HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 02-06 O '7 r'. CitJI 0# , ,) REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CO 02-06 Date: September 18, 2006 From: Councillor David Pickles Chair, Accessibility Advisory Committee Subject: City of Pickering 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan Reviewed by the Accessibility Advisory Committee for Council Consideration File: A-2130-001-06 Recommendation: 1. That Report CO 02-06 regarding the City of Pickering 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan be received; and that 2. Council endorse the City of Pickering 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan as presented and reviewed by the City of Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee. Executive Summary: The purpose of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and to provide for their involvement in the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers to their full participation in the life of the province. The ODA mandates that all municipalities prepare annual accessibility plans. By the end of 2007, the City of Pickering aims to review and/or remove the barriers identified in the 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan. Over the next several years, the City of Pickering aims to address all facility related improvements as outlined in the City's 2000 Accessibility Audit. Financial Implications: As a result of the City of Pickering 2000 Accessibility Audit Report, the City of Pickering made a commitment to include $25,000 in the annual capital budget to remove or prevent facility related barriers. Over the years, this figure has risen and in 2006 the City of Pickering committed a total of $35,000 in its annual capital budget. As a result, many of the facility related barriers included in the 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan would draw on these funds identified under capital account 2719.6183. Report CO 02-06 Date: September 18, 2006 076 Subject: City of Pickering 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan Page 2 The potential costs to complete the policy and service related barriers have not yet been determined and will be subject to approved 2006 and 2007 capital and operating budgets. Any barrier that cannot be completed within the 2006 or 2007 approved capital or operating budget will be deferred to future annual accessibility plans. Background: The Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) received Royal Assent on December 14, 2001. The purpose of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA) is to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and to provide for their involvement in the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers to their full participation in the life of the province. Under the Act, all municipalities are required to prepare annual accessibility plans, make the plans public and consult persons with disabilities. According to the Ontario Accessibility Directorate within the Ministry of Citizenship, the purpose of the Annual Accessibility Plan is to describe the measures that the municipality has taken in recent years and the measures the municipality will be taking in the coming year to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities. According to the requirements of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA), the City of Pickering has prepared the 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan. The City's plan is for the period of September 2006 to August 2007. The barriers identified in this report were based on information collected from the 2006 Annual Accessibility Workbook issued to City staff for their comments. The 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan has been reviewed and endorsed by the City of Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee. In order to make the plan available to the public, the City of Pickering will place an advertisement in the local newspaper to announce the completion and availability of the 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan. The public will be able to access the 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan electronically via the City of Pickering website or by picking up a hard copy at the Pickering Civic Complex or Pickering Central Library. Attachments: 1. City of Pickering 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan CORP0227-07/01 revised d \ 0 7 '/ Report CO 02-06 Date: September 18, 2006 Subject: City of Pickering 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan Page 3 )- r-) \ ... , Approved I Endorsed BY;" /,/~ -, I ,," '~' / / \,L' -~ , ~ ~~! Councillor David Pickles ; v Chair, Accessibility Advisory Committee Prepared By: Marisa Carpino C Supervisor, Culture & Recreation MC/ Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council I{ CORP0227-07/01 revised 078 Citq tJ~ 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan September 2006 - August 2007 ~)7(' U ;1 Table of Contents Section 1: Municipal Jurisdiction(s) Participating in this Plan.........................1 Section 2: Other Organizations & Agencies Participating in this Plan.............. 2 Section 3: Consultation Activities... ......................................... .............. ... 2 Section 4: Plan Development Working Group ........................................... 3 Section 5: Operational Review................................................................ 16 Section 6: Decision-Making Review......................................................... 23 Section 7: Targets and Actions.... ...... ... ... .... ... ........ ...... ........ ... ..... .... .......27 Section 8: Monitoring Progress.............................................................. .34 080 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan September 2006 - August 2007 Section 1: Municipal Jurisdiction(s) Participating in this Plan City of Pickering Address: Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7 Key Contact: Prem Noronha-Waldriff Coordinator, Community Recreation Programs 905.420.4660 ext. 3229 pnoronha-waldriff@city.pickering.on.ca The City of Pickering is Toronto's eastern neighbour and home to a growing community that blends business opportunities, cultural diversity and historical rural settings with a picturesque Lake Ontario waterfront. The City of Pickering is committed to making Pickering an attractive place in which to live, work and invest. Within 22,652 hectares, the City of Pickering boasts top- quality municipal sports fields and recreation programs, quarter-million square foot recreation complex, 19th century interpretive museum, libraries, many community and neighbourhood parks, conservation areas, new waterfront facilities and hiking trails. In 2005, Pickering's population stood at 94,400. The Corporation of the City of Pickering employs 479 staff to meet the needs of its residents. The City of Pickering's main administration building is located at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade in Pickering and can be reached at 1.866.683.2760. The Corporation also maintains satellite facilities for Library Services, Fire Services, Recreation Complex, Community Centres, Pickering Museum Village, and an Operations Centre. 1 08t The Corporation operates within four (4) departments and they include: Administration Department . Office of the CAG . Customer Care Centre . Corporate Projects & Policy · Corporate Promotions & Economic Development . Human Resources . Legal Services Corporate Services Depar1ment . Accounting Services . Financial Services . Clerk's . Municipal Law Enforcement . Information Technology . Supply & Services . Animal Services Operations & Emergency Services Department . Operations & Emergency Services . Culture & Recreation Division . Fire Services Division . Municipal Property & Engineering Division . Community Emergency Management Program Planning & Development Department . Planning & Development . Information & Support Services . Development Control . Building Services Library Services are the responsibility of the Pickering Public Library Board, which is appointed by Pickering Council. Section 2: Other Organizations & Agencies Participating in this Plan None Section 3: Consultation Activities City of Pickering Staff · Completed a workbook to assess past initiatives, identify current barriers and action items to remove those barriers · Input from working group was collected in July & August 2006 City of Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee (MC) · Completed review of the draft 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan and provided comments and recommendations on September 6, 2006. · Recommendations of the MC were incorporated into the plan 2 082 Section 4: Plan Development Working Group (CORE Group) Working Group Member Department/Division Re resented Marisa Carpino Culture & Recreation (programs) .on.ca Prem Noronha-Waldriff Culture & Recreation (programs) Len Hunter Culture & Recreation (facilities) Lynda Taylor Planning (Tim Moore) Chief Building Official Lisa Broad Clerks Jennifer Parent Human Resources Chyrel Hagg Customer Care Joe Hunwicks Operations & Emergency Services .on.ca Bill Douglas Fire Services .on.ca Richard Holborn Municipal Property & Engineering .on.ca Kathy Williams Library Services Stan Karwowski Taxation, Accounting, Supply & Services Jon Storms Information Technology .on.ca 3 08 ~") Initiative: Previous City of Pickering Annual Accessibility Plan's identified barriers and strategies with timelines to address these barriers. Methods Used to Identify B Methodology 2006 Annual Accessibility Workbook issued to City staff for their comments. The City of Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee (MC) consulted on the City's Accessibility Advisory Plan. CORE Plan Development Working Group Meetings arners: Description Information from each area regarding recent initiatives to remove barriers and strategies to remove existing barriers in the coming year. Draft 2005/06 facility improvements presented to the MC at the 2005 Fall Committee meeting for comments. Suggested changes were incorporated. The MC were provided an opportunity to review the Annual Accessibility Plans and make comments. The entire Plan Development Working Group met bi-monthly in 2005/2006 to review updates to the 2005/2006 Accessibility Plan. Existing and new barriers were discussed. Status Workbooks were completed in July 2006 Responses were reviewed and included (where appropriate) into the 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan. Suggested changes were accommodated in the City's final 2006 Annual Accessibility Plan Updates made to the 2005/06 Accessibility Plan. Input collected for the 2006 Accessibility Plan. 4 Barriers Identified & Status: Items Outstanding from 2003/04 Accessibility Plan: Barrier & Type Strategy for removal/prevention Have an Evacuation and Transit Plan that addresses the needs of all citizens. Citizens who have special accessibility needs are not considered in the current emergency plans. Technological/Procedural Ineffective means of notifying hearing and visually impaired citizens of an emergency. Informational Additional design standards and site plan requirements may be of assistance in development review processes Procedural Pickering Official Plan only available in print. Informational Entrance to Claremont Community Centre is inaccessible to wheelchair users Physical As part of the effort to further develop the City's community emergency management plans, include requirements to address this communications issue. Consult City of Pickering's Accessibility Committee on appropriateness