HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 20-07 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE " of ..... i....' _l ,) Resolution No. 113/07 Dated May 22,2007 Report Number: OES 20-07 Date: May 14, 2007 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Speed Limit and Stop Control By-law, Strouds Lane - Amendment to By-law 6604/05 - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 20-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-laws be enacted to amend Schedules 6, 7 and 9 to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of through highways, stop controls and speed limits on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Executive Summary: In response to continued road safety concerns from area residents, municipal staff were requested by Ward 3 Councillor Pickles report back on: . Establishing All-Way Stop controls on Strouds Lane at Autumn Crescent as a means to heighten pedestrian safety crossing across Strouds Lane, . reduce the speed limit on Strouds Lane, from Autumn Crescent to Altona Road, from 50km/h to 40km/h This request was brought forward under other business at the Executive Committee Meeting on January 22, 2007. Having completed the review, staff present the results and submit the draft by-law amendments as requested. Financial Implications: The acquisition and installation of speed limit and All-Way Stop control signs and line marking is estimated to cost approximately $2000 and can be accommodated within the Roads current budget account 2320.2409. Sustainability Implications: The concerns as presented to staff and the recommendations as generated by staff are relevant to the social lens of sustainability by addressing traffic operations and their impacts on residential properties. Report OES 20-07 May 14, 2007 Subject: Speed Limit and Stop Control By-law, Strouds Lane Page 2 r\ i ~':; '-.. 1. I Background: Strouds Lane is an east/west type 'C' Arterial road between Altona Road and Fairport Road. Although constructed during different periods of development growth in Pickering, its general design consist of a 27 meter (88 ft.) right- of-way/road allowance with a 13 meter (45 ft.) road width accommodating bidirectional travel with on street parking on both sides. There are four schools, St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School, Altona Forest Public School, Highbush Public School and St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School in the immediate vicinity of Strouds Lane. Consequently, given the high vehicular and pedestrian volumes along Strouds Lane there 3 school crossings, located at Strouds Lane at Rosebank Road, Strouds Lane at Fernam Street and Strouds Lane at Aspen Road (see map attached). Since the recent completion of the Strouds Lane extension from Autumn Crescent to Altona Road (Regional Road 27), staff and members of Council continue to receive ongoing concerns from area residents regarding pedestrian safety and traffic operations. These concerns are attributed to what is perceived by the community as excessive vehicular speeds on Strouds Lane which culminate in requests for All-Way Stop controls and reduced speed limits. As a result, staff have conducted numerous studies on Strouds Lane. Using mechanical vehicle counter classifiers, the following are the results of the various traffic studies completed along Strouds Lane; 50m west of Autumn Crescent. Date (m d v) Volume (vehicles) Ave Speed (km/h) 85th %-ile Speed * (km/h) 09 30 2004 2542 43.6 52.2 08102005 4049 50.9 57.7 03 23 2006 2904 53.6 62.9 **09 14 2006 2904 48.4 57.5 **02 13 2007 2913 49.5 56.7 * (85th %-ile Speed is the speed that 85% of traffic travels at or below) **after implementation of a traffic management scheme to reduce vehicle speed Overall, the results confirm typical arterial roadway operations on Strouds Lane, with average speeds near 50km/h and an 85th %-ile speed at or below 60km/h. The data also indicates that municipal warrants for All-Way Stop controls are not met. Consequently, staff presented report OES-07-05 to Executive Committee meeting on March 2, 2005 recommending that All-Way Stop controls not be installed. However, given continued concerns from the community and the Ward Councillors, staff implemented a traffic management scheme on Strouds Lane (between Altona Road and Rosebank Road) to address both aggressive driving and vehicular speeding in the area. The pavement marking scheme consists of painted lines demarcating curbline bicycle lanes and intersection turning lanes. Before and after studies indicate that the design was successful in generating an average speed reduction of 5km/h. