HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 27, 1970 1/70 PAR K S___& R E C REA T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the whole on Park & Recreation was held on 1-1onday) the TWENTY-SEVENTH of JANUARY, 1970 at 3:00 P. M. PRESENT: Chairman - G. Ashe Reeve - J. R. Wil1i~ms Councillors - Mrs. J. L. McPherson D. Kitchen R. Chatten J. Kruger Director D. Bass (1) COMMUNITY .CENTRE BOAR!>S The Committee of the Whole discussed its relationship with the various Community Centre Boards if the Committee of the Whole should become the authoriz~d parks and recreation body within the township. The Director was instructed to prepare a proposal on the following: ( (a) The procedure necessary for the township to receive the maximum grants on all our community centre. (b) The composition of the new Township of Pickering Community Centre Board (c) The relationship of the existing Community Centre Boards and the new Townshi~ of Pickering Community Centre Board. (d) An agreement and constitution that would be beneficial to the existing Community Centre Board~ and at the same time provide the new board with the opportunity to audit the financial records and to evaluate the operation and programme of the existing boards. (II) B~~T A proposed budget outline was presented to the Committee of the Whole for its consideration. The committee agreed that the salaries and wages, presently summarized under administratio~ should be distributed under the headings related to the employee's responsibilities. Motion 1-70 Moved - Councillor R. Chatten) Seconded - Councillor J. Kruger That the proposed budget outline for the Parks and Recreation Department be adopted, subject to certain amendments CARRIED (VII) USE OF jJYDRO RDmT-OF-WAY FROM CONCE~alON 13 TO PROjOSED CLAREMONT S.S. The Director was instructed to contact the Ontario Hydro Commission to ascertain whether the proposed rightÞof-way to the Claremont S. S. may be used as a snowmobile trail. (VIII) USE OF HYDRO LANDS - END OF SANDY BEACH ROAD - AS A MAJOR ATHLETIC FIELD Councillor D. Kitchen outlined the need to develop a major athletic field in the Bay Ridges area. The Director was instructed to contact the Ontario Hydro to ascertain whether certain hydro lands, at the end of Sandy Beach Road may be developed and maintained as an athletic field. (IX) REPORT ON MEETING i>lITH 1'1. T.R.C.A. RE WEST SHORE CONSERVATION LP~ Councillor R. Chat ten and Reeve J. R. Williams outlined the . January 23/70 meeting with the M.T.R.C.A. The following points were presented to. Mr. Jones and Mr. McLean, of the M.T.R.C.A. for their consideration. (a) That the Township of Pickering should retain the use of West Shore Glen as a neighbourhood park. (b) That the Yacht Club remain under its present administration anà in its present location (.c) '¡'Qat a portion of the land south ofSunr1se AvetWli be madeav-sU:ab-le-to. the. Townahip of Pickering so that it may be developed and maintaitæ<t as'at\---athletic field by the township. ex) HIRING OF SECRETl1.RY FOR THE PARKS AND BECREATION DEPARTMENT Motion 3Þ70 Moved - Reeve J. R. Williams Seconded Mrs. J. L. MCPherson That a secretary be hired for the Parks and Recreation Department, and that this secretary be delegated the duties and responsibilities as outlined in Job No. 11-6-1 CARRIED (XI) ADJOURNMENT Koved - Co~illor J. ~ruger Seconded - Co~111or » Kitchen That this meeting adjow:n at 11125 P. ._H.. __ CARRIED Note - The next Committee of the Whole on Parks and Recreation meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 24th) 1970 at 8:00 P. M. '~0' ~___ \ C', ~~~~·>;'ii~~·"- ~~\¡-ç~~",,\,<"-.r'"\'\' (Ill) SvlU1MING POOL The D:i.rectoT ,7tt8 in15tructed to escertain the status of ':::he Swimming Pool Agreement with the adminiDtr~:or of the County of Ontario Board of Education. The Director waf also instructed to investigate the reii:.tioi.ì.ship between the muaicipal g.overrunent and the school board in communi':ies where policies f~:' :':he co-operative use of pool facilities h~ve been established (e. g. Scaròorough) (IV) FlVE.