note the sidewalk location & narrowness of the street T:1 Executive Summary This paper has been assembled by some of the residents of the Village of Dunbarton to assist the Planning Department of the City of Pickering in determining a suitable future for infill development among the several dozen properties that presently exist in this tiny community. The premise taken in this paper is that the remnants of this historic enclave exist presently in a purely residential environment and it is the belief that the maj ority of the 'residents and owners of the properties within Dunbarton desire that this use be protected. This paper further maintains that the present C2 zoning is obsolete and inappropriate given the various structural changes that have taken place within the village over the past 50 years. The basis of this arguill_ent is supported Historically, Environmentally, from principles good Traffic Access, standards of Sound Planning and Design, and Socially. These are subjects that make up the subsequent segnlents of this paper. We are at a unique juncture in the history of the village in that there has been virtually no change in use of the existing properties for over 40 years. 28 History ,., L 32 -0" The Village of Dunbarton was initially occupied in the early 1800's and was established around the major land holding of the Dunbar family from whence the village drew its name. It existed as a minor commercial centre supporting a primarily rural fanning community well into the 1950's and may have survived as a viable village until the destruction of the village by the incursion of the CN freight line which was completed in the early 1960's. Prior to this event, the village was very different . The Kings Highway # 2 now known as Kingston Road ran through the village and commercial property lined both the north and south sides. From Fairport Road through to Dunchurch existed numerous commercial establishlnents including a Butcher, a Grocer, a General Store, a Restaurant, a Radio and TV Repair, two Auto Repair and Gasolene Sales, a Police Station, a Lumber Yard, a Taxi Stand, a Post Office, a Doctors Surgery and a Real Estate office as well as a healthy mixture of residential properties including the Manse associated with the United Church. All of this changed with the intrusion of the raihvay and the relocation of the Kings highway to bypass the village. For the most part the Commercial enterprises were expropriated and their sites ended up beneath the tracks and even the two or three that survived were short lived and none survived on the north side of the CNR line beyond 1963. The land south of the rail line has developed appropriately in a commercial manner being still adjacent to the relocated highway. The land on the north side of the tracks developed in a different direction and despite the C2 zoning, only residential infil has taken place since that tilne. One could argue that the zoning should have been conected many years ago by the form.er Township or later the Town of Pickering . It is now time to conect this aberration and establish the Village as residential which is what it has evolved to in any event and what it should have been zoned since the incursion of the CN rail line. z " Jl~..9? Environment, Tree and \Vatercourse Protection 29 /~--:;::::- l ---------- .---- .------ \ -.,.- \ \( " \ I, \ - I I ) \ ---, J ~-- ,-.---- - I ,----- --' / / 'I . i i / ~ I, " \ r--j /~), ~,' \ v I~/'-"'\ '> ~~- 'I, '-.- "", _, (;... I / ,I ( /\ j I I I I ' \'--' / I , \ \-.:. ! I +~ --~ '["1 ~-=~~~j , I:-:~':"',,--- ..--' () .-") ....~:J\\C:::i~"" - I~\,."~'" (. ~ l~. '"'- r'- , \ .-,- The Dunbarton Tree Protection Plan Although the land in question is very small, almost 50% of the land that is zoned C2 is part of the Dunbarton Creek watershed and falls under a special bylaw provision restricting the cutting of trees and was designed to protect the watershed area from unsuitable uses. Traffic Access 30 /1 '2. '3b:9tt ~.._-... A picture of the high embankment on Kingston Rd. Dunbarton Rd; narrow high elevation and obstructed view. The land that borders Kingston Rd is at a topographical high point of elevation which is especially exacerbated by the land cut which accommodates the railway bridging over the highway. This feature precludes any possible direct access to Kingston Road which, again, negates any suitable comrnercial use of this property. The road access to this area is through a series of secondary residential streets, all of which have been permitted to develop with direct residential access. Dunbarton Road itself, as it passes through the historic segment of the village is particularly narrow with limited frontage clearance to permit sidewalk setbacks. Street parking, although pennitted, is