HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 26, 2005 C¿ú¡ o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday January 26, 2005 7:00 pm Civic Complex - CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Bill Boyes Debbie Blake Stephen Little Prem Noronha-Waldriff Guests: Marisa Carpino (Supervisor, Culture & Recreation) Dave Marlowe (Education & Collections Officer / PMV) Absent: Kelly Collins (Regrets, working) Sandy Stanton Lisa Eisen Discussion on Pickering Museum Project Dave Marlowe (gave a brief overview activities of the Pickering Museum Village): - They have a wide range of activities and education programs. 13-15,000 children visit (Pre-school to highschool, though mainly Gr. 3's). Arts, crafts, games toys of interest. They have a program that also goes out to the schools, also for community groups and seniors. Public Programming - 10 - 15 events operate there throughout the year (Plays, Christmas events etc). Workshops run at the Rec. Complex in the Winter - next year will run at the PMV as it will be accessible then. Marisa Carpino (overview of Pickering Museum Village restorations ): Brougham Central Hotel will be restored by City / Foundation. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 New building, Redman House will be renovated to become a new program centre. Moving date of Feb.25/05 is tentative. Scheduled for completion in June (optimistic - not programming until August) Still operating events at different areas of the site. - Accessibility is important 1 also public washrooms. - The Redman House is not authentic looking inside, but the exterior will be made to look authentic. Primarily wanting to be made useful. - Walking tour brochure will be re-done and available in large print. Stairs from the Admin. Building down to the village is a real issue. Gate #3 Entrance has designated handicapped parking (2 spaces) - don't work really well - on the outside of the gates looking at putting inside. Both top and bottom of the village are accessible, but not together. Councillor Pickles suggested that the Bentley House be reviewed for guidelines on that restoration project: Dave Marlowe visited that site: it has a ramp system at the back that brings you in through an office area. There is a single washroom that is large enough to accommodate a wheelchair. There is no access to the second floor. The AAC would like to hold a meeting there when renovations are completed, and are happy to provide any assistance as required. 3.0 Civic Awards: New "Access Award" - A new award has been added to the Civic Awards this year: "Access Award for Disability Issues." Nominations go to a Civic Awards Committee for review and selectionl - Closing date for nominations is: Feb. 10105 - Award recipients are notified by Mar. 16/05 Ceremony to take place: Apr. 18/05 4~0 Accessibility Maintenance Standards: Review of Report to Council drafted b Cit Clerk, Bruce Ta lor - Amended to reflect the legislation, may have to be amended a ain. cORP0228-2/02 Marisa>Carino Prem to e-mail committee to remind for nominations. All Page 2 Incremental approach is good. - Would address issues of snow clearing. Especially at the Civic Complex/City Facilities (ridges in the snow) Brock / Delbrook Plaza - Designated parking at the Convenience Store (post bent/sign gone) Suggestion to invite the Acting Manager of By-Law to the Feb. 05 meeting to discuss by-laws (problems with, enforcement of, visiting of commercial est.'s -1x per year or complaint based?) - Committee supports by-law amendment with the only change being to take "further" out anywhere it appears with "accommodate" to read "accommodate" only. 5.0 Status of 2004 AccessibilitPI.an Workltems - This item deferred to next meeting as info not available. 6.0 Re ional AAC Meetin in WhitbFeb. 1/05 Members confirmed to attend: Debbie, Bill, Kelly and Premo Bill has agreed to give a 5-minute overview of our progress to date. Discussion of Schools Boards and Accessibility Issues that may include the City. - Transportation / APT A - issues/ update? 7.0 Other Business: Stephen requested information on the development East of the Mandarin. Stephen to call Tyler Barnett for the info. Councillor Pickles s oke to Neil Carroll Re: desi natin a cORP0228-2/02 - Prem to follow up with Len/Everett. - Prem to follow up with Kim Thompson (by-law) (Kim to follow-up on) - Prem to invite Kim Thompson to the Feb. meeting. (On Feb. agenda) - Prem to ask Bruce Taylor what Council Agenda this will be going on for the Committee to attend if able to. (Feb. 14/05) Prem - Prem will attach update with minutes to this meeting. - Prem to invite the School Boards to the March AAC meeting. (Doug Creighton DDSB confirmed for Mar. 30/05 meeting) - Sandy Stanton to provide update at our Feb. 23/05 meeting. Page 3 % of accessible housing. Neil to give some thought to what can be done in Seaton re: Accessible Housing. - Emergency Planning: Sirens - alternate communication - Prem to get an strategies. update from Joe Hunwicks. - Councillor Pickles requested an update on 2004/2005 - Prem to update Accessibility Budget (04 spent? 05 budget) next meeting. 8.0 Next.Meeting: Wednesday Febrtiary23, 2005. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Page 4 cORP0228-2/02