HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 26, 2004 Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday May 26, 2004 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Cil" o~ Attendees: Debbie Blake Stephen Little Kelly Collins Sandy Stanton Prem Noronha-Waldriff Absent: Councillor David Pickles (regrets) Bill Boyes (regrets) Lisa Eisen Catherine Smeglicki - All members received mailing of minutes and attachments for the April meeting. Proposed AAC description for the City Website was reviewed and received Committee approval. Committee not happy with the response from the City Webmaster re: not attending last nights meeting. Questions for the Web Master: 1) Who has the final approval on the web page design? 2) Who has the final approval on the web editorial? 3) Who is responsible for the functionality of the website? 4) Who is responsible to ensure that the website meets accessibility standards, and what are they? Discussion on what Pickering's AAC webpage could be comprïsed of: 1) Some sort of survey to interact with the Community and get feedback on accessibility issues. 2) Links to various Disability Agencies Le. Social Devel. Council/Can. Transportation Agency / HRDC etc. 3) Registry of Persons with Disabilities - Fire Dept. does not have a formal re ist ,but keeps informal information CORP0228-2/02 - Prem to look into who can come to a meeting to assist the Committee with Web Page design that is functional for persons with disabilities. Also to pose the 4 questions listed to the webmaster. - Prem to circulate copies of Oshawa's survey with the minutes. www.citV.oshawa.on.ca Page 1 from received from the crews. Thought it would be a great idea for the Committee to look into. (Spoke to Platoon Chief Ian Ebit) 3.0 Update from Joe Hunwicks: Public Alerting System U date from Re ion of Durham In terms of accessibility provisions in plans and procedures, I do not have anything developed at this time that is at an appropriate stage of completion to share with your committee for comments. I am actually quite delayed in my scheduled goals and objectives with regard to plans and procedures development due to the current Public Alerting issues. The proposal to implement the Public Alerting System for Pickering is currently on hold due to apparent concerns that the public and Council have expressed. It is anyone's guess when and if the system will be installed. However, we at the City are still very supportive of the concept of public alerting and have advanced some ideas that involve using more modern and varied technology than was proposed. Those different approaches have provisions for adapting to situations such as would be required for visually or hearing impaired people. I am now serving on a national committee that is addressing public alerting. The mandate, as set by Industry Canada, is to explore and promote public alerting for all Canadian communities and to ensure appropriate accessibility. Joe Committee appreciated that he recognizes that certain technology is required to alert people with disabilities, but is still looking for time lines for this to be in place. CORP0228-2/02 - Prem to look into whether the Library has accessible computers with the various technologies. - Committee to come prepared with information for a webpage to the next meeting including LINKS and Survey questions. Prem Questions for Joe: 1) What is his time line for Emergency Planning? 2) Would he consider a registry of persons with disabilities helpful? 3) How would he communicate with them? Website? Page 2 Update from Region of Durham - nothing to update at the present all committees are doing their own work. 4.0 A lication for Site PlélnA roval S 18/89 R04 Stephen picked up document from the Rec Complex and reviewed - all seemed fine to him. Committee approved with no objections (as per site plan) 5.0 Review of Site Plan A lication 504/04: Committee reviewed site plan application - it was agreed that Stephen would take it home and come back to next meeting with comments to share with the group. 6.0 Review of Pro osed 2004 Accessibilit U rades: Committee approved proposed upgrades, however on the East Shore upgrades felt that any green space sIb covered by the Parks Budget. Committee recommended that the 2004 budget be $50,000 plus the additional $18,500 to cover all items. 7.0 Pro e Standards B -law and Parkin .B -law: Both documents were distributed for review. 8.0 Other Busine$s: - Discussion on walkway outside the west entrance (upper level b Tuxedo Ro ale - there are tree's and 3 or 4 posts in CORP0228-2/02 Prem will bring up at next Regional Municipal Meeting June 18/04. Ste hen Prem to sign and forward to Planning. Prem will keep a binder with copies of all site plans that the Committee Reviews. - Add to agenda for June meeting. Committee recommended that a city budget (Roads?) may have $'s set aside to do cu rb cuts that don't currently exist- even if just a few new ones each year? Committee to review and discuss at June meeting. Page 3 the middle of the walkway that are just about eye level - if Sandy was to walk there she would walk right into them! 6 Next Meeting: Wed. June 26, 2004 Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Page 4 CORP0228-2/02