HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 02-02 04G CUq o~ CO NFID ENTIA L REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: January 11, 2001 - REPORT NUMBER: CL 02-02 SUBJECT: Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC) Nomination of to (PAC) RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 02-02 regarding the membership selection for the Pickering Advisory Committee be received; and 2. That the Council of the City of Pickering hereby nominates for appointment to the Pickering Advisory Committee by the Greater Toronto Airports Authority. ORIGIN: -- Letter from the Greater Toronto Airports Authority dated December 20,2001. AUTHORITY: Section 102(1) of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) has established the Pickering Advisory Committee with the goal of providing advice to the GT AA in the planning for a future airport on the Pickering Lands and to serve as a forum for the GT AA to discuss issues with interested community stakeholders. The City of Pickering is being requested to nominate an individual to represent the community interests of Pickering. - BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter from the President and Chief Executive Officer of the GT AA advising that the GT AA established the Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC) with the goal to provide advice to the GT AA in the planning for a future airport on the Pickering Lands and serve as a forum for the GTAA to discuss issues with interested community stakeholders. Report to Council CL 02-02 Date: January 11, 2002 f)47 Subject: Nomination to Pickering Advisory Committee Page 2 Pursuant to the Terms of Reference approved for this Committee, Council is requested to nominate one (1) community representative. The Pickering Advisory Committee is comprised of twelve (12) members and additional Technical Resources as required. Membership terms will be three (3) years, with the opportunity for re-appointment at the end of the completed term. .".,.. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from President and Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority dated December 20, 2001. 2. Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC) Draft Terms of Reference dated December 19, 2001. Prepared 'By:, ",/,./- /J <Ç',/,,~/(,'r " . J/./ ?/ , ,/' Alme Greentree( Supervisor, Legislative Services ~/End~~~ , ' Bruce Taylor, City Clerk Attachments - Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer .... 048 - - - b"'-l"ACH"¡\,¡í,P':1 i::,/" ,TO REPORT # éf.,. 62 - ó 2- rll 1..1, .'"-.-.,,,..-. Mr. L.A. Turpen GTAA P.O. Box 6031,3111 Convair Drive Toronto AMF, Ontario L5P 1 B2 Dear Mr. Turpen, January 9,2002 . Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the establishment of a "Pickering Advisory Committee" (PAC). I would be pleased to accept your invitation to sit on the committee. In addition we would be pleased to provide technical support at the staff level. As soon as Council reconvenes, we will be able to address the question of a recommendation for your consideration asa community appointee. We will advise you of the individual recommended at the earliest possible date: cc: Members of Council Thomas J. Quinn, CAD Tom Melymuk, Division Head Yours truly, Wayne Arthurs, B.A., B.Ed. Mayor" City of Pickering /.)J' TACHt",¡'q"n' # , J \ , ! ¡;;, . '-..'--" REPORT # C L '. 0 2.- 0 t.. n4H Greater Toronto Airports Authority GTAA Lester B. Pearson International Airport P.O. Box 603'1,3111 Convair Drive Toronto AM~ Ontario, Canada L5P 1 B2 Tel 905-676-3344 Fax 905-676-3339 December 20, 2001 Louis A, Turpen President and Chief Executive Officer .-.. Mayor Wayne Arthurs The Town of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Ll V 6K7 Dear Mayor Arthurs: I am writing to invite you to participate on the Greater Toronto Airports Authority's Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC). This Committee will playa very important advisory role in the planning for a future airport on the Pickering Lands and it is important that the interests of the City of Pickering are taken into account. We have also provided for one City staff position as a technical resource to the PAc. As you know, in April 2001 the federal Minister of Transport, David Collenette, asked the GTAA to conduct the interim planning for a future airport on the federal lands located in Pickering. These lands were designated under the Aeronautics Act as an airport site on August 15, 2001. Since April, the GT AA has taken a number of steps to begin this work. We have met with many of the key community stakeholders, we have secured a site office in Brougham, and we have begun to develop a work plan. The PAC is an important ~omponent of this process, as it will serve as a forum for the GT AA to discuss issues with interested community stakeholders. - I have also attached the Committee's Terms of Reference and membership structure. You will note that it has members from the municipal and regional levels of government, .community and business. In addition, we are asking the City of Pickering to put forward the name of an individual to represent the community interests of Pickering. We will be in communication with the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade to request that they designate a representative to sit on the PAc. I hope that you will personally participate on the PAC and bring Pickering's voice to the table. To confirm your participation and the name of a community representative, please contact Ms. Lorrie McKee, Executive Manager, Government and Corporate Strategy at (905) 676-3008 by January 25th, and mark February 7,2002,4:30 p.m. in your calendar as the proposed date of the inaugural PAC meeting. The meeting will be followed by a reception. ! LAT/SS/jp/P ACmembership - '050 ;\'¡'..2::...TO REPORT# L L c> 2 -6 "2- - Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC) DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE. December 19. 