HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 24, 1967 I) IC}'~J!T?, I!,JC:~ r.rO:'FfSli IF I·tU~~;I~UI·i COì·IIIIT'r3E :.:;\Y ')j 10/.07 .;::; 4'" '-~~,,, / "'Y' " ; ~ 1.. ô,.}uì. tl-L;~~ Picl~cl")irlE'; of LAY, 1967, ¡l'O~·:'.1;:::11ip CU38UI.l COE!;:Ütt.ee-1'fûS held on tJEDNESDAY, at L 11-:; IILu-Ücipal Buildin¿:;, Pickering, at 8 0 I clod;: p .Il. - . ...: ',~~ ::-~:l~ t!l d.J.y Pl1ESmTT: Hob(n't ililler, .Ll1 the Chair IirG. D 0) }~arle i/ T r .;~' .....,.. -1,. lJ... .1. '.......1.... H.J.rry 1'. Cook IÜ.lton Pfll'ld.rl ii.ì.tth r·lay, Curator ~:lsa Stocry, Secn~tar;T . by l'.:::" Par'kin, seconded b:T hI's. Earle, that minutes of meeting held :;J) Jw967) ~)'8 E!.I~1)1"'olr8d. C.;\.i?.:ìI:D n.n :rU_ler r::;puY.'tud that. ho had contaeted ì·Ir. Harrison, the Hover, and that t1:l:1 staG,~d tJ.lC gro~.mè.G 'Here becoIJ.ing dry and the buildings \'íould soon be '- ,~,,) .'.:..;;. ,) t,P. ~'r'~:: 111 ~~ ;:: ~·;·l~. S:3 P c,'~i D ~:~; ~ : C E -......--.. --..- ._._..- _,..L::4~t;;r CrOLl H. L. Fair, A¿;rLc\l.Ltu:cal Representative, enclosing list of C2~lt8ì.:ll.i¿:1 F'2l"T1S i!l l)icL:c-ri.úg T01,!11Sh.i~)" 2. :Ln-::::U:,c..:·ion fro,:l A;;l1ì:orth U.C.;T.GO o.tt.end Canacliana Festival élt the home Q i' I-I.,:" '. fJ.ncl {'1r3 '.~ ]~:;~,., 13'co--:·;·r;, (}:'":, rJ1.,L18 1().. .,./ ~ :Jj.l2~r;e::·t,:::(:.~:J():c(lir~g fOJ~ IJl.a.CL:.t,:; :~"l1 GGL"JL:8T;-loration of l'ihitcvale Ba)tist Clllirch "r;() be e~~8cte,:1 on. t11'3 ["jite at tile l'lO!Jf3 of 1-111,. allÔ. lîrsw tJ. C. 1·r. I~/¡in. ~ ~-.i.. .~ j··' :i,lt,\.)rl l)-~~l~l(:i..:: ~:;1.~>1)Llitted. ì1Tl'ì.e Life; oT '.iilli2.1 !Iarbronll ;"rritten by LIrS. "J 1J11it~~; i~l 19()l. .;.·,:.i".. ~·¡-:L~LleI· j~'cpo:~·t,c(l 1:' ["iét'!j llI' v (~c o:cg~ .Sl'~:j" t 11 .hac! cotlp18te<i tllC 1967 Pj_cl\:cri ng ':':"(;..~:;3hifJ Wol.jJ D.::; hi;:; Ge:1ten.:Üi:~1 p::'oj oct) .for ·,·¡lÜch tho board cor;:r:!.8nded him enì::ll~.!.siEl s:tic(~ 11.~r <I ~,,~o~r:I) b:r IIr~: ~ :2:ar'18, s8ce11d'Jd. by- lir., Parì":i11 oJ:" tl-.u; Ll<.ll) J Ul-Lc(;earc ~led él;1d Dx\?ü'rn L):>-- Ge·')rge 1118 Contennl~l p~ojoct. that it be noted at. tho bottom 3Elith~ Glarer:lOat, Ontario, as ClútRIED ilO';l::D by lI;:-. Fo:::, see onded by IIi:'. Cool:, be oI'd,-;1"::::l froG ·John Grosart. Ghat 1,00:) of the Centennial maps CÞ.RHIED lec. Coole reported that a S11,pl~r of m1J.~:¡:~LlI.l pamphlets ¡·¡ore being prepared. that I.ïr'o JI:LJ_l.c2 corrLé\ct lIr~ ~):i,c:l"1,.cy P11g11 to J_C[lr:l '·Jh.:rt. IJarticulars 11e (~()uTd s.t~()t'.t i;lb'1 t.eIa.lc 13aIyt,lst Cllurcl'~ a "--~'-.. CO<Jl~ rC~~)0r·-t,cci orl tllo ".