of current guidelines and processes; amend where necessary. Establish a written proposal, with cost estimates, for inclusion in 2005 budget submission Level entrance threshold to the interior surface of the Claremont Community Centre. Status The new Plan is still in draft form and scheduled for completion by December 2006. Undetermined at this time. Review of standards applied in other selected cities has been completed and the Site Plan Guideline manual has been initiated. Completed. Official Plan now available in digital form through website. Compendium documents are anticipated to be available in digital form through the website by December 2006. Not completed. Waiting for design from MP&E. 084 5 08;) Barrier & Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention All municipal facility signs Install various facility Committee to review could be improved to signs in pictograms or based on new Provincial better meet the needs of brail - where possible. standards. the visually impaired community Physical Text reading devices Website Coordinator to A text only navigation cannot read PDF files identify different formats page has been set up to for use of the website if by-pass the image based Informational deemed necessary. menus. This will assist visitors that utilize text- reading devices. PDF files can be saved as a text document that will be recognized by text reading devices. Completed. Identifying all barriers Website Coordinator to Survey completed. No that exist on our website prepare survey. responses were received from our community. Informational Completed. 6 Items OutstandinQ from 2004/05 Accessibility Plan: Barrier Type Strategy for removal/prevention The full implementation of a community-wide public alerting system will address this barrier. Lack of a system to provide emergency communications for visually and hearing impaired citizens. Technological & Procedural Emergency Plans and Procedures that do not address the need of citizens who may require specific assistance during a community emergency or major crisis. Procedural Procedural By-law Section 51 - Unrecorded Vote -"The manner of determining the decision of Council on a motion shall be by the prominent show of hands". Procedural Notification of passing a by-law Informational/ Communicative Procedural The Community Emergency Plans and Procedures are being written to address these issues. Future emergency exercises will include scenarios that require emergency managers to take action to address accessibility needs. Amend by-law. Review web accessibility with Corporate Promotions and Projects Contact CNIB or AAC to determine what would be appropriate. Status Efforts are underway to address outdoor public alerting. It is planned that indoor alerting, including provisions for visual and hearing impaired, will follow sometime during 2007. Fall 2006. Still ongoing. Community wide costs would be significant. By Parliamentary Law, it is not necessary to make a by-law amendment to make the 'show of hands' changes. It will now be included in protocol. Clerks completed. Currently notices of passing of by-laws are published on the web and possibly in the newspaper for the visually impaired. Contacted the Region who has a CNIS rep., and determined that this is not necessary as there is available software to make the web more accessible. Clerks Completed. 086 7 087 Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention Main counter at Consider lowering Switchboard has been switchboard and at counter. moved to the Customer Clerk's on 2nd floor are Care / Info. Centre - too high for customers Review against priorities counter is now who are sitting set in the accessibility accessible. audit. Physical Clerks and H R Completed. Tax & Clerks Front Redesign counter. Completed. Counter Physical December 2005. North access to change Modify access to include Will incorporate design rooms at Pickering automatic doors and card into Squash Court Recreation Complex is access. Expansion Project. not easily accessible Deferred to 2007. Physical East Entrance to East Redesign east entrance Asphalt ramp completed Shore Community Centre to include ramp, by MP&E in 2005. is not easily accessible automatic doors and disabled parking spots. Accessible parking space Physical required. To be completed in 2006. Museum facility doors I nstall appropriate door Completed June 2005. need easy to grasp handles at lower level. handles Physical Public washroom Design an accessible Completed. facilities in the Museum's washroom facility. new Program Centre must be built to be accessible Physical Pickering Museum Consider interim options Sign at main gate Village is inaccessible to alleviate problems until suggesting visitors from the main changes to walkway are inquire at the gift shop administration building completed. about accessibility options. Physical Sign added to Parking sign to indicate wheelchair parking. Completed Sept. 2006 8 088 Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention Doors at Claremont are Replace doors. Completed. inaccessible Physical PAR-Q forms for seniors Will create them in size Submitted as an E-Form fitness programs may be 14 font to make them and should be available difficult to read. easier to read. online & in size 14 font - hard copy. Informational Completed. Most program & event Will work with individual, Ongoing activities are adaptable City of Pickering but some are not. For volunteers and outside example, skateboarding agencies to facilitate competitions, seniors line inclusion - to the best of dancing our abilities. Physical Registration counter at Review against priorities Will be incorporated into Rec. Complex is too high set in the accessibility Squash Court Expansion for person in a audit. Project. wheelchair Consider lowering the counter for the customer to register and make Physical inquiries. Entrance door at Rec. Consider installing an Scheduled for 2006. Complex west salon automatic door. doors are inaccessible Review barrier against priorities set in the Physical accessibility audit. Inaccessible sidewalks Physical Completed November 2005. Physical Future sidewalks projects are identified. A list is Follow up letters to compiled and prioritized. residents on Valley Farm Road was delivered on March 8, 2006. 