HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 19, 1970 p~ RING ·'l'OWNSBIP' MINOt{ HOCJŒY. LEAl"roE CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS MEETING February 19th 1970. Execùtive Members - 1970/71 Season Bob MacIntyre - 151 Ridgewood Road 282- 3402 445-1421 282-8250 Robert Miller - 264 Ridgewood Road Ernie Cochrane - 319 Rouge Hills Drive 282-7438 C. Snow - 1420 Finch Avenue 839-4082 N. McCarthy - 1397 Tatra Drive 839-1258 R. Huleatt - 845 Bem Avenue 839-3234 Jim King - 730 Balaton Avenue 839-1811 Samuel Houston - 840 Breda Avenue 839-4918 Harold HeItz - 936 Reytan Blvd. 839-2040 Points agreed u~on - Note: all points must be ratified by the executive prior to the final draft and by the general membership in the Spring of 1971. Article 1 - Name (a) This organization shall be known as the Pickering Township Minor Hockey League. Article 2 - Aim (a) To provide a wholesome hockey experience, not only for the boy participating, but also for the coaches, managers and league officials is our goal. Our main interest shall always be in the boy and not in his hockey ability. Sportsmanship, fair play, good citizenship, friendly competition. enjoyment and full participation for all te~ members shall be our guiding light. Article 3 - Purpose / (a) This organization shall convene, administer and set policy for Squirt, Novice, Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget and Juvenile hockey in the Township of Pickering. (b) This organization will coøntenance nothing not consistent with the highest standards of behaviour, health and safety of these participating. (c) This organization will stress respect for officials. This to take priority over proficiency in hockey. (d) Any coach or manager displaying tmproper conduct will be subject to disciplinary action. Continued.. .. ..2 .. 2 - Article -~ - Membefshi~ (a) There shall be voting members as defined in the by-laws. Article 5 - Structure (a) There shall be an executive committee whose method of election shall be defined in the by-laws. (b) The executive committee shall meet regularly during the hockey season and shall assume responsibility for the operation of the league. The Egecutive Committee shall also act as a protest committee and all decisions of the Executive Committee shall be fina 1. (c) The Executive Committee shall appoint any other Committees that may be necessary for special needs or events. (d) The administration of this association shall be handled by the Pickering Township Parks & Recreation CommiS8ion. All dateâ, times and places for league and play-off games will be set by the executive. Article 6 - Officers (a) The officers of this organization shall be elected by the voting members of this organization, except an appointee of the Recreation Staff. (b) This section dealt with the composition of the executive and shall be discussed at the next meeting. (c) The executive shall be elected by Ballot. (d) The executive shall serve a one year term of office. (e) This section is an addition and deals with the allocation of responsibility to the executive. The following should be considered as a suggested draft only. The executive shall elect fram among the members-at-Iarge chairmen to head the following sub-committees. (1) Head Coaches Sub-Conunittee (2) Equipment Managers Sub-Committee (3) Time Keepers Sub-Gommittee (4) Sponsorship Sub-Committee (5) Staticticians Sub=Committee Article 1 - Quorium (a) A quorum for the purpose of conducting business of this organization shall consist of: 1/3 of the recognized voting members at a general meeting. A voting majority of those elected to the Executive at Executive Committee meetings. Article 8 - Meeti.ngs (a) There shall be an Annual Meeting on or about the 15th of April each year. (b) General Meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive. Continued......3 - 3 - Article 9 - Amendments of the Constitution (a) Any proposals to change the rules of the P'T.M.H.L. shall by submitted to the Secretary prior to March l5th. Notice to all voting members will be sent one month prior to first meeting in regards to amendments to the rules. (b) The Constition can be amended by 2/3 vote of the total voting members, present at an annual meeting. (c) A by-law may be amended or instituted by a majority vote of the voting members attending an Annual or General Meeting. BY-LAWS 1"1"""" S~ction A - Votin& Members: (1) At Executive Committee Meetings - All members of the Executive Committee excluding the President who shall vote only in case of a tie. (2) At the Annual Meeting and at General Membership Meetings All coaches, convenors, managers, referees and executive members. (3) In no case may there be a vote by proxy. (4) - I have added a section for your consideration: No voting member may have more than one vote. Section B - Playing Rules & Rep,ulations (l) The P.T.M.H.L. shall observe the Rules of C.A.H.A. and O.