HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 5, 2007 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, February 5, 2007 Council Chambers 7:30 pm IN-CAMERA MEETING OF COUNCIL HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR 7:00 plTl I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES PAGE Council Meeting of January 15, 2007 1-22 Special Council Meeting of January 22, 2007 23-24 Executive Committee meeting held January 22, 2007 25-32 In Camera meetings of January 1 El, 2007 and Under January 22, 2007 Separate Cover IV) PRESENT A TIONS V) DELEGATIONS 33 VI) CORRESPONDENCE 34-39 VII EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPOR~T 40-44 Report EC 2007-02 of the Executive Committee held on January 22, 2007 VIII) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 45 IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS 46 X) BY-LAWS 47-56 XI) OTHER BUSINESS XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW XIII) ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM PRESENT: (\ r\ . Uul Mayor David Ryan COUNCillORS: D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Littley J. O'Connell D. Pickles Absent: B. McLean ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn N. Carroll G. Paterson D. Bentley J. Storms D. Shields - Chief Administrative Offiicer - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - City Clerk - Manager, Information THchnology - Deputy Clerk (I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. (II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson Regular Council Meeting of October 10, 2006 and December 14, 2006 CARRIED - 1 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM (\. n.. ("\. cut. (III) DELEGATIONS 1. Natalie Bubela, President and Acting CEO Tom Atkins, Board Chair Rouge Valley Health System Re: . Rouqe Valley Hospital Update Natalie Bubela, President and Acting CEO and Tom Atkins, Board Chair of Rouge Valley Health System appeared before Council to update Council on The Rouge. Valley Hospital. They noted that construction of the new access road and parking lot at the Ajax Pickering Hospital had begun and that the main redevelopment of the hospital is scheduled to begin this year. The redevelopment project includes a new emergency department, expanded laboratory, mental health and ambulatory care, a Complex Continuing Care Unit with the capacity for 30 beds and the development of Diagnostic Imaging and Cardiac Diagnostic areas. They also noted that they had recruited 5 new doctors to the hospital and were working with the Ministry to bring equity to the funding process for the Rouge Valley Health System. 2. John Sa bean Durham West Arts Centre Re: Annual Report to Council John Sabean of the Durham West Arts Centre appeared before Council to update them on the business plan for the Centre. He stated that the Durham West Arts Centre was successful in acquiring approval for a Charitable Foundation .to help fundraise for the Centre. He also stated that DWAC was successful in obtaining a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.Mr. Sabean requested the support of Council and the City of Pickering in an annual Grant of $65,000.00 for the Durham West Arts Centre. Angie Littlefield of DWAC provided further clarification to Council on the programs offered by DWAC. A detailed question and answer period ensued. Staff were requested to include the grant request as part of the 2007 budget discussions. -2- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM (', r,;"" '- 'v.) (IVI) CORRESPONDENCE 1. CaRR. 01-07 MARTIN DE RaND, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE & INFORMATION SEIRVICES TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwood Avenue South Aiax. ON L 1 S 2H9 Resolution # 01/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CaRR. 01-07 from Martin de Rond, Director of Legislative & Information Services, Town of Ajax advising that at the General Government Committee meeting held on December 7, 2006, the Council of the Town of Ajax adopted a resolution with respect to the Regional Chair question result on election ballots, be endorsed. CARRIED 2. CaRR. 02-07 KATHY STRANKS, MANAGER, CHAIR AND CAO'S OFFICE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview. ON M3N 1 S4 Resolution # 02/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 02-07 from Kathy Stranks, Manager, Chair and CAO's Office, Toronto and Region Conservation advising at a meeting held on September 29, 2006, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) adopted a resolution in regards to the International Joint Commission, be received for information. CARRIED - 3 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM "r' !'l L" "f' V \.:t 3. CORR. 03-07 LAURA DRAKE, CHAIR PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Resolution # 03/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 03-07 from Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee submitting their Report to Council for the term 2003-2006, be received for information. CARRIED 4. CORR. 04-07 ROSEMARY SADLIER, PRESIDENT ONTARIO BLACK HISTORY SOCIETY 10 Adelaide Street East Suite 202 TORONTO, ON M5C 1 J8 Resolution # 04/07 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 04-07 from Rosemary Sadlier, President, Ontario Black History Society be received and that February, 2007 be proclaimed as Black History Month. CARRIED -4- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM ,.-, r. ~';;1'J" l'JJ 5. CORR. 05-07 LYNNE GRA Y, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAM REGION OF DURHAM HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 730 Whitby, ON L 1 N OB2. Resolution # 05/07 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CaRR. 05-07 from Lynne Gray" Public Health Nurse, Region of Durham be received and that April 23 - 29, 2007 be proclaimed as Injury Prevention Week. CARRIED (V) REPORTS a) Adoption of Executive Committee Meetina Minutes Resolution #06/07 Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor O'Connell Executive Committee Meeting Minutes held on January 8,2007. CARRIED b) Executive Committee Report. #EC 2007-01 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 03-07 Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3) City of Pickerinq - 5 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM '\ r. t.... l~u 0 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P, submitted by 786 Indopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. . (40R-871 0, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3) to increase the maximum allowable density for the subject lands to 260 units per net hectare be approved as revised to establish a density range of 'over 80 units per hectare and up to and 'including 260 units per hectare', as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 03-07; 2. That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 16 to the Pickering Official Plan . to establish an allowable density range of over 80 units per hectare and up to and including 260 units per hectare as a site specific exception, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 3. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application. A 10/05, submitted by 7861ndopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Part 1, 2 & part of 3) to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, be approved; as set out in Appendix II to Report PO 03-07; 4. That the draft by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036,as amended by By- law 2443/87, to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, as set out in Appendix III to Report PO 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; and 5. Further, that Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to review the request made by 786 Indopak Inc. to purchase City.:.owned lands, identified as "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway No.2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", to accommodate private access serving the proposed development, and report back to Council on the general terms and conditions of the disposal of these lands, if deemed appropriate. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD01-07 1298989 Ontario Inc., Plan of Subdivision 40M-2033 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision 1. That Report PO 01-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plan 40M-2033, be received; - 6 '" Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM :\ r~ ~~ 1... V t 2. That the highways being Craighurst Court and Collingsbrook Court within Plan 40M-2033 be assumed. tor public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreement relating to Plan 40M-2033, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed tor maintenance, save and except trom Block 31, Plan 40M-2033; 4. That the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2033 be released and removed from title; and, 5. That By-law 1416/82 (Places ot Amusement) be amended to include the roads being Craighurst Court and Collingsbrook Court within Plan 40M- 2033. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 01-07 Quotation Q-57 -2006 Storrinqton Pedestrian Bridqe Replacement. Pine Creek 1. That Report OES 01-07 regarding the Storrington Pedestrian Bridge Replacement, Pine Creek, be received; 2. That Quotation Q-57-2006 submitted by Rutherford Contracting Limited for the Storrington Pedestrian Bridge Replacement at a cost of $106,348.43 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $132,213 (GST included) including the quotation amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $124,729, be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance ot debentures; and a) That debt financing through the Regional Municipality of Durham in the amount of $124,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined be approved; b) That the balance amount of $729 be funded from the 2007 Current Budget; - 7 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM ;, f', (" t' ...j. (] That the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $16,450 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2008, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; d) That it be noted that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2006 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization; c) 5. That the Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 4, Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report QES 03-07 Community Emergency Management Program New Bvlaw. Proqram Description, and Plan 1. That Report OES 03-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Community Emergency Management Program be received; 2. That By-law 5468/99 be repealed; and, 3. That the Community Emergency. Management Program By-law be enacted. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 06-07 The Canadian Progress Club- Durham South Lease Renewal- Front Street Centre 1. That Report OES 06-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and, - 8- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM l....~ n t~, v.) 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal lease agreement to permit The Canadian Progress Club - Durham South to continue their use for club and community purposes at the Front Street Centre from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2010, that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 01-07 2007 Interim Spendino Authority 1. That Report CS 01-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the 2007 Interim Operating Expenditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' budget including adjustments as contained in Attachment 1, pending approval of the formal 2007 Current Budgets by Council; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 7. Director, Corporate Services &Treasurer, Report CS 02-07 2007 Temporary Borrowino By-law 1. That Report CS 02-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the temporary borrowing limit to meet 2007 current expenditures pending receipt of taxes and other revenues be established at $27,700,000 for the period January 1,. 2006 to September 30, 2007 inclusive, and $13,900,000 thereafter until. December 31,2007; 3. That the temporary borrowing limit for capital purposes for 2007 be established at $18,000,000; 4. That the attached draft by-law, providing for the temporary borrowing of monies, be enacted; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. - 9- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM (~. ~i1 <.~ JI_ .J 8. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 03-07 2007 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates 1. That Report CS 03-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That an interim levy be adopted for 2007 for all of the realty property classes; 3. That the interim levy tax instalment due dates be February 27 and April 27, 2007; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; 5. That the attached draft by-law, providing for the imposition of the taxes, be enacted; and, 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Resolution # 07/0'7 Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That the Report of the Executive Committee EC 2007-01, dated January 8, 2007, be adopted, save and except Items 9, 10 and 11. CARRIED 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, CS 06-07 City Contributions to Elected Officials Reqistered Retirement Savinqs Plan (RRSP) General discussion ensued on this matter. Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Littley - 10- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM ,.. ~ "J' l't J. That Report CS 06-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be referred to consideration of Item d) of New and Unfinished Business, Report CS 10-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. CARRIED 10. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 07-07 Request for Waiver of Hall Rental Fee for East and West Salon of the Pickering Recreation Complex from The Youth Centre Fundraiser for the Centre Resolution # 08/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. That the request of John Chaplin, Board Chair of the Youth Centre, to waive the hall rental fee of the East and West Salons at the Pickering ,Recreation Complex on Saturday, March 24, 2007, in support of a fundraising event to raise funds for the Youth Centre be received; 2. That a grant in the amount of $1,565.80 be made to the Youth Centre to offset the said rental fee of the East and West Salons at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Saturday, March 24, 2007; and, 3. That this amount be charged to Account 2195 (Grants to Organizations & individuals). CARRIED 11. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 09-07 Animal Services Shelter Agreement Pickering Animal Services & Claremont Veterinary Services Shelter Service Public/Private Partnership Aqreement General discussion ensued on this matter. Resolution # 09/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson - 11 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM " 1 r......, . t .': '- (.. . 5. . 1. That Report CS 09-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the proposal as submitted by Claremont Veterinary Services for the provision of shelter services, including staffing, rent and animal intakelcare be approved at an annual cost of $40,000.00 for a term not to exceed five years; 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a lease, and any other necessary agreements, satisfactory to the City. Solicitor and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, with Claremont Veterinary Services; 4 That 2007 pre-budget approval in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 be approved for the purpose of leasehold improvements at the Claremont Veterinary Services, 2015 Concession 9, R.R. #5, Claremont; and, That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED (VI) REPORTS - NEW AND UNIFINISHED BUSINESS a) Reqional Appointments ii) Durham Trail Coordinatinq Committee Resolution #10107 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Councillor Littley be appointed to the Durham Trail Coordinating Committee as the City of Pickering representative. CARRIED ., 12- Citlf Q~ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM 01~J b) Report CAO 02-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer Establishment of Various Advisory Committees Council Direction December 14. 2006 A question and answer period ensued. Resolution # 11/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor O'Connell 1. That Report CAO 02-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received; 2. That Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE) Advisory Committee be established as a formal advisory committee of Council as outlined in this report; . 3. That the Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee be established as a formal advisory committee of Council as outlined in this report; 4. That the City Clerk be directed to advertise for the citizen appointments for the above noted advisory committees, as required. CARRIED c) Council Appointments to Advisory Committees Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE) Advisory Committee Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee fNote: These appointments are pendinq approval of Report CAO 02-071 This matter was not dealt with and will be reflected on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of Council to be held on February 5,2007. 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 06-07 City Contributions to Elected Officials Reqistered Retirement Savinqs Plan (RRSP) [This matter was referred earlier in the meeting] A detailed question and answer period ensu'ed. - 13.. Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM '\ 1.."'