9 1\8 ., l- :, Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention Playground Equipment Construct Completed with accessible surfaces - September 2005. Five locations - Don Beer Memorial Park (Brougham), Martins Tot Lot (Cherrywood), Maple Ridge Park, Shadybrook Tot Lot and Dunmoore Park. Timing on track. Funds allocated for small components at each park. Looking at Architectural woodchips and ground level features. Application counter in Making counter City will incorporate Planning is too high. accessible to persons in standard to make part of wheelchairs. Review any new counter lower against priorities set in for accessibility. the accessibility audit. Physical Deferred to 2007/2008. Compendium document Place Compendium Planned for December only available in hard Document on City's 2005 copy form website. Informational Inaccessible housing in Investigate legislative Review of legislation new housing authority and practices by complete. developments other municipalities to require subdivisions to Municipalities may have some barrier-free impose reasonable accessible homes. conditions relating to Require that some accessible housing housing be developed through the review of barrier free draft plans of subdivision. 10 Or .' .j U Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention Whitevale Branch Library The entire building is too Review Annually. is not accessible to small and does not have anyone in a wheelchair sufficient room for No changes. anyone in a wheelchair to move inside the building. The entrance is not accessible. The only way to alleviate this is to review service options to our northern communities to ensure that an accessible service point is available to them. The Whitevale building could not be effectively renovated for full accessibility. Review against priorities set in the accessibility Architectural audit. Greenwood Branch The washrooms, Review Annually. Library is not accessible entrance and access to to anyone in a wheelchair the book drop are not No changes. and would provide some accessible. This is an old problems to anyone building of some without full mobility historical value and to renovate at this time would be extremely costly. A new fully accessible facility to serve our northern clientele may well be an option should we realize significant growth in the north. Review against priorities set in the Arch itectu ra I accessibility audit. Microform reader is not The library's 2005 capital Completed. user friendly to those with budget includes provision special visual needs or for a new microform New microfilm reader for those who have any reader, which will was purchased in the Fall adaptive technology for alleviate these difficulties. of 2005. the operation of such a machine. Physical 11 091 Items Outstanding from 2005/06 Accessibility Plan: 1. Administration Department None 2 C t S o orpora e ervlces epartment Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention Voting method at Review of procedural by- December 2005. Committee/Council law. meetings. Procedural By-Law Amend By-Law Debi to review Section 51 - unrecorded December 2005. vote - The manner of Have checked determining the decision Parliamentary Law and Completed. of Council on a motion do not need a by-law shall be by the prominent amendment to make the show of hands" "show of hands" changes. Will now be included in protocol. Notification of passing a Review web accessibility Strategies for removal or by-law with Corporate prevention. Promotions & Projects and contact CNIB or AAC This would be a to determine what would Corporate decision / be appropriate. software available to make print bigger / will not be pursuing at this time. Total Cost 3. 0 erations & Emer enc Services De artment Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/ revention Lack of a system to The full implementation Review ongoing. provide emergency of a community wide communications for public alerting system will visually impaired and address this barrier hearin im aired citizens 12 09') I.. Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention Emergency plans and The Community Fall 2006. procedures that do not Emergency Management address the need of Plan, and procedures are citizens who may require being written to address specific assistance during these issues. Future a community emergency emergency exercises will or major crisis include scenarios that require emergency managers to take action to address accessibility needs Entrance door at ESCC. Consider installing an Looking at various options ESCC gymnasium doors automatic door. - 2006. leading from gym to seniors centre are Re-design entrance C&R: inaccessible Len Hunter Recreation Complex C&R: Family Change rooms. Review barrier against Len Hunter priorities set in the Wider benches required accessibility audit. Completed 2006. in two end cubicles to aid in the changing of a person with a disability Inadequate signage at Informational To be determined in 2006. the six key municipal facilities C&R: Prem Duffins Trail Incorporate wheelchair Completed June 2006 and scooter access by installing curb MP&E depressions at Brock D.Selsky Road and the road crossing where the trail turns north towards Duffin Creek Petticoat Creek Re-surface parking lot; Completed Community Centre add curb depressions; June 2006 new pavement markings MP&E for Accessible Parkinq