HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 22, 2007 (Special) AGENDA SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 22,2007 Special Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 22, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the Special meeting to order. II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST III) PRESENTATIONS Presentation by Planning & Development Department. IV) DELEGATIONS Members of the public will be invited to present comments, ideas and issues regarding revisions to the City's Official Plan that may be required. V) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW VI) ADJOURNMENT PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW The City of Pickering Official Plan is a strategic policy document that guides and manages growth and development while protecting the natural and rural environments. The Planning Act requires municipalities to hold a special meeting of council at least once every five years that is open to the public, to determine the need for any revisions to the official plan. The purpose of the special meeting of Council is to discuss and present comments, ideas and issues regarding revisions to the City's Official Plan that may be required. SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL MAY 22, 2007 BACKGROUND REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION a) Notice and purpose of Special Meeting of Council b) Director, Planning & Development Report PO 04-07 as approved by Council on March 5, 2007 c) Excerpt of the minutes of Council with respect to Report PO 04-07 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW The City of Pickering Official Plan is a strategic policy document that guides and manages growth and development while protecting the natural and rural environments. The Planning Act requires municipalities to hold a special meeting of council at least once every five years that is open to the public, to determine the need for any revisions to the official plan. PURPOSE You are invited to attend a special meeting of Council to discuss your comments, ideas and issues regarding revisions to the City's Official Plan that may be required. The Official Plan Review will focus on the following matters: · implementing new Provincial policy documents such as the Greenbelt Plan, and the Central Pickering Development Plan; . incorporating the results of the Region of Durham Official Plan review; . preparing new policies to guide intensification; . strengthening the sustainable framework to support the City's Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan and Benchmarking for Sustainability; and . reviewing and updating Official Plan policies to ensure ongoing effectiveness. DATE AND LOCATION The special Council meeting will be held on: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 7:30 pm Council Chambers of the Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade, Pickering ON City staff will be available at 6:30 pm in the foyer of the Civic Complex to answer any questions on the review of the Pickering Official Plan. COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS Questions, written submissions or meeting requests may be directed to: Steve Gaunt, Senior Planner, Planning & Development Department, City of Pickering at 905.420.4617 (toll free: 1.866.683.2760) or 905.420.4660 extension 2033 or email: sQaunt@citV.pickerinq.on.ca FURTHER INFORMATION Report PD 04-07 on the Pickering Official Plan Review is available from the Planning & Development Department, the City's website at www.citvofpickerinq.com/standard/planninq/index.htmland at the special Council meeting. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS If you are unable to attend the special Council meeting, you can mail your written submissions to the City's Planning & Development Department by June 30,2007. Planning & Development Committee will consider the results of this initial community consultation and confirm the directions of the Official Plan Review at a future meeting planned for the fall of 2007. If you wish to be advised, please write to Steve Gaunt in the Planning & Development Department. Dated at the City of Pickering this 16th of May, 2007 Debi A. Bentley City Clerk Ciu, (J~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE '. \. 4 .