~:Lsit s-rLtlì. L~l~. T:r~Iill i:;:~/ l1il~1.S81f, [lor". Parlcin a11d Ii::". ::::~orl':J) s'i<ltinr~ that thc; 3:)1:, ;;¡lu)l'c the r1aqli'." '.:auld be placed 3.nd other ~)~l ct ::., (~"JI.:~ll-" ~~<:'~~) :":"~J~co-:}' n d. " - 2 - AGll.!~¿D that as soon as the Llé1t:.tcr had b';;un researched, the COT:L':J.ittce ì10uld co-oper3.tc ì:iLh ill'. Ir,,¡in in 3ctti.ïlG a date for tho dedica·tion of -Lie plaque. t'Ïr. Cook aL:¡o reportcd that EI'. Ir~,Iin lwd Ìlldicated. he ,',ould pay ;þl,OOO to';fU.rds the cost of sovinE the LO.O.F. Hall, fOI'I:lorly the Christian C¡mrch, to the 11us,C';LU;1. Gr01.mds. He (LLr. IrlJin) suç;gested that. perhaps sonG other i'ricn.d oi' th;) rrn.lseur.l ¡,-rould assl.st in this project, lirlÜch is not co':ered by th(~ C8rlGennial grant,. The lodg(J hall is an (lttract,ive lnÜlding in good condition, has historical s:L[';D.ificance, but ,,'¡ould cost some ~j4,OOO to bring to L:1C rX:.lSCUI1. Hr. liiller outlined to the board that he had a fund from IiI'. Harry lJoV./Inan in trust, to be used for tho mUS8Url if 2iclœring TO\'Jl1Ghip COUc'1cil furnished a grant in Honey rather than-buildings to match that of the Centennial COfdr.:ission. Council did not, ['.nd so the money ::;till remains in trust', HcmbcrG ofGhc cor;¡l-:ùttec agreed that lI.c. Ucvm.an be approachüd re contributing, along 1¡Ìth He::'. Iruin, tmiards t.he cost of moving the '¡Ihitcvalc building to BrouGha.17'.. SeCI'cta.cy directed to 0xpress the gratitude of tho Cor:rrättco to Hr. I::':'l'JÌn. I'lL'. Coo:.~ submitted 2. skotch of t.ho proposed gatchousc, to contain a ticket bootll, spaco for selling articles) and a Curator's office. iIOV=:D by I·Irs. ~c..rle, seconded ~~y Hr. Fox, that ",·re gato11oìJ.so e.rld Curator r s Office as prcpal~·8d tlY l,ir. Cl';,)ctod as soon as funds permit. accept t!:H} pl&"1 for the Cool:, .:.n:1 that it bo C AIEl lED I·Ir. Eillcr repo:.~tod that SOI:O G.coomrood residents ¡'fished ï:,0 retain the black- snith shop donated to the ElUSCUI:l in Groom-mod. Ji()'.jI:PJ.~Y Hr. (;001:, seconded. by III'. fox, bltcEsmith shop as previously arranGod. that vIe c.s.rry on ì'lÌth the plans for the CARRIED IiI'. lIiller reported on visit b3r hiu :-md Ers. Starry to Urs. Eosella Cole IS' hŒ,~C to get history of house she had donatod. III's. Cole furnished his!':,ory, 10D...."1dd tho original. CrOiJt1 deed to tho propèrty to 11av0 it photographod, and dona"Gcd an early picture of the Louse to hang on its 1,oJalls. Er.?ox AGI1EED to have deed photographed ond roturn it. lit'. l'ìiller reported that he had not boon able to COl1tD.ct Hr. Davidson abou.t repairs to church, but. hoped to do so soon. He stated that he believed Hr. Peter Byborg ¡'/euld caulk roof. Bofore buildings can be moved into Iiluseum. grounds Hr. Fox. and Hr. Hiller said that a rOQ.d had