paliicularly difficult and the narrowness of the public allowance combined with the topography Inake this stretch especially unsuitable for commercial access. The United Church at the apex of Dunbarton Rd and Cloudben-y Court is a dominant feature within the Dunbarton Village. The church houses various community activities from time to time including local election polls, cub scouts and a variety of community activities which enhance the residential aspect of the village. This pedestrian traffic is not compatible with COlnnlercial uses and would be a public safety exposure if commercial activity involving trucks or heavy machinery were to be permitted. This use would also conflict with the existing compatible use of a local property as a day-care facility. 'L 32 '[J] 31 Planning and Design The Pickering Official Plan under City Policy, Dunbarton "Neighbourhood Policies, Section 11.9 specifically states under subsection (a) that "in the established areas.. .including Dunbarton Road.. ..encourage and.. . require (that) new development be compatible with the character of existing development" and under subsection (b) "encourage opportunities to rejuvenate the historic Village.. ..including small scale commercial enterprises on suitable sites, provided the historic character of the area and the interests of neighbouring residents are respected..." Pictures of the zero lot line issue Most of the residential buildings within the old village are on a zero lot line with minimal front or side yard setbacks. In many cases, driveways, sidewalks and even road allowances border these structures. The structures themselves are on foundations constructed in the mid 1800's and are typically of fieldstone nlortared with lime. Although these structures have withstood the past hundred plus years of use, they were not designed to handle heavy tluck or n1achinery loads. Permitting cOlnmercial uses requiring the use, Inovement and storage of heavy trucks, equipment and supplies within this precinct would be ill advised if not dangerous and are certainly NOT either compatible with existing development or respecting the interests of neighbouring residents. =;;1l\1'M.\mi_........ . .r __",-"~,~---,:~"..,"_""",.",,,,",,,,,,.~,,,,~,,,,...__,~_~w~,,,,,,,,,., .c...e. , _ ... .~,.~. 0.=_,. ,. =..,'.""_ '.'.,."'.~.c,,'''.=',', ,_ ',"".'~ ,"_,',"',,",',""'.' _", '. '.,," ... ... , _ Planning and Design cont'd 32 2 32-07 Many of the existing property O~Nners have made substantial investments in residential improvements to their properties. Commercial uses incompatible with the historical residential evolution of this environment would be detrimental to their property values and to their right to enjoy the quiet undisturbed use of their homes. The City has supported the evolution of the existing land use tovvard a purely residential construct. This is evidenced by the new residential ,;onstruction at the western limits of Dunbarton Rd as well as the redevelopment of the original Dunbar property into several executive homes in a style compatible with the historic nature of the village. The city has also periodically supported the uniqueness of the village setting by investments in suitable street scaping and improved lighting. To permit incompatible commercial uses would fly in the face of not only the local residents wishes but also is contrary to the previous actions of the Town and the City in the past. 2DiJl 1. i27 City investments on landscaping and old style street lamps are in context with historic village setting. 2, j~ -p'l 33 Socially It is appropriate that the City take steps to protect the residential nature of the Dunbarton Village and support the wishes of the majority of local residents to remove the existing C2 zoning and enact a local community bylaw to that effect for certainty going forward. The cornmunity is a small enclave and door to door polling has been taken in an ad- hock fashion that universally supports such an undertaking. The singular wishes of the one resident who is seeking leave to develop a commercial use (re notice of Public Hearing PICA 68/06) is not supported and would be out of character with the development of the village since the early 1960's. Even prior to that time, no commercial use ever existed on the property in question and had it been proposed, it would likely have been rejected. The situation of an existing C2 zoning is an aberration that should have been corrected long ago but should not be permitted to stand and confuse matters from this point forward. The applicant of PICA 68/06 has not owned the site for any length of time and its value has not changed since its acquisition within the last 12 months. Its value at the time was due to a residential use, not having a commercial value. Conclusion The City of Pickering needs to take steps in accordance with the Official Plan of the City of Pickering to protect the historic nature of the Village ofDunbarton. The present C2 zoning is inappropriate and is not in accordance with wishes of the community. The impetus for a suitable amendlnent is supported Historically, Environmentally and from the Principals of Good Design and Sound Planning. 