HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 10-07 CitJl o~ Resolution #16-07 Dated January 15, 2007 REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 10-07 Date: January 15, 2007 (\ ~ ~'.., U , I From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Equipment Purchases Recommendation: That Report CS 10-07 from the Director" Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. Executive Summary: At the Executive Committee meeting of January 8, 2007 when considering Report CS 06-07 regarding City contributions to Councillor's Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSPs), a Committee member introduced revised amendments that dealt with computer equipment purchases for Councillors. This prompted a request for information on computers purchased by Councillors over the last two terms to be provided to Council for its meeting of January 15, 2007. This report includes Elected Officials IT Related Expenditures, Supporting Schedules and a Summary of Comments on some aspects of the amendments. Financial Implications: The current policy of $10,000 per Councillor per term for equipment has been removed. If left undefined, there is the potential for costs to increase. Sustainability Implications: sustainability. This report contains no information pertaining to Background: Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment As requested, at the Executive meeting of January 8, 2007, attached is a schedule summarizing purchases of computer hardware, software, peripheral devices and telecommunications equipment under Section 16 of the Policy over the last two terms of Report CS 10-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Page 2 (:?, Equipment Purchases Council from January 2001 to December 2006. While the term of Council commenced in December 2000, a column for that year has not been included, in the interests of brevity, as no purchases were made in that month. For the information of Council purchases to date, including those in process, have been included for the current term. Also attached are supporting schedules providing summary details of each expenditure by Councillor. Prior to 2005 accounting for all such equipment purchased for Councillors and the Corporation's use were charged to the same account. Commencing in 2005 separate accounts were created for each capital expenditure line as contained in the capital budget. Before the change in account structure in 2005, tracking of capital expenditures for each Councillor was quite difficult and labour intensive due to the volume of purchases and with Councillors sometimes purchasing through the City's IT Section and frequently on their own. The schedules also include the cost of replacing equipment that was lost, stolen or broken. This equipment, as per the Policy, is not applied to the Councillor's funding allotment. The attached schedules exclude all operating costs associated with the equipment purchased such as cell phone/Blackberry/Internet charges, paper, printer/fax cartridges and other operating costs. These expenses are usually reported in the annual report to Council on remuneration and expenses as an annual operating expense. From a review of available background information, it appears that under the Policy then in place, no limit was placed on purchases prior to 2003. With the introduction of the Communication Policy in July 2002, a limit of $10,000 per Councillor per term and a $20,000 total budget per year was introduced commencing with the 2003 Capital Budget. Policv Chanqes - Executive Committee January 8.2007 At the Executive Committee meeting of .January 8, 2007, when considering Report CS 06-07 regarding Councillor's RRSP contributions reimbursed by the City, amendments to Section 16 entitled Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment were introduced by a member of the Committee. These changes were put forth to "...clarify and strengthen the policy". The Committee adopted the changes as put forth. However, the changes necessitate their own clarification for the benefit of all concerned to avoid future questions to the greatest possible degree. It must be borne in mind when considering the Policy and any revisions, that the discussion is around the use of City funds to acquire City assets. The use of the funds must be appropriate and accounted for properly. The recommendations resulting from the MFP Computer Inquiry, the Provincially mandated Capital Asset Reporting and the Public Section Accounting Board requirements, the use of funds and the acquisition Report CS 10-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Equipment Purchases Page 3 r\ t"j,. VI.:) and disposition of assets as well as good business practice all demand that the City's financial transactions follow all requirements. The preliminary areas that necessitate discussion and decision by Council are indicated below. Section 16a This Section addresses a Capital Budget provision for Council Members. 1. The amount of the budget to be provided has been omitted from the revised version. The current provision is $10,000 per Councillor per term. The revision should not be open ended with no defined sum. Section 16c This Section addresses the provision of equipment for Council Members. 