HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 29, 1971 4/71 PAR K S - &- R E C REA T ION M E E TIN G A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole on Parks and Recreation was held on Thursday, T~æNTY-NINTH of April 1971 at 8:06 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor V. Rudik - Chairman Reeve John R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chat ten Councillor S. Scott Director - David E. Bass Secretary - K. White 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the minutes 3/71 of a meeting held on Tuesday, March 23rd., 1971 be adopted as presented. CARRIED. 2. PROPOSED.ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE-PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT The Director of Parks and Recreation presented the Committee with a report outlining the needs of the Parks and Recreation Department re: the hiring of An Assistant Director of Recreation(Programmes}. There was a discussion regarding salary range for the new employee and the quality of employee that could be hired at the range of $8,000.00. It was decided that a person with consider~ble experience would not be acquired for this salary and that the person hired would probably be young with a minimum of experience. The discussion was followed by an inquiry as to the number of employees that would be employed full time by the Parks and Recreation Department at the end of the 1971 season, and the Director of Parks and Recreation replied that this number would be thirteen. This figure included the (3) Arena Employees; (3) Pool Employees; (3) Parks Maintenance employees; the Assistant Director of Recreation (Programmes); The Assistant Director of Recreation(facilities) the Parks and Recreation Secretary; the Director of Parks and Recreation. The extent of involvement by the Assistant Director of Recreation (Programmes) as far as the Teen Centre was concerned, was discussed in detail and it was felt that his capacity should be that of an advisor, actively involved in the planning of programmes at the Teen Centre. To clarify the programmer~ involvement concerning the Teen Centre the Chairman outlined pertinent points from the Administration report concerning the Teen Centre presented at the Parks and Recreation Meeting of March 23rrl., 1971. Motion 16/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ashe THAT the Committee recommend that Council accept the Job Description for the Assistant Director of Recreation (programmes) with the following changes (i) Item 2 be changed to read as follows: Provide advice and support to the Teen Cauncil of the Frenchman's Bay Teen Centre and Board of Directors as provided for in the Proposed Teen Centre Administrative Structure as approved March 23rd., 1971; (ii) delete the salary range (iii) Add item 15 Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Parks and Recreation from time to time. CARRIED 2 - Motion 17/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ashe THAT the Committee recommend that Council accept the Job Description for the Assistant Director of Recreation (Facilities) with the following changes: (i) add item 13 Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Parks and Recreation . from time to time (ii) Delete the salary range. CARRIED. After the preceding motions there was further discussion:regarding the proposed Administrative Structure. This was followed by a further discussion of the Administrative Chart which the Director of Parks and Recreation had presented to the Committee for their consideration. The Committee questioned the magnitude of staff (part-time and full time) requirements of the Parks and Recreation Department. MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ashe THAT we accept the Proposed Administrative Structure as outlined by the Director of Parks and Recreation and authorize the hiring of the Assistant Director of Recreation {Programmes} at a starting salary of $8,000.00 and that at such time as he is hired Mr. Tom Quinn's title be changed to read Director of Recreation(Facilities) MOTION DEFEATED Motion 18/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor J.t. McPherson THAT the Committee recommend that Council at the time of hiring of the Assistant Director of Recreation (Programmes) approve the changing of the Arena Manager's title to that of Assistant Director of Recreation (Facilities). CARRIED. The Committee decided that the recommendations of the Parks and Recreatior. Director 3, 4, and 5 would be discussed at the time of the opening of the indoor swimming pool. The Director of Parks and Recreation reminded the Committee that he had allotted money in his budget for the hiring of a Parks Maintenance man. The Recreation Director was of the opinion that it would be a great benefit to the Township if the new employee had the knowledge of Horticulture. The Committee was largely of the opinion that the Township was not sufficiently developed to be concerned with large floral arrangements when there were more urgent recreation needs to be met. However, the Director of Parks and Recreation was directed to submit a request for the hiring of a Parks Maintenance man in the proper manner. 3. PROPOSED SUMMER PROGRAMMES FOR HOCKEY SCHOOL, FIGURE SKATING AND OTHER SUMMER ARENA PROGRAMMES Director of Parks and Recreation presented his report to the Committee regarding the Summer Arena Programmes explaining that Gerry Meehan, and two other Hockey players will be hired for the Summer Hockey School at the Arena. He had consulted other members of the National Hockey League and they felt that Gerry Meehan was well suited for the school. The Director indicated that as soon as the names of the other two mnstructors were available he would inform the public of the hockey school via the spring newsletter. - 3 - The Committee was also asked to approve the other summer arena programmes (eg. Figure Skating Sch?ol). MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT the Committee recommend to Council that they adort the recommendations of the Director of Parks and Recreation regat-ding the 1971 sumtner programmes at the Don Beer Sports Arena. Not acted upon~ refer to Motion 19/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor J.L. McPherson THAT the motion be amended to read that we adopt the recommendations of the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the summer programmes at the Don Beer Sports Arena with the addition of the Family Rate for Pleasure Skating of 7St per family. MOTION LOST MOVED by Councillor Scott, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the motion be amended to read that we adopt the recommendations of the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the Summer Programmes at the Don Beer Spo~s Arena with the addition of the rate of 15t for children 13 years and under. MOTION LOST Motion 19/71 MOVED by Deputy Reeve Ashe, Seconded by Reeve Williams THAT the Committee recommend that Council approve the recommendations of the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the Summer Programmes at the Don Beer Sports Arena with the following change in Pleasure Skating rates ~. 