HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 8, 1970 11/70 PAR K S & R E C REA T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole in Parks and Recreation was held on Monday,~LGHTH of Decembe~ 1970 at 8:04 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve J. R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe - Chairman Councillor V. Rudik Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor J. Kruger Director Secretary - David E. Bass - Miss K. White 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor J. L. McPherson,Seconded by Councillor Kruger. THAT the minutes 10/70 of a meeting held on Thursday, October 22nd., 1970 be adopted as presented. CARRIED 2. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES ~ The following points were brought to the attention of the Committee by the Director of Parks and Recreation. A) Swimming Pool - The Committee was informed that there will be a meeting between Mr. Wm. Beddall, Architect, Pickering Township Representatives on the Ontario County Board of Education, Soil Engineers, Parks and Recreation Directo~ and Township Council for the purpose of ascertaining the best site for the swimming pool. 3. ARENA REPORT A) Snack Bar - The snack bar opened at 7:00 p.m. on December 7th., 1970. B) Rink Boards- The Committee discussed Mr. Saccoccio's letter Which indicated that the' kick boards were being damaged by a protruding object on the Ice Resurfacing machine. The Director is to investigate this matter, and to report on the reason(s) for the breakdown in the condition of the kickboa~s and rink board ·panels. C) Zamboni - The Director and Arena Manager have been in constant contact with the supplier of the ice resurfacing machine. However, as of this date there has not been a positive confirmation from the Zamboni Company. D) Arena Community Centre Report - The community centre at the Arena has regular bookings, and the teen club which meets twice a week, has had increasing numbers in attendance. A table tennis club use this~ facility on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. DO~ BEER SPORT ARENA SUGGESTED PRICES FOR S~~K BAR ITEM~_ Cold Drinks small 15¢ ( 7oz. ) 1 aJ~ge 25¢ (12020. ) Coffee 154: Hot Chocolate 1St Popcorn small I5¢ large 25¢ buttered 35¢ Hot Dogs 25¢ Chocolate Bars lO¢ Potato Chips lO¢ 15t SUGGESTED PRICES FOR O'l'HERr ITEMS Hockey Sticks Pucks $2.00 or $3.00 del-1Cnd ing on quality $3.00 or $4.00 depending on quality 25¢ plain 29~ N.H.L lettering Goalie Sticks Skate Tips 45¢ Laces 30¢ Girls 35¢ Boys Tape 33¢ SNACK BAR \\ŒLI.. BE OPEN 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. ~~ekdays 9:00 a.m. to 11:(\(\ p.m. Weekends ( The' above hours are subject to change\ 2 E) Pool Room - The use of the pool room on Wednesday and Friday evenings has been excellent, however, there is a p~blem of su~.rvisory staff in the room during the remaining evenings anå the Manager of the !reòa :i:.s studying the most effeotive and safe manner of programming the pool room. F) Misce1låneous Items in Arena - Missing tiles in the ceiling of the Community Centre and two doors are missing or requiring repair$. Suggested by the Reeve that either the contractor replace the defective items in the Arena or the Township woul~ get prices from other firms and pay for them out of the hold- back money. Bleachers at the Arena - Comments were made regarding the condition of the wood due to the citizens wearing their skates in the seating area. The director is to report on methods of protecting these beards. G) 3. ARENA REPORT - SCHEDULE OF ARENA EVENTS A). A schedule of the events taking place at the arena (drawn up by the Arena Manager) was ¡resented to the Committee for their information and comments. A short discussion on the publics response to the pre-schoolers and mothers skating time during the day at the Arena took place. The Director informed the Committee that the attendance has been pOor since the initiation of the programme. A request had been received by Mr. Ward, Chairman of the Principal Committee of the Ontario County Board of Education Pegarding the 1"enting of ice time during the day so that public school children could be bused to the Arena for a skating programme. Mr. Ward is to meet with Council on December 14th., 1970. The Committee recommended that the