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 20-07 May 14, 2007 Subject: Speed Limit and Stop Control By-law, Strouds Lane r~ i ~ '- 1. ~:> Page 3 The above notwithstanding, area residents continue to voice concerns with respect to pedestrian safety on Strouds Lane west of the St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School. Although area residents have previously identified the intersection of Strouds Lane at Autumn Crescent as the major crossing point across Strouds Lane, given the road crossing width, vehicular speeds and the minimal sightlines due to the horizontal curve at the intersection, intersection pedestrian safety continues to be voiced by the community as further justification for All-Way Stop controls. In recognition of community concerns, staff support the request and, contrary to the municipal Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy, hereby recommend the installation of All-Way Stop controls at the intersection of Strouds Lane and Autumn Crescent. The All-Way Stop control is being introduced not as a speed control measure, but as a means to introduce vehicular traffic control to reduce conflicts at a major pedestrian crossing point. Although staff did not complete the usual community consultation process to report the results to the Executive Committee, the two residents at the intersection of Autumn Crescent and Strouds Lane, (see map attached) have been consulted and staff received both support and opposition to the implementation of All-Way Stop controls at that intersection. Further to the area residents concerns, staff were also asked to review and reduce the regulatory speed limit on Strouds Lane (between Altona Road and Autumn Crescent) from 50km/h to 40km/h similar to other school zones along Strouds Lane. Having completed the review, staff herby propose an amendment to the municipal traffic by-law to establish a uniform 40km/h speed along the full limit of Strouds Lane. The intent is to eliminate driver confusion and/or frustration due to fluctuating speeds created by small pockets of 50km/h and 40km/h school zones over the entire length of Strouds Lane. The proposed change will also correct discrepancies identified during the review, between the existing speed limits as signed and the current municipal traffic by-law (as illustrated on the sketch attached). Although Strouds Lane is a type "C" arterial road its function as a collector road with two schools fronting and two schools in the vicinity warrant the reduced, uniform speed limit. The corresponding draft By-law amendments are attached. In order for the new posted speed limit to be effective, it must be enforced. Durham Regional Police Services will be requested to monitor this road periodically for compliance. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 20-07 May 14, 2007 Subject: Speed Limit and Stop Control By-law, Strouds Lane Page 4 '\ 1 /'. ~. J. .1 Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. Proposed All-Way Stop diagram Traffic Controls diagram Speed limits diagram Draft By-law amendments r" /~. I~" Rich rd W. Ho Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering RH:mp Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, By-law Services Superintendent, Municipal Operations Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Co It "/ CORP0227-07/01 revised /'" !.' '- ,:""tf ,} ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT OES 20-07 1 of 1 . PROPOSED ALL-WAY STOP OPI'RAlIONS 8: EMERGE"i( 'v SERVICES DEPi\RTML"iT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION 1 :4000 Apr, 24, 2007 PROPOSED ALL-WAY STOP Gb,~. ot~c;~~ ~"',"""".' .:,'--,..,. . EI". t "','" STROUDS LANE 0:\2007 OL~ RC'Ci..)rd\\O~2400.()O r -0.') Cc,ncerns\5trotJC!-; Lone Plopo~;(:d nil 'Nuy stop_cdl " , ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT OES 20-07 1 of 1 \~ r '" . _~.-', ~-~'. ..~ PROPOSED,___.-------... ,~. \ ALL WAY STOP // \,"" .../ .., ---~--------~--.,\... \ ----- ...~ (". ~ 'i .l ,', ~ ,', t\ " C1 ~' :..' .. ; , . i 0",0 ~t<- ~ f3- f} '" ~05 ~ " .. .--- . Stop Controls \ "'~ \ ~~HBUSH ,~"""f<'-" \_ o 0",0 o f3-~ ~ ",5f> 0",0 ~ LEGEND .... School Crossing Guard .---------- J' ......' ) \....1 0",0 f3-5 ~ ,~~~:!.- \ --- ST. MARGUERITE ,', BOURGEOJ-!5~ ---.' "",\ C.S. \,. j \, ~ '".-........------...l All-Way Stop Controls t-\\\..-\..- ucf3- 5f>~ OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION N.T.S. MAR 28, 2007 TRAFFIC CONTROLS Oflf "I A... ,/\, J.<..,.~.~.'1,....~ .~ ~ STROUDS LANE 0:\20070[5 Rc:cords\O.2400-00 ,1-05 C)nccrns\Stroud~ Lone hottie Confrois.ccir .~\ (.~ -:. '...... ..~'" t.._ ATTACHMENT #3 TO REPORT OES 20-07 1 of 1 '\n-i I. ~~~-- ------~, ..... \-J.---. ....~,:,.' ~ ~ ~.. - - - - - - - - - - - .. .... , g Iir 1 III U ~~ i C Q. ........ ...... - - - - "!:.".... : ci /.......l ~ ~ ci . ..~.,. - - - ~' ~ ! ffi ~ .J Il.~ ,'/"'~IZ ' zO :r--t C Ill., f I .. #{'! III ~ 'w . .---' # ~ W <( . .J I- I- r---. '\. r, W LEGEND .. ' 1""'" i '::l ~ III 1 rf <( U - U .... ._~ ..../ ) ~ U m r............. I L J .I ::l - - 40 Km/h " / <( 0 I .----' ~ f ( \ ~ t...,. .... ...1 J III - 50 Km/h i , '''-'''--''1 ~ /~.':Jgl._ ........J ~ ..\tI.--- '''=11 !~ ~. "\::~"-1<( " . ~ ~ ,,~ , !z,...- -' .. i III U "/' ~...\ igl......_ ....,.......-j _ _ _ _ __"." ! ~ (-'-71~ ~"". . "/'<I'z", ~ci hr. i ~ ..' ,I! \ .....1 I. ~ ~ <( ~ . -. .J ~ i..i " ..r") )~5 m [...............1 r <(u ( < <( ~ i.... .... .n' .f'-"-" EXISTING SIGNS ....... "'---1, ~ if~~!:L-.. "\:I/---J Ii ~. ~, ,z-.' Iir : IllU ~~'i ...~.~1, l~!.n....... ./ .,.n_._.....~ ,- T'''''' I ffi (J:.<(~. ,.'."Z' zO :-------1 c ..' / i " . ...J f! ~ ~ <( ~ l L .J ~ i. ; '. ,--' " ;::l ~ III 1 r <( U n...;./ ) ~ U m [........ 1 / <( 0 ; ..-....-. I ' ~ ; J ! ". l._,",._..,".".~...J : i EXISTING BY.LAW tI-:---. 1 ~ , 0 i <(~ '1 Ow". i ~Ir ~/l : IllU ;.~/ j :fIJ -"- - -. - - - - ~. ' 'a:: .~ ~ci : ! W ,/ '#A Z ' z [-----1 0 \ ,....r##(ld <(~ I L .J~ .. \ ,.-.... ;)::l~ ffi ,....... 1 ( <(u .... '. J .. I I- U III ; --- ,//~ 0 i ''''1.''-'''-'' . ( ':, ~ i...., ......,' I ((.:..;~L.., . "'. i~i--- ""1 il-'-' " :.J ..r-ri<( /~ L) ~ REQUESTED BY. LAW ;.. un.... .~.....J , .(.~.'Jgi '~~-""i<( '~..\ j~L.:':::'. /h'-)i<( ->> / I Li PROPOSED BY.LAW OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION STROUDS LANE N.T.S. MAR 12,2007 SPEED LIMITS (:\MY DOCUMENIS\TRAFFIC\FORMS AND WARRANfS\FOli':M FiELD OBSERVAliONS LETTER.CDR ...-- .... ---_....- ci ~ III W l- I ~ , ./''''--1 1 'r 1', ...J.. ..-- .... ~\.... ci Ir III W !: I ~ . .....---.1 I ~ :\1 ...J J ...-- .... ----...... o ~ III W l- I ~" .,......-.i , ' I ! 1- h.. I LJ. ci Ir .J .J I W U ::l Ir Q. III i' o Q. CI:, .0 ~~ LEGEND - - 40 Km/h - 50 Kmlh ci Ir .J .J I W U ::l ~ Q. III i' o Q. Ir, -0 ~~ LEGEND - - 40 Km/h - 50 Km/h o ~ .J .J I w U ::l ~ a. III i' o Q. Ir, -0 ~~ LEGEND - - 40 Kmlh - 50 Kmlh Ca," "I .l.. . . ""i::'\-~ Ai ~"'''l.''~ PrCKElill~G ATTACHMENT # 4 TO REPORT # OES 20-07 10f4 ....: ~', 1'- ,-_J THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. XXXX/07 Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of vehicular maximum rates of speeds on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. WHEREAS, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 6604/05 to amend the Speed Limit on Strouds Lane. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule 9 to By-Law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: SCHEDULE 9 SPEED LIMITS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 HIGHWAY LIMITS SPEED DELETE Strouds Lane Autumn Crescent to Rosebank Road, 40 km/h Broadoak Crescent (east leg) to Alder Court, Shadybrook Drive to Spruce Hill Road ADD Strouds Lane Altona Road to Fairport Road 40 km/h ATTACHMENT #4 TO REPORT # OES 20-07 20f4 ..., ,....,... ',- . :,~ '-t 2. This By-Law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2007. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, Clerk CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT #4 TO REPORT # OES 20-07 30f4 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING :""'r ftmI' \.' .~: J BY-lAW NO. XXXX/07 Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the erection of Stop signs on certain intersections within the City of Pickering. WHEREAS, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 6604/05 for the erection of Stop signs on Strouds lane at Autumn Crescent. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Schedules 6 and 7 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, are hereby further amended thereto by the following: SCHEDULE 6 THROUGH HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 HIGHWAY LIMITS (FROM/TO) DELETE Strouds lane From Altona Road (RR 27) to Rosebank Road, from Rosebank Road to Fernam Street, from Fernam Street to Whites Road (RR 38), from Aspen Road to Spruce Hill Road ADD Strouds lane From Altona Road (RR 27) to Autumn Crescent from Autumn Crescent to Rosebank Road, from Rosebank Road to Fernam Street, from Fernam Street to Whites Road (RR 38), from Aspen Road to Spruce Hill Road CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT #4 TO REPORT # OES 20-07 40f4 *'\ r' " '.. .. J SCHEDULE 7 STOP SIGNS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 INTERSECTION COMPULSORY STOP FACING TRAFFIC ADD Strouds Lane @ Autumn Crescent Strouds Lane, eastbound & westbound 2. This By-Law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2007. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, Clerk CORP0227-07/01 revised