~ t~' '1 Council Resolution No. 56/07 Report Number: PD 04-07 Dated March 5, 2007 Date: February 26, 2007 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Pickering Official Plan Review Recommendations: 1. That Report PD 04-07 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the review of the Pickering Official Plan be received; 2. That the Preliminary Work Plan for reviewing the Pickering Official Plan, as set out in Attachment #3 to Report PD 04-07, be endorsed; 3. That staff be authorized to hold a special meeting of Council, as required under Section 26(3)(b) of the Planning Act, in the spring of 2007 to obtain public input on revisions to the Pickering Official Plan that may be required; 4. That staff report back on a Final Work Plan that addresses the submissions received on the Pickering Official Plan; and 5. Further, that a copy of Report PD 04-07 be forwarded to the Region of Durham, local municipalities in Durham Region, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Durham School Boards for information. Executive Summary: The Pickering Official Plan has been in effect for almost 10 years. A number of new Provincial documents are now approved and the Durham Regional Official Plan review is mostly complete. It is important to keep the Official Plan current with recent Council directions on matters such as sustainability. In addition, as Official Plans are required to conform to both Provincial policies and upper-tier plans, staff is requesting that Council endorse the preliminary work plan for reviewing and updating the Pickering Official Plan. The Official Plan Review will focus on the following key areas: . strengthening the sustainable framework to support the City's Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan and Benchmarking for Sustainability; . implementing various Provincial policy documents including the Greenbelt Plan, 2005 Provincial Policy Statement and the Central Pickering Development Plan; . incorporating new Official Plan policies resulting from the Region's review of its Official Plan; . preparing new policies to guide intensification consistent with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; Report PO 04-07 Date: February 26, 2007 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Revie Page 2 ."4- " i'. .' ~;._ !;. ',J . changing the Plan's time horizo from 2016 to 2031; and · reviewing and updating poli ies and designations to ensure ongoing effectiveness. It is staff's intention to pmpare a serie of amendments to the City's Official Plan. For example, the City can initiiate Official P an Amendments for the Greenbelt Plan and the new Regional Official Plan as tho e initiatives are now approved. For other amendments, such as conformity to the Growth Plan, studies are required to be completed at the local level. It is exp cted that the Review will require approximately three years to complete. As the Planning Act requires that a pecial meeting of Council be held to discuss revisions to the Official Plan, staff is r commending that a spe~cial meeting be held in spring 2007 to obtain public input. Financial Implications: A budget pr vision of $40,000 has been recommended for inclusion in the Planning ~k Oevelopme t 2007 Budget for consulting services related to this initiative. Sustainability Implications: A revi w of the Pickering Official Plan at this time provides the City with an unique oppo unity to enhance the slUstainable framework in the Plan by the inclusion of polices t direct sustainable devE~lopment in accordance with the City's Sustainable Neighb urhood Plan Guidelines (pending Council's consideration) and key principles of arious Provincial, Regional and Conservation Authority documents. ThH result shoul be a Plan that assists the City in achieving its sustainable objectives of Cl healthy envi onment, society and economy, and responsible development and consumption. 1.0 Backaround: 1.1 The Pickering Official Plan w s adopted in March 1'997 and subsequently approved by Durham Regional Council in September 1997 Pickering's current Official Plan (' he Plan') was adopted by City Council in March 1997 and approved by Ourha Regional Council in September 1997 with modifications and deferrals. Th Plan's planning horizon is 20 years (up to the year 2016) and contains detaile policies for guiding and managing growth and development while protecting the atural and rural environments. Since the Plan's approval, all 1 appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board have been dealt with, and only 20 ou of 63 deferrals remain. Most of the deferrals relate to Seaton and the airport I nds, and are listed in Attachment #1. Report PD 04-07 Date: February 26,2007 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Review Page 3 c 4rV addition, the Plan has been amended 12 times either in response to development applications (e.g. Watson's and Heather Glen golf courses) or to City initiatives (e.g. Northeast Quadrant Review and Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review). The City's Oak Ridges Moraine Conformity Official and Zoning By-law Amendments are currently awaiting Provincial approval. 