~ t ~ .'1; Resolution # 12/07 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. . That Report CS 06-07 from the Director, Corporate Services Treasurer be received; 2. That the amendments to the Council Compensation and Communications Policy Section 12 as indicated in this report effective January 1 2006 be approved; 3. That the amendmepts to Section 16 Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment, noted as follows, be approved; a) That Section 16, part a) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 a) A capital budget which reflects a 4 year term per Member of Council shall be in effect for the acquisition of computer hardware/software and telecommunications equipment. Expenditures of this allocation shall only be made in the first three years of office following a general election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following years budget shall be charged to this allocation. b) That Section 16, part c) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 c) Following a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City Staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. Where a member of Council chooses to be supplied with equipment of their choice it must be demonstrated through either internal/external resources that their equipment of choice is compatible with the City Network. Where technical support for the equipment may not be available by IT due toa lack of resources that would impact on their ability to service the product, the member shall be responsible for acquiring any required external support which shall be charged to the budget as set out in section 16a. At the point of delivery of - 14- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM "1'''' V '0 the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement, which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the Member and the conditions under which it has been supplied. c) That Section 16 part e) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 e) Every Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall be provided the option to purchase all or any of the equipment that was purchased and or provided by the City at a price to be determined by current market value by an independent source acquired through IT. Where equipment and/or service has been leased by the City on behalf of the former Member, the Member shall have the option to assume the remainder of the current lease independent of the City for its duration. Where a former Member opts to return to the City all or any of the equipment Member(s) currently holding office shall be offered the option to acquire said equipment. In such case no cost shall be charged to the Member's budget. Where Member(s) of Council decline the option to acquire any of the returned equipment, the equipment shall be offered to other departments within the City. In the event the former Member does not respond to any of the above options, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to pursue. 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED AS AMENDED PORTION REFERRED LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motions) Resolution # 13/07 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson The part 3 a) and 3 c) of the main motion be divided in order to deal with them separately. MOTION DEFEATED - 151 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM -01~ u u Resolution # 14/07 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Johnson That part 3 a) and 3 c) of the main motion be referred to the Council Strategy Session scheduled for February 8th and 9th, 2007. MOTION DEFEATED Resolution # 15/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Littley That part 3 of the main motion and the Council Compensation and Communications Policy be referred to the Council Strategy Session scheduled for February 8th and 9tl1, 2007 for discussion purposes. CARRIED The main motion, as amended by the referral of part 3, was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. Further to the discussions held, staff were requested to prepare a full detailed report of the expenses by all Members of Council for the last two terms of Council. Staff were requested to prepare this information for the February 8th and 9th, 2007 Council Strategy session. d). Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 10-07 Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policv - Equipment Purchases This report was considered in conjunction with Report CS 06-07 of the Director, Corporate Services &Treasurer. Resolution # 16/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded By Councillor Littley - 16- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM " l' ; i t.' _ t That Report CS 10-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be referred to the Council Strategy Session scheduled for February 8th and gth I 2007, for discussion purposes. CARRIED (VII) NOTICES OF MOTION 1. USE OF TRANS FAT Resolution # 17/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded By Councillor O'Connell WHEREAS the use of trans fats for the preparation and cooking of foods has been in wide use in North America since the early 70's in the belief that such usage made for a healthier lifestyle as opposed to the continuing use of saturated fats; WHEREAS Medical science since the early gO's has repeatedly warned that the use of trans fats were, in fact, worse than the use of saturated fats from a health perspective; WHEREAS the use of trans fats results in the raising of bad cholesterol and the lowering of good cholesterol in the body; WHEREAS trans fats usage is responsible for tens of thousands of fatal heart attacks each year in North America as a result of arteries which have become clogged; . WHEREAS alternatives to the use of trans fats and saturated fats are known to exist in plentiful supply, such as canola oil and soybean oil; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the City of Pickering, in the strongest possible terms, urge the Federal Minister of Health to legislate the use of trans fats out of food preparation within Canada; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the use of trans fats be banned in the preparation of foods in the quickest possible time frame but not later than January 1S\ 2009; and - 17- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM D 13 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Durham Region Medical Officer of Health be requested to prepare a fact sheet for presentation to Durham Regional Council and further that Durham Regional Council be requested to endorse this motion calling on the Federal Government to ban the use of trans fats; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that endorsement of this motion also be sought from each Provincial and Territorial municipal association, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Minister of Health in each Province and Territory. (VIII) BY-LAWS 6714/07 6715/07 6716/07 6717/07 6718/07 CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE: YES NO Councillor Dickerson Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan Councillor Johnson Councillor littley Being a by-law to exempt Block 1 on Plan 40M-2261, Pickering, from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act. Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842, as public highway (Goldenridge Road) Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. Being a by-law to adopt Amendment 16to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 05-003/P) [Refer to Planning & Development, Report PO 03-07] Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan fo the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part Lot 27, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3, 40R-871 O,and "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway NO.2 and -18- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15,2007 7:30 PM ". 1 ",^, ;. !, t, .1 Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", in the City of Pickering. (A-10/05) [Refer to Planning & Development, Report PO 03-07] 6719/07 Being a by-law to establish a Community Emergency Management Program for protecting property, the environment and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Pickering. [Refer to Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 03-07] 6720/07 Being a by-:law to authorize the temporary borrowing of monies to meet the' current and capital expenditures of the City of Pickering for the year 2007. [Refer to Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 02-07] 6721/07 Being a by-law for the collection of taxes and to establish the instalment due dates for the Interim Levy 2007. [Refer to Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 03-07] THIRD READING: Councillor Pickles, seconded by Councillor Johnson, moved that By-law Numbers 6714/07 through 6721/07 be adopted and the said by-laws be noW read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (IX) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The Chief Administrative Officer was provided direction on the following: a) Councillor Pickles requested clarification on the process followed with respect to the demolition of homes on Federal lands and if there is any heritage value. b) Councillor Pickles advised that he had been provided literature from the National Coalition for Pesticide Free Lawns and requested staff to review to determine if any of the training programs etc. could be used by staff. . 