~CA~ITOL FORECAST The following Five Year Capital Forecast was presented to the Committee of the v1hole 1)70 Municipal Swimm~~g Pool Acquisition of Park Land $350,000.00 50 , 000. 00 $4.00,000. 00 1971 Acquisition of Park Land $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 l~72 Municipal Sports Field and Community Centre Acquisition of Park Land 250,000.00 50,000.00 300,000.00 1973 Acqubttion of Park Land 50.000. 00 50,000.00 1974 Additions to Community Centre Acquisition of Park Land 350,000.00 50,000.00 TOTAL ..~qo ~ 000. 00 $1,200,000.00 Motion 2·70 Moved - Councillor D. Kitchen Seconded - Reeve J. R. WilliGlS That the proposed Five Year Cap1!:al Forecast, totalling $1~200,OOO.OO. be approved. QV~ (V) ~ICIŒRING TŒlNS~ ~lORT ARENA After considerðble discussion regarding scheduling, hourly rates) staff, equipment, and certain changes in the arena design, the Director was instructed to provide a progression chart for the following. 1. Opening Date 2. Hiring of Staff 3. Securing of Equipment 4. Allocation of ice time Councillor D. Kitchen outlined his discussions with a service club and certain commercial firms. It is anticipated that these orgél~izatbns will lend their zupport in the purchase "f a timer and score boar¿, ~nd a resurfacinG m~chine. (VI) FLINT COMl1UNITY ~USE OF SCHOOLS TOUR~" Feb 25 - Feb 27. 1979. The Committee of the Whole was advised that Chairman, G. Ashe and Director D. Bass wished to attend the Flint Community Use of Schools Tour) spcnsored by the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association, Feb 25 to Feb 27, 1970. Since i:his request was within the approved policy for conventions and workshops, no motion was required. AGENDA Parks and R0creation Committee of the ~n1ole Meeting Tuesday 27th, Janu~ry 19JO Conr.:nittee Room 8:üf}. po. 111. ____________~______~__w._______________·"~____________----------------- L BudGct Prcpsràtion: l. Combining Operation of Community Centres and P~rks into one Budget. 2. Premilinary Budget items. 3. Grs,-..ts. 2. swimming Pools (as ~er attached cop~es) 3. Capital Expenditure ~ Five year forecast 4. Arenc - Sc~eduling (copy attached) _ Establi:;hing of Arena hourly rate - (copy attached) - Operation - hiri.ng staff _ purchase of Zamboni, time clock, rubber matting, rugs, furniture etc. 5. Combining Minor Hockey Leagueo. 6. Flint Tour - August 24th to August 27th 1970 - G. Ashe and D. Bacs delegates. 7. Consideration of Libraries under Parks and Recreation Committee - (LeListration Affecting Libraries). ('I 'J. Use of Hydro right of way from Concession #3 to proposed Claremont S.S. (as per attached copy). 9. Us~ of Hydro Lands - End of Sandy Beach Road - A3 a mtljor athletic field for Bay Ridges Reaidents. 10. USG of 1f./r.B..C;A. Lands - So:¡th part of vlest Shore conservation area - as a major field for West Shore Residents. ' 11. Hiring of Secretary for Parka & Recreatien 12. Snowmobiles on Tewnship Parks. Additional Points to Consider Re: Proposed Svlimming Pool At Dunbarton Secondary School Note: The Whitby Staff Committee's Report should be considered as part of this report, and should precede this report. 1. I do not agree that the School Board will construct, nor operate, the pool at less money than will the Council of Pickering TO~1nship. 2. TI~e question of grants enters into thi~ matter. The Community Centres Act specifies that proof of ownership must be submitted by the township prior to this township receiving grants. (Grants of swinm1ing pools $15,000.00 plas $10,000.00 for a co~aunity centre). I understand that this has been w~vered in some cases, but I cannot provide example of such altering of the Act. 3. Swiro[ning is only one aspect of the total physical education program within schools n~l possessing swuaming pools. Therefore, it is questionable ~lhether the students ~'rill make full use of the pool during the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., if the pool is constructed at Dunbarton Secondary School and used solely by students attending this particular school. 