1.2 A number of initiatives are either completed or underway by the Province, Region, City and Conservation Authority that will need to be considered and incorporated into the Plan's review At this time, a number of new Provincial policy documents such as the Greenbelt Plan and the Growth Plan for the Golden Horseshoe have come into force. A new Provincial Policy Statement is also in effect. At the Regional level, Amendment 114 to the Durham Regional Official Plan, except for the appeals, has been approved. This Amendment includes revisions to the environmental, rural, transportation and commercial components of the Regional Official Plan. The City has a number of initiatives underway including the Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan and Benchmarking for Sustainability. Other anticipated initiatives include preparing a long-term sustainable vision for Downtown Pickering and undertaking a number of studies required under the Province's Central Pickering Development Plan such as the Master Environmental Servicing Plan and Neighbourhood Plans. A Watershed Plan for the Duffins and Carruthers Creeks and 'Generic Regulations' that regulate natural features and activities (including development within regulated areas and any interference or alteration to watercourses, wetlands and shorelines) have recently come into effect. Other Conservation Authority initiatives are also underway or commencing. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 The City's Official Plan has provided a solid foundation for managing development, guiding infrastructure decisions, and protecting the environment over the last 10 years Since 1997, the Plan has provided a solid foundation to guide development and change in the City. The Plan's promotion of Pickering as a complete community through sustaining healthy ecological, urban, and rural systems remains relevant especially in light of Council's commitment to sustainability. While staff is recommending enhancements to the sustainable elements of the Plan, there is no need at this time to change the fundamental framework, principles, and goals of the Plan. In addition to reviewing the Plan to achieve conformity with the new Provincial and Regional Plans, a general review of the Plan is required to ensure that the Plan's policies continue to be relevant and appropriate to deal with growth, development and environmental initiatives. Report PD 04-07 Date: February 26, 2007 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Review Page 4 -, 4 ,.., l't To this end, staff has identified ~ everal policy areas in the Plan requiring review such as housing, population an employment targets, planning horizon. There are also three outstanding C uncil resolutions that need to be addressed regarding waste transfer/proce sing, archaeological master plan, and the extension of the WI1itevale Herit ge Conservation District. Further, a number of housekeeping/technical changes are required. A list of key initiatives requiring consideration as part of the Plan' review is provided in Attachment #2. 2.2 A three-year timefl'ame for co pleting the Plan's reviE!w is realistic The Plan's review will involve th assessment of various provincial, regional and conservation policy documents, reparation of selected background studies and policy papers, and the preparation of a series of Official Plan amendments on a variety of topics e.g. natural herita e, intensification, and commercial. It is expected that the review can be completed ithin the 2007-2009 timeframe as follows: Year 1 - 2007 Amendments would be preparec implementing the City's sustainable initiatives such as Benchmar~cing Sustaina i1ity and the Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan. Also, staff would be implementin, the results of several approved initiatives (e.g. 2005 Provincial Policy Statemen , Bill 51, Greenbelt Plan, Regional Official Plan Review and Conservation Author ty's 'Generic Regulations'). Other amendments such as housekeeping matters or updates to the Plan would also be initiated. Year 2 - 2008 Staff would prepam amendmen's to implement initiatives completed in 2008. For example, it is Elxpected that amendments implementing studies completed under the Province's Central Pi kering Development Plan (CPDP) such as the Natural Heritage System Manag ment Plan and Highway 407 Employment Land Study would be prepared. Other amendments implementing the results of staff's general review of the Plan's poli ies and the work related to Council resolutions would also be prepared for Coune ii's consideration. Year 3 - 2009 Amendments would be prepare in the third year for the initiatives that are expected to take longer to con plete due to the need for technical studies, reports and other required d cumentation. For example, the Downtown Intensification Strategy not only r quires extensive analysis and consultation but also is partly dependent on ackground work bein~g done by upper-tier governments relating to populatic n and employment forecasts. Amendments to implement the other studies rei uired under the CPDP such as the Master Environmental Servicing Plan ane Neighbourhood Plan would be prepared. Report PD 04-07 Date: February 26, 2007 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Review Page 5 C 4 In addition, staff is currently participating in several TRCA initiatives. Once each initiative is completed, appropriate implementation mechanisms will be determined and amendments to the Plan prepared, if necessary. A chart listing initiatives, status, anticipated timing of amendments is provided in Attachment #3. 