HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 27, 2007 Citll O~ Minutes WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE September 27 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Steve Holt Pat Korol David Steele Craig Bamford Doris Chee, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Also Present: Ron Taylor, Coordinator, City Development Regrets: Jim Dike Kevin Tower Chandra Gocool David Stone Mayor Ryan 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Councillor O'Connell welcomed eve one to the meetin . 2.0 Approval of Minutes Minutes of the April 26, 2007 and June 21, 2007 meeting were approved. Moved by Craig Bamford Seconded by David Steele Carried , I 13.0 Update on Masters Proqram Study on Frenchman's Bav Discussion ensued regarding the recommendations on the study completed by Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan. The following points were made: Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 · This is not financeable by the City of Pickering · Need for a proposal that is economically feasible · Important to review the benefits in the proposal · Important to review the last chapter as a Committee prior to going to Council · final report has not yet been received Moved by David Steele Seconded by Pat Korol That the Committee ask staff for a copy of the final report and that they provide us with an update on the Stormwater Management Master Plan Study. Carried It was suggested that we have 15 copies available of the final report and that we invite the presenters to attend our next meeting. Doris stated that Professor Wells was to provide a copy of the study in the Fall. 4.0 David Steele noted that he had spoken with Matthew Wells and informed the Committee that the student working on the study this past summer had completed her work and would like to share her research results with the Committee. It was suggested that a letter go out to the student as well as Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan to invite them to a meeting after we have received the final re ort. Workplan David to provide addresses 1) First Nations Trail Councillor O'Connell provided an overview of the First Nations Trail, noting we had received approval to go forward on this, and showing the location of the trail on the maps that had been prepared and paid for by OPG. She noted that having the drawings was a major step and that the next plan to work on would be to get the aboriginal communities involved in the work on the aboriginal gardens. She noted that these gardens are of native significance in the area. She would like to get the groups involved b havin them desi n somethin . She felt it was Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 important to have something designed and created by their community incorporated into the gardens. She went on to show the location of the gardens on the drawings and explained the location was chosen due to the higher elevation. She noted there is one more drawing being done. Discussion ensued on having the aboriginal groups participate in this, with the following points being made: · Have each aboriginal group participate - get them to provide information on their history · Unsure of who had settled in the area, not wanting to create conflicts among the different groups · Should make it a peace ground · "First Nations" - Pat noted that this is copywrited, we would need to look into who to contact for permission if we were to incorporate this into the name · Craig noted Ed Falkenberg has worked with the First Nations people, and Councillor O'Connell confirmed that she has this information · Very important to ask some leaders from the First Nations community who should be consulted and ask for their input. This would be a good starting point. David suggested we try to get a meeting with the First Nations people and see who is interested first and get contacts, then send out to the groups in general · Grants - this is not linked to a specific amount - the amount will depend on the scope of the project · Councillor O'Connell noted she would like to see something of significance done, as we have the space to do something on a large scale · Need to find out how many Nations make up the First Nations · Let groups decide how they want to go about it · Doris suggested this be made a sub project in conjunction with the trail, and take to Council for approval · Look at funding through grants and other sources · Seek Council approval in principle, then see what funding is available David su ested Councillor O'Connell and COLlncillor Dickerson Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 approach the groups to see who they can get involved and report back to the Committee. It was the consensus of the Committee that the focus be on interpretive outlook. It was noted these should be treated as two separate projects, getting the Waterfront Trail functional and the First Nations project. Also, we need to investigate what other funding is available to get the trail functional. Councillor O'Connell indicated that this was the intent. Discussion ensued on various plantings for the area. It was also discussed on how best to present this to Council. One suggestion was to have students prepare an animated presentation. Councillor O'Connell noted that this was a very costly undertaking, and informed the Committee that the drawings we have were funded by OPG, and these funds were specific to the drawings, and could not be used for anything else. Steve Holt suggested the costs may be minimal if we have students working on this. 2) Water Pollution Plant Ron Taylor, Coordinator, City Development, provided an update on the Water Pollution Plant through the use of handouts and drawings. He confirmed that the Environmental Assessment had been completed, and the approvals to expand are in place. He indicated the location of the plant on the map and noted that Y2 of the lands have now been developed. He noted the need to acquire property from the City and with respect to development, we need to look at the community benefits. The next step would be to bring forward to Council for updates, etc. Discussion ensued on the relocation of the heritage farm house. Councillor Dickerson noted it is now sitting on a new foundation. He also indicated this is 100% funded by York Region, and that the alignment has been done. He indicated he would be viewing the house next week. Doris provided an update on what is being done: · Revitalization of Duffin Creek - public use along east side · Re-alignment of a portion of the trail · Preping the perimeter for Stage 3 & 4 expansion - the perimeter of the site is berm · Fully vegetated - TRCA is working on this · Proposing Frisco Road into part of the walking trail · Councillor O'Connell noted that what TRCA is ro osin CORP0228-2/02 and Councillor Dickerson Councillor O'Connell to look into having students do up a presentation Page 4 for parking, is not what the Committee wants, although it was noted that they have not formally submitted a proposal . . Consensus was to have the parking area at the end of Frisco Road . Showed new re-alignment of trail and where the berms are located . Work on grading plans - placement of habitants, etc. Moved by Craig Bamford Seconded by Steve Holt 1) That the Waterfront Coordinating Committee support the need for a fully paved road to municipal standards from the intersection of Jodrel Road and Montgomery Park Road, easterly along Montgomery to Frisco Road, thence southerly to the southern terminus, including the need for a minimum of parking for 12 vehicles at the southern portion of Frisco Road; and 2) That the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be requested to report back to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee on the viability of the above noted request. Carried Discussion ensued on trail enhancements: . Enhancements end to end - benches, lighting . Wildlife in the area . Region is prepared to come up with an enchancement plan I to be implemented in 2008 . Committee to come together with a Plan to take to the Region . Need to come up with conceptual idea, not budget . Regions have agreed to work with us on this . Security measures for fencing Discussion ensued on the feasibility of having the service clubs involved in the heritage farm house in order to make it useable. It was noted that this property was not designated as a heritage property. Pat noted it would be more desirable if it had a working kitchen. It was confirmed that it would be available year round. One group has shown an interest. Also discussed was the need to ensure the suitabilit of the buildin ,ie. washrooms, electrici . CORP0228-2/02 Linda to forward directive to E. Buntsma, Director of Operations & Emergency Services Page 5 It was noted that the building is serviceable from an electrical point, but we need the specifics on retrofit. The Committee does not oppose the feasibility of a community or retail use of the ro ert . 5.0 DATE FOR NEXT MEETING Thursday, October 25,2007 Wednesda , November 21, 2007 6.0 OTHER BUSINESS 1) Councillor O'Connell announced this was Doris Chee's last meeting, as she has accepted another position with Hydro. Everyone congratulated Doris and wished her well in her new position. 2) CLOCA Watershed Awards Cloca is seeking nominations for the Watershed Awards. It was decided we could consider this for next ear. Meeting Adjourned 9:26 pm Copy: Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Heads Page 6 CORP0228-2/02