HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 1, 2006 Cilq o~ Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY June 1, 2006 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Chair Councillor Pickles Attendees: Councillor David Pickles - Chair Margaret Lazarus, Glengrove Public School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Cultural Association Malvina Ram, Community Appointee Kim Krane, City of Pickering Guests: Rick Lea, Executive Director, Durham Region Local Training Board Evelyn Smith Regrets: Jacqueline Moriarty, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Tish Sheppard, Durham Catholic District School Board Nazneen Dindar, Durham District School Board Councillor Pickles welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the presenters ecial...Guest..presentation Rick Lea, Executive Director, Durham Region Local Training Board, and Evelyn Smith, Community Development Council of Durham presented to the committee on establishing an Immigrant Services Centre in Durham (potentially in Pickering first). * See attachments for details of the presentation - please rovide comments A rovalof. Notes & Business Arisin Minutes of the May 4,2006 meeting were approved. Councillor Pickles to invite Rick & Evelyn to a future Council meeting to make this presentation Councillor Pickles extended an invitation to Committee Members to attend the Canadian Tapestry Event on Sunday, June 11, 2006 Councillor Pickles attended the C.A.V.E. Youth at Risk Meeting Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 mittee ve - Tapestry Event is taking place at Pickering Museum Village June 11, 2006 from 12 Noon to 4:30 pm Councillor Pickles, Kim Kranc, Malvina Ram and Margaret Lazarus confirmed their attendance Promotion has taken place and community groups have all been confirmed Hoping for nice weather and a great turn out 5. Durharl1ReiOl1alPoIiceService The Committee was advised that Joe Mitschang has been transferred and a re lacement is unknown at this time SurvEf -Ideas frol1l the Committee A draft "Survey Proposal" prepared by Councillor Pickles was sent out to Committee Members. He further noted that his intent is to have the Survey completed by fall in order to present the results in the form of a Report to the Mayor and Council Members before Council adjourns for the elections. A discussion on the mechanics of how to conduct this survey with different interest groups and type of questions within the community entailed. Councillor Pickles advised that he would like to go out into the community and have informal interviews with members of various cultural & faith organizations (refer to survey questions previously provided). We need to reach out and open the lines of communication to identify what their needs are and provide groups with an opportunity to voice their concerns. Councillor Pickles has asked for Committee Members to assist in conducting the survey's over the summer months. Perhaps approaching one or two groups with one member from the Committee, along with Councillor Pickles would be best. Members of the committee provided comments and feeback on the draft survey questions - members thought the questions were very appropriate, covered all angles, and were very specific. The questions will assist us in receiving more of the answers we need, without having to ask too many questions and without taking up too much time of the groups. Councillor Pickles would to invite Shawna Mutton to September Race Relations Committee Meeting to discuss the possibility of a Youth Surve to parallel our surve . CORP0228-2/02 Press release to be sent out to all Community contacts to advise of the Tapestry event Members of the Committee to provide comments on which groups to approach first Councillor Pickles will make a list of groups he would like to contact - members of the committee can sign up to assist with interview Kim Kranc to contact Shawna Mutton Page 2 Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:00 pm - Main Committee Room All Committee Members are asked to confirm their attendance! A.d" ol.lrnrnent Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm For information purposes only, a copy of the draft Survey Proposal and Survey Outline is attached. Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk CORP0228-2/02 Page 3