HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 23, 2004 Uhf o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee March 23rd, 2004 7:05 PM Attendees: Pamela Fuselli John Sabean Shawna Foxton Gordon Zimmerman Karen Emmink Mary Delaney Brenda Rappos (arrived 7:30pm) Dey Jane Brownlee Charles Stinson Debbie Kearns - Committee Secretary Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Minutes Moved by John Sabean Seconded by Karen Emmink That the minutes of the February 19th, 2004 meeting be - adopted. CARRIED 2. Business Arising From The Minutes 2.1 Cemetery Reaistration Brenda Rappos distributed a list of cemeteries within Brenda to continue Pickering and Ajax and provided a full report on those with cemetery project registered and the steps to be taken to register the remaining. The committee concurred that Brenda should continue with this project and forward the! information onto the Ministry for registration. 2.2 CHO Membership & Reaistration The 2004 Budget has been submitted for Council's review and approval, which is expected sometime in May. With this in mind, approval of any expenditures prior to budget approval must be forwarded to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. Debbie advised that permission has been granted to "" submit payment to Community Heritage Ontario to cover \ the 2004 Membership fees and the annual conference in May, as well as for the registration of two Committee Members to attend a one-day seminar in Port Perry on Page 1 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) April 3rd. 2.3 Letter of Support Pamela advised that a letter was forwarded to Mayor Ryan in support of the restoration of the Brougham Central Hotel and the building of a new operations center at the Pickering Museum VillagE~. 3. Other Business 3.1 Budaet Pamela advised that the budget has been submitted to Council for approval. 3.2 ON Ministry of Culture Pamela advised that the Manuals for Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee Members have been requested from the Ministry of Culture but are not yet available. She therefore, distributed information from the Ontario Ministry web site outlining the roles and responsibilities of a Heritage Committee, the steps to set up a Committee and what a Heritage Committee is all about. All committee members were encouraged to read this material. - Pamela further advised of an Olrientation Workshop to be Pamela & Shawna to held on April 3rd, 2004 in Port Perry. Pam and Shawna attend seminar will be attending this workshop on behalf of the Committee. Pamela to extend a second invitation to Heather Thomson to a future committee meeti ng 3.3 Transport Canada Presentation Shawna advised that Patricia Short-Galle, representing Transport Canada, responsible for the Green Space Lands will attend the Heritage Pickering June 1ih, 2004 meeting to address members concerning the Green Space Master Plan and the disposal of Federal properties. 3.4 ON Heritaae Foundation - Open Doors Event Pamela distributed the 2004 Event Schedule for the Open Doors Event which takes place from April through October. Committee members were encouraged to - attend an event, if possible. I Page 2 Item- / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) - 3.5 CHO Conference Pamela and Shawna will be attemding the Architectural Pamela & Shawna to Conservancy of Ontario and Community Heritage attend conference Ontario's Joint Conference "Advocating for Adaptive Reuse" will be held in Hamilton, on May 14, 15 and 16, 2004. 3.6 Federal/Airport Lands John advised that a presentation will be made to Council next month on the Federal Lands. This presentation will John to present to be three fold: a) present to Council the list of all Council. Other properties, buildings and sites that may have heritage members may also be value; b) provide a list of properties which have heritage involved in value and research has been done; and c) to have presentation. himself reconfirmed as a Member of the Committee by the present Mayor and Council. A package will be prepared and distributed to Council. 3.7 Desianations John advised that two properties require designation: - a) the Connor/Newman House" renamed Nesbit/Newman House was built in the 1850's and is a stone house on Park Crescent. b) the McCreight House, 2523 Rosebank Road. The owner, Carol Wildgoose has requested that designation proceed. 3.8 Inventory John provided Gordon with a copy of the new inventory form and requested his review. Gordon to review John advised that the information accumulated must be input into a date base and he wiill contact Ian Bishop, John to contact Ian Planning Department, City of Pickering concerning this Bishop matter. 3.9 PADA Pamela advised that she attended the launch of the new Pickering Ajax Digital Archive (PADA) site. Anyone wishing to visit this site should 90 to www.PADA.ca 3.10 Provincial/Seaton Lands John advised that he is in agreement with the policies - and principals outlined in the comprehensive Growth I Management Study, Phase II. Page 3 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) He further stated that, once the list of Federal lands is complete, a list must be compilE~d of all heritage significant properties on Seaton lands and agricultural lands. 3.11 Committee Members Profiles Pamela requested that committee members who have not forwarded her their profiles, please do so. 3.12 Desianation Ceremony Plans for a designation ceremony for the PalmerNoss House and the DillinghamlLamourie House will be discussed further at a future meeting as well as the selection of a project committee. 4. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 20th at 7:00 pm in the Tower Room. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 PM Copy: Mayor Ryan Councillors T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Directors and Division Heads Page 4