2.3 Public views and opinions will be solicited during the Plan's Review As part of the Plan's review, the City will be seeking community input and engaging stakeholders for their views and opinions during the preparation of the Official Plan amendments. As a minimum, open houses in addition to statutory public meetings will be held for the City's amendments. Public meetings will be posted on the City's website and in the community page of the local newspaper. Mailing lists of interested individuals, community groups, agencies and First Nations will be prepared and meeting notices advising of open houses and public meetings will be mailed. In addition, consultations with the various public agencies (e.g. region, school boards, conservation authorities) will be undertaken, as part of the review process. 2.4 Consultants to assist staff on the technical aspects of the studies (engineering, architectural and urban design) are required Significant staff resources throughout the Corporation will be involved in the Plan's review. As well, consulting services will be required to assist staff on the technical aspects of selected policy reviews and conformity amendments (such as engineering, architectural and urban design). In this regard, staff, as part of the Planning & Development draft 2007 Budget submission, has recommended a proposed budget of $40,000 for consulting services. Additional funding requests may be included in the 2008 and 2009 Budget proposal. 2.5 The next step is to hold a special meeting of Council, open to the public, to discuss revisions to the City's Official Plan In commencing an OP review, the Planning Act requires that a special meeting of Council be held to obtain input from the public (i.e. residents, businesses, community associations, landowners, and the development industry) and affected agencies regarding revisions to the Plan. Staff is therefore seeking Council's authorization to advertise, in the appropriate newspapers and on the City's website, that the City is seeking the views of the public on the Plan. Mailings will also be used to advise agencies of the special meeting. A special meeting of Council in spring 2007 is recommended. Subsequently, a report on the submissions received will be prepared for Council's consideration. Staff will also finalize and request Council's endorsement of the work plan. _,._'_.~___..".._.,w. ,"'",,~ ." ~ _",.. ".._~.n_ ,,__ '" ''',-..........~..,__~"."~.~.,_>. _._"..~.___. __ ._ Report PD 04-07 Date: February 26,2007 Subject: Pickering Official Plan Review Page 6 ,., 4 ,., I. l. \:J Attachments: 1. Official Plan: List of Outstanding eferrals 2. Official Plan Review: Key Initiati es Requiring Considerajtion 3. Official Plan Review: Prelimina Work Plan Prepared By: Approved I Endlorsed By: {l :5 Grant McGregor, MCIP. RPP Principal Planner - Policy ~f~ Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy //-"-.)""'" 1.~/ Neil Carr, , RPP Director, Plannin!~ & Development GM:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & T Director, Operations & Emergenc Division Head, Corporate Project asurer Services & Promotions Recommended for the cOlnsideration Pickering Citx Council // C5,) ATTACHMENT'~TO REPORT' PO 04 '07 Official Plan: List of Outstanding Deferrals ! Deferred all permissible uses for: Partially Resolved: Region of : Regional Node 1 set out in Table 7 ! Durham adopted Amendment No. 51 ~ pending further consideration and ~ to the Regional Plan on January 13, ~ Regional Official Plan Amendment: 1999. Ontario Municipal Board l Application 97-019 (now Amendment: approved Amendment No. 51 with ~ No. 51) : modifications on November 18, 1999; ! ! the decision on East Duffins is still I ! awaiting partial resolution of Deferral 7 ~ ~ to the Regional Plan respecting Dixie l ~ Road and the road pattern in East I I Duffins area 05-14---- --I~;~~~:~~~~~~:~~?T~lunresOWed~ --------- .....................................'C"...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... D6 j 3.14 - Table 15 i Deferred Table 15: Permissible Uses ~ Unresolved. l l for Potential Airport Site, for further l : i study on the size and location of the ~ .....................................1.............................................................I...~~~~.~.~.i.~.~..~~.~~.~.~~...~~.~.