HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 24, 1970 6/70 r ARK S &- RECREATION M E E TIN G A mee~ing o~ the fickering Township Commit~ee of the Whole in Parks & Recreation was held on Wednesday, the TWENTY-FOURTH of June 1970 at 8:05 p.m. FRESENT: -.~-'-..." ~ Deputy Reeve G. Ashe -Cha:i-rman Reeve John R. Williams Councillor Mrs_ J. L. McFherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor J. Kruger(left meeting 8:40 p.m.) Councillor V. Rudik (arrived at 9:30 p.m. ) ~\ "~.'\\~e:N ~ Director - Mr. D. E. Bass Arena Manager- Mr. T. J. Quinn 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Kitchen,Seconded by Councillor J. L. McFher,on THAT the minutes 5/70 of a meeting held on Thursday, June 4th., 1970 be adopted as presertted. CARRIED. 2. MINOR HOCKEY (We~t Rouge .and Pickering Township Hockey Assoc.) A. West Rouge Five members of the 1969-1970 West Rouge Hockey Association executive were present at the meeting as requested "at the Parks and Recreation meeti~g of Thursday, June 4th., 1970 (metion 21/70) There was a lengthy discussion regarding the expenditures and the deficit incurred by this association during the 1969-1970 Hockey season. Each member of the executive was invited to speak to the Committee after which the following decision was reached; That no further action would be taken until the Committee has met with the executive from the Fickering Tow.ship Hockey Association. B. Fickering Township Nine members of the 1969-1970 Pickering TowRship Hockey Association executive were present at the meeting as requested at the Parks and Recreation meeting of Thursday, June 4~h., 1970 (motion 21/70) Mr. Chuek Snow read a lengthy account of the revenues and expenditures during the past Hockey season. This was followed by a lengthy discussion be~ween the Committee and the eX~cutive. The discussion touched on the ineff~ciency of managemen~ within the executive and the exorbi~ant u~·.Jraid balaace of ~ranspor~a~ion cos~s with Rural Bus Lines. It was decided ~hat the above mentioned matter would be discussed further at the Finance Meeting, Monday June 29th., 1970. C. Report on Minor Hockey The report was presented to Council by the Director of rarks and Recreation. This was followed by a lengthy discussion concerning the amalgamation of the ~h~e hockey Associations (West Rouge, rickeringTownship and Holy Redeemer). Two rep~esen~atives from the West Rouge Hockey Association and three from the fickering Township League voiced their opinions concerning the report presented by the Director. 2 2 . C. ( cont q d. ) The fo110.wing ehange$ in the.. .report were decided uponás a result of the decision of the Committee. item 2. C. Thatål1 the equipment other thanA1l Star should be turned over to the Director for distribution and that it should be cleë:r1y understood that all equipment obtained from the West Rouge Hockey Association be returned in equal quantity in the event that they are severed from the Töwnship. Item 2.H. to be added. That should the West Rouge Area of the Township be severed from the Township that the executivecommittee determine the financial assets of the West Rouge Area as it relates to the total funds available in the HWays and Means Committèe AccountU along with any of the relative financial assets and that these financial assets be returned to the West Rouge Hockey Associatipn. Further that the West Rouge Area be giYen ice-time under the . same agreements as set out earlier for a period of five years if requested. 'Motion 23/70 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT they accept the recommendatioRs with regards to (constitution of Fickering Township Hockey Association) regarding 1969-1970-1971 Hockey season with the above changes added. CARRIED. 3. ITEMS LEFT TO THE FOLLOWING MEETING 1. Relocation of school addition- Base Line School. 2. Swimming Fool. 3. Teen Drop-In Centre. 4. Aprrova1 for Land Use Study of Moores Property. 4 . AÐJOU RNMENT MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Mrs. J. L. McFherson THAT the meeting be adjourned at 12:15 p.m. CARRIED. ~ ~ ""'"~-, --' <:: \'" . :\~"'.~>:., ~ . ~ - - - - - - - -..~ - - - - - - - """"\ G. Ashe, Chairman