2. The following matters were also noted: a) Councillor Dickerson requested leave to bring up a matter under Other Business respecting deletion of requirement for cash-in-Iieu of sidewalk - 19- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM ,., '''-''; /'~. l: :.. U construction on the east side of Spartan Court. (Garthwood Homes, Plan 40M-2023). Resolution # 18/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That , despite the provisions of Clause 3 of Council Resolution 81/03, cash-in-Iieu payment by the developer (Garthwood Homes) for sidewalk construction on the east side of Spartan Court within Plan 40M-2023 not be required. CARRIED . b) Councillor Littley reviewed her request for an update from staff at the January 8, 2007 Executive Committee meeting with respect to Supplemental Attachment #1 to Regional Planning Commissioner's Report # 2007 -P-4, which is scheduled to be dealt with on January 24, 2007. She advised that Pickering's Growth Management Study recommending the urbanization of part of the Agricultural Preserve does not conform to the Greenbelt Act, 2005 and Bill 16, the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005 and is therefore of no effect and invalid. . Resolution # 19/07 Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Johnson That the public be provided an opportunity to address Pickering Council regarding the Regional initiative to remove a portion of the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve (CherrywoQd lands) from the Greenbelt as shown in Supplemental Attachm'ent #1 to the Regional Planning Commissioner's Report #2007-P-4 at the next Executive Council Meeting January 22, 2007 prior to this item being dealt with at Regional Councio on January 24, 2007. MOTION DEFEATED - 20- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM t1 C:t otl.t t (".1_ c) Councillor Johnson outlined his concerns in relation to correspondence received with respect to the buildings currently on federal la:lds that are being demolished. He stated that there is the loss of a tax base but also the concern of vandalism on the buildings due to lack of repair. He urged Council to work with the Provincial and .~deral governments to resolve the issues. (X) CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS a) In Camera Meetina of Council In accordance with the In Camera provisions of the Municipal Act, a meeting was held prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. Refer to the In Camera minutes for further information. Heritage Pickering Follow Up Council Request of December 14. 2006 Resolution # 22/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That confidential correspondence from the Chief Administrative Officer dated January 12, 2007 with respect to appointments to Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be received for information. CARRIED (XI) CONFIRMATION BY~LAW By-law Number 6722/06 Councillor Pickles, seconded by Councillor Johnson, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its In Camera and Regular Meeting of January 15, 2007. CARRIED - 21 .- "\ r. ,-t'; ~ . L (_ (XII) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at9:45 pm. DATED this 15th day of January, 2007 - 22- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 15, 2007 7:30 PM MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBIA.BENTLEY CITY CLERK .. Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 22, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room ....1 r) ","~ l, .:.:: ...J PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCillORS: D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll G. Paterson D. Bentley T. Melymuk - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - City Clerk - Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy Resolution # 23/07 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Council move In Camera for the purposes of discussing personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. CARRIED Refer to the In Camera minutes of Council dated January 22, 2007 for details respecting the discussion held. (I) CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS a) Veridian Corporation Nominating Committee Recommendations Directors for the Boards of Veridian Corporation and Veridian Connections - 1 .. Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, January 22, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room t'i f).~ t' .:.. 'j Resolution # 24/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor .McLean 1. That Council nominate Ralph Sutton to the Board of Directors of Veridian Corporation for a term ending not later than December 31,2010; and 2. That the City Clerk advise Veridian Corporation of the Council decision in this regard. CARRIED (II) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 6723/07 Councillor Pickles, seconded by Councillor Johnson, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Special Meeting and In Camera meeting of January 22,2007. CARRIED (III) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm. DATED this 22nd day of January, 2007 MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBIA.BENTLEY CITY CLERK - 2 - Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson PRESENT: '''': n""" l' )> :", ~ t. v Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: E. Buntsma G. Paterson N. Carroll D. Bentley T. Melymuk D. Shields - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - Director, Planning & Development - City Clerk - Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy - Deputy Clerk (I) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 04-07 Heritage Permit Application 001/06 Submission Under the Ontario Heritage Act 325 Whitevale Road, Pickerinq Murray Pearson, 5524 Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto, solicitor for the applicant, appeared before the Committee to provide a brief outline of the events that took place up to this point with regards to a Heritage Permit Application for 325 Whitevale Road. Mr. Pearson stated that his clients have made alterations to the plans as requested by the City and the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee and are looking for approval on this application. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That the rules be suspended in order to change the agenda to deal with Report CS 04-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer first. CARRIED f"\ ') r: l, .... u Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson A question and answer period ensued. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That Report CS 04-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be referred back to staff in order for an outside Heritage Consultant to review the heritage permit application. CARRIED 2. Chief Administrative Officer, Report CAO 01-07 Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge Project - Status Update and Proposed 2007 Work Proqram Detailed discussion ensued on this matter. Moved by Mayor Ryan Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report CAO 01-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer concerning the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge project be received; 2. That staff be requested to file the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge Environmental Study Report with the Ministry of the Environment; 3. That staff be requested to proceed with the proposed 2007 work program for the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge project as outlined in this Report; 4. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to seek any necessary approvals and enter into any necessary agreements with the Province, eN Rail, GO-Transit, Pickering Town Centre /20 Vic Management or others as may be required to facilitate the devE310pment of this project; 5. That staff be requested to continue working cooperatively with Pickering Town Centre /20 Vic Management on coordinating the design and timing of the bridge and abutting office tower and on marketing and promoting the office tower; 6. That staff be requested to further investigate and report back to Council with respect to the cost of the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge, including any potential additional funding oppp.rtunities, sources or partners; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson n?"~ t:.... , 7. That the construction of the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge be undertaken only in association with the northerly abutting office tower to be constructed by others on the Pickering Town Centre shopping mall site; and, 8. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Region of Durham, C.N. Rail, GO-Transit, Pickering Town Centre / 20 Vic Management, M.P.P Wayne Arthurs, M.P. Dan McTeague and M.P. Mark Holland. CAHRIED lATER IN THE MEETING (SEE FOllOWING MOTION) Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor O'Connell That part 7 of the main motion be deleted in its entirety and part 8 be re-Iettered accordingly. MOTION DEFEATED The main motion was then put to a vote and CARRIED. 