HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 27, 2004 C¿ú¡ 0# Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday October 27,2004 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Sandy Stanton Kelly Collins Stephen Little Prem Noronha-Waldriff Absent: Debbie Blake (regrets) Bill Boyes (regrets) Lisa Eisen - Bill Boyes addressed Council - no debate - unanimously adopted. AAC thanked for their input. - Approved by Council on October 4,2004. - Plan has been made available to the public beginning October 2004. - Advertised in the AlP News Advertiser, on the Community Page. - Hard copies are available at the Civic Complex or at the Pickering Central Library. - Also available on the City's website. - Plan has been produced in alternative forms: regular 12 size font; enlarged font (22 for visually impaired); and CNIB is currently transcribing into Braille. - Copy is on order for Sandy Stanton, and others will be ordered upon request. 3.0 Resolution to Council: ReOntarians with Disabilities S ecial Fundin : Passed at Oct. 4/04 Council Meetil1 C. Pickles - This item also passed by Council unanimously. - Prem to rovide co ies to the committee. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Pro e Standards B-Iaws - City staff met to review in October. - City Clerk to update. - City Solicitor to review from an enforcement perspective - Interiors guided by Barrier Free (Prov. Guidelines) - Request for Tim Moore to further review consideration of Building Code. 5.0 Liberal Le islation - Bill 118 - Distributed copies of Bill 118 and reviewed Toronto Star newspaper article. - Article speaks to Standards / Compliance and fines for non- compliance. 6..0 Other Business: 1) Site plans for review: Pickering Museum Village / Waterfront Restaurant. Prem to request from Tyler Barnett, Stephen Little to review. 2) AAC to be proactive - ie: Transit / Hospital/Education, what are they doing, what are their oncerns? 3) Website Survey - Committee accepted current survey, requests a summary of the results / comments. 4) City of London's Standards/Guidelines - Prem to get copy of - whole document (101 pages) on their website, www.london.ca 5) Prem to book Feb 1 and Jan 25/05 in Councillor Pickles schedule - done. 6) Idea to invite a staff person to each meeting to discuss/educate on accessibility issues - ie: transit / Rec Complex / Library - what's available? 7) Should have a 1 hour brainstorming session in the new year - Add to Feb. agenda. 8) Nov. Agenda - Civic Awards to recognize a corporate body for extra efforts over and above with regards to accessibility standards. 9) Housing - promote targets for homes that are accessible or convertible. ie: even use 5% as a starting target. Should have a discussion with Planning staff (Universal Home Design). All in the 'sell' need to see the value of. 10)Seaton Trail/Waterfront Trail - have a staff person out to speak to. 11 )Agenda Items - e-mail to Prem at least 10 days prior to meeting. Agenda to go out 1 week prior to meeting. 12)Committee should hold meetings at other facilities to be able to review and become familiar with. 13 Pickerin Museum Villa e - under construction this ear. cORP0228-2/02 - Invite Tim Moore to November meeting to speak to building code/by-laws. AU Committee to review and send comments to Council to send on to Minister. Page 2 Invite Marisa Carpino (Sup. Culture & Recreation) to January Meeting to discuss accessibility / new facilities / tour after completed. Marisa will attend January AAC meeting. 7.0 Next Meeting: Wednesday November 27., 2004 Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Page 3 cORP0228-2/02