HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 23, 1971 3/71 PAR :K S &> R E C REA T ION !l1EETING A meeting of the Pic~erir:g Township Committee ofu-the Whole on Parks and Recreation was held on Tuesday, TWENTY-THIRD of March 1971 at 8:00 p,m. PRESENT: Councillor V. Rudik - Chairman Reeve John R. Williams Deputy Reeve G.Ashe Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Ch8tten Councillor S. Scott Director - David E. Bass Secretary- Miss K. White 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Cóunci1lor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor J.L..McPherson THAT the minutes 2/71 of a meeting held on Thursday, February 18th., 1971 be adopted as presented. CARRIED. 2. DRAFT AGREEMENT-METROPOLITAN TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY RE: MOORE9S ROAD ATHLETIC FIELD The Director of Parks and Recreation presented a proposed lease agreement between the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Township of Pickering for the use of approximately 10.1 acres of land at Petticoat Creek Conservation Area. The Committee was in general agreement with the terms of the lease, excep~ for the length of the lease. The committee discussed the value of a fifty year lease opposed to a lease held in perpetuity, and arrived at the following motion. Motion 9/71 MOVED by "Deputy Reeve Ashe, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen, THAT the Committee recommend that Council accept the general lease agreement of the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the use of approximately 10.1 acres of land at the ~etticoat Creek Conservation area, with a change in wording to read Minister of Energy and Resources Management rather than Minister of Lands and Forests. CARRIED. 3. LETTER FROM MR. C. TIDY OF THE ONTARIO HYDRO-RE: SANDY BEACH ROAD ATHLETIC FIELD The Director of Parks and Recreation presented the Committee with copies of correspondence between Mr. C. Tidy of the Ontario Hydro and the Parks and Recreation Departloont re: the leasing of the Sandy Beach Road property. -- 2 - Following a discussion regarding whether Council was prepared to purchase the--land outside of the restrictive zone and the hydro towers right-of-way~ the following motion was presentéd. Hotion 10/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Reeve Williams, THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Director of Parks and Recreation be authorized to negotiate a lease- purchase agreement with the Ontario Hydro for the use of certain lands adjacent to Sandy Beach Road. CARRIED, 4. DAGMAR CONSTRUCTION QUOTATION-RE: GRADING OF Þ100REYS ROAD AND W. G. DAVIS SCHOOL YARJ The Director presented the Committee with reports and quòtes from Dagmar Construction Company and Tripp Construction Company regarding the grading of Moore9s Road and the W.G. Davis School Yard. Motion 11/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor Scott, THAT the Committee reco~~ends that Council accept the recommendations of the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the grading of MooreYs Road property by Dagmar Construction Company at a cost of $25,330.00 and the grading of the W, G, Davis School Yard by Tripp Construction Company at the cost of $1,020.00, CARRIED, 5. PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE FOR THE FRENCHHAN Y S BAY TEEN CEN'I'RE The Director presented the Committee with a report relating to the administrative structure for the FrenchmanYs Bay Teen Centre. The report was perused by the Committee at which time various changes were made. The Director of Parks and Recreation explained the administrative chart to the Committee after which Mr. Spence Coles, a member of the FrenchmanYs Bay Teen Committee, was asked his opinion on the proposed stru~ture. Mr. Coles said that both the teens and himself were prepared to accept the decision of Council in so far as the administrative structure was concerned. He felt that the teens involved were capable and willing to accept the responsi- bilities involved in the operation of the Teen Centre without the need for paid supervision. Motion 12/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Councillor J.L. McPherson THAT the Committee offers the administrative structure for the FrenchmanYs Bay Teen Centre as prepared by the Director to the Teen ~uno~ Board of Directors with the following changes. c(i,¡;TR6 #3 The Board of Directors should establish the budget by December 31st., of each year) and the Teen Council may not co~~it the expenditure of funds other than approved allocations without prior approval from the Board of Directors. - 3 - Motion 12/71 (continued) #4 The General Fund shall be controlled by the Board of Directors, including the authorization of invoices for payment. #6 and #7 deleted. #8 Board of Directors appointed by Council on advice. '10 Signing Officer - Chairman of the Board and President of Teen Council. #11 deleted. CARRIED. !l1otion 13/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ashe THAT the Committee recommends that Council accept the following names for the Board of Directors of the Frenchman9s Bay Teen Centre. Adult Teen - Mrs. Peggy Lockwood Þ'lrs. Jackie Beamish Mr. B. Smith Mr. Don Quick Mrs. Leona Fahey Mrs. Mary Loucks Dianne Beamish Alfred Smith Sharon Coburn Susan Coburn Lesley Levett Bill Hoskins CARRIED. 