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 02-07 Garthwood Homes Limited, Plan of Subdivison 40M-2023 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor O'Connell 1. That Report PO 02-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plan 40M-2023, be received; 2. That the highway being Spartan Court within Plan 40M-2023 be assumed for public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreement relating to Plan 40M-2023, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 25, 32 and 33; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson i.~ n. . 0 _':- 0 4. That the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2023 be released and removed from title; 5. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the road being Spartan Court within Plan 40M-2023 ; and, 6. That Council enact a by-law to dedicate Block 31, Plan 40M-2023 as public highway. CARRIED 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 02-07 No Stopping By-law, Liverpool Road & Sandy Beach Road Amendment to Bv-Iaw 6604/05 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Littley 1. That Report OES 02-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedules '1" and '2' to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulating of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. CARRIED 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 04-07 No Stopping By-law, Pickering Parkway Amendment to Bv-Iaw 6604/05 Based on the discussion, staff were requested to hand deliver notices of the proposed by-law to affected residents prior to the February 5, 2007 meeting of Council. Moved by Mayor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Report OES 04-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be received; and Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson ....\ n Ii~ " . -/ "_i \:.." "- 'oJ 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "2" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. CARRIED 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 05-07 fpeed Limit By-law, Sideline 16 . ~mendment to Bv-Iaw 6604/05 i\~oved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Mayor Ryan 1. That Report DES 05-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "9" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of vehicular maximum rates of speeds on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. CARRIED 7. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 08-07 Pesticide Use on Municipal Property Annual Update Detailed discussion ensued on this matter. Moved by Mayor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Dickerson 1. That Report OES 08-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding Pesticide Use on Municipal and Private Property be received; 2. That City of Pickering staff continue to review the effectiveness of educational programs pertaining to pesticides and their use and investigate the potential for further development of community awareness and report the results on an annual basis, and r, r-r, ,..." t' ,<~U Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson 3. That City of Pickering staff continue to investigate and evaluate alternative options to pesticides for pest control on municipal properties, and report the results on an annual basis. CARRIED 8. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 08-07 Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects - External Borrowinq Throuqh the Issuance of Debentures Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Report CS 08-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to: a) undertake long term financing through the issuance of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham up to a maximum amount of $2,340,000 for the projects listed on Attachment 1 in the indicated amounts, for the following terms; Terms Amount I 3 5- Year $ 520,000 10-Year 890,000 20-Year 930,000 Total $ 2,340,000 ___J b) undertake the financing of any projects or portions thereof that cannot be accommodated through the foregoing through internal loans or a financial institution offering long term financing under similar terms and conditions; c) finance any capital expenditures currently financed through internal loans, should the need for funds arise, through the Regional Municipality of Durham or through a financial institution; d) make any changes, adjustments, revisions to amounts, terms and conditions or any other actions necessary in order to effect the above directions of Council; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson "'3.... ;: ' , ,', _, 1 3. That the costs of undertaking the financing, currently estimated at up to approximately $24,000, be charged to the 2007 Current Budget, General Government Loan Repayment; 4. That the annual repayment costs of principal and interest, amounting to approximately $310,000 be included i'n the 2007 Current Budget and thereafter until the loan is repaid; 5. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed and authorized to finance any capital projects, the financing for which is not specifically approved by Council, through the issuance of debentures or long term financing arrangements, through the Regional Municipality of Durham, a financial institution, internal loans or whatever means necessary at the discretion of the Treasurer; 6. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to engage the services of any individual or firm, legal or otherwise, necessary to assist in the preparation of documentation, completion of an undertaking and any other aspects in regards to the financing of capital projects; 7. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to apply any excess proceeds raised to other capital projects for which long-term financing is required, as is permitted under the Municipal Act, 2001; 8. That the attached draft by-laws, providing for the authorization for the issuance of debentures, be enacted; and, 9. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. CARRI ED (III) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The Chief Administrative Officer was provided direction on the following: a) Councillor Pickles requested that staff contact the Federal Government and defer the issuance of demolition permits for properties municipally known as 3540 Brock Road, 4175 Brock Road, 3865 York/Durham Line and 1115 Regional Road 5 pending the re-establishment of the Transport Canada Heritage Working Group and a thorough review of the demolitions in relation to heritage value and significance. " ?"') I.: v (... Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 22, 2007 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Johnson b) Councillor Pickles requested staff report back on reducing the speed limit to 40 km/hr on Strouds Lane between Autumn Crescent to Altona Rd and also look into a 3 way stop at Strouds Lane and Autumn Crescent to create a pedestrian crossing. c) Councillor McLean requested staff report back on snowplow procedures and emergency no parking. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. Cilq 0# DELEGATIONS 1. Regional Chair Roger Anderson Region of Durham Re: Annual Address to the City of PickerinQ 2. Jeff Wood, 856 Air Cadets Public Affairs Officer 856 Air Cadets Squadron Re: Appreciation/thanks to the City of PickerinQ 3. Pasquale Malandrino Re: SiQnaQe - Bay RidQes Plaza February 5,2007 ,., r\ r"""l, l:.~ ."J' , ..J '. Call o~ February 5, 2007 n f) i~ U0't CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR. 06-07 MARTHA A. PETTIT, MANAGER OF LEGISLATIVE SERVICES/DEPUTY CLERK TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwoc;>d Avenue South Aiax, ON L 1 S 2H9 Motion for Direction Advising that at the Ajax Town Council meeting held on January 22,2007, the Council of the Town of Ajax adopted a resolution with respect to the approval of Bill 172, the Municipal Amendment Act (Direct election of Durham Regional Council Chair). 2. CORR. 07-07 LORI RIVIERE, PROJECT MANAGER, PLANNING STAFF LIAISON TO DEAC REGION OF DURHAM PLANNING DEPARTMENT 605 Rossland Road East, 4th Floor Whitby. ON L 1 N 6A3 Receive for Information Letter received from the Region of Durham Planning Department attaching a nomination form for the 2007 Environmental Achievement Awards, to be submitted by March 2nd, 2007. Aak ~Lake Legislative & Information Services VOWN Of Jf!jJA;1 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax ON llS 2H9 W'NW.townofajax.com Tel. 905-683-4550 Fax. 905-683-1061 January 23, 2007 ...-". ^ ~"5'" , . -"")' " oj... Honourable John Gerretsen Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 RECEIVED C!TV OF PICKERING lJJ~~if 2 5i 1007 RE: Bill 172 Direct Election of Regional Council Chair ~LERK'S DIVISION Dear Sir: Please be advised that the following resolution was endorsed by Ajax Town Council at its meeting held on January 22, 2007: That the Government of Ontario be urged to approve Bill 172, the Municipal Amendment Act (Direct Election of Durham Regional Council Chair), 2006, without delay; and, That all municipal Councils in the Region of Durham be requested to endorse this resolution. I trust this matter will receive the government's full consideration. Thank you for your prompt attention. Sincerely, a~~,~} Martha A. Pettit Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, ON L 1 S 2H9 905-619-2529, ext. 342 martha. pettit@townofaiax.com 'bfO Copy: All Durham Region MPPs All Durham Region Municipalities Mayor Parish Regional Councillor Crawford Regional Councillor Jordan FILE Ontario's First ISO 9001 Quality Community C Mo~\ On for- D\r-e-cMD/.