34 REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 33-07 Date: November 5, 2007 CitLl o~ From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/07 N. & N. Picciolo 1475 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Plan 228) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/07 submitted by Antonino & Nancy Picciolo to amend the zoning of the subject property to an 'R4' - Fourth Density Residential zone in order to permit the creation of two lots with minimum frontage of 15.0 metres on lands being Part of Lot 33, Plan 228, City of Pickering, be approved. 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendme-nt Application A 5/07, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 33-07 be forwarded to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to amend the existing 'R3' Residential zoning which requires a minimum lot frontage of 18.0 metres to 'R4' Residential zoning in order to create two residential lots with a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres on Altona Road (see Location Map and Applicant's Submitted Plan,- Attachments #1 and #2). The subject property currently supports a detached dwelling and a number of accessory structures in the rear yard. Approval of this application will establish a zoning for the subject property which will permit the development of two lots that are compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and conform to the Pickering Official Plan. The City's development requirements will be addressed through conditions of any future land severance application. The proposed by-law contains requirements that restrict dwelling height and front yard depth to further assist with compatibility of any future development. It is recommended that this application be approved and the draft by-law amendment be forwarded to Council for enactment. Report PO 33-07 November 5, 2007 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) Page 2 35 Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Sustainability Implications: The proposed Zoning Amendment Application will provide the opportunity to double the net residential density of the existing lot and will utilize existing services. The applicant intends to preserve the existing vegetation to the greatest extent possible. Background: 1.0 Comments Received 1.1 Before the Information Meeting - one resident emailed the City addressing a concern regarding where the fill from the subject property was going to be dumped (see Attachment # 4). 1.2 At the September 4,2007, Information Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments # 6 and # 7 - one resident spoke in support of the application. 1.3 Following the Information Meeting - one resident submitted a letter in opposition to the development, expressing concerns with pedestrian safety and the status of the existing walkway along the Altona Road allowance in front of the subject's property (see Attachment # 5). 1.4 City Department and Agency Comments Development Control - no objections; - all concerns can be addressed through the future land severance application; - no objections; - a road conveyance to the Region of approximately 3.0 metres will be required through land division across the Altona Road frontage of the property for a future road widening (see Attachment # 8); Durham Region Planning Department Report PO 33-07 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) November 5, 2007 Page 3 -56 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority - no objections; (see Attachment # 9); Veridian no objections. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Future opportunities in the immediate area for potential rear lot development have been significantly reduced over the past two years The City's Official Plan does not identify any future road connections along the rear of the existing lots that front onto Altona Road. Approximately two years ago, the potential to assemble rear lots in the area for medium density development was explored by area residents along the east side of Altona Road (being all lands north of and including 1475 Altona Road to Sheppard Avenue). However, the setting of the area has changed and there are limited opportunities to permit major redevelopment. The building currently under construction on the lot immediately north of the subject property (1477 Altona Road) has