D.Selskv Total Cost 13 09.3 4 PI &D annlnQ eve opment Barrier Type Strategy for Status removal/prevention Application Counter in Make counter accessible Reviewed initiated in Planning & Development to persons in 2005. is too high wheelchairs. Will not address at this time. When P & D areas are reviewed for improvements through the City's Budget, this will be considered. Information Review standards Completed review applied in other June 2006 municipalities for possible inclusion in P & D Site Plan Quidelines. Compendium document Place compendium on December 2006 only available in hard City's website copy form Policy Review instances where Annually recommendations of December 2005. Accessibility Committee Advise Council cannot be implemented Representative on MC in site planning. who is to then advise the MC. Inaccessible housing in Investigate legislative 2006 new housing authority and practices to developments require subdivisions to have barrier free accessible homes Inaccessible Public Establish policy of December 2005 Meeting locations considering accessibility (Greenwood Community when booking venues for Hall) meetings. is inaccessible, however, the location stimulates attendance from area residents (consider use of the local school). Est. Dept. policy: Greenwood School to be alternate location. Total Cost 14 5. Library Services Barrier Type Whitevale Branch Librar Greenwood Branch Libra Total Cost 094 Status 2010 2010 15 09'" t ;) Section 5: Operational Review 5.1 Administration Department The Administration Department is responsible to ensure that the Corporation is operating with administrative effectiveness and providing an accountable and responsive government. The work teams (Division's) include: . Office of the CAO . Customer Care Centre . Corporate Projects & Policy . Corporate Promotions & Economic Development . Human Resources . Legal Services o erational Review: Review Date Jul - Au ust 2006 Review Methodolo Staff Review Status Com lete List of Barriers Identified: None 5.2 Corporate Services Department The Corporate Services Department is responsible for managing the financial affairs of the Corporation, including Taxation, Accounting, Supply & Services, Information Technology and Clerk's. The work teams (Division's) include: . Accounting Services . Financial Services . Clerks . Municipal Law Enforcement . Information Technology . Supply & Services . Animal Services o erational Review: Review Date July 18, 2006 Review Methodolo Review was conducted by staff submissions and suggestions and by examining each section of the Corporate Services Department for accessibilit . Status Ongoing - this review will be continued as the department will be continually watching for accessibility items. 16 098 List of Barriers Identified: Barrier Barrier Type Strategies for removal or prevention Non-accessible entry Physical/Arch itectural Corrective measures doors - there is no button depend on budget to open entry doors capabilities and committee discussion. Review ongoing. No accessible washroom Arch itectu ra I Corrective measures available (i.e. no large depend on budget stall) capabilities and committee discussion. Review ongoing. Small spaces between Arch itectu ra I/Physical Corrective measures desks - not enough room depend on budget to travel between desks capabilities and committee discussion. Review ongoing. Hearing impaired - no Communicational Corrective measures one is capable of helping depend on budget someone who is hard of capabilities and hearing committee discussion. Review ongoing. 5.3 Operations & Emergency Services Department The Operations & Emergency Services Department administrates and coordinates the efforts of the operational services division to ensure efficient and responsive delivery of the services of the following work teams (Division's): . Operations & Emergency Services . Culture & Recreation Division . Fire Services Division . Municipal Property & Engineering Division . Community Emergency Management Program 17 09'; o fiR' Jpera Ion a eVlew: Review Date Review Methodoloqy Status Ongoing throughout the The Community The review will continue year. Emergency Management into the fall. The Plan Program Committee is will be completed early in currently reviewing the the fall and submitted to draft Community Council for approval in Emergency Management October. Plan and consideration for accessibility issues are included. List of Barriers Identified: Barrier Barrier Type Strategies for removal or prevention Developing emergency Policy/practise Consultation and plans requires participation with and cooperation from other from other levels of levels of government. government are routinely The matters of public used to address these alerting, evacuation, and matters. emergency transit are examples of issues that pose extra challenges to the City when attempting to adequately develop plans and procedures. Fire Hall: Station #5 Physical Station #2 and #6 (Bayley St) available for tours if Entrance not accessible requested. Washroom not accessible Benches in Rec. Physical Wider benches to be Complex family installed in cubicles. changerooms are not wide enough to change kids with special needs Soap dispensers in the Physical Lower soap dispenser on Banquet Halls of the Rec. the wall. Complex washrooms are not low enough for young campers or people in wheelchairs to reach. 