~................................................................1......................................................................................................................... D8 ~ 4.15(a)(i) : Deferred reference to the request to : Unresolved. j ~ the Region to re-examine and delete i : ~ the proposed east-west arterial south ~ ~ l of Whitevale, subject to further study ~ .....................................l............................................................L~.~.I.~.~.~.~..~~..:.~~~~~........................................................................!....._......._...___....._.................................................................................................... D11 i 4.15(a)(iv) : Deferred reference to the request to l Partially Resolved: Ministry of : : the Region to re-examine and delete ~ Municipal Affairs and Housing ~ l the proposed northerly and j approved related portion of Deferral l l southeasterly extensions of Dixie: #7 to the Regional Plan; Partial ! ~ Road, subject to further study ~ Regional approval of the policy save l : (northeast extension) and ~ and except the words "northerly and" i ~ consideration of Regional request to : came into effect on March 3, 1999 ~ i resolve in part Deferral #7 to the ~ I I Regional Plan (southeast extension) ! ....[5'1'2....................T..;r1.5(a)'(v)".........................T..Deferred....refs.rs.ncs.....to....the....requesT'.fo..r.iin.resolvecC...-.....--..................................................-.... I ! the Region to re-examine and I ! ~ downgrade the designation of existing 1 ! i Dixie Road to a Type C Arterial, i I ! subject to further study I ...b1.4.....................r~f.1.5(br..................................I...Deferred.....refere.nce.....to....the....requesT'.fo...I....un.res.olvecC............................................................................ : ~ the Region to re-examine and if i i i necessary amend the proposed arterial : i : road network in Seaton, subject to ~ i ~ further stud related to Seaton j D3 i 3.7 - Table 7 _,'."'''~"""""",!MllIlIIll__""""_"...,~......"..,",.._....._~._..~",....="...,,,,"-'~.~__~"_~"____w~.___ ATTACHMEf'JT I REPORT' PO '". '5 . ~. , .... .. .. .~-, tJ. :""",:"":: 4.15(c) ,1 Deferred refer nce "re-examine and if ,I Unresolved. ! necessary am nd the proposed arterial I 1 road network around the Potential 1 ! Airport Site", s bject to further study I ...O.1.g....................rTf.1.3(bj'"'..............................!"'befer.retr....poiT..y......respectlng......posslble.T..Un.resolved:.........City....Cou.j1.Cj'j'....p8S.Seej".. 1 i high school site in Amber/ea i Resolution #69/98, Item #4, Part i 1 Neighbourhoo pending further review 1 3.(lb), on March 24, 1998, requesting i i by Region 1 this deferral be resolved by deleting I i I the, policy ....B'i,o....................r.1..f:.1.4(bj.................................I"..Oeferrecj"'...polr.........on......re.duCing......trafflc.T..U.n.res.olved:.............................................................................. 1 i speeds along Dixie Road as it is i 1 i related to Def rral #7 in the Durham ! ....................................l.............................................................!....~.~~.~.............................................................................................................L..........""........................................................................................................... D22 i 12.4(e) i Deferred polic requesting Region to i Unresolved. 1 i construct a by- ass for A/tona Road at i 1 1 west end of Whiteva/e, subject to i I I further study : ..'B24....................r.1"2':6(gj'"'................[now..r..Deferrecj"'.......poT"y..........referiing..........to..........a..!...Un.resolved:.............................................................................. i renumbered as i Highway 7 B -pass of Brougham, i i (f)] I pending consi eration of Regional i 1 1 Amendment N .37 to identify a future i ! 1 by-pass i .....................................1.............................................................t.................................................. ...........................................................................1......................................................................................................................... D31 1 Schedule I i Deferred the esignations within the I Unresolved: Region of Durham 1 i East Duffins rea Study, pending i adopted Amendment No. 51 to the i ! consideration 0 Regional Amendment ! Re!Jional Plan on January 13, 1999. 1 i Application 97- 19 (now Amendment i Onjtario Municipal Board approved i i No. 51) i Amendment No. 51 with modifications 1 i i on November 18, 1999; Region of i i ! Durham adopted Amendment No. 51 !! ! to the Regional Plan on January 13, i i i 19~19. Ontario Municipal Board 1 i i approved Amendment No. 51 with ! i mo(lifications on November 18, 1999; ; i City Council passed Resolution i #50/03 on April 22, 2003 requesting i the Region of Durham to resolve Part i of Deferral 31 as it relates to the 'Duffin Heights Neighbourhood; the 'decision on the Lamoureaux ,Neighbourhood is awaiting the . completion of the Growth '. Management Study "5..... l~,~' (.. ATTACHMENT I "I TO REPORT I PD_.01 -O1..