4. The main goals in constructing a sw~in8 pool for the citizen of a community is to provide recreational swi~uing and a learn-to-swim program. The main goal of a physical educational program, within a secondary scho.l, is to develop competitive skills within its student body. Since competitive swimming should be considered of secondary importance, it follows that if a pool is to be constructed on school property it should be constructed onto an elementary school where a learn-to-swtm program can be implemented for the benefit of young children. 5. The Ontario County Board of Education,reprc~~~:~.~he taxpavers of tbe eg,tire ·çoanty., :;.Løgally·'we c8ouot.rofuS2. entry to ·rt!81<1Cnte pff'Ç)utario 6evnsY~1n8e pool is constructed on school property, even if it is anticipated that a particular program can be filled to capacity by Pickerinz Tm~ship residents. 6/ Because of the size of the Ontario County Board of Education, the physical education departments ca~ organize a considerable number of swim meets within the proposed new swimming pool. This could consider- ably reduce the availability of pool-time fer the residents of Pickering Township unleos the Parks and Recreation Department had full responsibility for the a&~inistration of the pool as specified in th~ agreement betwee.n the School Area Ho. 2. and the 'l'own.,h;_p of P1ckering Council. 7. The pool should be used by a large number of school children during school hours, including children fram schools throughout the t.wnship. To build the pool on township land should not increase the requirements for transportation to and from the schools appreciably. 8. I believe that the following point could be of great tmportance for the effective use of recreation facilities and programs wi~hin the entire township. If the Township of Pic~ering was able to develop a recreation complex (arena, sw~ing pool, community centre, teen drop-in centre, bowling alleys, arts and craft ¡10rL~shop, etc.) at one location, we may be in a poction to secure public transportation to and from the complex at a reasonable fee and at suitable hours. For example, a bus leaving Altona coul¿ pick up children and adults throughout the area north of No. 4~1 and a bus leaving West Rouge could perform a similar role fer citizens south of No. 401. Additional buses could be secured as the need arises, and those ~king use of this service would pay the operating costs. The development of a recreation com~le.~, and the effective use of buses, could bring a large number of our residents to one recreation area for a wide variety of recreational activities. - 2 - 9. If we are to continue with the idea of constructing a swinuning pool at Dunbarton Secondary School, I believe that we should ascertain the willingness of the Ontario County n,·ard of Education to make the entire school plant at Dunbarton Secondary School available to the Pickering Township Parks &~d Recreation Committee. ThiG agreement should also include all schools within the tOt-m.ship, and should be worded suffic- iéntly strong enough to ensure that community recreational organizations can be guaranteed the use of our schools with a minim~ of red tape. I further believe that the allocation of school facilities should be a function o~ this department. 10. If the Council of the Township of Pickering still finds it desirable to proceed with the construction of the proposed sw~ing pool unto the Dunbarton Sacondary School, I would strongly recommend that the full control of the pool, adjoi~ing dressing rooms, shOt-lars, and etnrance doors be under the full and complete responsibility of the Pickering Parks and Recreation Committee for scheduling, administrating, and progræm~ing within the following guidelines: During the regular school year - Mon.-Fri. 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9:00 a.m. to l2: p.~ During the Summar, Christmas and Easter Holidays: the Winter Break, and during all statutory holidays: 9:00 a.~. to 12:00 p.r.4 David E. Bass Recreation Director Township of Pick.ering