HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 37-06 ., 0\ ,C. . iUI o~ L I REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 37-06 Date: October 10, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Four Wheel Drive Utility Tractors File: F-5300 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 37-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the supply and delivery of two (2) four wheel drive utility tractors, be received; 2. That Ouotation No. 0-53-2006, as submitted by Hutchison Farm Supply for the supply and delivery of two (2) four wheel drive utility tractors with ancillary equipment in the amount of $82,998.00 (GST and PST extra), be accepted; 3. That the total gross purchase cost of $94,617.72 and net purchase cost of $89,637.84 as outlined in Report OES 37-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, be approved; 4. That the Council of the City of Pickering authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through: a. an internal loan of $89,000 from the Development Charges Reserve Fund; b. the balance amount of $637.84 to be funded from the 2006 Current Budget; c. the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $25,000 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2007, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; and 5. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering currently maintains approximately 110 kilometres of sidewalk during the winter utilizing articulating trackless municipal tractors. A replacement for the City's oldest unit, #742, model: Trackless, year: 1989 was approved in the 2006 Capital Budget. Report OES 37-06 Date: October 10, 2006 108 Subject: Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Four Wheel Drive Utility Tractors Page 2 It has been the experience of the Superintendent, Municipal Operations that winter maintenance can be performed efficiently and effectively with an agricultural style tractor. This style of tractor is approximately half the cost of a municipal style tractor and can be used for a large variety of work year round with additional ancillary equipment. In the interest of improving efficiency and the delivery of service to the citizens of Pickering, it is recommended to replace the Trackless sidewalk plow with two agricultural style tractors. Financial Implications: 1. Quotation Amount Q-53-2006 Less Optional 72" mower Subtotal GST PST Subtotal GST Rebate Total (each) $45,151.00 (3,652.00) 41,499.00 2,489.94 3,319.92 47,308.86 (2,489.94) $44,818.92 $89.637.84 Total Purchase (Two Units) 2. Approved Source of Funds Parks Capital Budqet Item Proiect Code Source of Funds Available Required Trackless 5780.0607.6178 Internal Loan Sidewalk Plow $90,000.00 $89,637.84 Background: The replacement of City Unit #742, Model: Trackless, Year: 1989 sidewalk plow was identified and approved by Council in the 2006 Capital Budget. In the interest of improving efficiency and the delivery of service to the citizens of Pickering, the Superintendent, Municipal Operations recommended replacing this unit CORP0227-07/01 revised ~eg~~ OES 37-06 1. U.:J Subject: Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Four Wheel Drive Utility Tractors Date: October 10, 2006 Page 3 with two agricultural style tractors. This request was forwarded to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) who has concurred with this initiative. (See attached memo). Several neighbouring municipalities were consulted to gain insight as to their experiences with this type of equipment. The results of these discussions were very favourable and specifications were compiled based on these results. Supply & Services invited four (4) vendors to participate in the bidding process of which three (3) have responded. Upon careful examination of all quotations received by Supply & Services the Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends acceptance of the low bid from Hutchison Farm Supply in the amount of $45,151.00 (PST & GST extra) less the optional 72" mower attachment at $3,652.00 (PST & GST extra) for a net purchase cost of $41,499.00 (PST & GST extra) for each machine. This will result in a total net purchase cost of $89,637.84 for two machines. Due to budgetary constraints it was determined that the 72" mower attachment need not be purchased at this time. This item will be requested in the 2007 Capital Budget. A review of all quotations without the optional mower attachment resulted in Hutchison Farm Supply remaining as the low bidder. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1. Memo from the Chief Administrative Officer 2. Memo from Supply & Services Prepared By: ~F~~,~~ Gran Smith Supervisor, Fleet Operations CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 37-06 Date: October 10, 2006 ~ ..,- 1.1.\.1 Subject: Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Four Wheel Drive Utility Tractors Page 4 \ \ '\ ~/ /1 \~rY; Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services '~ ~~-:;?'=. ( Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GS:dw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer i/ CORP0227-07/01 revised "~Po> ';h,. 1\ cC ~7-(J~ I~," , K ..JJs-;)" .