HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 16, 1970 3/70 FAR K S & R E eRE A T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Fickering Township Committee of the Whole in Parks & Recreation was held on Thursday, the SIXTEENTH of April 1970 at 8:07 p.m. PRESENT: Deputy Reeve G. Ashe - Chairman Reeve J. R. Williams Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson Councillor R. Chatten Councillor V. Rudik Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor J. Kruger Director Mr. David E. Bass 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTEB MOVED by Councillor J.L. McPherson, Seconded by Councillor Kruge r THAT the minutes 2/70 of a meeting held on February 24th., 1970 be adopted as presented. CARRIED 2. INTERVIEW WITH TOM QUINN-APPLICANT FOR POSITION AS ARENA MANAGER At the request of the Committee Mr. Tom Quinn was present at the meeting to be interviewe~for the position of Arena Manager. He gave a brief resumé following which the Committee questioned him concerning qualifications and experience. Motion 7/70 MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor Rudik THAT Mr. Tom Quinn be hired as Arena Manager at a salary of $6,500 per annum, that he commence work May 1st, 1970 anð that his job be reYiewed at the end of the calendar year. CARRIED 3. ARENA JOB REPORT Mr. Bill Saccoccio, Architect, and Mr. Nick Sorichetti, contractor from Lynview Construction, were present at the meeting to explain the delays in the construction of the Arena. Several points were discussed and Mr. Nick Sorichetti set the new dáte for the completion pfthe Arena and the 1"equit"Ød time .fer 'the curing cf the conerete floor;; as 'the eadof"JudËl,. 1970' MotIon 8/10 MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the fire door at the Arena be installed by Lynview Construction Company at a cost of $395.45. . CARRIED 2 4. OPENING OF TENDERS The following tenders for the lighting of the Arena Parking Lot were presented to the Committee for Consideration: Stacey Electric Company Duncombe & Gardiner Electric Company Carson Electric Company Lynview Construction Company $4,290.00 $3,940.00 $3,770.00 $4,630.25 Motion 9/70 MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Councillor Kruger THAT the tenders be received and held by Mr. David Bass until a decision is made. CARRIED 5. DELEGATION FROM LEO CLUB The following members of the Leo Club were present: Mr. Alan Ward, Mr. Jim Clarke, Mr. John Gross, Mr. Lock Mr. Norman North, and Mr. Clifford Clarke. In addition several members of the sponsoring Lions Club were also present. A brief, on the way in which the Leo Club were qualified to handle a Drop-In Centre at the new Arena, was read to the Committee. This was followed by a lengthy discussion on the qualifications, experience and the effectiveness of the Club in previous endeavours. Motion 10/70 MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the matter be held under advisement, and that the Director submit a report to Council, with regards to the operation and possible revenue to be gained from such an operation. CARRIED 6. ~IGU;kE ~rING AND SUMMER. POÇUY I'i.OGRAMS. Both these points were discussed and it was felt that they should be left with the Director for further research. 7. SUMMER SWIMMING AND SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAMS A brief was submitted to the Committee by the Director on the possibilities of leasing of ADY pool or renting the Pickering Golf Club9s pool for a swimming program. Motion 11/70 MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT the swimming program be broken down into two categories: Transportation and no transportation and that the program be worked on the basis of leasing Ady pool, at a cost not to exceed $6,500.00. CARRIED 1., .~ page 1 BRIEli' TO THE l'ICKEHI~TG TOìmS~-np COUXCIL CONSE~rC'Tn;G ..