6. PROPOSED BOULEVARD TREE PLANTING PROGRMÆME The Director of Parks and Recreation gave a report to Council regarding the desire of residents, in the West Shore and Bay Ridges Areas, to initiate a b~ulevard tree planting programme. It was suggested that Council use their purchasing power to acquire the trees and have them delivered to the required location. The residents would re-imburse the Township for the cost of the trees,. and ùndertake the work necessary to plant the trees. The Cooonittee suggested that this programme be undertaken with the assistance of the teen Council of the FrenchmanYs Bay Teen Centre and that any profit be turned over to the Centre. Motion 14/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Reeve 'Williams, THAT the Committee recommend to Council that with the approval of the Township Engineer the Council adopt in principle the recommendations of the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the boulevard tree planting programme and that the Director be given the authority to purchase the trees and organize the programme. CARRIED. 7. BEVERLY BOYS TESTIMONIAL DINNER The Director of Parks and Recreation outlined the progress of the Beverly Boys testimonial dinner. He advised the Committee that the - 4 - 7. Beverly Boys Testimonial Dinner (Continued) Bay Ridges Kinsmen Club was interested in handling all the arrangements for the dinner and that it will be developed into a Sportsmen Night so that over a number of years funds can be raised, not only to assist Beverly Boys, but also future athletes in the Pi~kering Area with similar financial problems. Tentative arrangements have established May 3rd.., as the most suitable date for the dinner. Committee suggested that the Kinsmen Club contact radio and newspapers that are prepared to assist Miss Boys. 8. ARENA REPORT- RE: REPAIR rROGRM~1E 1971 The Director of Parks and Recreation outlined the Arena Shut Down schedule as follows: 1. Turn off refrigeration Plant May &2nd., 1971. 2. Begin removing ice on May 3rd., 1971 ~-ice out as quickly as possible. 3. Undertake general maintenance procedures as per report. 4. ~epair rink boards May 7th., 1971 and continue to work daily 5. Repairs to concrete floor and refrigeration unit from May 7th. to May 14th., 1971. 6. Turn on Machinery May 14th., 1971. 7. May 21st., 1971 begin to produce ice for beginning of figure skating programme on June 5th., 1971. 8. General maintenance of building completed as time perlTi~its. This was followed by a discussion of the installation of the rink boards, plexi-glass, hiring of a carpenter to assist the Arena staff in the installation of new rink boards and the hiring of a full time Arena Maintenance Man. Motion 15/71 MOVED by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ashe THAT the Committee recommend that Council accept the recommendations of Mr. David E. Bass and that he be authorized to hire a full time maintenance man at the Don Beer Sports Arena. CARRIED. 9. SMITH AGENCIES- RE: NOTICE BOARD AT THE DON BEER SPORTS ARENA There was a short discussion regarding the signing of a contract with Smith Agencies Limited for the installation of an advertising Bulletin. Board in the entranceway at the Don Beer Sports Arena. The Committee instructed the Director of Parks and Recreation to negotiate with Smith Agencies for the purpose of reduci~g the length of the agreement to two years. The Committee informed the Director that only the authorized signing officers of the Township have the right to sign such legal¡ contracts. - 5 - 10. TEEN CENTRE PROGRESS REPORT The Director of Parks and Recreation gave a report on the progress being made in the construction of the Teen Centre~ The Director informed the Con~ittee that Mr. Peter Gallagher had been contracted to install the sewers, and that he would begin work in one or two weeks depending on weather conditions~ 11. S~~ING POOL PROGRESS REPORT The Director of Parks and Recreation informed the Committee that the Clerk had been in contact with the Ontario Municipal Board and that the Board was having difficulty in locating the original file of correspondence that the Township had previously submitted. The Clerk photostated all pertinent information and is now awaiting a reply from the Ontario Municipal Board. 12. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Reeve Williams THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:30 p.m. CARRIED. /./ /l ./ ~ --~Æ.",E¿ .........-.' CHAIRMÀN- VICTOR RUDIK