25¢ per child 13 years of age and under SO¢ Adults and Teens $1.00 per Family CARRIED. 4. APPROVAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF A STREET SWEEPER FROM THE TOWNSHIP ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ;¡, tf° The Director of Parks and Recreation presented the Committee with a copy of a memo from the Engineering Department indicating that the Street Sweeper could be purchased from them for the sum of $200.00. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that his department had operated twenty-three outdoor ice rinks this past winter and that the street sweeper would cut down the time factor when doing maintenance on the rinks. The Committee directed the Director of Parks and Recreation to borrow the Street Sweeper from the Roads Department for this comming winter season and if the sweeper proved satisfactory then the Committee would take fu e necessary steps to 1'uÑJ:hase 'tœ street sweeper. . - 4 - 5. APPROVAL OF PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR'S SUBMISSION UNDER THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH PROGRAMME There was a discussion regarding the Director's submission of two reports to the Federal Government on the Opportunities for youth Programme. Motion 20/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Reeve Williams THAT the Committee recommended that Council approve the Parks and Recreation Director's submissions to the Government regarding the Opportunities for Youth Programme, under the conditions that 100% support is secured from the Government. CARRIED. 6. PROGRAMMES FOR CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES The Committee discussed a letter sent to Mr. Bass from the Director of the Society for children with learning disabilities. The Association desired a possible donation from the Committee to develop programmes for children in the Pickering Area. Motion 21/71 MOVED by Deputy Reeve Ashe, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT the Committee recommend to Council that they approve a grant for a playground programme for children with learning disabilities in the amount of $200.00,provided that the government provides the cost of a co-ordinator of programmes. CARRIED. 7. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE UNITED APPEAL A verbal report was given to the Committee by the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the fact that the United Appeal had indicated the willingness to give donations to the Y.M.C.A. or a similar organization * for the development of Recreation programmes in Pickering Township. The Director felt that the Area Recreation Associations had done consider- able work in the Township and that they should be entitled to receive the grant from the United Appeal. He had suggested that they become a Federation which would enable the United Appeal to give them the grant. The Director was seeking the Committee's approval for the Director to send a letter to the United Appeal giving his personal opinion to them regarding the value of local volunteer organizations, and the useful ways in which United Appeal grants can be used by these organizations. The Committee endorsed the sending of the Recreation Directors letter but informed the Director that it was to be made quite clear to the United Appeal that the letter was that of Mr. Bass's opinion and in no way was the opinion of the Committee. 8. FURTHER BUSINESS A. PROPOSED CONSTITUTION FOR THE PICKERING FIGURE SKATING CLUB A letter from the Pickering Figure Skating Club requesting that Council assist them in becoming incorporated was brought to the attention of the Committee by Reeve Williams. After a short discussion the Committee recommended that either the Reeve contact the Township Solicitor and acquire the cost of legal fees for the incorporation of the Club or the Recreation Director and relay the information to the President of the Pickering Figure Skating Club. -5- B. RINGETTE SWEATERS The Director of Parks and Recreation had a duplicate of an invoice for Ringette Sweaters which had been paid by the Township Parks Department. The Committee questioned this action and the Director indicated that the Rin~ette Association had not been able to acquire sponsors and that the sweaters were bought under the understanding that the money would be reimbursed to the Township when the sponsors were secured next season. The Committee indicated that there were two instances where individuals had requested the opportunity of sponsoring a Ri~gette team. These individuals were given to :understand that the sponsorship was not required and that everything had been purchased by the Township. The Committee recommended that Mr. Bass gain possession of the sweaters and then release them to the Association when the bill had been paid for the cost of sweaters. C. WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB Short discussion regarding the relocation of the West Rouge Canoe Club and the difficulty of gaining the support of the r-~~ßpayers in the West Rouge Area. This problem of relocation of the Canoe Club is mainly based on whether access of M..T.R.C.A. property can be a reality within the scope of the Lawrence Avenue Extension. Reeve Williams will be securìng a set of plans of the Lawrence Avenue extension and will forward same to the Canoe Club. In the meantime the Reeve will discuss the possibility of the Canoe Club remaining in ~ts present location at least until Lawrence Avenue is constructed, with the M.T.R.C.A. D. MOORE'S ROAD The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that he was awaiting a letter from the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority approving the development of Moore's Road. He had been in contact with Mr. James A. Taylor's office and was advised that the letter would be available April 30th., 1971. The Ontario Hydro has approved of the sale of the Sandy Beach Road Project and will be forwarding this information shortly. 9. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT the meeting adjourn at 11:35 p.m. CARRIED. CHAIRMAN