HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 25, 1966 _. ,~ PICKERING TO~mSHIP MUSEUM COl~lITTEE OCTOBER 25, 1966 The regular meeting of the Pickering TO"ì'mship Huseum ComBittee ..ras held on TUESDAY, ,the H'JENTY-FIFTH ria;)" of OCTOBER, 1966, <::.t tile old mu..rlicipal b'L~:Llding, Broughan, at 8 0 I clock p. 1"," PiìESENT: 11,obert lii11er, in the Chair Hilton ParkLl 111'8. J. l:IcPherson ilis3 H<::.ry Anderson HI's. ILuth Ha;jT HI's. Elsa Starry, Secretary HOVED by HI's. IkPhcrson, seconded by Er. Parkin, thÐ:t minutes of previous meetings on September 27 and October 12, 19G6, "be adopted. CARlUED }luseum HorksÌ1..9.£ Delegates to the l1è.'.seum 1:lodcshop hold at Barl'ie on Oct. 20 - 22, 11rs. Hay and HI's. Storry, reported on musemü matters considered at tile cŒwention and described tour ì'Thich ii1.cluded Fort Ste. Harie, Huronia, Collingífood, Simcoe County museums and other historical points O~~ interest. HOV,¿D by HI's. :;;:cPhersœ:.., seconded by Hiss AiAerson, thd convention for the Ei1seum Horksho}) held nt Barrie October 20 to October 22, in amount of ~p25. 50 each, be paid III's. l~uth Hay anc~ Ers. Elsa Storry. expenses the CAHRIED Centennial Project HI's. EcPherson :ccported that lIre Anderson, of the L03.tClry Club, made a strong etppeal to this organization on behalf of the Ll1.J.SGUY.l. Secl'etúry requested to 'Jrite O'..118r of lot in loua, asked for repl;¡r to last letter ard for a defil1ite price for lot 8.t 1'08.1:' of j::1USeUH. Lotter to be sent by l'egistored mall. I'Ir.. 1ITiì~" ¡ill contact Hr. Harris01:, mover of buildj.ngs, for an estimato::i Cost ~r YÌ1öving buildings to the Yil'lSc:ml grcJ'tmds. Secretary requested to apply for old municipal building for Centennial year as a Centennial proj oct, pe,rticul.s.rl.y for storage of perishable 8.::.'ticles such as dOCiJ.YJ.8n'~.s, maps, booles, diaries, pictures, deeds, :lllstrwnents, etc., and that ono 01' two rooms bo s·:;t up in display. 1.'[1'[;. LlcPhorsQl", vIill ask assessor to survoy posts for old church '\:,hO',1 ready. l'ÍOV}~D i)y lIrs. llc::JllcrsoIl, SC:;COl10.od L)=.'· lirs. Fla~t t11at Sllcl'"'lnan to dig post holes for the ch"-ll'ch. LisCOEbo bo hired CAHEIED HI's. J-IcPherson agroed to 8'30 t,hc (_c,:"[810})o1' of the f01'l'(;'0r 1·J01-r;;I8.n property abo1..'.t reY!loval of tho barn. Hr. Hillcl' rCJ.)cwGed on his attonpt 'GO :Llt,ercst sorvice clubs in removing 08.rns a:-ld to be paid for it to assist thm.l uith their projects. Ho said that l'lount Zion Cor:1H'.unity Club '"as Lltoroste:d, but othorv¡isc no definite response. - ,~ - 2 - AGREED that because of tho d:Lffcrcnco in appraisals by lIre Hepditch and Hr. HcDar:.ícf 0.L.8. fer the barn donated by the Hotro Conscrvation Authority, -þhe: former being ;~SlOO, and the lattor ;ßl,500, that Er. Hepditch be asl:ed to roconsidor his appraisal to the aU01.mt of $500, Ivhich ìJo",lld bring tho buildingS" to tb.G full amount of the grant. Hr. Hillor Has authorized to a:crangc buildings in tho 1900 era lot to house stationary [sas ong:"nos, Gas tractors, steam onGines, lrith bailor and sal:r mill, and gar&¿¿c Hi'c,l1 gas )èl:mp, cars and tools,.::tc. Hr. Hillor rODoTtcd tkrL i-\:r. Harr:}_i'~Cl1 l,a8 t:"od up until about Christl:las time, l:;hUl ho 1:IO,-Ücl move all tte builclinL~s. AGliEED tb.at c... bl.1.dg,:..:t 1)(; SrÚ)Llittcrl to COUYlcil, S-~.lCll as at-i-lor cOTillaittocs prosont, to COV8r the mainte:l":,alwo of tho ElUSOU.1ll. The plan for 'she pion',or vi LL:'L,:;c;; lir. E. Pogg offered a stool offered a I'WOCV:: lrind mill 'GmiO:C ì'TE,S studied, and 1·11'. ÏIillor roporteJd that mill if de sired, a.nd I'll'. Alox Gré\Y had dri_van b;j" ":rind ~)Oí-.rer. ScC'rctarv diroct-cd to vœito Ld:J.i:.1:Î.st]~ator of School Area 1 y'ocnwsting school I . f .I. b "," ·...r~o'" 'lOt D"J~'~ ··'Y't Q co 1- 001 "'1"':) ." ar ','''C! "1~ DS '111,-1 I" r,r> 0~(1 S ""'0"'" all of ,.1-. e \J~__ j.JJ.~J,.J.~ . J.-LvC~\...H"""'..L ,-,\,;...1 __ ~\._,.._í.. .;/·J.JC....t~), Üc:..:...· ;__'...L 'JV .1'. _L..ì.. j,>~!' ~li' old vacatod schools in Aroa 1. IIri'''. EcPhe:cson agroed -La discuss this vJith Chairman Ers. líchoan, since it is t.he \'fish of the; boar'.:. to makc displays from artifacts i.n old scLools. Socrctary i:1struc'Gccl to ~!::.':Lt(,:~o COL21G;Y Gl()r/ ':I. G. iIalming, 2S1Gng if rGIJl"oduc'Lio¡1s of oJ_cl Picl~cril"lß ,:.11-:.1 ~;~}1itb~{ ITC1.iJ:lsllil) fÜÐ.ljS rnay 1)8 (li~3plél~r,Jd anò. sold in tLe COU.lt;{ BuiJ.din[:;. Secretary Ülstrud,cd to i'rito I-Irs. Christill':; 'J:'homas, askinG if reproductions of aIel PickorirJ.U; and \;hitby 'l'mmship }lé:qS may be displayed and sold in Oshm;a Git;i Hall. On motion of IÜss 1\11':::'(;1'80n, ~Lcondccl by lilY's. LIc]?h~jrson, the meoting adjourned. CARI',IED --- .-,--..-.---... Secretary A?PTWVED 1966 Chairman