HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 21, 2004 - UUf "I Minutes I Meeting Summary Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee September 21, 2004 7:00 PM Attendees: Pamela Fuselli Mary Delaney John Sabean Gordon Zimmerman Karen Emmink Brenda Rappos Debbie Kearns - Committee Secretary Guest: Heather Thomson - Ministry of Culture Regrets: Shawna Foxton Absent: Charles Stinson Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) - 1. Welcome and Call To Order Pamela called the meeting to order and welcomed members and Heather Thomson to the meeting. 2. Minutes Moved by Gordon Zimmerman Seconded by John Sabean That the Minutes of the June 15, 2004, Heritage Pickering Meeting, be adopted. CARRIED 3. Business Arising From the Minutes a) John provided a status report on the inventory project, designation ceremony, Seaton lands, Presentation to Council and Federal lands: Inventory . John has the responsibility of gathering historical John & Gordon will information on the properties while Gordon looks after the continue developing ~ architectural aspects the inventory . all Registry Office information will be complete for Class 1 Page 1 - Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) if not also for Class II . a meeting was held with Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development, Tim Moore, Chief Building Official and Cathy Rose, Manager, Policy concerning the input of inventory information on the data base. Neil agreed in I principal to having Planning staff undertake this project which would allow for floor plans, photos, historical and architectural information, etc. to be included Meeting to be . Ian Bishop, Supervisor, Information & Support Services scheduled with lan, would be responsible for the input but a few areas must John and Pamela still be refined Desionation . due to difficulties at the Registry Office, several reports on properties needing designation are held up Seaton . a number of Seaton workshops are being held in an effort to complete the final report which will likely be out in December. ,- Research is being carried out on 25 to 30 homes in the Seaton area. Presentation to Council . John is assembling a power point presentation to be Committee members presented to Council on Federal lands. Flyers will be will be notified of the distributed to all homes on the Federal Lands inviting them to presentation date attend the Council Meeting at which this presentation will be made. Federal Lands . following the November, 2003 election, John, Pamela, Gordon, Shawna and Mark Holland, M.P. took a 2 hour drive through the Federal Lands giving Mark the opportunity to speak with a couple residing in an expropriated home and allowing the residents to advise of what they have done on the home and their dealings with the Federal Government. John advised of his visit to Owen Herrell's home, situated on Altona lands, which is one of the three most important homes on these lands that must be preserved. Owen has also been in touch with Pamela. - John further advised that he and Steve Forsev, Supervisor, Page 2 ,- Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Roads will be visiting three cemeteries, Woodruff Cemetery, a single stone on Provincial lands and Black Cemetery concerning their upkeep. John advised that Mr. George Duncan, Preservation Planner, Town of Markham, will be a guest at the Pickering Historical Society Meeting. 4. Other Business Ministry of Culture Presentation Heather Thompson, representing the Ministry of Culture I provided the Committee with a number of informative documents and booklets. She discussed the role of Heritage Committees and their responsibilities. A number of the documents she distributed were taken from the Ministry of Culture website and included: a) What is a Municipal Heritage Committee, b) What's new within the Ministry of Culture, c) Designating Heritage Properties in Ontario, d) Workshop Series, and e) amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act. ""'" Heather further provided the Committee with a Municipal Heritage Committee Resource List, a list of suggested reading and three booklets entitled a) Toronto Architecture, A Description of Styles, b) Canada's Historic Places Initiative, Overview of the Conservation Tools and c) Ontario Heritage Foundation, Our Foundation. Heather advised that eight workshops will be held throu~hout Ontario with the closest being on Saturday, October 23r in Markham. Heather explained that Ontario is the only province that does not have the power to designate properties and that the strongest tool is municipal designation. The Federal government also does not have the power to designate properties although there is a new Historic Places initiative they have launched. John requested Heather's assistance with the Registry Office Heather to investigate advising of the time spent attempting to get information off and report back microfiche. He advised of the history of the registry books .... stating that a number of years ago municipalities were offered these books, which ended up in Toronto even though Pickering Page 3 ,- Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) stated their interest in acquiring them. John further expressed the need for the Committee to have Pamela will investigate access to the list and map of aboriginal sites, as these sites opportunity to have cannot be protected if the Committee is not aware of where one member they are located. designated to access this information John also stated that the Ministry has a registry of all archeological sites but an agreement has to be made between the Ministry and the Committee to have access. Archeology is in Part C of the Ontario Heritage Act. John expressed the desire to salvage items from homes being demolished and the need for a location to store them. A workshop will be held on October 5th on protecting Natural Heritage. Reaional Workshop - Pamela advised that the Regional Workshop will be held on Shawna is leading this Sunday, October 24th at the Brougham Community Hall. All project and will provide Durham Heritage Committees along with the Ministry will be in an update via email to attendance, each making a presentation, which will provide an committee members opportunity for an exchange of ideas and resource information. Shawna will provide an outline to all Committee members. Web Site Pamela advised that a Heritage Pickering web page exists on the City's web site with existing information and for further input members are to contact Anne Greentree, Supervisor, Legislative Services. Proposal re: Heritaae Position Pamela informed the Committee that there were discussions at a meeting with Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer concerning designating a City employee for Pickering Heritage. The Committee have been requested to set out the parameters of the job for consideration in the 2006 Budget. Committee Report to Council A copy of this report will be provided to Council at the time of ... the presentation (see above). Page 4 ,- Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Aborioinal Representative Still being worked on. Brock Road Expansion Michael D'Mello, Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing was Committee to make contacted concerning the impact the expansion of Brock Road request of City. will have on the McKenzie House, Woodruff Cemetery and the Matthews Burial Site. He suggested an assessment be requested from the Region of Durham concerning this matter and that this request should be sent by the City of Pickering. i Growth Manaoement Study Mary advised of a meeting being held on Thursday, October 14th in the Council Chambers at the Civic Complex concerning the Growth Management Study. 5. Next Meeting October 19,2004 Meeting Adjourned: 9: 15 PM Copy: Mayor Ryan Councillors T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Directors Page 5