to be built to tho 1¡Jcst of the church. Secret-ary im;tructcd to ,¡rite to Tu:.:nship Engineer P. Poulsson to ask his D.Ssi3tance ,-Tit!l the road - for t11e equipment necessary to inst.:.ll an entrance road "'rest of the church site on the mUSClli,l grolmds, \'Thich l'Jould nocessitate tho removal of tho top soil and the supply Oond placing of 9 incheS" of gramÜar D<.1terial consolidated sufficiently to bear the load resulting Îron the movoJücnt of the buildìußs. I I I I I í , ¡ I - I ¡ I ; j j '1 .J X'i,,:'¡.tC0 J() \!idc by lI:c. 1"'),:, th"t VI,; 11a'.'0 a hcaV)'- equipr"ent c~:isL,:Lnc dmrch bu:i..lding and that a temporary 5:;-(, up. CArm.ICD 1~{)\rEL~ b~l er!.t.cacl'~c I·Ll:),~ Co;)l-:} s )(:orlcl··:';i,:t to tll-J ~:IC:;t of ~()lC t,o l.-:.;J foc-t, l....:'1' ~_'¿J Iii', ¡ ILllc::' !'cT:ortec1 tn':lt the :i.It. Zion nCE10eI'S 1;;111 tal~e dOìm the church sheds ,~:,d load thC~'l 011 a trucl: Hnt the nUSOLì.1.;l 1'!ill provlCle. They will do this .:..:.n,;;c 3c:;dLll;'!,., under' the cliructio;~L of. IiI'. Eorley SYT.1CS. Hr. lIiller to ii-::.Brlcn T::.'o.nsport to i.10'/0 sheds. ~j.story lD Action DLJc'c~é;sion 011 publicity for EL:;,:,ory in Action da~rs, SOl)t. 16 and .:.;.;_dìo) IIcifspapcr COgUlillÜstS) tolevisi.ün to be notified. Posters p~cparad ~,d placed in conspicuous places including GO Transit. 17. to be CŒ,,~JliD.cmto.ryU.c!:cts to be p:_'inGod ctl:.d givcn to dCLlonstrators. ¡~C~·E~¿:::~D -[.,0 D.ttcrxpt to h.avc SOL1Q (tOrliJ at no cost. Hrs. ZD.rlc Ttl01_':,~='l1·~ t.lO lJC [~lìr0.t1 ~for DrlZCS for .fl.oêJ.ts:. p{",:.,~, >7'.\.... ... '....' -..I' ~"~'> ,. ~ :Di3IJ)_2.3'1" . SCG.::'cce.2.^:;.' co,;.tac-(:, ILo;¡',_.l O~lt~1l..i0 ll'.l;:3íJUl:l D.nd Ccmt,cmr!.ial Cor;;r,ú.ssion for S'~:.:i.L;C ~5 t i ()r~ s . .ü::>. StorT"/ ro)ortcdt.hD.t C:lilê}.dian I:'JliCL.YJ. Daüccrs agreed to pcrlorm. l.:,y.r=r:: by IlL Fa;·:, scconded hI's. EClclc, th.:;.t Indian U:::.nccl'S be engaged ':It :~:L5. OJ 10:r:1 C1C:,11ccr for sc't()t1. <.t:lnccrs ~ ClÙG:i.L"3Ð _..... - ..... - ---- Nc'.:.:i..fy \:C.18n 15 Inc:t:Lt.:'1.tcs fee their :lCl.p l;ith rcfrcsllT.lcnts. 1\81: them. to :~::;c:!.cl 1.Ls·!~ ~Jf ~';'"ol"'l:crs so 1:[0 C:.'...::1. ~~~ond cor:~)li~-,~18ntar~1 ticl:cts. ~'l.C~JJ!.':.2J ·t,~n.rrt ~l cfJ.i])j b~~ ll'll~ctl.~sc:':L ~fl'(f:'~ lire>. GillLlcu'l l)~~ :;:'C-·-I)rj_:-:..tc(l, .:111(1 .J. lllCl=~'~-lll~U·.tbc.:r ':i.oar pri~jc bc~ , "'1 'ì ')0 (ll:, 'i)4~'-' lit' , gLyc:n. tho.t tickots [lI'ë:. ~o.r 1:; c.gr~cJ. to 05EJÌst t'le fj;)crc ,~:::'17 l'uqt:.cst dCLlo~.::::trD.tors to porforr:L Or~ I ICYIIC¡ì'! of l'ir. 1':o)~_, tl1C~ !!l(::;et,il1,g (~dj ou:rr~e(i it Socretary j;\'":?Pi?~O'VED 10/..'7 __IV I -.--.-.-.. Chairnan I t I: f r . ~~ ".