-.=~ ,.""'""",:1,.' Schedule I 1 ~~;;~~~:~esti~~dEm~~~;:;:;t, ~:~:~ ! Unresolved. i designations and related policies for 1 I certain Runnymede lands north of 1 I Bayly Street and west of Church 1 . I Street, for further study I ....i5'3.5.....................f"'Sch.e.cfui.e..'j'.........................r..Deferre(r...iand's......de.slgnated.....Poientiari"'lj'il.resoived~.............................................................................. i I Airport Site, pending further study on i i i the size and location of the potential I .................,J._.................................I..~.i~~~.~._~i~~. ........................................../............ ! Schedule II i Deferred road designations for the 1 Unresolved. i I Seaton Urban Area, including the i i i Transit Spine associated with Taunton i 1 i Road and the future Type B Arterial i I i Road associated with the proposed i i i Fifth Concession - 14th Avenue i i i connection, but excluding Brock Road I i i and Highway 407 and its interchanges, I ~ ~ pending further study of matters related 1 i i to the transportation services of Seaton i ....................................l.............................................................I...~:.~...~.:.~..~~.~.~.~.~...............................................................................1......................................................................................................................... D39 i Schedule II i Deferred road designations for the East i Unresolved: Region of Durham i i Duffins Study Area, including the i adopted Amendment No. 51 to the i i Transit Spine associated with Taunton I Regional Plan on January 13, 1999. i i Road, but excluding Brock Road and i Ontario Municipal Board approved I i its associated Transit spine, pending i Amendment No. 51 with modifications I I further study of matters related to the i on November 18, 1999; City Council I i transportation services of Seaton and i passed resolution #50/03 on April 22, i i the Airport I 2003 requesting the Region of I ~ 1 Durham to resolve Part of Deferral 39 i i i as it relates to the Duffin Heights 1 I i Neighbourhood; the decision on the i i i Lamoureaux Neighbourhood is I i I awaiting the completion of the Growth ! I I Management Study ...i5'40...................T..Sch"e.cfui'e..'j'i'.....................T..Deferred...'oa'd...deslgnaiions...'eiatlng...to..r..U'il.resolvecC............................................................................. j 1 the Airport, pending further study of l I i matters related to the transportation I I i services of Seaton and the Ai~port I ....D42.....................t...Sch.sCiui's.s....i'j"..an.(j....!....DeferrsCi.....iLiiure.....Higij'waY.....7.....BY~pass...I....lj'il.resOlve.d:............................................................................... i IV-4 I designation related to Brougham, i i I pending consideration of Regional I i i Amendment No. 37 to identify a future i ~ i b - ass i D32 D38 /ATTACHMENT I, 'f/EPORT , PO. TO '"'_~""'-,",,___i1i"'~_.,,,,_"."=__. ~.._.__~..." ^"'"."'_"~'_"""""""''''''''=_''''''''''''''''~--''~_'_~__'_~_ :~ 5 r, II: '. ~ .../ 'v ,:J' Deferred the designation of Altona Road north f a proposed Fifth Concession - 4th Avenue extension, pending further study of matters related to the transport tion services of Seaton and the Air ort " ~3' l. \.J .-f ATTACHMENT # REPORT fI PD_ '2 TO D y- 0"7 General Plan Review City Council Resolutions City Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan City Benchmarking Sustainability City Sustainable Downtown Pickering Intensification Study City Housekeeping City Duffin Heights Neighbourhood Environmental Servicing Plan (ESP) Sernas Central Pickering Development Plan Province Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), March 2005 Province Greenbelt Plan, December 2004 Province Review and update policies and designations affecting matters such as housing, cultural heritage, minimum distance separation formula, population targets, planning horizon, and accessibility for persons with disabilities. Address outstanding Council resolutions on waste transfer/processing, archaeological master plan, and Whitevale Heritage Conservation District extension. Finalize Sustainable Neighbourhood Design Guidelines (Phase 3 of the Growth Management Study) for Council's approval. Add new policies to the Plan requiring development proponents to address sustainable design principles. Phase Two Work Program for the Benchmarking initiative currently underway. Add Sustainable Pickering indicators and targets to the Plan. Undertake a visioning process for downtown Pickering