severely restricted any opportunity for land assembly as the dwelling is located approximately 25 - 30 metres from the Altona Road allowance, situating the dwelling near the centre of the property. In addition, it appears that significant capital investment has been applied to the home at 1491 Altona Road reducing the likelihood of property redevelopment (see Address Map, Attachment #3). The City's Municipal Property & Engineering Division does not support a municipal road within this area due to its close proximity to existing Municipal/Regional roads (Sheppard Avenue & Rougemount Drive intersections with Altona Road). Therefore, the potential for rear lot development to the north of the subject property is now minimal and unlikely. 2.2 A second driveway access onto Altona Road and the proposed anticipated road widening of Altona Road will not create any adverse impacts The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department has re!cognized that there are currently two driveway access points on the subject property which may provide individual access to each residential lot in the event the property is severed (the applicant intends to pursue a land severance application if this Zoning Amendment Application is approved). Since no additional access points are proposed and since the applicant intends to utilize the existing accesses onto Altona Road, no adverse impacts are anticipated. The Region will require a road conveyance of approximately 3.0 metres which will be dealt with at the land division application stage. Report PO 33-07 Nov~mb~r S, 2007 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) Page 4 37 2.3 The proposed development is compatible with existing development and the subject property is to be zoned 'R4' In recent years, properties within the immediate neighbourhood of the Altona Road - Rougemount Drive/Littleford Street intersection have been the subject of severances and plans of subdivision. Recently, Council approved lots with frontages of 15 metres or greater along Rougemount Drive, north of Elizabeth B. Phin Public School, just south of the subject site. Lots east of Altona Road along Sheppard Avenue are zoned for a minimum 15 metre lot frontages. The introduction of a frontage width of 15 metres along Altona Road on the subject property will not negatively impact the existing streetscape or character of the neighbourhood. The area currently exhibits character of staggered front yard depths and one to two storey building heights. To help maintain this character, it is recommended that building height and front yard depth restrictions be applied to new development on the subject lands. Recent Zoning Amendments along Rougemount Drive have applied specific height limitations of 9.0 metres. Since the subject property is situated within close proximity to Rougemount Drive, the same height restriction should also apply. With the exception of the corner properties, front yard depths along the east side - of Altona Road, between Rougemount and Sheppard range from 12 - 30 metres from the existing Altona Road allowance. Since rear yard development potential is now severely limited, the location of proposed dwellings can be staggered to assist with minimizing the impact of new development on existing dwellings. It is recommended that a 15.0 metre front yard depth from the proposed Altona Road right-of-way be required to minimize any impact of new development on existing dwellings. It is recommended that the subject property be zoned 'R4' - Residential Detached Dwelling, with specific restrictions addressing height and front yard depth, to permit the development of two lots with a minimum frontage of 15.0 metres and a minimum lot area of 460 square metres. 2.4 All development matters concerning the City will be addressed through the land severance process The applicant proposes to demolish the existing dwelling and sever the property into two lots for the construction of two new detached dwellings. A conceptual site plan showing the proposed severance is provided for reference (see attachment #2). In order to ensure appropriate development of the proposed lots, all requirements of the City will be included as conditions of approval for any associated land severance application. These conditions will address matters such as, but not limited to, grading & drainage, parkland dedication, and securities. The applicant intends to submit a severance application to The Report PO 33-07 November 5, 2007 . Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) . It. 3 [5 Page 5 2.5 By-law to be forwarded to Council The attached by-law, included as Appendix I to this report, implements Staff's recommendation to approve the requested 'R4' residential zoning. It is recommended that the attached by-law be forvlJarded to Council for enactment, should Council approve this application. 