~H.A. (2) House ~eagues shall also play by C.A.H.A. and O.M.H.A. rules except for rules agreed upon by the local playground association executive. §££Eion C - Method of Playoffs (1) All method play-off series shall be decided upon by the executive. Section D - Team Colours (1) Team colours must be registered and approved before ordering any new sets. Section E - Eligibilit¥ (1) This article dealt with a closing dste for permitting boys to move between the House League and All Star. It will be discussed at the next meeting. (2) Any boy living in the Township at the beginning of the schedule may continue to play to the end of the season. (3) Boys living outside of the Township are not eligible unless their parents pay Municipal property taxes to the Township. Continued......4 - 4 - Section E - E'ligibi.lty (Contd.) (4) (a) This article dealt with proof of a~e and a closing date for registrations. It will be discussed at the next meeting. (b) This article dealt with the minimum number of games a boy may play and still may participate in the play-offs. It will be discussed at the next meeting. (5) All boys should play in their o~m age group. Exceptions may be allowed at the discretion of the executive. Section F - Age Groups (a) Squirt (b) Novice (c) Pee-Wee (d) Bantam (e) Midget (f) Juvenile Any boy 7 and 8 years of age as of December 31st ümnediately following the opening date of the current hockey season. Any boy 9 and 10 years of age as of December 31st immediately following the opening date of the current hockey season. Any boy 11 and 12 years of age as of Dec~~ber 31st UDmediately following the opening date of the current hockey season. Any boy l3 and 14 years of age as of Dooember 31st immediately following the opening date of the current hockey season. Any boy 15 and 16 years of age as of the December 31st immediately following the opening date of the current hockey season. Any boy l7, 18, 19 and 20 years of age as of the December 31st immediately following the opening daþe of the current hockey season. Section G - Duration of Games , (l) All league and play-off games shall have three - 15 minute periods unless rUed upon d:herwise by the executive. (2) Tied League Games shall have no overtime. receive one point. Each team shall (3) The policy for tied Play-off Games shall be established by the executive. Section H - Protest . ..1 This section dealt with the proper means of handling "protests". It shall be discussed at the next meeting. Sectio~ t - General Rules (1) Referees must sign the score aheet bøfot~ theyvill be entered into the standings. (2) All games will begin promptly as scheduled. (3) Failure of any team to ice a team within 5 minutes of a game time will cause the forfeiture (default) of the game by the defaulting tea~ (4) Rome team has its choice of end of the ice. Continued...... 5 .. 5 - Section ~ - ~ner~l Ru12s (5) Approved protective equipment 'Shall be worn at all times rkring tt.. T.M. H.L. competition. This is to include: Mouth Guards - All players excluding goal tenders Skate Guards - All players Athletic Support - All playe~s Coal Tender's lace Mask - Goal Tenders only. Skull type protective head gear with strap securely fastened · All players including the goal keeper. This to be strictly enforced by the referee. (6) This Section dealt with the gdaranteed amount of ice-time provided to each player. It will be discussed at the next meet ing. (7) Doctor's slips will ~e accepted from players absent due to sickness or injury up to 7 days after the boy returns to the team. This allows a player to play in pla~of£s even though a player has not played the required number of g2I11es. ~ In all cases referees do not represent a team, but rather they represent the Executive Committee. Therefore, they should interpret the rules of the C.A.H.A. and O.M.H.L. and the P.T.M.H.L. based on this fact. CONCLUSION It was agreed, that each Association will consider those rules and regulations covered in their constitution and by-laws and not covered in the working paper and that these considerations will be discussed at the next ezecutive meeting. Neat Meeting of the Official Executive - Thursday, March 12th 1970 at 8.00 p. m. Planning Director's Office.