nire~or ascertain the cost of operating the Arena during the time when the public school children would be on the ice and to provide this information at the December 14th. meeting with Mr. Ward. B) A list of the sugges~f1 .pr-·i.c~s for the snack bar at the arena was presented by the Director. The Committee directed that the snack bar be open at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday mornings and that the price of popcorn be lowered to 10¢ per box. 4. TEEN CENTRE REPORT - The Director indicated that the Teen Community Centre Boa~ is now functioning and has elected officers. Councillor's Chatten and Kitchen asked why they had not been informed of the last meë~ing, and requested that this oversight be corrected in the future. Landscaping and escavation work is proc~eding. There has been a misun~erstanding about price with the supplier of the building materials (Pan-Abode Company) and when this is corrected the Committee will proceed with approving the most favourable submission from the various trades. 5. SANDY BElCH ROAD REPORT The Director indicated that he was still not in receipt of a reply from the Ato111Íc Energy Board. PICKERING TOWNSHIP PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. 1710 KINGSTON ROAD PICKERING, ONTARIO. WEEKLY SCHEDULE DON BEER SPORT ARENA WEEK OF TO , I SATURDAY TIME SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ßA Y RIDGE;: BAY RIDGE~ 6-7 am f\LL STARS AJ,L STAR MINOR BAY RIDGI S BOB HOLY ,7-8 am ~nNOR AIJL STAR 'WOLOWICH REDEEMER HOCKEY ....- 8-Q am HOCKEY MINOR . .. Q-10am MINOR ¡ M o T HI R t S AND HOCKEY 10-11 am HOCKEY ¡ P R E - ~ C H 0 o L E R S ,MINOR --'- j Il-12am MINOR . ! HOCKEY : 1?-1 nm HOCKEY ¡ S H I F T WO R K E R S FIGURE 1-1 I H ( C K E Y ,SKA I,N(; nm MINOR ?-~ nm HOCKEY P U B L I C S CH 0 o L FIGURE 1-11 nm PUBLIC P U B L I C S C roO L SKATING TONY MR. AL HOLY JE~URE A_I:: nm SKATING PUBLIC ;ALLOWAY GUNN WATTMAN SKATING {fOHN COOK RINGETTE REDEEMER DAVE t::_n nm MINOR SKATING PRACTICE) KING .j BUD RINGETTE RINGETTE RINGETTE HOl.Y WAYNE n_7 nm HOCKEY ~ WILKES GAME GAME GAME CASSELMAN r BAY RIDGE , REDEE~1ER OLD ; 7_R nm MINOR t WEST BAY WEST HOCKEY " BAY RIDGE :¡ PUBLIC TIMER t S R_o nm HOCKEY ¡ ROUGE RIDSES ROUGE HOCKEY -- AL SKATING lfUBLIC 0-10nm BUCHANAN , HOCKEY HOCKEY HOCKEY ASS OC . ì MINOR ~JINOR .TOHN SKATING 0-11nm CANADIAN ASSOC. HOCKEY HOCKEY HUNTER 'STEVE RON: !GERRY PICKERING BRUCE DALE l-l?nm JOHNS- POLLARD 1! DmGTJER TIP. RES. CARTER HOSAKI .- .- BIR~ PICl\.I:'~K.l..NG WALTER BAY RIDGE GRANT ,2-1 am MANSVILL'E: TOWNSHIP THRONE L1. STARS SMITH ..- RK~J_J.Jr,l"T~ VUUt"J:; JOHN 1-2 am HORNER ROACH PUBLIC 'SKATING THE FIRST MONDAY OF EVE~Y MONTH 4:DOp.m.-7:00p.m. I TOTAL FREE HOURS: Public 'Skating School Skating Ringette Minor Hockey All Star Hockey Adult Hockey Day Time Program TEEN DROF-IN CENTRE REPORT :c- At the April 16th., 1970 meeting of the TowLship of Pickering Counci19s Commi~tee of the Whole on Farks and Recreation, the Lions Club and its junior club (Leo Club) presented a brief on the Operation of the Teenage Drop-In Centre at the Don Beer Sports Arena by the Lions and Lee Clubs. The Council directed me tc outline my co~nents on the brief, prior to the next Committee meeting. The following is a result of your directive There is no doubt that we require recreation programs which are orientated towards the needs of teens, and that these programs should have sincere, knowledgeable leadership and adequate facilities if they are to undertake the task of developing good teen recreational programs successfully. The Community Centre, within the Don Beer Sport Arena, is a facility excellently suited for teen programs, and with the addition of the Fool Tables and ring Fong Tables, 19m convinced that it can direct the teens to a healthy environment. If we are to successfully meet the recreational needs of our youth we must be prepared to sacrifice seme of the potential revenue of the Community Centre so that the teens may have the use of this facility during certain specified times. Therefore, I concur with the brief as it pertains to the request for the use of the Community Centre on Wednesdays from 7:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and on Fridays from 7:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight. ... 