-_....,~---.......__....)M._~__""'""......-:\,:UI~~'~"','~·;~~.:..<..,·,···'·,~·..\,.:,.._....;>.....~.~-~.~~"'<.......~,~,'>',;'~.~,~_.~ TEE OPERATION Ot.' A TEEIL\GL DEOP-IN CmJ¡rHE :~T T~Œ _~__'''''''''''ro:\'''__''''''' ~ T........._~...'........~~.._..,.,,·~·.. -..----- PICKERDJG Iro-;;:TSHIP ARENA ON BROCK HOl;D sou·rH. ~~"~::I:""~'~:>.n1lC(!!'~~~,__;f:_>e'"....-...i''''''._'.'''';''''''~_,"",._1I'I'~-'''!'1'''--",,''tL1''''~.....-_f»-.""'. Vie the mer::1'bel's ()f the R()uge Hill Pickering Leo Club spons()red by the House Hill Pickering L1()ns Club hereby proPQse that we be authQrized tQ operate a teena~e dro~-in centre on the pre~ises Qf the Pickering Township Arena. The Qper~tiQn Qf this facility will be subject t() all PQlicy, rules ?nd regulatiQns, Qf the To~nship CQuncil and fdôinistrative PersQnnel in charge ()f the arena. Ne believe tjat To~nship CQuncil does recognize the need for recreational facilities within the T()wnsh1p. The new Township Arena is a rnsjor step towards fulfilling this need. ~e ()f the Leo Club are prepared t() aseist the Township in achieving fullest use Qf this faci~ity. We consider th~t a teenage drop-in centre w~uld fall ~ithin th3t cstegJrie. Durin~ the ~inter and spring manths of 19ô9 we ()~er2ted the dra,-in centre at Peace Lutheran Church. The numbers af young people attending usually exceedeð a hUndred wni8h demanstrates the need and the tvpe ()f response such a drop-in centre would receive. We believe th~t our or~an- izatiQn is qU31ified ta 9ssume such 9 responsibility because we have had c~nsidErable experience in the operstion of a ðr~p-in ~-~ centre as ~el] as having the moral Bnd financial support ~f the R()uge Hill Pic~cering Lians Club. Mr. David Bsss, the Townp~ip Recre9tian31. Director h3S ipdicqtŒd to us thst 9 bud7et TIill be Drovided to allow for the . . , í I 1 ~ page 2 ~urch3se of the following equipcent: 1; 2 Pool tables 2; 4 Pin8 pong t~bles ~i~h a view to the ~vail8bility of this equipment we ere prepared to introduce the following progr~~. Any ecuinment . . - required bevond that ~entioned ebove could be purch9sed out of v. revenUES accrued fl'om the operation of the drop-in centre. In .addition, the Leo Club would consider to undertake fund raising projects Ehould the nçed arise for equipment th9t would not be available out of budget 3l1owsnces or drop-in revenUES. Our suggested prosrsm is as follows. 1; We propose to oper~te the club tTIO evenin~s out of every week nemely ~ednes¿6Y and Frid~y:between the hours of 7;30 to 11:00 on ~ednesd3Y and 7:30 to 12:00 on Friday. 2; On OCC5Esion dances will be arrensed for on the Friday evening at a no~inal fee. 3;' The pool tables ~ill be m2de available to the "oung J ~ peOple at the r~te of $l.DOper hour with 9 msximurn of four people playing. per table 3t anyone time. 4; The ping pong tetles will be m9de 9vailable to the young people at 251 for e~ch half hour ~ith 3 re~son9ble deposit to cover daill~3e. ~ 5; Playinß cards' ~oà . other tsble aemes wi1l be svail~ble for 9 small depo~it ~nd a nominal fee. 6; Entertai~ment in the form of records~ folk sin~ers and instru~ent~l srou~s wi11 8e ~~èe a"ai1~ble qt no ch3rse in ~ost cases. ~ 1 . page 3 . ·:1'Ctl·V'l·tl·p'~ be.vand the preæiê€S 6f 7r We plan ta extend the -- _ the qrena in the following uanner. s~im ~ights, ~einer roasts, golf tournaments, bowling meets etc.. 8; Films of an educational nature that study topics relevant to youth will be sho~n as often as they c~n be arranged for. 9; FrCJm ti:-:le to ti:~¡e adèitional activities will be provided for according to eviderit need and response. We would undertake this responsibility most seriously and would arrange for su~ervision in the followinG manner. 1; We-would comply with all the rules and regulations established by the Recreation~l Corn~itt~e and the Custodial Staff. 