-) The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4TH FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 E-mail: planning@ region.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning " " " i)jv January 16,'2007 Ms. D. Bentley Clerk City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 . Dear Ms. Bentley: Re: 2007 Environmental Achievement Awards The Environmental Achievement Awards Program was established by the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) to recognize individual and collective efforts to promote, preserve and enhance Durham's natural environment. Nominations can be made for individuals or groups whose efforts show their commitment to the environment. Please find attached a nomination form for the 2007 Environmental Achievement Awards for your consideration. If you do choose to submit a nomination, please make sl1rethat you complete all of the questions on the form and provide us with as much information as possible. This enables us to fairly judge all the nominations and provides your nominee with the best possible chance of winning.. . Nominations must be submitted, tathe Regionof Durham Planning Department by March 2nd, 2007; All nominees will be acknowledged at a special DEAC meeting on May.10,2007. Awards will be presented at Regional Council on May 30th, 2007. Thank you again for your participation in the Environmental Achievement Awards program, and for your interest in preserving and protecting our environment. Yours truly, r" ., <'"} . ,j~j'vL {I ){~'u~Q./&.. ,~1 . f~{:~;7~:<':;,~~~-=:J ~. -' c' .c.. t)~d""\ \~7>lYh, f........'...""................-.-........ t . ", (' . I ~ I") , .cur rot ~ ''ltj;,.,;....'''''.,~.?,...,..;>.~':''..~.....,_.' :"i.'*':"_~'.'~"'."'""':-""'_ f, . ~ ,~" "" -." .~..... .........,..,. "~ ..~."_.._,,...- I t.. .,..........".....'.........-....-.-..-. l--...,~-~_____ I i~;~I~:5-FILE ~""",u;.....~_~ 1,1,~:..~~CTlON Ccv.rlcll--''Fek) G \O'f -PeO::~'\v'c: \t:v' Ln"fc}', ., fJ il! i'! . {!I . ~. d'r~' G1' Lori Riviere,MES, MCIP,RPP Project Planner Planning Staff Liaison to DEAc. Enc!. @ 100% Post Consumer '\ U 2007 DEAC ENVIRONMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS ~ r ~ The Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) has established an awards program to recognize individual and collective efforts to promote, preserve and enhance Durham's natural environment. Nominations can be made for individuals or groups whose efforts show their commitment to the environment. The deadline for nominations is March 2nd, 2007. Please participate and nominate an outstanding local Eco-Hero! Award Categories Each award category is named in honour of one of Durham's past environmental heroes. To learn more about their lives and work, please visit our website at www.region.durham.on.ca. George A. Scott Stewardship Award Dr. Murray J. Speirs Restoration A ward Irene Kock Education I Communication Award Eric Krause Innovative Plans I Policies I Initiatives Award Jessica Markland Partnership Award Evylin Stroud Lifetime Achievement Award What is DEAC? This award is given to an individual, group or company whose efforts have helped maintain, protect and preserve our natural environment. The award commends the work of individuals, groups or companies whose efforts have helped to restore degraded natural environments. This award is presented to those who foster effective communications, share knowledge, and exhibit leadership in helping others learn about the natural environment. This award is presented for "out of the box" thinking and innovative efforts to encourage positive change with respect to the environment. This award recognizes the cooperative efforts of those who strive to enhance the environment by building partnerships with public, community and private interests. This award recognizes individuals who continually promote the protection of the environment, through small, but meaningful ways. The Council of the Region of Durham established the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee (DEAC) in 2001 to provide advice to Regional Planning Committee and staff on environmental issues affecting Durham Region. DEAC is comprised of sixteen members. Regional Council appoints thirteen members from the general Regional population, and two youth members. The sixteenth member is a member of the Regional Planning Committee. For more information, visit the Durham Region website at www.region.durham.on.ca. Follow the links from Departments to Planning, Planning to DEAC, and DEAC to Environmental Achievement Awards. 2007 DEAC ENVIRONMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Nomination Form . ~(~ y.........~ ---I ,., nn ': 4.,i~ t: ..1 V. Award Category (check one only) . George A. Scott Stewardship Award . Dr. Murray J. Speirs Restoration Award . Irene Kock Education/Communication Award . Eric Krause Innovative Plans/Policiesllnitiatives Award . Jessica Markland Partnership Award . Evylin Stro!Jd Lifetime Achiev~ment Award Criteria Nominees will be judged on the impact of their accomplishments. For example: . Degree of innovativeness, originality or pioneering that has enhanced environmental protection and preservation; . Degree that contributions promote leadership in preserving and protecting the environment and natural resources; . Size, scope and impact of accomplishments; . Degree that efforts promote educational opportunities for the public; . Degree that accomplishments influence positive change affecting the environment; . Short or long-term benefits to the environment. Nominee First and Last Name (please print) Address Telephone Fax Email Nominator First and Last Name (please print) Address Telephone Fax Email Awards Presentation All nominees will be acknowledged at a special meeting of the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee on May 10, 2007. Winners will be presented with their awards at Regional Council on May 30, 2007. 2007 DEAC ENVIRONMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS J::~ r ~ ;'.1)(" tv.) Attach a typed, two-page description of the nominee's accomplishments. You may also include photographs, newspaper clippings and letters of reference supporting this nomination (please do not send videotapes). The description of accomplishments should address the following: Description of Accomplishments 1. What was/is the project or activity? 2. What effect did the nominee have on the environment? (Please base your answer on environmental benefits related to community awareness, environmental quality, public policy, technical contributions, etc.).. 3. How was the program financed? 4. How many people were involved in accomplishing the project? 5. What geographical area(s) was covered by the accomplishment? 6. Have the nominee's accomplishments had a long-lasting effect on the environment or on environmental education and public awareness? 7. What benefits will be derived from the nominee's accomplishment? a. Was this an original or pioneering effort in the field? Describe any unique or innovative aspects of the initiative, particularly any special challenges overcome as part of the implementation, and any outstanding creativity involved. 9. What environmental need within the community did the nominee address? 10. What specific examples, data, or other evidence demonstrate the environmental impact or improvement? 11. What is the corporate organization and what is the environmental achievement/goals? Alternatively, please provide a brief biography of the individual, including environmental activities. 12. What other pertinent information about this nominee would you like the judges to consider? In addition, one (1) letter of support must accompany all nominations from a person or group who is familiar with the success of the nominee. This letter must be written by someone other than the nominator and should explain the impact of the nominee's actions, its environmental significance or benefit and its relevance in meeting a specific need. Nominations To nominate an individual or organization in the public, private or non-profit sector, please complete the Nomination Form and Description of Accomplishments, and also make sure that you include copies of any relevant newspaper clippings and letters of recommendation. . Materials submitted will not be returned. Nominations must be received by March 2nd, 2007. Please send completed nomination forms to: Lori Riviere, Planning Department, Regional Municipality of Durham Box 623, 4th Floor, 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario, L 1 N 6A3 Phone: 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 Email: deac@region.durham.on.ca Citq o~ n ll'~J' - .