2 - The proper use of ccmmunity leadership resources is a very important asset to any recreation program, and we should encourage the invclvement of volunteers in the operation of teen programs, especially if these volunteers are themselves teens, The operation of a teen drop-in centre is a difficult challenge, but we should encourage the Lions Club and the Leo Club in their effort to undertake this te.sk, At this particular juncture, these Clubs have the enthusiasm and momentum to develop a t0en centre, and their brief speaks well of their realistic and sincere arproach to the work ahead. Below is a short list of concerns that must be included in an agreement between the lions and Leo Clubs and the Council. 1. The Farks and Recreation Director must be kept fully informed as to the full operation of the r-rop-In Centre and as to the future plans of the Clubs as they relate to the centre. (Fage 4, point 5 of the brief.) 2. I would recommend the following charges (a) rool Tables $1. 20 per hour (8o¢ to Township 40¢ to Clubs) (b) Table Tennis - SO¢ per hour - 30¢ to Township and 20¢ to Clubs. (c) Revenue from events where an entrance fee is charged - 50¢ of net profit to Township and 50% of net profit to Clubs. (d) rrefit from 'Vending Þ1achines - 100% to Township. 3. During teen dances, and other events where a large turnc,ti.t is expectoc!, there should be nc less than 2 adults present (revise¿ page 3, point 2) The remainder of the brief provides an excellent working basis for the development of an effective teen ~rcp-In Centre. - 3 - I ha·",e been assured that no one will be eccluded from any teen event on the basis of their mÐmberShip in the Leo Club, and that girls will have the opportunity ot join the Club. In summary, I am pleased with the efforts of the Leo Club. The members are prepared to accept responsibilities as young adults, and this should be encouraging to all of us. I do not believe that the turning over of this progra~ to a Service Club will eliminate active involvement by any teenager and with the backing of the sincere men of the Lions Club, I am sure that a sincere, and realistic effort will be directed to the task of assisting the teen sof Fickering Township. - 3 - 6 . MOORE'S ROAD AND WM. G. DA VIS SCHOOL REPORT The Director indicated that he had contacted landscaping firms recommended to him by the Engineering Department and that quotations would be received by Council on Monday, December 14th., 1970. 7. NEW BUSINESS A) Director was asked what knowledge he had of the West Rouge Teen Club and what assistance if any he had given them. The Director stated that he was paying for anI school and church costs required to operate programmes. B) The Committee felt that they should be kept advised of the coreespondence between the Conservation Authority and the West Rouge Canoe Club. The Director informed the Committee that the Conservation Authority is keeping the Parks and Recreation Director fully informed and that all information will be relayed to the Council members and Pickering Township delegates on this Authority. C) There was a short discussion regarding a letter from the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority bringing the Township's attention to the fact that Grand Valley Park was available to the Township on a leased basis. Motion 51/70 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Chatten, THAT the Directo~ be authorized to draft an agreement with the Conservation Authority regarding the leasing of Grand Valley Park and that he report to Council on the proposed use of the park and estimated costs. CARRIED. D) Councillor Chatten brought up the possible assistance the Director could give to the Committee that was responsible for the organization of the Winter Carnival in West Shore. He expressed the opinion"'~~lat this was a worthwhile need in the Townshp and that the Di~ector should become involved in an advisory capacity. The Committee recommended th.t the Director meet with the Carnival Committee and support the Carni~al Committee in this project in accordance with available time. 8 . ADJOU RmIENT MOVED by Councillor Kruger, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:15 p.m. CARRIED. ~. \, ~ --......" ...,~;..¡, .. l - '".. --. - \ ~...,~.:_" :i.;.!. ._'" --.--,\, '",~'J~~~.~ ~~ G. ASHE, CHAIRMAN /