2; We will guarantee the presence of ;t le~st one ~ember ¡----~ of the Rouge Hill :Pickering Lions Club or a que.lified .mer.:.ber of the community e3ch evening. 3; We would 'guarantee the presence of at lè3st three members of the Leo Club e9.ch evening. 4; Should the rieed arise we will arrange for p3id supervision. Such person riel would require the approval of the Township Recreational Director.S~laries would be paid by the drop-in centre revenues and be supplemented from the resources of the Rouge TIill Pickering Lions Club. To insure the su.ccess of the drop-in .centre we ,¡auld like to ~ake the following reccocmendations. 1; The acquisition of vendi~g ~achines. 2;Arena staff schedule the snack bar hours to coincide with drop-in centre hours. ~ 1 . .. p3-ge 4 ~. Stackin~_a ch~irs and tables be m~de available. v) 4; Ashtrays be m3-de av~ilable. 5; We be given full c~ntr~l ~f entertainment subject t~ the appr~val ~f the ,Recreati~ndl Direct~r. 6; Entrance be restricted t~ y~ung people of,high sch~~l age. ?; We suboit that this program be subje~t to a trial period of six months and its value cauld be judged at that time. .. ' During this time of operation a m~nthly report will be submitted to the ----Rouge Hi 11 Pickering Lions Club · In the foreg::>ing brief we the members of the Rouge Hill Pickering Le::> Club have endev::>ured to set out a pr::>gran which will fill a vital need of the yaung people of our area. ~e realize that our brief ~ay have omitted information that might be pertinent to the operation ::>! ~his dr~p-in centre.· ~è are therefore prepared to discuss the matter· fully with the C::>uncil. ( We hope you will respond f~vourably to our propossl 5S we know your c~ncern in this matter of recreati::>n for the youth in this To~nsh5p. ~e respectfully await your decisi~n on this matter. , Respectfully Submitted .o\cting Chgirman, Rouge Hill P~ckering Leo Qlub Clifford Clark '., "', 8. 3 ONTARIO MUNIClfAL RECREATION ASSOCIATIO~ CONFERENCE-HAMILTON Motion 12/'10 MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Councillor Kruger THAT Mr. David Bass be authorize~ to a~tend the o~tario Municipal Recreation conference J.n HaßlJ.1ton from ~~ay 13th., to May 16th., 1970. CARRIED 9. EAST WOODLANDS LOAN Mot;iQn 13/70 . h MOVED by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Councillor KJ.tc en THAT the Committee loan East Woodlands $3,000.00 for fire protection, furnace and toilets and that suitable arrangements, with no interest charged, be made for recovering the funds. CARRIED Further to the above, East Woodlands is to work with the Director for the purpose of presenting an agreement f9r CouncilYs consideration. 10. NAME OF ARENA Motion 14/70 MOVED by éouncillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor Rudik THAT the Arena is to be named "Don Beer Memorial Arena", subject to the Director ascertaining whether the sign has already been ordered. 11. FURTHER BUSINESS Decided by the Committee that Mr. Black's letter regarding use of Balsdon Park be dealt with at next meeting. That Minor Hockey Leagues billowed to the Cannington Community Centre Board is to be paid. Mr. Bass is presently securing quotes on poles for the lighting at Centennial Park. Copies of the letters received from the Ontario Frovincial Folice, Canadian Mounted Folice and the Ontario Department of lands and forest regarding~the rescue work on Frenchman's Bay to be forwarded to Mr. R. T. Parker, Chief of Pickering Township Folice Department. 12. ITEMS LEFT TO THE FOLLOWING MEBTING j (1) Arena RecreatIon Association's Constitution (2) Report on Community School Co-Ordinator Next Mêeting . - Thursday, May 7th., 1970. 13 . AD JO'URNMÈNT MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor Kruger THAT this meeting adjourn at 11:50 p.m. CARRIED" ~ _ _ ~- ~~b'~ ,r-"i_=- C'H.HRMA.N _ r.·~~SHF.