HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 23, 1971 PARKS & R E eRE A T ION 6/71 M E E T Í N. G A meeting of the Pickering Township Committee of the Whole on Parks and~Recreation was held on Wednesday, TWENTY-THIRD of June at 8:06 p.m. PRESENT: Councillor V. Rudik, Chairman Reeve John R. Williams Depùty Reeve G. Ashe Councillor J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor S. Scott Director - David E. Bass Secretary- K. White 1. PRESENTATION OF TOWNSHIP CRESTS AND TROPHIES ~O HOCKEY AND RINGETTE CHAMPIONS The Committee presented crests and trophies to the participants in Hockey and Ringette that have proven themselves as Champions during the 1970/1971 season. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Councillor J. L. McPherson, Seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the minutes of the last meeting 5/71 held on Monday, May 31st., 1971 be adopted as amended. CARRIED. 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES (A) That the word perspective in Item 2 of the minutes be changed to prospective. (B) There was a discussion regarding the fact that Councillor Kitchen felt that he had made a motion that the Women's Auxiliary be allowed the use of the Arena Community Centre for the Hockey Banquet free of charge due to their financial ppsition. Although, Mr. Kitchen had made such a motion it was never seconded, and thus did not appear in the minutes. (C) Committee felt that in the future items pertaining to interviews of pro~pective employees should not appear in the minutes. (D) Item 3 The hours shown as All Star Hockey be changed to read House League Hockey Ice Time Allotment and that the Allotment of All Star Hockey of 14 hours be added to the schedule. (E) Item 2 under Further Business the line "to be given to the West Rouge Canoe CJubn be amended to read if to be set aside for the "'est Rouge Area it . 4. TEEN CENTRE Councillor G. Ashe brought to the Committee's attention the fact that the Teen Centre Board was anxious to have the following two points clarified: 1. Supervisory role of the Municipality 2. Involvement of the Parks and Recreation Department .. Staff within the Teen Centre. . The Committee felt that the involvement of the Staff of the Parks and Recreation Department should be as consultants only, and that the operation of the Centre rest with the Board of Directors. The Committee was in full agreement that supervision was the responsibility .. of the Board of Directors or: their delegate. - 2 - 5. PRESENTATION OF CONCEPTUAL PLAN FOR WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB COMMUNITY C~NTRE Mr. Betts of the West Rouge Canoe , Club presented a brief regarding the location of the Canoe Club, along with the other arrangements that had been investigated by the Club with regards to the construction of, ,a Canoe Club-Community Centre. The Canoe Club indicated that they had ., 160 active members and that the present facilities were inadequate to serve these and future members. There was a discussion regarding the fact that access would be difficult from the west side of the river to the proposed location. The volunteers would provide further information regarding access at a later date. It was indicated by the West Rouge Ratepayers and West Rouge Recreation Association that they supported the Canoe Club fUlly in the report that they had submitted to the Committee. However, they were concerned with the fact that the cost of this building could affect the other projects being undertaken by the Township (eg. Wm. G. Davis Public School Athletic Field). The Committee assured the Recreation Association that the Canoe Club-Community Centre construction would not affect such projects. The Committee questioned the Canoe Club as to the suitability of the soil where they intended to construct the Club House-Community Centre, parking area, foot bridge, and also as to the wave run up factor. The club indicated that all these factors had been researched and would be included in the next report submitted to Council. Mr. Bill Beddall, Architect for the Canoe Club, presented a plan that he had drafted for the Canoe Club. He indicated that a Pan-Abode structure was the most feasible building for this type of project. Total cost of Canoe Club-Community Centre $46,535.00 (does not include work outside of building) Pilings $ 4,800.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Sewage (tank and pump) Access Road The Committee felt that a lease for the land should not be drawn up until the following points are clarified: 1. The involvement of the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority regarding the construction of the foot bridge. 2. The approval of the County Engineering Department regarding the access road. 3. Agreement of the West Rouge Sports and Recreation Assoc~tion, West Rouge Ratepayers Association, East Rouge Ratepayers Association to support the proposed site of the Club House - Community Centre. - 3 - 4. Evaluation of the effects regarding traffic and parking facilities. 5. The wave run up problem. Motion 29/71 MOVED by Deputy Reeve Ashe; Seconded by Reeve Williams THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Recreation Director, East Rouge Ratepayers, West Rouge Recreation Association and the Canoe Club members of West Rouge meet to settle the operation arrangements for the proposed Canoe Club Community Centre, and that a delegation meet with the Township Engineer, Township Planner, and County Engineer to ascertain whether construction is possible on the East shore of the mouth of the Rouge River. CARRIED. 6. FAMILY PASSES AT ADY POOL Mrs. Walmer of Pickering Township requested that seasons passes for ADY Pool be issued again this summer. Motion 30/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Councillor J. L. McPherson THAT the Committee recommend to Council that Seasons Passes to ADY Pool be issued again this season with specific instructions that management reserve the right to close the pool at their discretion. Family $25.00 Teens and Adults $12.00 Children $ 7.50 CARRIED 7. PRESENTATION OF CONCEPTUAL PLAN FOR INDOOR Sw¡MMING POOL The architect, Bill Beddall presented a sketch plan of the proposed swimming pool to the Committee. He explained the plans and the designs according to the attachment of the building to the existing facility-Dunbarton High School. There was a discussion regarding the fact that six lanes should be built into the pool instead of five so that it could be used for competitions. Self use loekers were also discussed because they reduced supervision costs. Motion 31/71 MOVED by Councillor Chatten, Seconded by Deputy Reeve Ashe THAT the Committee recommend to Council that Mr. Bill Bedàall further refine his drawings along the lines outlined regarding the addition .of the sixth lane and the land required. CARRIED. Motion 32/71 MOVED by Deputy Reeve Ashe, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Reeve and Clerk enter into a contract with Mr. Bill Beddall Architect, regarding the Indoor Swimming Pool to be erected adjacent to Dunbarton High School. CARRIED. - 4 - 8. FURTHER BUSINESS The Director of Parks and Recre~tion presented the Committee with a survey compiled by Ken Carr, Industrial Commissioner regarding properties for sale in the Glenview area of the Township. The Committee decided that the prices were far too high for the properties in question especially when they had no sewer or water connections. Council felt that t he people would more than likely settle ror a lower price if an offer was made. The Director felt thàt the land could have a future trading value, if the land secured were not suitable for park development. Motion 33/71 MOVED by Councillor Scott, Seconded by Reeve Williams THAT the Committee recommend to Council that ten acres of land be purchased in the Glenview Road area at a cost of $5.000.00 per acre. CARRIED. 9. ADJOURNJ.Jr NT MOVED by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Councillor Kitchen THAT the meeting adjourn at 12:10 p.m. CARRIED. VIC RUDIK CHAIRMAN