___1 ~._- OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER l'IEI'! I " ~ .. .Loll. MEMORANDUM August 28, 2006 To: Mayor Ryan and Members of Council From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Budget 2006 - Parks Capital - Project 06-2718-004-03 - Trackless Sidewalk Plow - File F-2000-001-06 In the Council approved budget, the above item was identified as a high priority acquisition. In light of the cost, City staff have been exploring alternative equipment which may have been developed in recent years that may be more cost effective, efficient and less costly. Recently, a memorandum was received outlining an alternate choice to resolve not only the high cost of the one piece of equipment, but could also provide additional resources for our winter control operations. Staff has determined, and I have approved, that the acquisition of 4-wheel drive tractor vehicles would provide increased efficiency. These vehicles are currently in use in other municipalities and have proven effective in most winter sidewalk clearing efforts. Also, due to the lower cost, the City can acquire two units, thereby increasing our ability to clear the sidewalks in a shorter time. I have instructed staff to issue a "Request for Quotation" for the supply of two sidewalk snow removal utility tractors in lieu of a trackless. When quotes are received, I will with staff, evaluate and approve their acquisition if it is deemed effective, efficient and within budget. I (REPORll-iE_ 37-ik ___,. 2, ':' (n,._._ ~ Subject: Trackless Sidewalk Plow August28,2006 Page 2 of 2 . <II .. " 1..L~ I have attached the two memorandums from staff for your information. ,... ~.{;afJ - l' omas J. Quin ---~ T JQ:djb Attachments Copy: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering "" "" "'" .iJ.J I F<E:PORTu OES,..~7-{)fo ,,3 ~.,',. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION :"Y /A ,.' i'" ~ J1 ~ August 21, 2006 ~t)f!~~tions&.'Emergency Services 1 ~ECE'VED: " ~~ j i FiLE NO.: -+tt " ~_._--- --- ~ /1.8EY TO: . ,;_..~---~-- ---~------ ~ F\Vl)/CC~PY -ro: ;'f:::A yOq----r..Tc;c U!\iCIL rSh.O===t]CLERK~- 1 cut. & REC. L I FiNANCE ~-~~.~~~~~. --t~...:~.;.. R' h dH Ib c:,....J:I.,I.":P.,,....,J..lt' !HLMp..i.;..",ES. IC ar 0 orn f.:~i7.~-:~..;:;.;~.;\7,"7c-:.--.--I-:-:7.---. " ' '..... '''" /'. ,C~S I I LEG"L Division Head, Municipal Property & Engine~:r.!f.fg,:~~~=_._==[JPLANNiNG . :.::,!::~:.:-...::.;.?y~:r~E:r.~-ffi' ct.@],.(-0RE_ " . .r.,'".,..,v I - r'" o~ "..... "If '''C ) .~ ~ v .1 :.,~~~~~~.":=:."=r.-l~~.~~~~:,~:=~~] MEMORANDUM To: From: John Hannah Superintendent, Municipal Operations Subject: -Trackless Municipal Tractor Replacement As you are aware there is funding approved in the 2006 Capital budget to replace one of the Trackless Municipal tractors. In an effort to improve efficiencies within the Operations Section I am requesting permission to replace the Trackless with two agricultural style tractors. The Trackless units have been problematic for many reasons over their years of service here in the City of Pickering. The first is the initial cost for replacement. This is budgeted at $90,000,00 in 2006. Initial enquiries indicate that two agricultural style tractors can be purchased with various attachments for this amount. This style of tractor can be used for twelve months where presently the Trackless is only used for winter operations. Another problem with the Trackless units is that they sit throughout the summer and as a result there are problems with the hydraulic lines during the initial start up of winter operations. There is also an increasing amount of down time while these units are repaired. Attachments can be purchased for these units for summer operations but it would increase their purchase price significantly. Attached please find a memo from Grant Smith in which he compares how other Municipalities conduct their winter sidewalk maintenance. There is strong indications that these agricultural style tractor units are being used effectively in many varied applications. The fact that two units with attachments can be purchased for approximately the same amount as one Trackless unit with only a blade attachment is a tremendous benefit. The efficiencies that this would create by having two units able T AO-IMENT " J .~.__. tf ..~...J)lJT"" OES J7-o(P r\i__' ~, '\ 'f't' . .f..,...".... <II "" 1I to cover the ground presently covered by one would assist greatly in the speed at 1. .1 ':t which sidewalks can be cleared following a snow fall. It also creates efficiencies during summer turf maintenace operations. As Grant indicates, it is evident that a properly specified agricultural style tractor could be utilized in a much wider variety of work, for a smaller investment. I believe this rationelle for replacement equipment is what is required to ensure that we are able to maintain the high level of service expected within the City of Pickering in the future. I await your direction in regard to this replacement equipment. f)fU ~o Hannah JH:jh Copy: Director, Operations and Emergency Services Supervisor, Parks and Roads Operations Supervisor, Fleet Operations / ,-,_._.;; ,CRFPOR1# OE_? ?,-7-o~ "l,t,.,._ A IIf ,-' .J.. .1'.) OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM August 18,2006 To: John Hannah Superintendent, Municipal Operations From: Grant Smith Supervisor, Fleet Operations Subject: Tractor Evaluation As per your request I have researched the viability of replacing a Trackless Municipal tractor with an agricultural style tractor. Several of our neighboring municipalities