2001 .-. Purpose This committee will advise the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GT AA)on issues related to the planning for a possible airport on the Pickering lands that the Authority has been asked to conduct on behalf of the Federal Government. The committee will also facilitate a forum to discuss these issues for interested stakeholders and key representatives from the aviation industry. The Committee will be an advisory body for the GT AA Chief Executive Officer. Mandate . The April 5, 2001 announcement and directive by Transport Minister David Collenette, stated: "The GTAA has been asked to conduct, on behalf of Transport Canada, interim planning which is' required before the Government decides whether to proceed with an airport on the Pickering Lands." Pursuant to this announcement, the GT AA will prepare the components of the planning process, required by the Federal Government, which include but are not limited to.the following: . Examination of the region's aviation supply and demand. . The social and environmental impacts of a possible airport on the Pickering lands. . The economic viability of a possible airport on the Pickering lands. . The full range of alternatives. The Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC) wíI1 discuss pertinent issues as they arise and will be asked to provide input and advice to the GT AA, and make recommendations where appropriate. .-. The PAC will also provide advice on the public communica~ion plan prepared by the GT AA, which will ensure the work of the PAC is shared with the broader community. The GT AA Chief Executive Officer, or his designate will chair the PAC. Membership Roles & Responsibilities Tasks for the committee members will include: . Discussing pertinent stages of interim planning . Providing input and recommendations . If appropriate, seeking input from their constituent groups . Effectively disseminating information back to their constituent groups . Suggesting items for the agenda ' .-. " TO REPORT#..c L ,02 ~Qk 051 Membership Regional Representatives (2) One each from: Regions of York and Durham Municipal Representatives (5) One each from: Pickering, Markham, Whitchurch Stouffville, Uxbridg~ and Oshawa - Community Representatives (2) One each from: Pickering and Markham To be put forward by respective municipal councils Business Representatives (2) One each from: Ajax-Pickering and Markham Boards of Trade I GTAA (1) President and C.E.D. or designate will act as Chainnan of Committee Technical Resources* Transport Canada N avCanada Ministry of Transportation Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) Regional and Local municipal officials Buttonville Airport Oshawa Airport - * There may be a requirement to add technical resources in the future (e.g. Air Transportation Association of Canada (AT AC) and General Aviation community representative, etc.). Continuity and regular attendance is important and will be reviewed by the Committee if there is an on-going lack of attendance. Membership terms will be three (3) years, with the opportunity for re-appointment at the end of the completed term. If a member is unable to complete the full 3-year term, the constituent group will be asked to put forward the name of an individual who will serve the remainder of the term. When the Federal government makes a decision with respect to the development of an airport on the Pickering lands, the mandate, purpose and membership of the PAC will be re-evaluated. In the interim, these Terms of Reference will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to ensure that the committee mandate and membership remain current and appropriate. ' - n~.{) . ,~ '... ~ - """" ATTACHMENT 2- éc ¿)2~O "'L- Procedures . PAC meetings will be held at least quarterly, with other meetings scheduled as necessary. The Committee will establish the format for meetings and define opportuniti~s for public input. Agendas will be developed by the GT AA in consultation with the PAC as required, and will be distributed in advance of meetings. Items for the agenda should be submitted to the GTAA three weeks before the meeting. . Minutes will be circulated to committee members as early as possible after each meeting. Meetings will be held at th~ GT AA Site Office located in Brougham, or at other locations as necessary. Administration support, committee coordination, records and minutes will be provided by the GT AA. The GT AA will cover cost associated with the work of the committee.