HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 18, 1971 2/71 (REVISED COPY) PAR K S & R E C REA T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole on Parks and Recreation was held on Thursday, EIGHTEENTH of February 1971 at 8:07 p.~. PRESENT~ Councillor V. Rudik - Chairman Reeve John R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor S. Scott Director - David E.. Bass Secretary - Miss K. White 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the minutes 1/71 of a meeting held on Tuesday, January 26th., 1971 be adopted as presented. CARRIED. 2. DELEGATION: MR. JOHN CAMPBELL, PRESIDENT OF THE PICKERING FIGURE SKATING CLUB Motion 2/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT Mr. John Campbell representative of the Pickering Figure Skating Club ~e permitted to address the Committee. CARRIED. Tbe above motion was followed by a discussion in which Mr. Campbell outlined the steps being taken to organize the Pickering Figure Skating Club and the benefits it would have to the children in the Area. There was also a discussion regarding a summer skating programme to be initiated at the Don Beer Sport Arena and the assistance that the club would require from the Committee to make arrangements for this programme. Motion 3/11 MOVED by Reeve J. Williams, Seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe THAT the Committee Recommend that Council agrees to assist with the formation of the Pickering Figure Skating Club in the amount of $1,500.00 which is to take the form of a loan, and that payments on these monies woulJ be upon receipt of a requisition by the Director of Parks and Recreation from the Pickering Figure Skating Club. The loan is to be repayable over' two year period. CARRIED. 3. REPORT ON PROGRESS OF SWIMMING POOL AGREEMENT WITH THE ONTARIO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Committee was advised that the agreement presented to the Ontario Count¥ Board of Education, regarding the construction of a Swimming Pool at ' Dunbarton High School, had been accepted in principle and was now being perused by the solicitors. The Committee would be notified when further information was available. - 2 - 4. SILNS FOR TOWNSHIP PARKS Director presented the Committee with a sign quote and his recommend- ations as to the correct posting of signs on our Township Parks. Motion 4/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT this Committee recommend to Council that signs be erected in the Township Parks,cc~c1ôtip-g of Township crest, park name and a suitable phrase.(eg. This is your park-enjoy and preserve). CARRIED. 5. LIABILITY INSURANCE REPORT DiSQµssions regarding a letter compiled by Mr. Noel C. Marshall regar~~g the extent of liability coverage for a person assisting or partièipating in a Township programme. The Director was instructed to contact Frank Cowan Insurance Company for further information regarding this insurance coverage. 6. REPORT ON ATHLETIC FIELD AT SANDY BEACH ROAD Director indicated that an agreement for the leasing of the Sandy Beach Road area has been proposed verbally by the Ontario Hydro It was suggested by the Committee that the lease agreement should be reached as soon as possible and that clearance with the Department of Agriculture and Foods be obtained to receive grants for development costs. Suggested that a report be made regarding the money lost in lieu of taxes regarding the said property. Motion 5/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT this committee recommend to Council That Council accept the recommendation presented by the Recreation Director and that Council negotiate with the Ontario Hydro for the leasing of the property at Sandy Beach RoEld. CARRIED. 7 . REMOVAL OF A DANGEROUS TREE LOCATED ON TOWNSHIP PROPERTY Motion 6/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT this Committee re-imburse Mr. W. F. Collins the cost of $55.00 for the removal of a tree found to be located on Township property. CAr",~.IED . 8 . TOWNSHIP AWARDS Motion 7/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT this Committee recö~¡~n¿ ~~ Council that Council accept the recommendation for Townsfiip ~~~r~~ presented by the Parks and Recreation Director and that fne ~l~~~tor and the Township Clerk select members of the awards CöMmitt~~ and acquire the approved crests and certificates. CARRIED. - 3 - Followed by further discussions where it was decided that the designs for crests and awards ·be obtained from Atwe11~Fleming stationers the firm that printed the Township letterhead. 9. REPORT RE: TESTIMONIAL DINNER FOR BEVERLY BOYS Verbal report to committee by the Recreation Director regarding the progress being made in the arrangements for the Beverly Boys Testimonial Dinner. It was suggested by the Committee that the Director compile a report after further arrangements had been made and the date of the dinner had been established. 10. REVIEW BF DIRECTOR?S REPORT ON AVIS PARK Suggested by the Committee that Reeve John Williams and Councillor Sherman Scott emphasize to the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conserbation Authority the importance of acquiring the Avis Park property. 11. HOCKEY JAMBOREE ~ Direc~or presented the Committee with a copy of a schedule for a Hockey Jamobree to be held March 22nd., to March 25th., 1971 at the Don Beer Sport Arena. 12. FURTHER BUSINESS A.) SU~MER SCHEDULE FOR THE ARENA Discussions regarding the necessity of a shut down at the Arena to replace the rink boards, kick boards, and the removal of the ice to repair the concrete floor. Director was instructed to compile a report regarding the cost a) for a contractor to replace arena boards and kick boards. b) for the Arena staff to replace the arena boards and kick boards. c) money lost due· to the shut down of the Arena for repairs. B.) âINGETTE CLINIC Motion 8/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe THAT this Cðmmittee recommend to Council that Mr. David E. Bass be given permisæion to attend the Ringette Clinic at Terrace Bay on Friday, March 5th., 1971 at no expense to the Township. CARRIED. 14. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Reeve J. Williams, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:30 p ~ CARRIED.