\ \ February 5, 2007 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS Report EC 2007-02 of the Executive Committee held on January 22,2007 1. Chief Administrative Officer, Report CAO 01-07 Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge Project - Status Update and Proposed 2007 Work Proqram 1. That Report CAO 01-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer concerning the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge project be received; 2. That staff be requested to file the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge Environmental Study Report with the Ministry of the Environment; 3. That staff be requested to proceed with the proposed 2007 work program for the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge project as outlined in this Report; 4. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to seek any necessary approvals and enter into any necessary agreements with the Province, CN Rail, GO-Transit, Pickering Town Centre / 20 Vic Management or others as may be required to facilitate the development of this project; 5. That staff be requested to continue working cooperatively with Pickering Town Centre /20 Vic Management on coordinating the design and timing of the bridge and abutting office tower and on marketing and promoting the office tower; 6. That staff be requested to further investigate and report back to Council with respect to the cost of the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge, including any potential additional funding opportunities, sources or partners; 7. That the construction of the Highway 401 Pedestrian Bridge be undertaken only in association with the northerly abutting office tower to be constructed by others on the Pickering Town Centre shopping mall site; and, __.,~,_~"'___,w,'~,_",.,_,.~""." ", Ii, ,#, t: 'ii, .1 8. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Region of Durham, C.N. Rail, GO-Transit, Pickering Town Centre / 20 Vie Management, M.P.P Wayne Arthurs, M.P. Dan McTeague and M.P. Mark Holland. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 02-07 Garthwood Homes Limited, Plan of Subdivison 40M-2023 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision 1. That Report PO 02-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plan 40M-2023, be received; 2. That the highway being Spartan Court within Plan 40M-2023 be assumed for public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreement relating to Plan 40M-2023, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 25, 32 and 33; 4. That the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2023 be released and removed from title; 5. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the road being Spartan Court within Plan 40M-2023 ; and, 6. That Council enact a by-law to dedicate Block 31, Plan 40M-2023 as public highway. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 02-07 No Stopping By-law, Liverpool Road & Sandy Beach Road Amendment to By-law 6604/05 1. That Report OES 02-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedules '1" and '2' to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulating of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. ~\ A r'. l'':i' 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 04-07 No Stopping By-law, Pickering Parkway Amendment to By-law 6604/05 1 . That Report OES 04-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "2" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 05-07 Speed Limit By-law, Sideline 16 Amendment to By-law 6604/05 1. That Report OES 05-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "9" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of vehicular maximum rates of speeds on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 08-07 Pesticide Use on Municipal Property Annual Update 1. That Report OES 08-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding Pesticide Use on Municipal and Private Property be received; 2. That City of Pickering staff continue to review the effectiveness of educational programs pertaining to pesticides and their use and investigate the potential for further development of community awareness and report the results on an annual basis, and 3. That City of Pickering staff continue to investigate and evaluate alternative options to pesticides for pest control on municipal properties, and report the results on an annual basis. " A ,.. . 'Il.' I.. ... '" 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 08-07 Final Approval for Financing of Council Approved Capital Projects - External Borrowinq Throuqh the Issuance of Debentures 1. That Report CS 08-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to: a) undertake long term financing through the issuance of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham up to a maximum amount of $2,340,000 for the projects listed on Attachment 1 in the indicated amounts, for the following terms; Terms Amount 5- Year $ 520,000 10-Year 890,000 20-Year 930,000 Total $ 2,340,000 ..- b) undertake the financing of any projects or portions thereof that cannot be accommodated through the foregoing through internal loans or a financial institution offering long term financing under similar terms and conditions; c) finance any capital expenditures currently financed through internal loans, should the need for funds arise, through the Regional Municipality of Durham or through a financial institution; d) make any changes, adjustments, revisions to amounts, terms and conditions or any other actions necessary in order to effect the above directions of Council; 3. That the costs of undertaking the financing, currently estimated at up to approximately $24,000, be charged to the 2007 Current Budget, General Government Loan Repayment; 4. That the annual repayment costs of principal and interest, amounting to approximately $310,000 be included in the 2007 Current Budget and thereafter until the loan is repaid; 5. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be directed and authorized to finance any capital projects, the financing for which is not specifically approved by Council, through the issuance of ~'4 ~ " " '.~ l . ':t debentures or long term financing arrangements, through the Regional Municipality of Durham, a financial institution, internal loans or whatever means necessary at the discretion of the Treasurer; 6. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to engage the services of any individual or firm, legal or otherwise, necessary to assist in the preparation of documentation, completion of an undertaking and any other aspects in regards to the financing of capital projects; 7. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to apply any excess proceeds raised to other capital projects for which long-term financing is required, as is permitted under the Municipal Act, 2001; 8. That the attached draft by-laws, providing for the authorization for the issuance of debentures, be enacted; and, 9. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. "'..4""" u~~) February 5, 2007 REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED a) CAD 02-07, Report of the Chief Administrative Officer At the January 15, 2007 Meeting of Council, Report CAD 02-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer with respect to the establishment of Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE) Advisory Committee and Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee was approved. Council appointments to these committees are now required. i) CAVE (3 Members of Council) ii) Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee (3 Members of Council - one representing each Ward) Citq 0# C4G Febraury 5, 2007 NOTICE OF MOTION a) Councillor O'Connell and Dickerson gave notice that they will at this meeting of Council present the following motion: BENCHMARKING/SUSTAINABLE PICKERING WHEREAS a Benchmarking/Sustainable Pickering committee was endorsed by the Council for the City of Pickering to create, throughout the entire municipal structure, a culture whereby all actions and programs could be evaluated through the consideration of the environmental, social and economic factors; and WHEREAS Council, by appointing three members of Council, provided the necessary leadership dynamics to move this new attitude forward; and WHEREAS through its mandate the City of Pickering has adopted various reports and plans for implementation; and WHEREAS the work of Sustainable Pickering is an ongoing process NOW THEREFORE the Council for the City of Pickering reaffirms its commitment and role of leadership to the goals of sustainability and appoints the following 3 Councillors for this term of Council: Councillor Councillor Councillor CiuJ (J~ BY-LAWS 6724/07 6725/07 6726/07 6727/07 6728/07 6729/07 6730/07 r~ 11 ..