3.0 Applicant's Comments: The owner is aware of and supports the content and recommendation of this Report. APPENDIX: Appendix I: Draft Implementing By-law Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Appli~ant's Submitted Plan 3. Address Map 4. Resident Comment - Helen Gardner 5. Resident Comment - Residents of 1478 Altona Road 6. Text of Information Report 7. Minutes from Statutory Public Meeting 8. Agency Comments - Region of Durham Planning Department 9. Agency Comments - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Report PD 33-07 Nov@mb8r 5,2007 Subject: N. & N. Picciolo (A 5/07) Page 6 39 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: /! Jf A P pp & Development AY:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration 0 Pickering City C u ,./ APPENDIX I TO REPORT PO 33-07 40 DRAFT BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 5/07 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ~ 1:'7. . BY-lAW NO. . r J 41 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part of lot 33, Plan 228, in the City of Pickering. (A 05/07) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to rezone the subject property, being Part of lot 33, Plan 228, in order to permit the creation of two lots for detached dwellings; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. SCHEDULE "I" AMENDMENT Schedule "I" to By-law 3036, is hereby amended by changing the current "R3" zoning designation to "R4" as shown on Schedule "I" attached thereto. 2. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 1 0 - Residential Detached Dwelling Zone - R4 is hereby amended by adding the following subsection after subsection 10.3.10: 10.3.11 Part of lot 33, Plan 228 Despite the height requirement provision of Subsection 5.9, the yard requirement provision of Subsection 5.22, the front yard requirement provision of Subsection 10.2.3 of this By-law, where any lot having frontage on Altona Road on lands known as Part of lot 33, Plan 228 in the City of Pickering, is used for a detached dwelling, the following provisions shall apply: (a) Dwelling Height (maximum): 9.0 metres; (b) Front Yard Depth (minimum): 3. BY-LAW 3036 15 metres; By-law 3036 is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 and 2 above. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 42 4. EFFECTIVE DATE - 2 - This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this day of ,2007. Oebi A. Wilco Clerk o <{ o Cr::: <{ z o f- -1 <{ I I I ________________J_ - -1-1- - -;--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,fO:/l u a -I' R4 ---, 116.8 PLAN 228, PT LOT 33 I I I I ---1---1---,--1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 43 u 9 -I' ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW AMENDED BY BY-LAW PASSED THIS DAY OF MAYOR - DAVID RYAN CITY CLERK - DEB I A. WILCO l' tv ~--_..----- . . I I I - - - / ~~ TWYN I'\. ROUGE VALLEY PARK 44 LAWSON II I RIVERS ~ -- f-- I-- ---' f- - ="T C.N.R. ST. MONlCA's I 33 --D 7 DRIVE n ; II ___......1.---.--. STREET - ,.........~~)EH~Nl ~ :== OU~ f-7 C I-- ^n 1-- I- / f-- I-- 7) -I I-- 0 '== I <( r-- CRESCENT ~- W--- -1-. <( <( o ---- z Z 0 $: I <(-- .:::i lL.. <( - ---- >- 0:: wl---W I-- _-1 > ~ ..J 0 I ~ 0 ~ STOVER e--___ I~V r = - --1---- f--..- lJJ ~~ ~ HOOVER ~ ~ ---~ ~\- "-=~~~ ~O~ \ I I <1" ~~DOLYN '\ ~~~ City of Pickering I DRIVE '\== l / \ \ \ II [ill] ~ r I \ l \ I AVENUE f~ft~~;\ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT LOT 33, PLAN 228 OWNER N & N PICCIOLO FILE No. A 005/07 ~ATE AUG.3,2007 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB f-- - I--- - ~ - - -- ,- SEPARA TE SCHOOL m~"=rr DJIIl:j 0 LI -RiCHARDSON STREET CRESCENT- ::::.- 1 :'( i--- r- ~~ ~ ~ \A \ \() )\ ~~ ....j::\. IH~ / ..... ~" / ~L SHE!~;:>ARD o <( o ~ 1 ELIZABETh B. Pf-I/N PUBLIC SCHOOL ._ ~l -- JL FIDDLERS -j r--- -C 1- ~ I W ;::: ~ o ~~ =I~ ~' i Z - ............ t;jr82U~-~ STARVIEW CRT. r-~- w ,...., ...---- ::J a:: I-- ~ ~ $: I-- OJ r-I--- l'- ~ ~I-- ~ Vl _ >1-- <( I--- I- o W Vl i=! _WI-- Vl _ ~I-- <( 0 U STREET lL.._____ I "'- U - ~ I !:!.!ILEFORD 'IT I--- 0:: III-- 0 I ('\ I ___-.-1. TOMLINSON crn l- I Z ~~o I ~ 1----- ~ t};. ..J~ --. I ~ <( "~ 0 is \',,- _::t-. I 0:: Planning & Development Department :S: ~ \-- =--=- ~ 1<(1 1___ [;j(o.. I I 0. STREET 1 o~~~~!:!:'.rc:~:____,___ .__ __... :t.. ...........:....... All '~nhh. R.....nrvlld. NDt D otan o( Burvey. CHECKED BY A Y '1 PM.I; I r~ Ii ~ :; d!rjj.,.('.J 45 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN A 05/07 . N & N PICCIOLO EXISTING EXISTING FRAME DWELLING o E '. ' . ~ ~ _ . .. ~ROPOSED LOT 2 . j:ol 4. 116.77m .- ...~.., -. .--.J o 1- ~.J <C ~ ____ __ _ _ _ ""~=,,,,,,.===~~~"~"~~~~~;~~;~:r~~,,,,,.