and establish a long-range strategy for achieving an attractive, vibrant, and sustainable downtown. Add new policies and designations to the Plan where required. Editorial and minor updates to the Plan. ESP under preparation. Results of the Environmental Servicing Plan by June 2007, which may require land-use and transportation amendments to the Plan. Approved May 2006. Requires City to prepare a Master Environmental Servicing Plan, Neighbourhood Plans and Design Guidelines for the Seaton community. Two other studies, the Natural Heritage System Management Plan and the Highway 407 Employment Lands Study currently underway by Province. Add new policies and designations to the Plan where required. Approved March 2005. Requires municipalities to update their official plan to be consistent with the PPS. Approved February 2005. Requires municipalities to implement the Greenbelt Policies and Schedules as part of its five year Official Plan review. Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Population, employment and urban land requirements Bill 51 (Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act) Amendment 114 to the Regional Official Plan Generic Regulation, Ontario Regulation 166/06 Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Plan Draft Terrestrial Natural Heritage System Strategy Draft Rouge River Watershed Plan, November 2006 Province Province Region Conservation Authorities TRCA TRCA TRCA -l I /:,TTACH~ .ErJT # ~ 2. TO 04-07 ~'5...'- t.' . ,j Approved June 2006. Requires muni!cipalities to implement the Growth Plan's pol cies and schedules before June 16, 2009. Pending iscussion with Province and Region as part of the Growth Plan conformit exercise. Requires the City to incorporate population, employm nt targets and urban land boundaries in Plan. Approved January 2007. Certain parts of the Bill require municipalities to implemen the provisions of the Bill 51 !Regulations while other parts are at the munic pality's discretion. For example, municipalities can add policies to an Offi ial Plan providing Council the' option of zoning with conditions on a plannin application. Add new policies to the Plan where required and use new panning tools and powers. Approved September 2006. Requires municipalities to implement new Regional nvironmental, rural, commercial and transportation policies in local Offici I Plans. Approved May 2006. Under the Generic Regulation, a broader scope of natural fe tures and activities, including development within regulated areas an interference or alteration to watercourses, wetlands and shoreline re now regulated. Implement the regulated area by amendment to the Pia where appropriate. August 2003. AppropriatE~ mechanisms to implement the Plan under review. Draft Strat gy released August 2006 for review and comment. May require mapping a d policies changes to recognize and protect the natural heritage features id ntified by TRCA. Draft Plan released November 2006 for review and comment. require pol cy changes to the Plan. May '\ 5 .~, l:' l) ATTACHMENT #. HEPORT II PD_ 3 TO 04-D7 . . . . . . . . . . x x x x x x x x x x lJ) >- 0) ]9 (]) 2 .S e: Q) ~ Q) +-' E :"Q en e: :::::l e: e C> 0 e: e: :p '> ~ --- l\1 e: a.. lO 0) U W 0 '00 i+= +-' 0 (]) '00 "'C e: ~ +-' +-' 0 ~ e: 0 Q) e: e: (]) 0 E +-' Q) Q) "'C +-' .r:. a. e: E E 0 :0 E .... Q) 0 l\1 :::::l 0 E "'C "'C .r:. e: e: 0 Q) e: e: ;: .... :s ;!: .c > 2 Q) Q) 0 .r:. Q) E E (]) III .c .8 0) 0 l\1 e: III +-' <( <( '> ...... 0 ...... .r:. ...... :::::l ...... e: ...... ...... 'lD ...... ...... en Q) e: :p e: 0) e: en e: ~ e: e: Z e: 0) e: >- 0) 0) 0::: Q) :::::l Q) 'lD (]) (]) (]) Q) Q) e: Q) .~ ,~ e: e: E (5 E z E 0) E 0 E 0) E III e: E 'c E 'E e: e: e: ......l\1 Q) (5 E l\1 l\1 "'C III "'C Q) "'C :52 "'C Q) "'C '0. 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Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 04-07 Pickerinq Official Plan Review 1. That Report PO 04-07 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the review of the Pickering Official Plan be received; 2. That the Preliminary Work Plan for reviewing the Pickering Official Plan, as set out in Attachment #3 to Report PO 04-07, be endorsed; 3. That staff be authorized to hold a special meeting of Council, as required under Section 26(3)(b) of the Planning Act, in the spring of 2007 to obtain public input on revisions to the Pickering Official Plan that may be required; 4. That staff report back 011 a Final Work Plan that addresses the submissions received on the Pickering Official Plan; and 5. Further, that a copy of Report PO 04-07 be forwarded to the Region of Durham, local municipalities in Durham Region, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Durham School Boards for information. Resolution # 56/07 Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2007-04, dated February 26,2007, be adopted, save and except Item #1. CARRIED