<o.,;! \.' ':t { February 5, 2007 Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 3, Concession 6, Pickering, designated as Part 4, Plan 40R-23226, as public highway (Kinsale Road) (Background documentation and by- law attached) Being a by-law to exempt Lots 1, 2, 3 and Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15, Plan 40M-2339, Pickering, from part lot control. (Background documentation and by-law attached) Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. ((By-law attached) Being a by-law to confirm the authorization of the issuance of debentures in the amount of $170,000 for the supply and delivery of a 4 Ton Dump Truck in the City of Pickering, [Refer to Executive Page 069] Being a by-law to confirm the authorization of the issuance of debentures in the amount of $240,000 for the supply and delivery of a Street Sweeper project in the City of Pickering, [Refer to Executive Page 071] Being a by-law to confirm the authorization of the issuance of debentures in the amount of $110,000 for supply and delivery of a Multipurpose Single Person Refuse Packer in the City of Pickering. [Refer to Executive Page 073] Being a by-law to confirm the authorization of the issuance of debentures in the amount of $175,000 for the supply and delivery of a 4 Ton Dump Truck in the City of Pickering. [Refer to Executive Page 075] 048 6731/07 Being a by-law to confirm the authorization of the issuance of debentures in the amount of $715,000 for the Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction project in the City of Pickering. [Refer to Executive Page 077] 6732/07 Being a by-law to confirm the authorization of the issuance of debentures in the amount of $930,000 for the Addition to Fire Services Division Headquarters project in the City of Pickering. [Refer to Executive Page 079] 6733/07 Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. [Refer to Executive Page 018, 019] 6734/07 Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating or parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. [Refer to Executive Page 024, 025] 6735/07 Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of vehicular maximum rates of speeds on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. [Refer to Executive Page 031, 032] 6736/07 Being a by-law to dedicate Block 31, Plan 40M-2023, Pickering as public highway. [Refer to Executive Page 012] PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ""4"" '...., : '~.J '. Ii: ; v MEMORANDUM January 16, 2007 To: Debi Bentley City Clerk From: Denise Bye Supervisor, Property & Development Services Subject: Request for Road Dedication By-law Owner: 974735 Ontario Inc. Part Lot 3, Con. 6, Pickering (Part 4, Plan 40R-23226) LD 258/05 to LD 265/05 File: Roadded.475 The Owner herein has applied through Land Division Applications LD 258/05 to LD 265/05 to sever part of Lot 3, Concession 6, into ten (10) lots. One of the conditions of those severance applications was for the Owner to convey a 3.05 metre parcel along Kinsale Road to the City for road widening purposes. As the Owner has conveyed the road widening block to the City and the appropriate controls are in place for the development of the adjacent property, a by-law should be enacted dedicating the 3.05 metre parcel fronting the newly created parcels as public highway, thereby permitting legal access to the severed/retained lands. Accordingly, a by-law should be enacted authorizing the dedication of the road widening block. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft by-law. This by-law is in the form usually used in such cases and is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for February 5, 2007. lJ2 " YSv-L Denise Bye DB:bg J:\Oocuments\Prop & Dev\ROADDED\SEC\475. Kinsale\memo to City Clerk.doc Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Development Control ',: "f'!: ,:'''' l' ;;) U I ~-- PART ~ '- .~ t ~ o <J:: o 0:: -- ------- -- -- liJ _I <J:: (fJ z ~ -- -- KINSALE l City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT LOT 3, CONCESSION 6, BEING PART 4 40R-23226 OWNER CITY OF PICKERING DATE JAN. 2, 2007 FILE No. ROADDED. 475 SCALE N.T.S. ~a~~r:~::CE~~orp,,;!u!,a Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a pion of survey. 2005 MPAC end its supplierl!ll. All rr"':-hts Rel!llorved. Not a plan of Survey. DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY DB l' PN-RUR " !!:':: .". l';;Jl THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. Being a by-law to dedicate that part of lot 3, Concession 6, Pickering, designated as Part 4, Plan 40R-23226, as public highway (Kinsale Road). WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of that part of lot 3, Concession 6, Pickering, designated as Part 4, Plan 40R-23226, and wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That part of lot 3, Concession 6, Pickering, designated as Part 4, Plan 40R-23226, is hereby dedicated as public highway (Kinsale Road). BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of February, 2007. Oebi A. Bentley, City Clerk Roadded.475 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT " 5""" t" ,(_ MEMORANDUM January 22, 2007 To: Debi Bentley City Clerk From: Denise Bye Supervisor, Property & Development Services Subject: Part Lot Control By-law Silver Lane Estates Inc. Lots 1, 2, 3 and Blocks 4 to 13, both inclusive and 15, Plan 40M-2339 File: PLC.40M-2339 The above-mentioned lands are being developed in accordance with the appropriate Subdivision Agreement and Zoning By-law in such a manner to allow more than one dwelling unit to be constructed on the Lots/Blocks referred to. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft By-law, enactment of which will exempt these lands from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, thus permitting transfers of those units into separate ownership. This By-law is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for February 5.2007: J.~~ Denise Bye . DB:bg J:\Documents\Prop & Dev\PlC\sec\40M-2339 Silver lane\memos\MEMOTOdebi.doc Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development CRESCENT II \~ AVENUE I I \ J---il I ~~\-- I \ '< \ \-\ \ ~l \\ \" ~\ L-\~\ \1>lR4~\ \c- ~\ \\ \~ ~\ I " "' '\. .L-1 \ I Planning & Development Department f>I l- I-- ~ "T/II l I-- f-- I-- 1\ I-- ~I-- t> I-- f.LJ1-- i:;!1-- [>1--- - -'" o <l: o a::: I /J ~ ~ ~':OUDS A~1Jyf1 V / ~ ,,~ ~~\@ I ~r- ~ ~ ~ A((~~~ t=~=~" ~ ~ B?A3~\\.;~t7 'E.5~~~ <i. \ T1~~\~~~ / 1 f ~~\~ /1 r \ >- sJ~Tr :4 I " iVjf'ON ~-r/f ~a " "1 ~i1~ur, L---.- w > I-- a::: I-- 0 I-- I-- I-- - I J GATE II ~ '-- ,- C> W CRT. ~ lm\ 1\\ ""\. I w r- I 3;: FOXWOOD PINEVIEW LANE C.N.R. 1/ I~~I SHEPPARD \ 'l \~ "\ DRIVE I-~ \ o TREET I C5 I I '---. a::: I III ~ STREET <i. City of Pickering -l PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND BLOCKS 4-13 & 15, 40M-2339 OWNER SILVER LANE ESTATES INC. FILE No. PART LOT CONTROL DATE JAN. 22, 2007 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY DB o a Sources: ~~85e~pEAncie~n'"~.i~. 1~~~~~~.~tA11.':r!~~~r.Re~~~~~~taN~e~er;:'od,; ~;ts~r::,I:.n of aurvay. ""5 t' '. -" LANE - t==1-- W > a::: o I-- w -' 0... <l: 2 - - [15- >- -' Vl~ 4Rp..\\..- ~ ( J I l' PN-10 C54 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Being a By-law to exempt lots 1, 2, 3 and Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15, Plan 40M-2339, Pickering, from part lot control. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, the Council of a municipality may by By-law provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to certain lands within a plan of subdivision designated in the By-law; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, does not apply to the lands described as follows: lots 1, 2, 3 and Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15, Plan 40M-2339, Pickering. 2. This By-law shall remain in force and effect from the date of the passing of this By-law and shall expire on December 31,2008. BY-lAW read afirst, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of February, 2007. Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk PLC.40M.2339 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ~, 5.... r." -... '-.J BY-LAW NO. 6726/07 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the Purpose of Enforcing Parking Restrictions on Private Property WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(1) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 726 Kingston Road Mitchell Dodds Dan Moran Neville King b) Casitas Millenium 1000-1400 The Esplande David lee Samantha Mclennan c) 1867 Kingston Road Walter Barrett Donald Macdonald Keith Pearson Richard Bell Sean Stafford Doug Pitcher Nick Koitsopoulos Craig Bennett Ronald Prestage Bernard Rooney Adam Jobse Denise Franklin Peter Lawrence 2. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. By-law No. 6726/07 Paqe 2 3. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section 1 a) ceasing to be an employee of Citiguard Security Services or upon Citiguard Security Services ceasing to be agents for 726 Kingston Road whichever shall occur first and 1b) and 1c) ceasing to be an employee of Group 4 Security Services or upon Group 4 Security Services ceasing to be agents for Casitas Millenium, 1625 Pickering Parkway and 1867 Kingston Road whichever shall occur first. ".,5 (':' t. u 4, The provisions of this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of February, 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, City Clerk