HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 6, 2007 UUf o~ Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY September 6,2007 7:10 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles - Chair Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Joanne Guindon, Durham District Catholic School Board Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Regrets: Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Adrian Rampersad, Dunbarton High School Ansar Siddiqui, Pine Ridge Secondary School Siobhan Saravanamuttu, Dunbarton High School 2.0 Review & A roval of A enda Marisa went over the agenda items, and the agenda was approved. 3.0 A roval of Minutes & Business Arisin Approval of the June 7, 2007 minutes Marisa reviewed the business arising from the June th meeting. She indicated she had sent the photos of the winners from the student writing contest to Philip Howard, Durham District School Board to post. Marisa to confirm with Philip they were received and posted Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Marisa reviewed the results of the Community Survey which was mailed out on June 8th and sent electronically as well to six pilot groups with a deadline of July 16th to respond. A follow up email and phone call were made on July 24th. Two responses were received. Marisa went through the survey results. She noted that the most significant changes to the survey were done at the June meeting. Discussion ensued with respect to a follow up to the other groups. Councillor Pickles stated that he would follow up with the groups who did not respond. Marisa noted the responses received were not lengthly responses. It was questioned whether to have a focus group as the next option. The consensus was to wait for more responses to be received. Councillor Pickles to follow up 5.0 Student Writin Contest Marisa provided an update on the student writing contest. It has been launched and the PDF was sent to Joanne and Philip with hard copies to follow for posting. Marisa has spoken to the printer and confirmed they will be 8 % X 14 glossy and should be ready by Monday. The statement for this year's writing contest will be: "Imagining my diverse community in the year 2025" It was recommended that we should think about visits to schools to generate interest. The judging is to be done by February - forum date is set for March 19th Councillor Pickles asked the school representatives what would be the best way to generate more interest in the schools. Margaret suggested we visit staff meetings at the school, which are held the first week of every month, with the best time being between 4 and 4:30 pm. Joanne suggested that prizes would attract more participants. Discussion ensued with respect to participation and possible incentives to increase this. Some options were suggested: Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 · Go directly through English teachers · Make the visits part of an assembly at the school · Promote more as a competition · Incentive similar to Toronto - cash prizes & gift certificates given to recipients (Marisa noted that gift certificates from Chapters were presented last year) · Invite corporations around Pickering to add to the prizes · Letters to go out to all principals and include copies of the printed essays from last year. Joanne suggested the letters be addressed to the Superintendents. Marisa indicated that the winning entries from the last 3 years have been typed · Kirk suggested the letter also go out to the Chair of the Board and the Director of Education · Promotional video tape · Compile essays into book form · Video tape the forum which could be shown to principals Councillor Pickles indicated he has a printer in Ajax working on a cost for producing the books based on 200 copies. This should go out to all Regional schools, and ask them to circulate back to the Library for student research purposes. It was suggested we attend a Principal's meeting at Valley Farm Public School on September 20th - this would cover all the principals in Pickering. There is also a staff meeting the first Monday in October. Councillor Pickles welcomed other members to join in when attending the schools. This would involve a morning assembly or a late afternoon meeting. He requested all members to give this some thought. We should also extend the invitation to other organizations in the community such as the Durham Youth Tamil. 6.0 Councillor Pickles provided an update on the Tapestry Event. He indicated the first planning meeting will be called in October, to take place sometime in November. Councillor Pickles requested members to volunteer with respect to attending the meetings, assisting with the organizing of the Tapestry Event as well as on the day of the event. Councillor Pickles indicated his desire to see more involvement from our Committee as well as Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 from other organizations within the community. Next year's event will be held on June th, 2008. It was Marisa to action suggested that we send a letter of thanks to Paul Savel, of the Pickering Museum Committee for chairing the event and include a token ift from the Cit of Pickerin . 7.0 Annual Work Plan Councillor Pickles provided an update on the Annual Work Plan and indicated it had been finalized and was going to Council on September 17th for approval. He indicated he would like to build on this for next year and to also have the work plan in place earlier next year. Marisa indicated we are on track for the work plan. She noted that she would like everyone to be prepared to discuss the youth section for the Committee's page on the website at our next meeting. Kirk Mark suggested the possibility of having a community event, such as a golf day for 2008. He stated this would be a good way to get the corporate people involved in order to help support our initiatives. 8.0 8.1 Discussion ensued on the possibility of different types of sports events, such as basketball, hockey, etc. It was decided we need to involve other groups as well, so that they may help promote our ideas as well. Other Business Annual Report Marisa to send out a reminder to youth members For discussion by all at next meeting For discussion at next meetin This will be placed on the next agenda for discussion. We need Linda to follow up to know the particulars on how this is to be presented to Council. 8.2 Canadian Commission for Unesco This item will be placed on the next agenda for discussion purposes. Background information will be forwarded electronically to all members. 8.3 60th Anniversary of India's Independence CORP0228-2/02 All members to be prepared for discussion at the next meeting Page 4 Councillor Pickles made mention of the flag raising which took place on Saturday, August 18th at the Pickering Civic Centre. 8.4 Harmony Links Background information on the Harmony Links retreat to be sent Linda to forward out electronically to all members. 8,0 Ad'ournment Adjournment: 8:35 pm Next Meeting - October 4, 2007 at 7pm, Main Committee Meeting Room. Page 5 CORP0228-2/02