18 098 Barrier Barrier Type Strategies for removal or prevention Automatic north entrance Physical Permit doors to stay open doors at Petticoat Creek longer. Community Centre close too quickly for chair or carts to pass throuQh. Sink and soap dispenser Physical Lower counter with sink in PCCC washrooms are and soap dispenser. too high for someone in wheelchair to reach Access to upper level of Physical Build ramp which is ESCC is not accessible scheduled to be completed in 2006. No automatic doors for Physical Install automatic doors Banquet Halls at Rec. Complex Doors too heavy to open Physical Install automatic doors at at Redman House entrance doors and at (Museum) washrooms. Log Barn at Museum has Physical Build rustic appearing no ramps ramp along north side for entry. Inaccessible washrooms Physical Standardize washrooms (especially at WSCC) at all City Facilities so they are accessible. Some seniors at ESCC Physical Install listening devices at and PCCC seniors ESCC and PCCC for centres have trouble seniors hearing Inaccessible entrance Physical Improve driveway and washroom at WSCC entrance, parking lot, electrical/plumbing/HV AC systems, ramp and program viewing and make washroom accessible. No automatic door to Physical Replacing doors and washrooms in Rink 1 install automatic door Lobby 19 o 9 ~', Barrier Barrier Type Strategies for removal or prevention No automatic door to Physical Install automatic doors washrooms in Rink 1 to Arena No accessible access to Physical Create an elevated bleachers in Rink 1 & 2 platform area at the south and very poor sight line end of each rink for for people in wheelchairs wheelchair users at rink boards 5.4 Planning & Development The Planning & Development Department participates in numerous activities respecting land use policy, site planning, community development, and building construction. The work teams (Division's) include: . Planning & Development . Information & Support Services . Development Control . Building Services o erational Review: Review Date June 2005 - Dec 2005 Review Methodolo Review any instances where accessibility recommendations from the Accessibility Committee could not be implemented December 2005 Legislative Review; contact other municipalities regarding potential to require barrier free access homes in new subdivision developments -Brampton, Mississauga, Markham and Ajax contacted -not imposing any requirements for barrier free housing in new develo ments Status Ongoing Committee recommendations are discussed with the Site Plan Committee members and the ACC Council representative provides feedback to the Accessibilit Committee Completed Municipalities may impose reasonable conditions relating to accessibility within a draft plan of subdivision Through the review of draft plan of subdivision applications staff will consider a condition of approval to require barrier free access to dwellings (Le. grade related bun alow units 20 100 List of Barriers Identified: Barrier Barrier Type Strategies for removal or prevention Application Counter in Physical Consider re-designing a Planning & Development portion of the counter to is too high make it accessible to wheelchairs, if and when the counter is expanded Lack of Design standards Communicational Finalize Site Plan in the Site Plan Policy/Practice Procedural Manual procedural manual to Chapter pertaining to assist development Accessibility design review process standards Pickering Official Plan Communicational Convert to an appropriate Compendium Documents format for the Website only available in print Accessible Housing in Physical/Architectural Require some housing to new developments be constructed that has barrier free access 5.5 Library Services Provides library services, programs and resources to the community at various facility locations, which include Pickering Public Library, and Claremont, Greenwood, Petticoat Creek, Whitevale Branches. o fiR. )pera lona eVlew: Review Date Review MethodoloQY Status May 12, 2005 Discussion between City Ongoing and Library regarding accessibility of both Greenwood and Whitevale Libraries 21 lOot List of Barriers Identified: Barrier Barrier Type Strategies for removal or prevention Need for the current Physical Upgrade washrooms at Central Library the Central Library to washrooms to be meet accessibility updated to current standards. disabled access standards. Staff have identified need Physical Install Family washrooms for a family washroom at at Central Library the Central Library. The Library is attracting more children and adults with disabilities who require the assistance of a parent/caregiver who may not be of the same sex. 22 .11 0 r;) 1 i"" Section 6: Decision-Making Review 6.1 Administration Department The Administration Department is responsible to ensure that the Corporation is operating with administrative effectiveness and providing an accountable and responsive government. The work teams (Division's) include: . Office of the CAO . Customer Care Centre . Corporate Projects & Policy . Corporate Promotions & Economic Development . Human Resources . Legal Services Decision Making Review: None List of Barriers Identified: None 6.2 City of Pickering, Corporate Services Department The Corporate Services Department is responsible for managing the financial affairs of the Corporation, including Taxation, Accounting, Supply & Services, Information Technology and Clerk's. The work teams (Division's) include: . Corporate Services . Clerks . Municipal Law Enforcement . Information Technology . Supply & Services . Animal Services Decision Making Review: None List of Barriers Identified: None 23 10:j 6.3 Operations & Emergency Services Department The Operations & Emergency Services Department administrates and coordinated the efforts of the operational services division to ensure efficient and responsive delivery of the services of the following work teams (Division's): . Operations & Emergency Services . Culture & Recreation Division . Fire Services Division . Municipal Property & Engineering Division . Community Emergency Management Program Review Date Review MethodoloQY Status Ongoing throughout the A new Community New By-law is planned year. Emergency Management for completion and By-law was developed to submission to Council for officially establish