HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 06-02 01 ;2 C1tq (!~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: February 27, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CL 06/02 ..... SUBJECT: Woodruff-Mackenzie House Designation 2935 Brock Road Concession 4, Lot 18 City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That Report #CL 06-02 regarding the designation of the Woodruff-Mackenzie House, 2935 Brock Road, be received; and That the Woodruff-Mackenzie House be designated as a Heritage Property. ORIGIN: Letter from Diane Tait, November 11, 2001 and ITom John Sabean dated September 25,2001 AUTHORITY: -. Ontario Heritage Act, RS.O. 1980, c. 337, Section 29.6 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $300 - Plaque - Acct. 2743-5400 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Heritage Pickering (LACAC) recommends the designation ofthe Woodruff-Mackenzie House. BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this report a by-law for designation of the Woodruff-Mackenzie House, At its regular meeting of December 17, 2001, Council approved Resolution #170/01, Item #2, concerning the designation ofthe Woodruff-Mackenzie House at 2935 Brock Road. The process of designation required that Notice of Intent be advertised in the local newspaper for one week and notification then be served on the owner and the Ontario Heritage Foundation. - No appeals have been received on this designation, therefore, Heritage Pickering (LACAC) are now requesting a by-law to designate be approved by Council. ATTACHMENTS: 1. By-law requesting Designation. Report to Council CL 06-02 Subject: Woodruff-Mackenzie House Designation Date: February 27,2002 n1 :3 Page 2 ATT ACHMENTS: 1, By-law requesting Designation. - Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: IJ . ~A n ))'L6- Debbie Kearns L Bruce Taylor BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council v- I' T -- -- ê------ nf4 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # 0-0(./0;" THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING B Y ~LA W NUMBER ~ Being a by-law to designate the property known as the Woodruff-Mackenzie House as being of architectural and historical value or interest WHEREAS pursuant to paragraph (a) of section 29.6 of the Ontario Heritage Act, RS.O, 1990, c. 0.18 the council of a municipality is authorized to enact by-laws to designate real property, including all buildings and structures thereon, to be of architectural and historic value or interest; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering has caused to be served on the owner of the lands and premises known as the Woodruff-Mackenzie House in the City of Pickering and upon the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in the same newspaper having general circulation in the municipality for one week; and WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation has been served on the clerk of the municipality; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. There is designated as being of architectural and historical value or interest the real propeliy known as the Woodruff-Mackenzie House in the City of Pickering, more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. -. 2. The municipal solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by~law to be registered against the property described in Schedule" A" hereto in the proper land registry office. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be served on the owner of the aforesaid property and on the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture & Recreation and to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be published in the same newspaper having general circulation in the municipality for one week. BY-LAW READ a first, second and third time and finally PASSED this 18th day of March, 2002. Mayor ,- Clerk .- ...... - 015 SCHEDULE <tN' TOBY-LAW NUMBER ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels and tracts of lands and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Pickering, in the Regional Municipality of Durham and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot 18, Concession 4, duly registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham.