HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 8, 1971 8/71 PAR K S & R E C REA T ION M E E TIN Q A meeting of the Pickering Townslup Committee of the Whole on Parks and Recreation was held on Monday, EIGHTH of November at 8:00 p.m. at the Township Offices. PRESENT: Councillor V. Rudik, Chairman Reeve John R. Williams Deputy Reeve G. Ashe Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson Councillor D. Kitchen Councillor R. Chatten Councillor S. Scott Director Township Clerk Arena Manager Programmer Mr. David E. Bass Mr. Douglas J. PIitz Mr. Thomas J. Quinn Mrs. Christine Quibell 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Reeve Williams, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT the minutes 7/71 of a meeting held on Tuesday, August 24th., 1971 be adopted as presented. CARRIED. 2. PRESENTATION OF TRQ!~ The following trophies were presented to the Pickering Township Minor Softball Champions for the 1971 season in the Council Chambers by the Council of the Township of Pickering. 1. Juvenile Division: Greenwood Coach - Mr. Doug Morton 2. Bantam Division: Greenwood Coach - Mr. George Staley 3. Pee Wee Claremont Coach - Mr. Art Maxwell 4. Squirt Division: Due to the fact that no representative was present the trophy will remain in the Parks and Recreation Office until a suit- able time can be set aside for the presentation. 3. GREENWOOD COMMUNITY PARK ( Greenwood A~hletic Fiel&) Motion 49/71 MOVED by Councillor Rudik, Seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. L. McPherson THAT the Committee of the Whole in Parks and Recreation adopt the recommendation of the Greenwood Community Association to build on the Greenwood Athletic Field an arena, in three stages with stage one costing an estimated $60,000.00, with $30,000.00 to be raised by debenture and the balance through grants and winter work incentive programmes. And further that the necessary by-laws be prepared for submission to the Ontario Municipal Board for their approval of the $30,000.00 debenture issue. And further that sufficient funds be made available out of the current funds to cover rough grading of the building, ice surface site and preliminary engineering costs. And further that the firm of John Stephenson and Association Ltd., Consulting Engineers, be retained. And further that all the aforementioned be subject to satis- factory soil tests and Ontario Municipal Board approval. CARRIED. -2- 4. BY-LAW NUMBER 20i! The Director of Parks and Recreation outlined the existing By-Law . which authorizes the carrying on of a Community Programme of recreat10n within the meaning of the regulati~ns under the Ontario Department of Education Act. Motion 50/71 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Reeve Williams THAT the Committee retain the present By-Law affecting recreation within Pickering Township, namely By-Law number 2051. CARRIED 5. RENTAL OF SUMMER ICE Tn1E TO PRIVATE HOCKEY SCHOOL The Chairman Mr. V. Rudik read to the Committee a report vegarding the rental of summer ice time to Holiday Hockey Ranch as prepared by the Director of Parks and Recreation. The reading of the report was followed by a short discussion in which the question was brought to the floor as to whether the renting of summer ice would bring down the subsidy rate for other Township winter programmes. Motion 51/71 MOVED by Councillor thatten, Seconded by Councillor Scott THAT the Committee recommend to Council that they accept the recommendation of the Director of Parks and Recreation to rent summer ice at the Don Beer Sports Arena to the Holiday Hockey Ranch at $12,500.00 per summer for a three (3) year term, and that this contract is not to interfere with our own local need for summer hockey and figure skating schools. CARRIEL. The Committee directed the Director of Parks and Recreation to meet with the Holiday Hockey Ranch representative Mr. Comsa for the purpose of setting up the contract for the rental of summer ice. This was to Ue done in conjunction with the Township legal department. 6. BAY RIDGES ALL STAR HOCKEY LEAGUE The Committee were given a copy of a letter from the Bay Ridges All Star Hockey Association requesting approval for the use of two hours of ice time on Sunday, April 2nd. 1972. These hours are generally used for Pleasure Skating. Motion 52/71 MOVED by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe, Seconded by Councillor Chat ten THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Bay Ridges All Star Hockey Association be granted the two hours of ice time needed from the Pleasure Skating period on Sunday, April 2nd., 1972 at the rental fee of $25.00 per hour. CARRIED. -3- 7. WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB REPORT RE: SUITABLE USE OF WEST SIDE OF ROUGE RIVER Motion 53/71 MOVED by Councillor Mrs. J.L. McPherson, Seconded by Councillor Chatten THAT the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee read the West Rouge Canoe Club report CARRIED. The report was read by the Chairman Mr. Rudik after which there was a short discussion regarding the Canoe Club in which it was agreed that Reeve John Williams would send a letter to the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority requesting that the authority lease to the Township sufficient land on the west bank of the Rouge River and the mouth of the river for the purpose of erecting a Canoe Club. 8. LEAV§ OF ABSENCE - PARKS AND RECREATION ~EPARTM~NT SECRETARY Mo~ion 54171 MOVED by Councillor Kitchen, Seconded by Deputy Reeve G. Ashe THAT the Committee recommend to Council that the Parks and Recreation Secretary Miss Kathy White be granted one weeks leave of absence without pay during the month of September 1972. CARRIED. 9. FURTHER BUSINE~S (A) ROUGEHILL UNITED CHURCH Motjon 55/71 MOVED by Councillor Scott, Seconded by Councillor Mrs. J.L. McPherson THAT Reeve Williams and Councillor Scott meet with Mr. Dempsey at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 12th., 1971 for the purpose of discussing the purchase of the RougeHill United Church. CARRIED. 10. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Councillor Scott, Seconded by Councillors Mrs. J. L. McPherson THAT the meeting be adjourned at 12:05 p.m. CARRIED. " () j' L..\l .'f.*" 'f '.> . '~, ~'¡ " I' t I ,I \ f"" ~~~ ~\.j_~ l ~__- VIC RUDIK - CHAIRMAN \