1. In the event that IT is not able to provide technical support for a Councillor's equipment, the revision provides for external resources to be employed and charged to the same account as the equipment. However, this is a capital account and technical support is a current operating expenditure. Therefore, the expenditure must be charged to the Councillor's current budget provision for Outside Agency Services. Section 16e This Section addresses the disposition of equipment upon a Council member ceasing to hold office. Quite often equipment being returned has a much higher value to the City than that placed on it by the market. Equipment rapidly depreciates to approximately 10 percent ($300 to $600) of its original purchase price. A future expenditure of, for example, $1,500 to $3,000 may be avoided if the same equipment had to be purchased for use by staff. 1. The revision provides for the leasing of equipment by the City and for that lease to be transferred to the Councillor. Following the MFP Inquiry in the City of Toronto, the Provincial Government put Regulations in place governing leasing. Therefore, any leasing to be considered by the City is governed by the City's Lease Policy and the Municipal Act, 2001 as revised. This provision should be deleted. 2. The revisions provide a Councillor, upon ceasing to hold office, the option of returning the equipment or the option of offering it to another Councillor. The revision mentions" ... no cost shall be charged to the Member's budget". However it is unclear as to which Member this refers; the one returning the asset or the Report CS 10-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Equipment Purchases Page 4 D8\', subsequent user. If it is the former then such a provision is unclear. If it is the latter, then the provision could remain. 3. The revision also proposes to provide for Councillors to acquire equipment once used by themselves or another Councillor. The typical use of the word "acquire" denotes ownership. If this is the case the wording appears to mean that one Councillor can acquire another Councillor's equipment at no cost, presumably for personal use, as the City would already have provided the Councillor equipment for City use. This is not a typical means of disposal of an asset in a public body nor is it good business practice. Therefore, clarification or change is required. If the intent is to provide another member with the opportunity to have the equipment, with no cost being charged to their budget, for City business use before it being available for use by City staff then no change is required, but perhaps a different word could be used. In conclusion, consideration should be given to further review the amended policy with the above comments in mind. Attachments: 1. Summary of Elected Officials IT Related Expenditures 2. Supporting Schedules 3. Report Revising Report CS 06-07 from Councillor O'Connell Approved I Endorsed By: ~~ --=----~- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickerin,~ Cit~ ~~~_ .' ',-/,/' , //" c ,;Ii ----, --:;.-;- /:y U ') Thomas r.e0nn, ~R., eM, Chief Administrative Officer ~_ ,1 " I ACM,"I!:I''! ! ft...L- TO REPORT #..ts..J'tJ.; 07 '""' - ~ ~ 0 m ~ ~ <D 0) m 0 0 0 0 I.(') 0 -.... 0 -.... 0 q 0 0 N c: c: c: c: cxi c: 0 ..0 I"'- 0 I"'- 0 0 0 *0 l"'- I.(') e<) 0 "<t l"'- N_ N cr) I"- ,.... ,.... fFT - ..... o o C\I co 0 N "<t 0 ,.... ,.... N ,.... <D cq 0 0 ,.... 0 0) e<) 1'-: ,.... 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Expenditures of this allocation shall only be made in the first three years of office following a general election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following years budget shall be charged to this allocation. 16c Follo\ving a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City Staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. Where a member of Council chooses to be supplied with equipment of their choice it must be demonstrated through either internal/external resources that their equipment of choice is compatible with the City Network. Where technical support for the equipment may not be available by IT due to a lack of resources that would impact on their abili(v to service the product, the member shall be responsible for acquiring any required external support which shall be charged to the budget as set out in section 16a. At the point of delivery of the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement, which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the Member and the conditions under \vhich it has been supplied. 16e Every Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall be provided the option to purchase all or any of the equipment that was purchased and or provided by the City at a price to be determined by current market value by an independent source acquired through IT. Where equipment and/or service has been leased by the City on behalf of the former il1ember, the M~ember shall have the option to assume the remainder of the current lease independent of the City for its duration. Where a former Member opts to return to the City all or any of the equipment ltJember(s) currently holding office shall be offered the option to acquire said equipment. In such case no cost shall be charged to the Member's budget. Where Member(s) of Council decline the option to acquire any of the returned equipment, the equipment shall be offered to other departments within the City. In the event the former Member does not respond to any of the above options, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to pursue. ') 9- u \) 4 That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto.