HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 42-06 - 9',,- .¡ .) -- CitJ¡ ()~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 42-06 Date: July 24, 2006 From: Lynda Taylor (Acting) Director, Planning & Development Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Create Lots by Land Severance D. & C. Hoover 1756 Pine Grove Avenue (Lot 7, Plan 410) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That the request made by Chris Karkas of Karmann Homes, on behalf of the owners D. and C. Hoover, be APPROVED, to permit the division of lands (being Lot 7, Plan 410, municipally known as 1756 Pine Grove Avenue) by land severance rather than by draft plan of subdivision for a future residential development. Executive Summary: The subject property is approximately 0.24 hectares in area, abuts Hogarth Street to the north and currently fronts onto Pine Grove Avenue to the east. The property is located within the Highbush Neighbourhood, and is designated Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas in the City of Pickering Official Plan. The applicant has submitted applications to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee to sever four lots while retaining a fifth lot having an existing dwelling from the subject lands, scheduled to be heard on August 14, 2006. A location map, and the conceptual site plan illustrating the applicant's proposed severances are included as Attachments #1 and #2 to this Report. A subdivision plan is usually required to develop lands divisible into more than three additional lots. However, Council may authorize use of the land severance process, where a subdivision plan is inappropriate or unnecessary. Since the subject lands have the potential to be divided into more than three additional building lots, the applicant must obtain permission from Pickering Council to allow the proposed lots to be created by land severance rather than a draft plan of subdivision. It is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved, as all requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed through conditions of severance approval. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of this authorization to develop by land severance. Report PO 42-06 Date: July 24,2006 ." (~ 0- J. ,) Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Page 2 1.0 BackQround: 1.1 The applicant submitted the required Land Severance applications The applicant submitted Land Severance Applications to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee (LD 118/06 to LD 121/06), proposing to sever four vacant parcels, while retaining a fifth residential parcel having an existing dwelling (see Attachment #1 - Location Map and Attachment #2 - Applicant's Submitted Plan). The proposed severed parcels and proposed retained parcel are designated Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas in the Highbush Neighbourhood. The five proposed severed parcels would have lot frontages ranging between 15.0 and 22.0 metres, with lot areas varying from 495 to 731 square metres. The proposed retained parcel would have a lot frontage of approximately 17.0 metres fronting Hogarth Street and would provide a lot area of approximately 562 square metres. The proposed severed parcels and proposed retained parcel would comply with the "R4" - detached dwelling zone provisions for lot frontage and lot area. Section 15.26(b) of the Pickering Official Plan requires that land that is capable of being divided into more than three additional lots be developed by a draft plan of subdivision, except where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a subdivision plan is neither appropriate nor necessary. The subject lands are capable of being divided into more than three additional lots, and therefore permission is required from Council to allow development to proceed through the land severance process. 1.2 Application to the City of Pickering's Committee of Adjustment for Minor Variance will be required to recognize the existing dwelling on the retained parcel It is our understanding the applicant proposes to have the existing detached dwelling remain on the proposed retained parcel providing an insufficient rear yard depth of 4.0 metres, whereas the Zoning By-law 2511, as amended, requires a minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres. An application to the Committee of Adjustment for Minor Variance would be required to bring the proposed retained parcel into compliance with the zoning by-law. 2.0 The appropriateness of the proposed Land Severances will be determined through our review of the Land Severance applications While this report recommends that the division of the subject lands proceed through Land Severance, the Planning & Development Department will reserve judgment on the appropriateness of the applicant's proposed lot configurations until such time as the detailed review of the Land Severance applications to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee occurs. _\ 1.9' Report PO 42-06 Date: July 24, 2006 Subject: Request for Council's Permission to Develop Lands by Land Severance Page 3 2.1 City's Interests can be addressed through Conditions of Land Severance In the event that the Land Severances are approved, the City's requirements for developing the subject lands would be addressed through recommended conditions of approval. Among other conditions, the owner will be required to enter into an appropriate development agreement with the City, to address matters typically included in subdivision agreements such as, but not limited to, above-ground and underground hardware relocation and/or installation, stormwater management, grading and drainage, road widening, access and entrances, fencing, parkland dedication, easements, and securities. It is recommended that the applicant's request to develop the subject lands by land severance be approved as no new roads are required, and as all requirements of the City can be appropriately addressed through conditions of severance approval. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: / ---) ~¢)i¿(J~~ Rick Cefarattl Planner II RC:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council '" ATTACHMENT#LTOREPORT#PD 4'b-01Þ W I-- « L BRIMWOOÖ- F: = :~ \oL/ !~'ifo'õo-ลกÍC"'./ liD: ~ ìrr D/?/Vf' w COPLEY STREET 1--1--- 0:: U r;51--- U I--- (/) W 0:: STREET U I--- I-- SECORD - w ~ - U I II - I-- I I THICKET CRESCENT I--- @ 1 ~ Þ I--- ~ N I--- @ @5 g ïdtE ~ @ I=:: WI--- Þ t=: ~I--- 11 F ~ @ ) I - -11 t; - - - - = ~, ->- @ _w -.J - -.J 1--;:; I-- L-- I--- I-- I I SUBJECT PROPERTY - ----- ,:,::....::::.....-.....,. -<1 . TWYN T I I RIVERS I 11[1 \ ~ -\ \ ~ ., . ~ . ~. W :J Z W > <1: ~ II I PROHILL ST. g II ~ ~ gl 0::1 ": <9' Q 1. 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HOOVER LD 118/06 TO LD 121/06 "-- / HOGARTH STREET LANDS TO BE RETAINED LANDS TO BE E SEVERED LANDS TO BE SEVERED LANDS TO BE SEVERED LANDS TO BE SEVERED w ::::J Z w > <C ,..; .., EXISTING DWELLING m 7 m w > o cr: ü --- I I --- --- EXISTING RESIDENTIAL w Z CL -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- - - - CANADIAN NA TlON RIALWAYS - l' FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PlAN ARE A VAJIABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING .t УV£LOPJ./ENT УPART/ÆNT. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE: CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING .t УV£LOPJ./ENT ÐE:PARTMENT, /NFORIlATION .t SUPPORT SERVICES. JUL Y /2. 2006.