~:~~r~~~~~~~"\'.,;:,1:",t\~~~.'::g;;~,<:-:-'q,':"=:'J!,.~_. ~ 46 3 .35 () '7 II, I I I I I \ I I I I i I I I ) I I I i I \ SHEPPARD AVENUE 42.6 27.4 I 30.4 I 30.4 ::1~ 1497- \ ~ 1495 311 "'" LO 1498-1490 LO r-1 317 0325 lD lO ;1 LO 1491 I f') I 337 ; \ 70.1 I 1 " 0 1485 335 345 LO f') 333A 96.7 OJ 1484-1482 LO Q) 1483-1481 f-- "'" \ N 95,4 "'" c:i: l ~ 0 1477 ~ f') 1478 I I ---..:::; ...;7 S"UBJECi 47~ 283 PROPERT'! I"- 1473 LO 1475 r- 281 LO 1471 ,- "'" 1493 14T N 66.7 :1495 1489 l487- 483 LO M 'I'"" en LO 0 0 0 en It) It) LO ~ \'f"'" T"" ,... ,.. I --- 17.9 17.7 15.1 37.8 .J._ LITTLEFORD STF~E:ET 15.5 1\ ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE .0 _0 W I 2 0: ---- 0 I 0 <( 0 7w 0: .....J <( <( -- 0 z z 0 5: 1-- -I ---- .....J <( <( -------' --_. ---- LL. ---.- ~----_. City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT LOT 33, PLAN 228 l' OWNER N & N PICCIOLO ~ SEPT.25,~OO7 DRAW~'BY JB FILE No. A 005/07 SCALE N.T.S CHECKED BY AY -- . Page 1 of 1 t;n~F;L1~)Ti\lT JJ 't. Tn t~,1 J.F;:.;l~;l.il..dl 11__ ' U "'-"'('-'1 J' Co'- 33" - (\ '1 t~:.:~";':ooi'r\" j,t ,- U"_"""'_"'~_'_-"""W<.."""'_' 47 Yearwood, Ashley From: Rourke, Heather en behalf of Planning Web Email Sent: Thursday, August 30, 200710:02 AM To: Yearwood, Ashley Subject: FW: Zoning by law app. A05/07 Hi Ashley, this is regarding your application at 1475 Altona Road. Would you please provide a response and let me know how you replied. Thanks! Heather -----Original Message----- From: Helen GARDNER [mailto:ashlyn33@rogers.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 29,2007 S:30 PM fo: Planning Web Email Subject: Zoning by law app. AOS/07 Regarding this property, I have one question. If this is approved, Where is the Landfil being dumped? I have great concerns regarding this. As I have been told it is being dumped to the residents next to me. ?lease reasond .s 33' '7 48 September 03,2007 Application Zoning By-law Amendment-A05/07 1475 Altona Rd Part Lot 33, Plan 228 We ate opposed to the development for multiple reasons: "'" 1) Adverse impact on the value of our land. 2) Increasing residential dwelling accessing Altona Rd~, Class B Arterial Rd. 3) Access to and from our house is already inhibited with the current situation, pertaining to the rebuilding on lots 1477- 1479, with flatbeds delivering large equipment (during nonconforming by-law hours; 5:50am) & concrete forms, the stone slingers, coffee trucks, septic truck, workers vehicles, Pump Crete truck, in tandem; Miller cement trucks blocking Altona, and the dumping of wet cement from the ddivering trucks into the ditch are sure to negatively impact the storm water flow in these culverts. As this proposal site is directly across from our land, we have concerns with the n~~gative impact during the proposed development. 4) Considering the above taking place; with one house being built during school summer hiatus, how will the community and traffic on Altona endure two more houses being built? 5) With school now resuming and increase of foot traffic on Altona Rd, what is the City of Pickering and The Hegion of Durham going to guarantee its community with regards to safety, if approved? 6) Will this construction site be a closed site? Will th(; City require safety barriers during the development? 7) Will this developer provide a clear and safe sidewalk during the development stage? Unlike Marshall Homes, burying the west side sidewalk during the creation of Littleford subdivision, then blocking the soft shoulder with workers vehicles, forcing our children to walk on Altona Road, during peak Limes. And the current contractor forcing of electric scooter operator to use the road way as trucks were blocking the side walk ") / Concerned residents of 1478 Altona Road i II r TO Ec?DflT II PD" ~~ i 3,. C --1 Citlf 01 49 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-07 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF September 4, 2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O.1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/07 N. & N. Picciolo 1475 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Plan 228) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the east side of Altona Road, north of Rougemount Drive (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the subject property is currently zoned "R3" - Third Density Residential Zone, which allows for a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres; - the subject property has an area of approximately 0.35 hectare, a lot frontage of 30.48 metres and currently supports a detached dwelling and other accessory structures in the rear, behind the dwelling; - existing residential uses surround the subject property. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant has requested to amend the existing zoning from "R3" - Third Density Residential Zone to "R4" - Fourth Density Residential Zone to allow for the creation of two lots with a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres, and to allow for the future development of two new detached dwellings (see Attachment #2); - the applicant has not submitted a land severance application to the Durham Region Land Division Committee. ... . .'.. ...,..,."._'~m,_.,.-,... _...- ". .~~ ........~_~..w;;.~~.."..,;.,,;._~--...,~ Information Report No. 08-07 ATTP,CHMENT #,~_,TO REPOmfl pr)"....;.,2.;.2~c2"... Page 2 50 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan Durham Region identifies the subject property as being designated as Urban Areas - Living Area, which shall be used predominantly for housing purposes; - the subject property also fronts onto Altona Road, which is designated as a Type B Arlerial Road, designed to accommodate the movement of moderate volumes of traffic, including moderate volumes of truck traffic generally maintain a desired operating speed of 60 kilometres/hour in Urban Areas with a right-of-way ranging from 30 to 36 metres; - the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - the City of Pickering identifies the subject property as being designated as Urban Residential - Low Density Area within the Rougemount Neighbourhood, which are areas intended primarily for housing, having a net residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare (net residential density proposed by applicant amounts to approximately six dwellings per net hectare); - encourages new development to be compatible with existing development, the proposal appears to conform with the policies of the Official Plan; 3.3 Zoning By-law 3036 - the subject property is zoned "R3" - Third Density Residential Zone; - the zoning permits a detached dwelling on a residential lot with a minimum lot frontage of 18 metres and a minimum lot area of 550 square metres; in addition to other setback requirements, the zoning requires a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres from the property line or 19.5 metres from the centre line of Altona Road, which ever is greater; - an amendment to the existing zoning by-law is required to allow for the potential future severance of the subject property. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - none received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments - none received to date; InformJtion R@port No. 08-07 I # _J(~A~"~~' n; nf~.'n::r'! 11 DO 3 ~ l) 2..,.~._" ;' .....! vn J " f.... .... l n ...."..-~,~~ ~9ge 3 51 4.3 Staff Comments In reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . the impacts of future opportunities in the immediate area for potential rear lot development; . the impacts of a proposed second driveway access onto Altona Road; . the impacts of the proposed anticipated road widening of Altona Road; . the compatibility of the proposed residential development with the existing built form in the surrounding area. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Company Principal - the owner and applicant of the subject property is Antonino & Nancy Picciolo. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Ashley Yearwood Planner I AY:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review -...~-,---~.,.._.,.,-,- .~. IIlL.<l!:.J' . ~..........._.......,..___..~"... ~ ...,:?3..Q7 52 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date "7 3c?-{) 7 Excerpts from Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 4,2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 53 Chair: Councillor Littley (I) PART 'A' - PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING 1. Information Report No. 08-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/07 N. & N. Picciolo - 1475 Altona Road (Part of Lot 33, Plan 228) City of Pickerinq A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to an application submitted by N. & N. Picciolo for property municipally known as 1475 Altona Road. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. She also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before a by-law is passed that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Lynda Taylor gave a brief overview of zoning amendment application A 05/07. Antonio Picciolo the applicant, 1639 Valleyridge Cres., Pickering, appeared before the Committee in support of the application and noted that 2 driveways already existed on the property and that they would be preserving the healthy vegetation on the property. Mr. Picciolo noted that he had attempted to assemble land in the area for future development however a new house is being built on the North side of the property at this time; therefore no land assembly is