were contacted to evaluate their winter sidewalk maintenance programs and specifically equipment utilization. The results of this investigation revealed that a number of different approaches are taken to this work. . The Town of Whitby uses a fleet of Bombardier tracked machines, which are dedicated solely to winter sidewalk maintenance. . The Town of Ajax has a mixed fleet of sidewalk equipment. They are currently using three Trackless machines as well as two Kubota agricultural style tractors. Scott Glew, Maintenance Supervisor for the Town of Ajax reports that the Kubota tractors perform well in the winter. Although they are not used to cut grass in the summer months, they are utilized for ball diamond and turf maintenance tasks such as aerating etc. . The Town of Markham contracts their winter sidewalk maintenance to a private contractor who was unable to be reached for comment. . . The Town of Richmond Hill also has a mixed fleet of equipment. Rodney Young, Fleet Supervisor commented that they had experienced numerous problems with earlier models of John Deere tractors approximately ten years ago. Since that time they had been using Trackless machines. Two seasons ago they Tractor Evaluation ;,U"'d:N'j t. I ( HEPORT1+1S. J7-a:.o August 18,2006 ,-----k- ul --4- Page 2 lIb purchased two Kubota machines which he said had been relatively problem free. These machines are not used for grass cutting but are in service year-round on sweeping and turf maintenance. . The City of Cambridge was also contacted and reported very successful results with their John Deere equipment, which is used all year-round in sidewalk maintenance as well as grass cutting. The results of this investigation would indicate that a properly spec'd agricultural style tractor could be utilized in a much wider variety of work for a smaller investment. All of the municipalities contacted did comment on the fact that their operators found the agricultural style of tractor very easy to operate on winter maintenance work. A Trackless Sidewalk Plow has been identified and approved for replacement in the 2006 Capital Budget. Please advise how you wish. to proceed with this matter at your earliest convenience. -:?"t... ,,' Grant Smith Supervisor, Fleet Operations \ 9s Copy: 11, :J- oE:S ~ 7-of.o J. :L CORPORA TESERV1C-ES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM September 28, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering From: Bob Kuzma Senior Purchasing Analyst Subject: Quotation No. Q-53-2006, Supply & Delivery of Two (2) Utility Tractors Closing: Thursday, September 28, 2006 Quotations have been received for the above project. Four (4) companies were invited to participate of which three (3) responded. Quotations shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Copies of the quotations are attached for your review along with the summary of costs. Each line item provides a space for the vendor to indicate a "Yes, No, Specify" to provide the City with information and details to subjectively review each line item and the sum total of all specifications. Specifications Item 3 states where a bidder deviates from the quotation specifications, they must indicate "NO" and then specify the changes. The acceptance of these deviations relies solely within the discretion of the City. The quotation submitted by Hutchinson Farm Supply including all optional equipment in the total amount of $51,472.14 per unit is the low quotation, subject to further evaluation of the equipment's conformance to specification and required equipment options. Summary Q-42-2006 Includes all optional equipment Vendor Amount G.S.T. P.S.T. Total Price per Unit Hutchinson $45,151.00 $2,709.06 $3,612.08 $51,472.14 Farm Supply Utica Farm $45,931.50 $2,755.89 $3,674.52 $52,361.91 Equipment Vallance $47,642.00 $2,858.52 $3,811.36 $54,311.88 Equipment t... ~ \ RfPORlt-i_.Qi;:S.~7-0(p 'J. C,; 2.1 _..~".,.... """'..."",.....-....""""'. September 28, 2006 Page 2 <<II 1"- , j~ - ~ Q-53-2006, Supply & Delivery of Two (2) Utility Tractor Note: The hitch assembly for the angling plow and the snow blower is interchangeable. The pricing for the hitch assembly in all quotations has been included in the price quoted for the optional snow blower. If the snow blower option is not included in the purchase of the tractor, a hitch assembly must be purchased for the angling snowplow. The cost of the hitch assembly will be extra as follows (taxes extra): Hutchinson Farm Equipment Utica Farm Equipment Vallance Equipment $1,075.00 $1,062.00 $1,965.00 In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 04.05 revised, an award exceeding $81,000 is subject to Council approval. Include in your report to Council: 1. the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged and the budget amount(s) assigned thereto 2. Treasurer's confirmation of funding 3. related departmental approvals 4. any reason(s) why the low bid of Hutchinson Farm Equipment is not acceptable, and 5. related comments specific to the project Bidders will be advised of the outcome. Please do not disclose pricing to enquiring bidders. Subject to Council approval, an approved "on-line" requisition will also be required to proceed. If you require further information or assistance during the evaluation phase of this quotation call, contact me at extension 2131. ; 5. . Kuzma Ibk Attachments