the approval in October. The Program and adopt the Community Emergency new Plan - the Management Program Committee is also Committee will be responsible for reviewing conducting their annual the By-law. In addition, review in November. annually in accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, the Committee will be reviewing the Program including matters associated with accessibility. List of Barriers Identified: None 24 10~i 6.4 Planning & Development The Planning & Development Department participates in numerous activities respecting land use policy, site planning, community development, and building construction. The work teams (Division's) include: . Planning & Development . Information and Support Services . Development Control . Building Services Review Date Review Methodoloqy Status December 2005 P & 0 Staff to review Completed policy for location criteria Department Policy to for public meetings consider the use of Greenwood School, rather than the Community Hall, when establishing a public meeting in Greenwood List of Barriers Identified: None 6.5 Library Services Provides library services, programs and resources to the community at various facility locations, which include Pickering Public Library, and Claremont, Greenwood, Petticoat Creek, Whitevale Branches. Review Date Review Methodology Status The Pickering Public With the City Ongoing Library participates in the City-wide accessibility review. 25 105 List of Barriers Identified: Barrier Barrier Type Strategies for removal or prevention Physical access to Physical Until such time as these Greenwood and difficulties can be Whitevale resolved, programming and some services are curtailed at these locations. We advise our clients of the nearest accessible branch. Central Library Physical barrier Review of current washrooms are not up to facilities needs to be current disabled access done with assistance of standards. Planning and Development staff. Central Library requires a Physical barrier Review of requirements family washroom of a family washroom is underway 26 106 Section 7: Targets and Actions 7.1 Administration Department The Administration Department is responsible to ensure that the Corporation is operating with administrative effectiveness and providing an accountable and responsive government. The work teams (Division's) include: . Office of the CAO . Customer Care Centre . Corporate Projects & Policy . Corporate Promotions & Economic Development . Human Resources . Legal Services None 7.2 Corporate Services Department The Corporate Services Department is responsible for managing the financial affairs of the Corporation, including Taxation, Accounting, Supply & Services, Information Technology and Clerk's. The work teams (Division's) include: . Accounting Services . Financial Services . Clerk's . Municipal Law Enforcement . Information Technology . Supply & Services . Animal Services Barrier Action Resources Costs TarQet Accessible Door Construction Capital Budget $2,500 Review in 2007 against priorities Additional Construction Capital Budget Review in Washroom stall 2007 (x2) against priorities Added space Construction Capital Budget Review in between desks 2007 against priorities Hearing Sign Funds and staff Review in accessibility for the Language training 2007 Hearing impaired Training against priorities Total Cost $2,500 27 107 7.3 Operations & Emergency Services Department The Operations & Emergency Services Department administrates and coordinates the efforts of the operational services division to ensure efficient and responsive delivery of the services of the following work teams (Division's): . Operations & Emergency Services . Culture & Recreation Division . Fire Services Division . Municipal Property & Engineering Division . Community Emergency Management Program Barrier Action Resources Costs TarQet / Staff Lack of a Develop and No physical Not Target date public alerting implement a resources identified not system. comprehensive have been at this established at public alerting allocated for time. this time - system this matter at indoor public present. Staff alerting may resources begin in 2007 consist with some primarily of features that time that the will begin to Community address Emergency accessibility. Management Coordinator J. Hunwicks devotes. Capital Works Kingston Road Capital $111, 1 00 Sept 2006 Projects from Rosebank Account Road to Altona R.Holborn / Road - a new D. Selsky sidewalk will be installed on the south side and curb depressions will be installed for wheelchair and scooter access. Bayly Street from Capital $170,000 Sept 2006 Brock Road to the Account Pickering Go R.Holborn / Station - a new D. Selsky sidewalk will be installed on the north side and curb depressions will be installed for wheelchair and scooter access. 28 108 Barrier Action Resources Costs Target / Staff Centennial Park Capital $200,000 Sept 2006 Washroom Facility - Account to be constructed RHolborn / will have D. Selsky wheelchair access to the building including washroom stalls for wheelchair access. Brands Court & Capital $375,000 Oct 2006 Helen Crescent - Account will be RHolborn / reconstructed with D. Selsky new concrete curb which will incorporate curb depressions for wheelchair and scooter access to the sidewalk Old Brock Road, Capital $350,000 Oct 2006 Claremont - a new Account concrete sidewalk R Holborn / will be installed D. Selsky from Bovington Place to the Legion. The sidewalk will be depressed at Bovington Place to incorporate wheelchair and scooter access. Playground Capital $300,000 Oct. 2006 Replacements will Account take place at Bev RHolborn / Morgan Park, D. Selsky Amberlea Park, Denmar Park and Valleyview Park. The concrete surrounding the play areas at all four parks will have curb depressions installed for wheelchair access. Safety material being