possible. Dan Farren, 1487 Altona Road, Pickering, appeared before the Committee in support of the application and noted that he was glad to see the proposed detached dwelling development as it may put an end to the discussion of land assembly for townhouses in the area 1 The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4" FLOOR P.O. BOX 623 cWHITBY. ON L1N 6A3 :905) 668-7711 Fax: (905) 666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georg/eft, MeIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "Service Excellence for our Communities" 54 September 24, 2007 Ashley Yearwood, Planner I Planning and Development Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Sent via email to: ayearwood@citv .,pickerinQ .on .ca Mr. Yearwood: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A05/07 Applicant: Antonio and Nancy Picciolo Location: 1475 Altona Road Municipality: City of Pickering We have reviewed this application to amend the zoning on the above noted property. The following comments are offered for YOLT consideration of the application. The purpose of the application is to amend the zoning to permit two residential lots with minimum 15.0 metre lot frontages. The zoning amendment is required as the existing zone category permi1's residential lots with a minimum 18.0 metre lot frontage. Regional Official Plan The lands subject to this application are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. "Living areas" are predominantly for housing purposes. The proposal may be permitted by the policies of the Regional Official Plan. Reqional Services Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property. Altona Road (Regional Road 27) is a Type 'B' Arterial Road in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Type 'B' Arterial Roads typically have a right-of-way width ranging from 30 to 36 metres. A road conveyance of approximately 3.0 metres will be required across the Altona R.oad frontage of the property for a future road widening. The widf3ning may be acquired through subsequent development applications. g ;33 (' 7 55 The subject property currently has 2 entrances on Altona Road. The entrances may provide individual access to each residential lot. Provincial Policies & Delegated Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. There are no matters of Provincial interest applicable to this application. Please contact me should you have any questions or require any additional information. O~m~ Yvvvl Dwayne Campbell, Planner Current Planning Cc (via email): Regional Works Department - Pete Castellan onserRvaNliOn for The Living City t.? I 33, 56 August 22, 2007 CFN 38708.05 BY FAX AND MAIL .f,~ 'to:;!> ;} JJ Ashley Yearwood Planner I City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 /~ltjG :2 (., .-"\ o ~~ crryo"" p. ""~''">'' ,i-:;.1 ", ~ '. ,.,,,,1" Ii I;Ctt 'r-"1".':f'f>:,~;f:.'" :t-x"J~.l;rt\Ji'\iG .& DC~~.ij=-,'!. ;'. ~,i: ~ ";;'~ DEP AF;'~~1EN:7::..)f:i; Eci\fT Dear Mr. Yearwood: RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A05/07 1475 Altona Road Antonino & Nancy Picciolo City of Pickering Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff has reviewed an application to amend the zoning by-law on the above referred property and offers the following comments. Background The subject property is located at 1475 Altona Road, south of Sheppard Avenue in the City of Pickering. It is our understanding that the applicant is requesting permission to amend the zoning by-law in order to allow for the creation for two new residential lots with a minimum frontage of 15.0 metres. Site Specific Comments TRCA staff has reviewed the zoning amendment application and have determined tha' proposal does not appear to affect any of TRCA's programs or policies. Further, the subject property is n.lt located within a Regulated Area pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06. Recommendations In light of the above, we have no objections to the approval of zoning amendment A05/07. We trust that this is of assistance. Pi ease contact me should you have any further que~;tions. Y\hI0J;W ~~~ McNeill BA, BURPI Planner I Planning and Development Extension 5744 CJ/smf!)- Cc: Antonino Picciolo, Owner Steve Heuchert, TRCA f:\home\public\development services\durham tfetJi.r:kefi@1rl;"€l.iilaifSJioll r6ltotglil/t.oc ~~~'='''''''""'.''''''='='''''''',='-~_~'''''''='""-",,,".,,,;~=:=.-,,,,,,,,=.,,,",,;:;''~'='';""'==~".-"":",","""-,'=='"'~'""="__'''.C:'''',l>;"",~,,,,,,,.-,,,:,,;"""======-~=""'=~"'''_''''l:";",=,'''=''''':'U=""=",,,,,,,,''-''~''''-'''J;;'''~'''-:''-..:"',"-"""'-",-""""':o.-.",,-;,,,",,~,,,,,_,.,,,,,,,~_==,,--_,_,,,,"-",=":,,,,,,.;.==~, ~'~',,,,,~.-.'~"',,,-,.-"',,",,~''''_',-,,,,--:=-,,,.,_"''''''''',':='''''''..-=.:,,,",,,,,,..."'-='==,." ~1.Cn.