HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 17, 2004 Q'16 oj .., 'f Minutes I Meeting Summary Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee February 17th, 2004 7:00 PM Attendees: Pamela Fuselli John Sabean Shawna Foxton (arrived at 8:40) Gordon Zimmerman Karen Emmink Mary Delaney Brenda Rappos Dey Jane Brownlee Debbie Kearns - Committee Secretary Absent: Charles Stinson Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome Pamela welcomed all in attendance and called the meeting to - order. 2. Minutes Moved by John Sabean Seconded by Mary Delaney That the minutes of the January 20th, 2004 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 3. Priorities -2004 3.1 Inventorv John provided background on the inventory that has been done within Pickering advising that Claremont and the north-eastern portion of Pickering will be completed by himself and Gordon over approximately the next 18 months. Brenda Rappos agreed to take on the cemetery registration project. 3.2 Threatened Areas - John provided the committee with information concerning tt -Hwy. 407 - expansion not expected for 10 years I Airport Lands - Federally owned Seaton Lands - Provincially owned Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline 8S appropriate) John advised the Committee that consideration is being given to moving the Turner-Winger House to the Museum to be used as the Operations Centre. 3.3 Committee Brochure A discussion took place concerning the development of a Heritage Pickering Brochure. John provided the committee with copies of Whitby's and Ajax's brochures and suggested that Pickering's brochure be similar to these examples and more professional looking then previous Pickering brochures. He further suggested that we consider making two, a small and a large. To be discussed in more detail at a future meeting. 4. Other Business 4.1 Work Plan Pamela provided and requested feedback from the committee with respect to the Draft 2004 Heritage Pickering Work Plan. She advised that this would be a working document that will be updated regularly. - Addition to the work plan - tour of the Ontario Archives, date to be determined. Mary offered to coordinate this event, along with members from the Pickering Museum Village and the Pickering Township Historical Society. 4.2 Budaet John, Gordon, Pamela and Shawna to meet as soon as possible to prepare a proposed budget. The following motions were made with respect to pre- budget approvals: Moved by John Sabean Seconded by Karen Emmink That Council be requested to approve an amount of $60.00 for membership to Community Heritage Ontario. CARRIED Moved by John Sabean - Seconded by Brenda Rappos I That Council be requested to approve an amount of Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) $240.00 for two members of Heritage Pickering to attend The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario and Community Heritage Ontario conference in Hamilton on May 14, 15 and 16, 2004. CARRIED 5.3 Mavor and Councillors Pam and Shawna plan to meet with Mayor Ryan in the spring to inform him of the interest of the Committee to fulfill their mandate and to advise him of the proposed work plan. 5.4 Heritaae Dav John advised that February 16th, 2004 was Heritage Day and a great event was held at the Pickering Town Centre on February 14th. He suggested that the committee could consider becoming involved in this event next year. 5.5 Pickerina Museum Villaae He further advised that an event will be held at the Pickering Museum Village on June 13th entitled "Canadian Tapestry - Weaving the World Together". This - event is being held as a joint effort between the Race Relations Committee and the Pickering Museum Village. Mary suggested that the Committee write a letter of support to the Members of Council with respect to the restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel. Moved by Mary Delaney Seconded by John Sa bean That a letter of support concerning the Brougham Central Hotel be forwarded to the Members of Council. CARRIED 5.6 Heritaae Documents John advised that most of the Heritage Pickering books, reports, studies and inventory lists are kept in the History Room of the Pickering Central Library and are identified with a stamp indicating that these items are the property of Heritage Pickering. Debbie will provide the Library with a copy of [report - name]. I 5. Next Meeting Page 3 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:00 I pm in the Tower Room. Meeting Adjourned: 8:42 PM Copy: Mayor Ryan Councillors T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer - Page 4