installed around the play equipment at Bev 29 IOU Morgan Park, Amberlea Park and Valleyview Park will be wheelchair accessible. The safety material being proposed at Denmar Park is a sand material which is being used on a trial basis and can be changed at a later date to provide wheelchair access. Waterfront Trail Capital $50,000 Oct. 2006 from Marksbury Account Road to Park R.Holborn / Crescent - will have D. Selsky curb depressions installed for wheelchair and scooter access Pine Creek Nov. 2006 Pedestrian Bridge Replacement - will R.Holborn / be accessible for D. Selsky wheelchair and scooter access. Benches in Wider benches to Staff N/A Completed Rec. Complex be installed in Resources 2006 family cubicles. changerooms L. Hunter are not wide enough to change kids with special needs Soap Lower soap No anticipated N/A L. Hunter dispensers in dispenser on the cost. Dec. 2006 the Banquet wall. Halls of the Staff Rec. Complex Resources washrooms are not low enough for young campers or people in wheelchairs to reach. 30 110 Barrier Action Resources Costs Tarqet/ Staff Automatic Change timer so Repair by L. Hunter north doors stay open service entrance longer. company Completed doors at 2006. Petticoat Operating Creek Community Centre close too quickly for chair or carts to pass through. Sink and Lower counter Capital Budget Will review soap with sink and against other dispenser in soap dispenser. priorities in PCCC 2007. washrooms are too high L. Hunter for someone in wheelchair to reach Access to Build ramp which Capital Budget $30,000 L. Hunter upper level of is scheduled to be ESCC is not completed in accessible 2006. No automatic Install automatic Capital Budget $2,500 L. Hunter doors for doors Banquet Halls at Rec. Complex Doors too Install automatic Capital Budget $2,500 To be heavy to open doors at entrance reviewed at Redman doors and at against other House washrooms. priorities in (Museum) 2007. L. Hunter Log Barn at Build rustic Capital Budget To be Museum has appearing ramp considered in not ramps along north side 2007. for entry. M. Carpino L. Hunter Inaccessible Standardize Capital Budget In 2007, each washrooms washrooms at all will be (especially at City Facilities so considered if WSCC) they are a priority. accessible. L. Hunter 31 l1t Barrier Action Resources Costs Tarqet / Staff Some seniors Install listening Budget and Cost to be at ESCC and devices at ESCC Training investigated PCCC and PCCC for in 2007. seniors seniors centres have P. Noronha- trouble Waldriff hearinq K. A vres Inaccessible Improve driveway Capital Budget Parking - 2007 -2008 entrance and entrance, parking $110,000 washroom at lot, electrical/ WSCC plumbing/ HV AC Washrooms systems, ramp to be and program considered viewing and make against other washroom priorities. accessible. L. Hunter No automatic Replacing doors Capital Budget $2,500 2007 -2008 door to and install L. Hunter washrooms in automatic door Rink 1 Lobbv No automatic Install automatic Capital Budget $2,500 2007 -2008 door to doors L. Hunter washrooms in Rink 1 to Arena No accessible Create an Capital Budget $2,500 Need to access to elevated platform review the bleachers in area at the south design Rink 1 & 2 end of each rink against other and very poor for wheelchair priorities. sight line for users people in 2007 -2008 wheelchairs L.Hunter at rink boards Total Cost $1,708,600 32 112 7.4 Planning & Development The Planning & Development Department participates in numerous activities respecting land use policy, site pllanning, community development, and building construction. The work teams (Division's) includH: . Planning & Development . Information & Support Services . Development Control . Building Services Barrier Action Resources Costs TarQet Application Make Staff time Staff Time No plans to alter Counter in P counter (CBO) counter at this & D too high accessible to time. persons in To be re- wheelchairs examined yearly to incorporate barrier free counter if and when the counter is expanded Lack of Prepare Staff time Staff Time December 2006 Accessibility design (Senior Planner, design standards Site Planning and (Initiated in Standards chapter for Planner II - Site March 2006, and within the Site inclusion in Planning) discussed with Plan Review the Site Plan ACC in June Procedural Procedural 2006) Manual Manual Official Plan Place Staff Time Staff Time Initiated in 2005, Compendium Compendium (Supervisor ISS; Anticipated for document document on Principal Planner, Dec. 2006 only available City's Web Policy; Website completion. in hard copy Site Coordinator) form Total Cost 33 ". J 11~.) 7.5 Library Services Provides library services, programs and resources to the community at various facility locations which include Pickering Public Library, and Claremont, Greenwood, Petticoat Creek, White!vale Branches. Barrier Action Resources Costs Target Whitevale Physical Funding Not yet 2011 Branch Library Layout determined Cynthia Mearns Greenwood Physical Funding Not yet 2012 Branch Library Layout determined Cynthia Mearns Upgraded Make Funding Not yet 2007 disabled washrooms determined access meet current Cynthia washrooms at disabled Mearns the Central access Library standards Family Consider Funding Not yet 2007 washrooms at installing a determined the Central family Cynthia Library washroom to Mearns serve the needs to disabled children who need caregiver assistance. Please Note: All capital funding items are pending budget approval. Section 8: Monitoring Progress The core group of the plan development working group will meet every second month to review progress of the plan. At each meeting, status reports will be provided and follow up will be conducted with any staff or contacts that have a role in the implementation of the plan. Updates of the plan will be presented to the MC on a bi-monthly basis. 34