HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 13, 1999 ~O~~ OF P10~ /JJ ~ :r: z I- G) - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner - Chairman D. Dickerson M. Holland R. Johnson D. Pickles D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: ,- T.Quinn G. Paterson E. Buntsma N. Carroll B. Taylor T. Melymuk S. Reynolds R. Pearsall L. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Town Clerk - Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy - Division Head, Culture & Recreation - Fire Chief - Manager, Current Operations Division - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of November 22, 1999 was adopted with an amendment under Other Business, Item # 1.£ :trom traffic signals to a four-way stop. (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ,- PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #22-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 27/99 SENA HOMES me. LOT 9, PLAN 40M-1920 (345 GRANEY COURT) Approved See Recommendation #1 Bv-Iaw Forwarded to Council 2. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #20-99 M.WHARTON PART OF LOT 64, PLAN 350 (WEST SIDE OF OAKWOOD DR. & NORTH OF MOUNT AlN ASH DR. Approved See Recommendation #2 M. Wharton, 66 Falby Court, Apt. #1008, Ajax, was present to request approval of this application. 3. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #21-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 4/99 STEELE VALLEY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (CANADIAN TIRE) PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (40R-10331, PARTS 1 TO 6) (SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF BROCK RD. & PICKERING P ARKW A Y) Approved With Amendments To Appendix No. I See Recommendation #3 The solicitor for the applicant was present in support of the staff recommendation except for one concern in Appendix I, Condition 1.0(ix). He requested. that this condition be amended to include exempting the car wash :trom the two storey height requirement. 4. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #18/99 YORK REGION LONG TERM WATER SUPPLY PROJECT - TOWN OF PICKERING - COMMUNITY WORKING GROUP Approved See Recommendation #4 5. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING REPORT #03/99 CONSTRUCTION PRIORITIES FOR REGIONAL ROADS WITHIN THE TOWN OF PICKERING Approved See Recommendation #5 6. CULTURE & RECREATION REPORT #06/99 RECREATION, PARKS AND CULTURAL SERVICES MASTER PLAN Referred Items #1, 2, & 3 to the 2000 Bud2et Tabled Item #4 - 7. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT #01/99 T. ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LIMITED - LEASE (RENEWAL) - BROCK ROAD Referred as an In-Camera Item to the Special Council Meetin2 of December 20th 8. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT #02/99 PICKERING WATERFRONT TRAIL MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT PETTICOAT CREEK CONSERVATION AREA By-law Forwarded to Council 9. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING REPORT #04/99 STOP SIGN BY-LAW INTERSECTION OF CANSO DRIVE AND ACORN LANE By-law Forwarded to Council 1 O. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING REPORT #06/99 PARKING BY-LAW 2359/87 NO PARKING - PORTION OF THE ESPLANADE NORTH By-law Forwarded To Council 11. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING REPORT #05/99 GUARDED SCHOOL CROSSINGS PILOT STUDY OF "FLUORESCENT" WARNING SIGNS Approved See Recommendation #6 12. HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT #03/99 APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS Referred to a Council/Mana2ement Meetin2 13. LEGAL REPORT #42/99 ROAD NAMING AND DEDICATION - PART LOT 20, CONCESSION 8, PICKERING, DESIGNATED AS PARTS 14 AND 17, PLAN 40R-17151 (ACORN LANE) PARTS 6 AND 8, PLAN 40R-17520 (ACORN LANE) PART 7, PLAN 40R-17520 (NUTHATCH STREET) By-laws Forwarded to Council By-law respectin2 Nuthatch Street was Referred to staff to consider Mowbray, McPherson or another more suitable street name. 14. LEGAL REPORT #48/99 ROAD DEDICATION (SPARROW CIRCLE) - BLOCKS 17 AND 18, PLAN 40M-1981 ~ By-laws Forwarded to Council 15. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #15/99 AUTOMATIC AID PROGRAM - FIRE SERVICES - TOWN OF PICKERING & TOWN OF AJAX Approved See Recommendation #7 16. CLERKS REPORT #49/99 RECOGNITION OF THE HIGHVIEW VILLAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AND THE OLD FOREST ROAD NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Approved See Recommendation #8 17. CLERKS REPORT #50/99 SIDEWALK SNOW REMOVAL - By-law Forwarded to Council 18. CLERKS REPORT #51/99 APPOINTMENT OF TRANSIT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR AS A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY -LAW By-law Forwarded to Council 19. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #19/99 GREATER TORONTO SERVICES BOARD - DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROTOCOL Approved See Recommendation #9 20. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #02/99 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 483 - 4937 BROCK ROAD NORTH, CLAREMONT REQUEST FOR EXEMPTIONS FROM PROPERTY TAXES - Approved See Recommendation #10 Councillor Dickerson declared an interest as he is a member of Legion 606. Councillor Johnson declared an interest as he is a member of Legion 483. 21. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #07/99 FINANCING OF TRCA PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 927 TULLO ST. LOT 8 L PLAN 345 Referred as an In-Camera Item to the Special Council Meetin2 of December 20th 22. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #09/99 LOSS OF FEDERAL PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU REVENUES ,~ Approved See Recommendation #11 Councillor Johnson declared an interest as he leases property fÌ'om the Federal Government. 23. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #05/99 REPLACEMENT OF THE CURRENT PAYROLL AND TIME AND ATTENDANCE SYSTEMS & INTEGRATION WITH THE H/R SYSTEM Lost Councillor Holland declared an interest as he is an employee e.I.B.e. 24. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #08/99 SECTION 442 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT - ADmSTMENT OF TAXES Approved See Recommendation #12 25. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #04/99 2000 TEMPORARY BORROWING BY-LAW Approved See Recommendation #13 By-law Forwarded to Council 26. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #10/99 REPLACEMENT OF PHOTOCOPIERS Approved See Recommendation #14 ,~ 27. PROCLAMATION - HEART AND STROKE MONTH - FEBRUARY 2000 Approved See Recommendation #15 (III) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Johnson made a presentation to Councillor Brenner as the longest serving councillor. 2. Councillor Johnson thanked Customer Care for their work with residents concerning Hwy. 407. 3. Councillor Johnson made comment on the Christmas Concert held in the Claremont Community Centre. 4. Councillor Johnson advised that he and Mayor Arthurs attended the Pickering Lions Club Christmas Party for kids held on Sunday, December 12th. 5. Councillor Pickles advised that residents who have put more than four items of garbage out for pick-up are finding that garbage handlers are leaving the green garbage bags and taking smaller items. He requested that the CAO review this matter with appropriate staff and ensure that garbage placed in green garbage bags is picked up. - 6. Councillor Pickles requested that a letter be forwarded to Durham Regional Police asking that the speed limit be enforced on Woodview Avenue. 7. Councillor Pickles advised that he attended Christmas in the Village at the Pickering Museum Village on Sunday, December 12th. 8. Councillor Pickles reminded residents and Town staff of the need at the St. Pauls and the Youth Centre Food Banks. 9. Councillor Ryan stated his concern with certain financial items being placed on the agendas and requested that Councillor Brenner, as Chair of the Audit Committee, undertake a review of procurement policies as they relate to Request For Proposals. 10. Councillor Brenner commented on correspondence &om and requested an update on Canoe Landing selling units without following correct planning procedures. 11. Councillor Brenner distributed copies of minutes &om the Durham Regional Transit Coordinating Committee which deals with seamless transit throughout the Region. 12. Councillor Brenner distributed reports on the playground equipment in:&actions within Pickering which were outlined in the Durham Regional Health Report. 13. Councillor Holland advised that the Winterfest kick-off was very successful and events continue this week. 14. Councillor Holland commented on the Christmas Card placed in the Council Chambers. 15. Mayor Arthurs made comment on the playground equipment in:&actions. 16. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: - a) The Chief Administrative Officer advised that beavers are coming up- stream into the David Farr Park and traps have been set. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at.1 0:45 p.m. DATED ~AIU()Af{' Y 1\ 2- c:rv-v CLERK /l- C TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on December 13th, 1999, presents its eighteenth report to Council and recommends: - 1. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #22-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 27/99 SENA HOMES INC. LOT 9, PLAN 40M-1920 (345 GRANEY COURT) 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/99 to permit a two- unit dwelling on Lot 9, Plan 40M-1920 (345 Granby Court) be APPROVED; and 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 27/99, as set out in Appendix I to Recommendation Report Number 22-99, be forwarded to Council for enactment. 2. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #20-99 M.WHARTON PART OF LOT 64, PLAN 350 (WEST SIDE OF OAKWOOD DR. & NORTH OF MOUNTAIN ASH DR. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 12/99, submitted by Mr. E. Wilson of Wintser Investments Limited, on behalf of the owner, M. Wharton for lands known as Part of Lot 64, Plan 350, Town of Pickering, to change the zoning on the rear portion of the subject lands to allow an outdoor recreation area to be established and used in conjunction with the abutting Montessori School lands to the north, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix No. I to Recommendation Report No. 20-99. 3. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #21-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 4/99 STEELE VALLEY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (CANADIAN TIRE) PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (40R-10331, PARTS 1 TO 6) (SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF BROCK RD. & PICKERING P ARKW A Y ,¡,,-.. 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 4/99, submitted by Korsiak and Company Limited on behalf of Steele Valley Developments Limited, on lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, Town of Pickering, to amend the zoning on the subject property to permit the establishment of a gas bar and automobile-related accessory uses, including an automatic car wash facility and propane fuel dispensing tank, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Recommendation Report No. 21-99 as amended in Appendix I, Section 1.0 (e), Subsection (ix) to exempt the car wash &om the minimum two-storey height requirement and to add into Section 1.0 (t) 'not come into force until Council has been satisfied with finalization of the design of the realignment of Pickering Parkway'. 2. That staff be directed to establish one set of performance standards for the proposed gas bar development and the existing Canadian Tire Store, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Recommendation Report No. 21-99. -2- 4. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #18/99 YORK REGION LONG TERM WATER SUPPLY PROJECT - TOWN OF PICKERING - COMMUNITY WORKING GROUP 1. That Report to Council CAO 18-99 concerning the York Region Long Term Water Supply Project be received by Council. 2. That a copy of Report to Council CAO 18-99 be forwarded to York Region, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and those in attendance at the community meeting of November 25, 1999, that signed the attendance sheet. 5. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING REPORT #03/99 CONSTRUCTION PRIORITIES FOR REGIONAL ROADS WITHIN THE TOWN OF PICKERING 6. ,:..... That report MPE 03/99 recommending Regional Road construction priorities within the Town of Pickering be received, adopted and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham requesting that its recommendations be considered in the 2000 Budget process. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING REPORT #05/99 GUARDED SCHOOL CROSSINGS PILOT STUDY OF "FLUORESCENT" WARNING SIGNS 1. That the Region of Durham be requested to install, as a pilot study initiative, the new 3M Fluorescent yellow/green sheeting as the standard school crossing warning signs at Station #20 on Durham Regional Road #5 &onting Claremont Public School; and 2. That the Region of Durham be requested to investigate the effectiveness of these new signs and provide the Town with any updates respecting the review and approval process of the new colour sheeting by the Province. 7. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #15/99 AUTOMATIC AID PROGRAM - FIRE SERVICES - TOWN OF PICKERING & TOWN OF AJAX 1. That Report to Council CAO 15-99 be received, concerning the formalization of an Automatic Aid Program with the Town of Ajax. 2. That Council support the Automatic Aid Program, as set out in Report to Council CAO 15-99, and that the appropriate Town officials be authorized to enter into a formal agreement with the Town of Ajax to implement the Program. 3. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Town of Ajax and the Pickering Professional Firefighters Association. - 3- 8. CLERKS REPORT #49/99 RECOGNITION OF THE HIGHVIEW VILLAGE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AND THE OLD FOREST ROAD NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH That the letters &om the Durham Regional Police Service dated November 10, 1999 and November 18, 1999 advising of the establishment of the Highview Village Neighbourhood Watch and the Old Forest Road Neighbourhood Watch be received; and That these Neighbourhood Watch organizations be authorized to erect Neighbourhood Watch Signs in their service area as a crime deterrent. 9. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #19/99 GREATER TORONTO SERVICES BOARD - DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROTOCOL 1. That Report to Council CAO 19-99 concerning a dispute resolution protocol for the Greater Toronto Services Board be received. 2. That Report to Council CAO 19-99 be forwarded to the GTSB as the Town's comments on the proposed dispute resolution protocol. 10. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #02/99 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 483 - 4937 BROCK ROAD NORTH, CLAREMONT REQUEST FOR EXEMPTIONS FROM PROPERTY TAXES - That Report CS 02/99 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; and 1. That the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 483 (Claremont) be granted an exemption &om property taxes for a period not exceeding ten years effective January 1, 1999; and 2. That the Regional Municipality of Durham be notified of the change in tax status for Legion Branch 483 resulting fÌ'om Recommendation No.1; and 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer write the Minister of Finance, to inform the Minister of the tax exempt status of Legion 483 and of the granting of charity property tax rebate for Legion 606 in an attempt to obtain Provincial funding for the education portion of their property taxes; and 4. That the necessary By-law as contained in Schedule A be read three times and passed; and 5. That the appropriate staff of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. - 4 - 11. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #09/99 LOSS OF FEDERAL PAYMENTS-IN-LIEU REVENUES That Report CS 09/99 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received by Council for information; and 1. That the amount of $142,577 be transferred &om the Reserve for Contingencies to 1999 General Revenues to offset the loss of 1998 Federal PIL revenue. 12. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #08/99 SECTION 442 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT - ADmSTMENT OF TAXES That Report CS 08/99 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and that the write-off of taxes due to change in the assessment as provided under Section 442 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended be approved. 13. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #04/99 2000 TEMPORARY BORROWING BY-LAW It is recommended that Report CS 04/99 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; and ,,..., 1. That the temporary borrowing limit to meet 2000 current and capital expenditures pending receipt of taxes and other revenues be established at $18,000,000 for the period January 1, 2000 to September 30, 2000 inclusive, and $6,600,000 thereafter until December 31, 2000; and 2. That the temporary borrowing limit for capital purposes for 2000 be established at $7,000,000; and 3. That the attached By-law be read three times and passed; and 4. That the appropriate Town of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give thereto. 14. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT #10/99 REPLACEMENT OF PHOTOCOPIERS That Report CS 10/99 of the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer be received; and 1. That the appropriate staff of the Town of Pickering be authorized to acquire replacement photocopiers on the terms and conditions as set out in this report; and ,- 2. That the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer be authorized to execute any agreements necessary in this regard; and 3. That the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer be authorized to alter terms, conditions and/or supplier(s) if necessary in order to meet and maintain the provision of photocopy services in the Town. - 5 - 15. PROCLAMATION - HEART AND STROKE MONTH - FEBRUARY 2000 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "HEART AND STROKE MONTH - FEBRUARY, 2000